(Scripturelink Voters Guide)
Article by Marc Aupiais
We do not endorse the views of the DA (Democratic Alliance), nor do their views represent us, these quotations are not endorsements, nor guarantees of the accuracy: of the statements made by South Africa's major opposition party.
A letter sent out from Helen Zille, via email today: says:
"Reports surfaced this week that President Kgalema Motlanthe is poised to appoint Muzi Wilfred Mkhize as the next National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP) to succeed Advocate Vusi Pikoli.
If this happens, it will trigger a constitutional crisis.
Advocate Mkhize was a member of Jacob Zuma’s defence team when Zuma first appeared in the Durban Magistrate’s Court on corruption charges in October 2005. Under no circumstances should Mkhize be put in a position to decide whether or not his former client should be charged with 783 counts of fraud, bribery and corruption. That would constitute a clear conflict of interests.
If President Motlanthe appoints Mkhize, it will be clear why the ANC nominated Motlanthe as President when Thabo Mbeki was “recalled” last year. The conclusion would be irresistible that the ANC required Motlanthe to appoint a compliant National Director of Public Prosecutions who would make the charges against Zuma go away. Then Zuma would have a clear run for the Presidency without the cloud of an imminent corruption trial over his head. The first step was to fire Pikoli. The second step, according to this line of analysis, is to appoint a Zuma man as the country’s chief prosecutor, in accordance with the ANC’s infamous deployment policy."
Among other things.
The DA, is calling for the NPA to be appointed by an independent body, rather than the government. The DA campaign for elections: is to prevent Mr Zuma getting the Two thirds majority, which the ANC got last elections: which gives them absolute power over South Africa. Motlante was not elected as President of South Africa, and the current ANC leadership, were not elected by the people at the polls.
Thabo Mbeki, the previous president of the country: was president when the ANC were elected into office, once again. The ANC removed him after a judge, not judging Mbeki, but whether or not Mr Zuma, could be tried for multiple corruption charges, alleged a conspiracy against Mr Zuma, by Mr Mbeki. Zuma used the opportunity to rally his forces, and force South Africa's then President to resign: without an Election by the people, Mbeki was replaced by Motlante, in accordance with the laws set out by the communist affiliated ANC government.
Important figures in the ANC, have previously called for the "Annihilation" of the DA, and have said that they are prepared to kill and die for ANC president Jacob Zuma, who dodged rape claims recently: having been found innocent. The woman, who accused him of rape, is an HIV sufferer, currently in exile outside South Africa, fearing for her life, after Zuma supporters stoned a woman, who they thought was her. The ANC only will guarantee her safety, if she withdraws claims of rape. Zuma's supporters, do not deny that he was having extra-marital sex with her. They say that she actually stayed the night: and had breakfast: and that this is a sign that she enjoyed having relations with Mr Zuma. Zuma claimed that he took a shower afterwards: in order to avoid getting aids.
Archbishop Buti, of Johannesburg, recently expressed fears, that South Africa's government would not be accountable to the people after this years constitutionally needed elections, and fears: that Mr Zuma will not receive a trial on corruption charges; that a "political solution" would be used. What he feared, likely referred to the possibility, that Zuma would change South African law: to avoid prosecution. The DA claim, however: is a bit different, they allege the possibility, that what may be seen: as below board methods will be used: to further prevent a Zuma corruption trial, something Zuma, after asking for a day in court, has fought on every level he could.
Fear of electoral violence, after voter intimidation in recent by-elections, and in a mirror image of some previous times: is real, and feared in South Africa. The future, of the important regional power: is murky, and dangerous. If South African mediation efforts, and troops are withdrawn from across the continent, due to local issues: an even more dire situation could occur.
