Friday 30 January 2009

Stop keeping Nigerians alive: Gay group to EU; as Socialist Spain forces child indoctrination program

(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. LifeSiteNews 21 / Jan / 2009; 29 / Jan / 2009)

Article by Marc Aupiais is reporting two interesting stories, firstly; following usual code: groups saying they represent "gay" "rights", have asked for EU (European Union) funding to be outright stopped: to Nigeria, which just rejected "Gay" "Marriage": considered evil by Islamics, and Catholics: and therefore democratically rejected in Nigeria. EU funding has been used in the fight against aids: based on religious views: Michael Cashman, Labour MEP and President of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual Intergroup, is the source of these "suggestions". The European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, should receive a request from the "man", asking them to "re-evaluate" funding to Nigeria.

The EU recently past a resolution, attempting to force all member states to recognize "Gay Marriage": and action, considered the Matter of Mortal sin, and intrinsically evil, by the Catholic church. Barak Hussein Obama, Europe's friend in the White house on Abortion: recently lifted a ban on funding foreign abortions with US taxpayer money.

The Federal Government in America, was recently charged with a lawsuite: after helping fund Catholic Church efforts to rescue victims of human trafficking, because the church body, refused to fund abortions with the money given them. An attempt by the American so-called "Democrat" party: to bail out failing abortion clinics, recently failed.

Spain's socialist, and radically anti-religious government, spawned of an Al Qaeda strike, meanwhile: has remove the rights of parents: to remove their children from indoctrination classes: aimed at changing the views of their society on "Homosexuality". Spain's radical rejection of religion, has caused recent discomfort in Catholic circles: as a secularist government attempts to remove church symbols from public areas: and to force through ideological laws, and measures: on Spain's citizens.

According to

"Spain's socialist political establishment, however, was jubilant.

"I celebrate that with this the debate is finished," said Spain's Justice Minister Fernandez Bernejo, who added that "this situation has been created by the bad decisions of some autonomous communities who haven't fulfilled their obligation to educate children well.""

The decision was upheld by their supreme court: another judge: who objected to government policy on homosexuality: was recently removed from the judiciary: purely on his belief that a certain lesbian couple: would not give a child they wished to adopt: a natural upbringing, and normal life. Those involved: such as: Benigno Blanco, President of the Spanish Family Forum, object that the decision by a judiciary, with a history: is unconstitutional, as with the Socialist decision to implement the policy.

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