Attacks, or commentary on attacks of President Motlante's private life, appeared in independently run newspapers, and media, recently. Motlante recently refused ANC pressure, to change the board of the SABC, South Africa's government media network, without fair proceedings, even as they had been reportedly pulled into ANC headquarters, and encouraged to give the ANC better coverage. The ANC, has consistently interfered with the running of state television and radio. Local newspapers, years ago: alleged that the state broadcaster was no longer independent. SABC board members, were due to get the sack from communist affiliated Zuma's ANC recently, but Motlante stood against this, and refused to sign that. Motlante: however: has disbanded the "Scorpions", the body, which was investigating Zuma for corruption.
Friday, 30 January 2009
South Africa; SADC Region, Africa: DA (Democratic Alliance) Alleges possible ANC scandal
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, January 30, 2009
No comments:

Cape Town,
Democratic Alliance,
Helen Zille,
Jacob Zuma,
South Africa

SSPX situation: BBC covers the Story
Article By Marc Aupiais
Due to constant media coverage, we also have been focusing on the irregular society of SSPX, the leaders of which have had their automatic excommunications lifted.
While the society itself, is yet to be reunified, the BBC article on radical, anti-semitic Bishop Williamson's statements about the holocaust: seems balanced, and in depth. I advise the reading of this article.
BBC, says that the Vatican had no knowledge of the statements, when the censures were taken away.
Euronews, and other sources: continue to generalize: as though Jewish people were a single person:
Due to constant media coverage, we also have been focusing on the irregular society of SSPX, the leaders of which have had their automatic excommunications lifted.
While the society itself, is yet to be reunified, the BBC article on radical, anti-semitic Bishop Williamson's statements about the holocaust: seems balanced, and in depth. I advise the reading of this article.
BBC, says that the Vatican had no knowledge of the statements, when the censures were taken away.
Euronews, and other sources: continue to generalize: as though Jewish people were a single person:
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, January 30, 2009
No comments:

Pope Benedict XVI,
Vatican City State,
Williamson controversy

Stop keeping Nigerians alive: Gay group to EU; as Socialist Spain forces child indoctrination program
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. LifeSiteNews 21 / Jan / 2009; 29 / Jan / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
LifeSiteNews.com is reporting two interesting stories, firstly; following usual code: groups saying they represent "gay" "rights", have asked for EU (European Union) funding to be outright stopped: to Nigeria, which just rejected "Gay" "Marriage": considered evil by Islamics, and Catholics: and therefore democratically rejected in Nigeria. EU funding has been used in the fight against aids: based on religious views: Michael Cashman, Labour MEP and President of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual Intergroup, is the source of these "suggestions". The European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, should receive a request from the "man", asking them to "re-evaluate" funding to Nigeria.
The EU recently past a resolution, attempting to force all member states to recognize "Gay Marriage": and action, considered the Matter of Mortal sin, and intrinsically evil, by the Catholic church. Barak Hussein Obama, Europe's friend in the White house on Abortion: recently lifted a ban on funding foreign abortions with US taxpayer money.
The Federal Government in America, was recently charged with a lawsuite: after helping fund Catholic Church efforts to rescue victims of human trafficking, because the church body, refused to fund abortions with the money given them. An attempt by the American so-called "Democrat" party: to bail out failing abortion clinics, recently failed.
Spain's socialist, and radically anti-religious government, spawned of an Al Qaeda strike, meanwhile: has remove the rights of parents: to remove their children from indoctrination classes: aimed at changing the views of their society on "Homosexuality". Spain's radical rejection of religion, has caused recent discomfort in Catholic circles: as a secularist government attempts to remove church symbols from public areas: and to force through ideological laws, and measures: on Spain's citizens.
According to LifeSiteNews.com:
The decision was upheld by their supreme court: another judge: who objected to government policy on homosexuality: was recently removed from the judiciary: purely on his belief that a certain lesbian couple: would not give a child they wished to adopt: a natural upbringing, and normal life. Those involved: such as: Benigno Blanco, President of the Spanish Family Forum, object that the decision by a judiciary, with a history: is unconstitutional, as with the Socialist decision to implement the policy.
Article by Marc Aupiais
LifeSiteNews.com is reporting two interesting stories, firstly; following usual code: groups saying they represent "gay" "rights", have asked for EU (European Union) funding to be outright stopped: to Nigeria, which just rejected "Gay" "Marriage": considered evil by Islamics, and Catholics: and therefore democratically rejected in Nigeria. EU funding has been used in the fight against aids: based on religious views: Michael Cashman, Labour MEP and President of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual Intergroup, is the source of these "suggestions". The European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, should receive a request from the "man", asking them to "re-evaluate" funding to Nigeria.
The EU recently past a resolution, attempting to force all member states to recognize "Gay Marriage": and action, considered the Matter of Mortal sin, and intrinsically evil, by the Catholic church. Barak Hussein Obama, Europe's friend in the White house on Abortion: recently lifted a ban on funding foreign abortions with US taxpayer money.
The Federal Government in America, was recently charged with a lawsuite: after helping fund Catholic Church efforts to rescue victims of human trafficking, because the church body, refused to fund abortions with the money given them. An attempt by the American so-called "Democrat" party: to bail out failing abortion clinics, recently failed.
Spain's socialist, and radically anti-religious government, spawned of an Al Qaeda strike, meanwhile: has remove the rights of parents: to remove their children from indoctrination classes: aimed at changing the views of their society on "Homosexuality". Spain's radical rejection of religion, has caused recent discomfort in Catholic circles: as a secularist government attempts to remove church symbols from public areas: and to force through ideological laws, and measures: on Spain's citizens.
According to LifeSiteNews.com:
"Spain's socialist political establishment, however, was jubilant.
"I celebrate that with this the debate is finished," said Spain's Justice Minister Fernandez Bernejo, who added that "this situation has been created by the bad decisions of some autonomous communities who haven't fulfilled their obligation to educate children well.""
The decision was upheld by their supreme court: another judge: who objected to government policy on homosexuality: was recently removed from the judiciary: purely on his belief that a certain lesbian couple: would not give a child they wished to adopt: a natural upbringing, and normal life. Those involved: such as: Benigno Blanco, President of the Spanish Family Forum, object that the decision by a judiciary, with a history: is unconstitutional, as with the Socialist decision to implement the policy.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, January 30, 2009
No comments:

Al Qaeda,
Anti-catholic watch,
Church Eurasia,
Communism against the church,
government interferance with morality,
with reference to the place:

Thursday, 29 January 2009
The bad posture, which feels natural: a look at sin, and a bad worldview, and the oh so heavenly blessing of physiotherapists
(Journey in a Broken World)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The back feels painful, the lg feels odd, uncomfortable: I was sitting in the car, playing music with heavy base: so as to feel better, it was raining, and I was not driving, I was in the passenger seat, I was playing music with the heavy vibrations of the modern, industriality of life. The vibrations were sooting, they combated the pain.
I had just had my back fixed, I was pretty out of shape, or had been: yet out of shape felt normal, felt comfortable. Now, that I was better, I wanted to bend my spine again, and the pain: which felt so comfortable. Even so: my mind, knew: the healthy feeling was best! Soon, if I felt pain, that would be the discomfort.
When we are used to something, we oft desire it, even when it is bad, is painful: what seems most real: we always choose that option, in every action, we have a human obsession with reality: even those on drugs, or those entering fantasy worlds: firstly, they either admit they need fantasy for mental health: that this is most real, or else: see reality as less real than fantasy.
This is the reason, why I treat the propagating "South Africa" advertisements on television so infuriating: they act as though South Africa were free, as though it were safe, as though foreigners had not been roasted sky high, or pressured into jumping off buildings to their death: in fear of hateful mobs: as though white men and women: were not legislated against; as though business were not forced to count how many token positions they must fill, based on colour, not merit, ethics, or skills: as though companies did not legally need a certain portion of owners, of the same colour, as most of South Africa's recent presidents, as though they were not punished for not judging by race.
These act as though our voters were not intimidated by the ruling party, in recent by elections, as though our president to be: were not seemingly making every effort to avoid being tried for corruption, after asking for his "day in court", as though important figures: in our society, were not threatening others, and publicly seeming to endorse violence against people based on belief, or other things they have a right to.
It pretends, as though our parliament represents the people in the laws they make: and not simply the vote of a poor masses, who have been denied a level of safety, security, housing, and hope: and education: that they deserve: and who still vote the same party in: election after election: believing the same hope they were sold: that same hope: by which: they burnt policemen with tyres over their heads for: before, and were called heroes: now, when they do the same to foreigners: with the same hope: they are punished, but both are murder, and the torturing of the hateful mind. Now, for the same hope, they burn foreigners, with tires over their heads: justs as: for hope: Zimbabwe, has been driven into a cholera ridden bug pit, with sewage for sustenance, and death: as a constant: and a leader who has committed genocide before: and continues to: yet, who is treated like a God. Like America: our ideology, is driven by ideology, by the need for token symbols: which: in reality: stifle true hopes.
Our media, and those who think themselves "Liberal", while really, they aren't, now seems a similar advert. Last Sunday, a new priest at the parish I mostly attend on Sundays: but at which I would not take confession: has now compared Christians to Barak Hussein Obama's folowers, and Obama to Christ. Amazingly: this priest, is not white, or not so amazingly, in this tribal land of ours.
When Mugabe used his presidency to murder a mass from another tribe, the press still saw him as a God, a hope for Africa, President (holding on), of a "Shining Star": just as, when Obama lifts the ban on American Taxpayers funding abortion in non-American countries, in countries like mine: suffering already from the breakup of the family, and from guilt and aids: from estern promiscuous "Comedies", and "values", so-called: "freedoms", which enslave, and: which cause aids.
Creative Minority Report, a brilliant social commentary, likens Obama'ism, "leg tingling": to a disease, but it is not a new disease. It is the same disease as Nazism, the same as fascism, the same as Marxism, the same as Napoleon'ism, the same as revolution'ism, and Castro'ism, as Lincoln'ism, as Washington'ism, as Mandela'ism, as how many other'ism.
It is the false hope we put in singers: and the reason why so many Catholics have Bono'ism, despite his support of what the church defines as intrinsic evil: of the very things which cause our society to crumble.
We look to false idols for hope, but crumble under the weight of truth: we know there must be goodness: surely, goodness is so real, so true, there must be something better, and ignoring heaven, saints, Christ: and all those sad and guilt infested hopes: we hope in politicians, and ignore a article 2 section a to d, to whatever genocide, or skeleton army in their past, or present, or in their hearts. We ignore that Washington, was a traitor to his country: England, and maybe rightly so; Catholics took his side largely in that war: perhaps justified, but what did he do on slavery? We ignore that Lincoln, did not seem eager to lift slavery, and that Washington did not seem the least, to consider this: though he fought so hard for tea.
With men like Kenedy, like Obama: who, in the second incident: Catholics, were so caught up: in lifting an idol to the top: that they ignored that he was promising to destroy their society: they ignored the warnings, such as his vote to allow infanticide, and his promises to abortionists, to fetus murderers, to "family Planning" insurgents, against past dogmas, who think that having less children in the world is good: as though we'd run out of space: ignoring that their position is illegal: that it is genocide, whether or not they deny the child is a life: provable Genocide, by its very (UN) definition.
Hope is that disease. Hope and faith: biblically, are one and the same: at least, in the early writings: interchangeable. When we say faith saves, we say: hope saves.
Hope, is seeing what is not yet always clearly so: because of trust in something, which is clear to us. This is why so many Christians look for any hope that this or that television star is good, or "Christian": hope is something, it is the belief that something other than "reality" is real: it is defining something that could be illusion, as truth.
So, the difference between false and real hope: is the nature it takes: false hope rightly believes there is goodness, is hope: but wrongly ignores Christ, and God, and the reality: and focuses on an illusion, and attempts to make someone imperfect fit a mold not designed for them.
True hope looks fleetingly, and wonders: can this be real, it tests, it looks, it asks: am I right: or is this person evil: it checks their record, it does not discount it: it asks, and wonders: and looks to the past. It asks: who supports these, who appose them? IT LOOKS AT A RECORD: HOW CONSTANT IS THIS SOURCE, HOW RELIABLE IN THIS SITUATION, THIS PLACE?
It knows that every man is apposed by someone: and that where a man looks perfect, his enemies, their nature, and person: these show him up, as with his friends.
If a media: which does not seem to care if we get aids, or any disease, that justified Mugabe, and Justifies now Archbishop (Anglican one) Tutu, with his lust for war against Zimbabwe, when ignoring that: we still supply their electricity: and whose "Non-judgmental (delusion is ok?) perspectives", whereby all are "God's children", no matter how sinful: whereby he attempts to justify the mortal sin of homosexual actions: of sexual endulgence outside of the mutual giving of marriage: of the spilling of potential life, as though a by product, and not the intention of a pleasurable act, while his church falls apart around him: are considered "liberal", okay?: if we believe these, and those who promote things which increase disease, and hardship and crime?
If such a media: still idealizes the promiscuity, which causes disease, and death: do we wisely trust their perspective on such things?
If these are our source, if these are those who hero-ize people; and give us role models: then: surely, we are misplaced: if they think someone good: maybe we should double check?
Hope, must be founded on reality, on experience, truth and facts. It is hope which causes the abused girlfriend to stay, and which causes the prostitute to view her slave master as an agent for her goodness. False hope: is likely what caused Patty Hearst to do as she did, in that famous case, hope: that her oppressors were not doing wrong, in kidnapping the heiress.
The problem with false hope, is that it is selectively skeptical, it keeps a view of things, which is false: while being skeptical of all else, in opposition. A believe in modernism: causes one to be skeptical of God, and church: an unfounded belief in democracy, a human system: causes fear of authority: even: as democrazcies, also cause harm. We hope wrongly in democracy, a human system, and so: we view the church: an autocratic, dogmatic structure, with fear, as though evil.
The Atheist, hopes: they are not skeptical: they hope: that hell does not exist, they are a bit too optimistic, and possibly, not that realistic, or practical on matters. They hope they are wrong, and shoot down anything which has any hole: even though: in any other situation, they would be dead scared, and skeptical of hope, if they truly are the skeptics they seemingly falsely claim to be.
To be healthy, and psychological: about the selective hope, and disbelief: we call this cognitive dissonance: the idea: that our held belief on something is right, and therefore that new things contradicting such; are wrong. Mostly, it helps us, it keeps us skeptical, which is healthy: but like with my back: the new: this was good, the old: this was bad, but I was used to the bad, was comfortable in in: and because I was comfortable, I wanted: naturally to reject the new. Yet,, I knew that the pain from my physio appointment, and discomfort, with the lack of old pains: this was good.
The same happens with sin: we feel uncomfortable with being honest, and truthful, and moral: we get scared: because we are no longer used to this: we fear, because we don't notice God, or that truth is reality: and is therefore most attractive in the end of things. We ignore that if we sleep around before marriage: it causes problems: that sleeping with your boyfriend, will set a president: that unlike marriage: will not mean the selfless sharing, but the selfish one. And men also: ignore: that when we do such: that we do not learn to wait, to control our urges: and that we are disabled before we marry. Also: such nice feelings: yet, we tell our bodies that they are our husband or wife: I am sure a chair would look beautiful, if we did such with it enough. Soon, though, if a better looking chair came to market...?
Morality is designed to live a mentally, physically, and spiritually full life. I am proud of my virginity, and the gifts of this truth. I am glad, because it is freeing, and allows me a rational, and skeptical, and safe, and less guilty, less deluded perspective of life.
Immorality may be the muscle one is used to using, but it is the corruption, which brought down "Christian" Rome, and the small sins, those small lies: which has defamed the church, which now bares the name, or that ancient political empire: in the modern era.
It is only when we see the ethical choice as the most practicle, and pragmatic: when we realize: or change our perception: to realize that evil: is as nonsensical as scoring a home goal: that we begin to see: that morality is best. Yes, my sinful form, it shivers and withdraws, it feels fear at change:
...so, fears utter truth so deeply: yet: the fear we have: is not of hope in Christ, but that all our false hopes: these will be shown false: and that is why the convert cries, they see their sin, their hope in evil and they cry, at the loss, that false hope is shown to have made.
They cry also: at their stupidity, but after the first tears, must come the second, and after the second: come a weak realization, and then a belief, and with that a faith in things to come.
All says to be cautious, to not take the moral route, or thinks that morality is pathetic, or that it stands down, and lets evil happen. It is very good, that most of the world is willingly immoral: if they tried to be what the secularist defines as good: our world would be in trouble.
To be moral, to love: is nothing but to be just: no more, not less: this is why we worship God, and why we feed the poor. Justice is to act in truth, and act on truth correctly. The command to forgive: refers to those who are sorry, who have and will truly change their ways: but even then does not exclude just punishments: does not demand that one forget: only that one treats another as they truly are.
You see, justice is reality: is that which we so heartfully seek, with delusions, and pathos, and lies, and the mass, and systematic, and state funded: murder of infants, of a section of society, whose rights to life, and choice: are ignored: by their murder, while, like a family in the house: while still in the womb. By we, I have not once here referred to me, but to the monster, that snake which tries to live in the mouth: to the false ideology, the deep web of lies. I have sinned, but I am not speaking of myself, I do not share the view of C.S. Lewis, that a man can only speak of what he himself has done. Sin is banal: addiction to chocolate, can speak as much of sexual addition, or anything else, as those who have had such. Anger in the mind, is the same beast as murder, even as the consequences are different, and one is more self controlled. I still confess small angers, and small sins, and from these: I know those considered more important: under what is assumed to be: "most" peoples' eyes.
Firstly, the ice must melt, that solid structure on which we rely, then: the paths we took: they turn to water, and are stream: which we cannot cross. The problem is, that in winter: nothing grows: it may be easy to walk about, but we starve with too much ice, and "mobility": with no food at all. You see, the free wonderer, he is a dream: but to cultivate anything, we must give up such notions of "freedom", we are not wonderers, but farmers: being a too free, mobile man; is to have nothing that one truly owns!
A fighter jet, speeds up, when landing on the carrier, the pilot knows the cost of landing wrongly, and so: dangerously pulls a maneuver, which will allow him to take off again. Morality is the same: it is harder to do, but safer, and more real. To make out, or have sexual relations before marriage, or stimulate certain sections of mind or body too much: these are dangerous, and bad for the mind, body and soul. So, are lies: they hold the plane down. Then, if we land wrongly, we'll crash into the sea: but, if, like I try to choose: you choose the ethical path: when the landing goes bad: you take off again, enough speed and control remains: it is more realistic, safer to be moral. Sin, always hampers freedom: and prevents us from some options!
NOTE: STATEMENTS ABOUT POLITICIANS,AND GOOD AND BAD: ARE FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF CATHOLIC ETHICS: AND DO NOT REFER TO JUDGMENTS OF PERSON, BUT ONLY TO THE MATERIAL APPLICATION OF CATHOLIC MORALITY: BY WHICH PERSONS SUCH AS MANDELA, OBAMA, TUTU, the IRA, and the band U2, and their leader: BONO: would materially fail the test, if indeed the Catholic God, is the judge, and these people were judged by their effect alone!
In the end, I am liberal: in all that is ethical: for ethics: are the true protection of freedom: and that which enslaves, incapacitates, or is immoral: by the Catholic God's standard; and by his magisterium's standard: is not liberal: but unwise: as far as I know.
Article by Marc Aupiais
The back feels painful, the lg feels odd, uncomfortable: I was sitting in the car, playing music with heavy base: so as to feel better, it was raining, and I was not driving, I was in the passenger seat, I was playing music with the heavy vibrations of the modern, industriality of life. The vibrations were sooting, they combated the pain.
I had just had my back fixed, I was pretty out of shape, or had been: yet out of shape felt normal, felt comfortable. Now, that I was better, I wanted to bend my spine again, and the pain: which felt so comfortable. Even so: my mind, knew: the healthy feeling was best! Soon, if I felt pain, that would be the discomfort.
When we are used to something, we oft desire it, even when it is bad, is painful: what seems most real: we always choose that option, in every action, we have a human obsession with reality: even those on drugs, or those entering fantasy worlds: firstly, they either admit they need fantasy for mental health: that this is most real, or else: see reality as less real than fantasy.
This is the reason, why I treat the propagating "South Africa" advertisements on television so infuriating: they act as though South Africa were free, as though it were safe, as though foreigners had not been roasted sky high, or pressured into jumping off buildings to their death: in fear of hateful mobs: as though white men and women: were not legislated against; as though business were not forced to count how many token positions they must fill, based on colour, not merit, ethics, or skills: as though companies did not legally need a certain portion of owners, of the same colour, as most of South Africa's recent presidents, as though they were not punished for not judging by race.
These act as though our voters were not intimidated by the ruling party, in recent by elections, as though our president to be: were not seemingly making every effort to avoid being tried for corruption, after asking for his "day in court", as though important figures: in our society, were not threatening others, and publicly seeming to endorse violence against people based on belief, or other things they have a right to.
It pretends, as though our parliament represents the people in the laws they make: and not simply the vote of a poor masses, who have been denied a level of safety, security, housing, and hope: and education: that they deserve: and who still vote the same party in: election after election: believing the same hope they were sold: that same hope: by which: they burnt policemen with tyres over their heads for: before, and were called heroes: now, when they do the same to foreigners: with the same hope: they are punished, but both are murder, and the torturing of the hateful mind. Now, for the same hope, they burn foreigners, with tires over their heads: justs as: for hope: Zimbabwe, has been driven into a cholera ridden bug pit, with sewage for sustenance, and death: as a constant: and a leader who has committed genocide before: and continues to: yet, who is treated like a God. Like America: our ideology, is driven by ideology, by the need for token symbols: which: in reality: stifle true hopes.
Our media, and those who think themselves "Liberal", while really, they aren't, now seems a similar advert. Last Sunday, a new priest at the parish I mostly attend on Sundays: but at which I would not take confession: has now compared Christians to Barak Hussein Obama's folowers, and Obama to Christ. Amazingly: this priest, is not white, or not so amazingly, in this tribal land of ours.
When Mugabe used his presidency to murder a mass from another tribe, the press still saw him as a God, a hope for Africa, President (holding on), of a "Shining Star": just as, when Obama lifts the ban on American Taxpayers funding abortion in non-American countries, in countries like mine: suffering already from the breakup of the family, and from guilt and aids: from estern promiscuous "Comedies", and "values", so-called: "freedoms", which enslave, and: which cause aids.
Creative Minority Report, a brilliant social commentary, likens Obama'ism, "leg tingling": to a disease, but it is not a new disease. It is the same disease as Nazism, the same as fascism, the same as Marxism, the same as Napoleon'ism, the same as revolution'ism, and Castro'ism, as Lincoln'ism, as Washington'ism, as Mandela'ism, as how many other'ism.
It is the false hope we put in singers: and the reason why so many Catholics have Bono'ism, despite his support of what the church defines as intrinsic evil: of the very things which cause our society to crumble.
We look to false idols for hope, but crumble under the weight of truth: we know there must be goodness: surely, goodness is so real, so true, there must be something better, and ignoring heaven, saints, Christ: and all those sad and guilt infested hopes: we hope in politicians, and ignore a article 2 section a to d, to whatever genocide, or skeleton army in their past, or present, or in their hearts. We ignore that Washington, was a traitor to his country: England, and maybe rightly so; Catholics took his side largely in that war: perhaps justified, but what did he do on slavery? We ignore that Lincoln, did not seem eager to lift slavery, and that Washington did not seem the least, to consider this: though he fought so hard for tea.
With men like Kenedy, like Obama: who, in the second incident: Catholics, were so caught up: in lifting an idol to the top: that they ignored that he was promising to destroy their society: they ignored the warnings, such as his vote to allow infanticide, and his promises to abortionists, to fetus murderers, to "family Planning" insurgents, against past dogmas, who think that having less children in the world is good: as though we'd run out of space: ignoring that their position is illegal: that it is genocide, whether or not they deny the child is a life: provable Genocide, by its very (UN) definition.
Hope is that disease. Hope and faith: biblically, are one and the same: at least, in the early writings: interchangeable. When we say faith saves, we say: hope saves.
Hope, is seeing what is not yet always clearly so: because of trust in something, which is clear to us. This is why so many Christians look for any hope that this or that television star is good, or "Christian": hope is something, it is the belief that something other than "reality" is real: it is defining something that could be illusion, as truth.
So, the difference between false and real hope: is the nature it takes: false hope rightly believes there is goodness, is hope: but wrongly ignores Christ, and God, and the reality: and focuses on an illusion, and attempts to make someone imperfect fit a mold not designed for them.
True hope looks fleetingly, and wonders: can this be real, it tests, it looks, it asks: am I right: or is this person evil: it checks their record, it does not discount it: it asks, and wonders: and looks to the past. It asks: who supports these, who appose them? IT LOOKS AT A RECORD: HOW CONSTANT IS THIS SOURCE, HOW RELIABLE IN THIS SITUATION, THIS PLACE?
It knows that every man is apposed by someone: and that where a man looks perfect, his enemies, their nature, and person: these show him up, as with his friends.
If a media: which does not seem to care if we get aids, or any disease, that justified Mugabe, and Justifies now Archbishop (Anglican one) Tutu, with his lust for war against Zimbabwe, when ignoring that: we still supply their electricity: and whose "Non-judgmental (delusion is ok?) perspectives", whereby all are "God's children", no matter how sinful: whereby he attempts to justify the mortal sin of homosexual actions: of sexual endulgence outside of the mutual giving of marriage: of the spilling of potential life, as though a by product, and not the intention of a pleasurable act, while his church falls apart around him: are considered "liberal", okay?: if we believe these, and those who promote things which increase disease, and hardship and crime?
If such a media: still idealizes the promiscuity, which causes disease, and death: do we wisely trust their perspective on such things?
If these are our source, if these are those who hero-ize people; and give us role models: then: surely, we are misplaced: if they think someone good: maybe we should double check?
Hope, must be founded on reality, on experience, truth and facts. It is hope which causes the abused girlfriend to stay, and which causes the prostitute to view her slave master as an agent for her goodness. False hope: is likely what caused Patty Hearst to do as she did, in that famous case, hope: that her oppressors were not doing wrong, in kidnapping the heiress.
The problem with false hope, is that it is selectively skeptical, it keeps a view of things, which is false: while being skeptical of all else, in opposition. A believe in modernism: causes one to be skeptical of God, and church: an unfounded belief in democracy, a human system: causes fear of authority: even: as democrazcies, also cause harm. We hope wrongly in democracy, a human system, and so: we view the church: an autocratic, dogmatic structure, with fear, as though evil.
The Atheist, hopes: they are not skeptical: they hope: that hell does not exist, they are a bit too optimistic, and possibly, not that realistic, or practical on matters. They hope they are wrong, and shoot down anything which has any hole: even though: in any other situation, they would be dead scared, and skeptical of hope, if they truly are the skeptics they seemingly falsely claim to be.
To be healthy, and psychological: about the selective hope, and disbelief: we call this cognitive dissonance: the idea: that our held belief on something is right, and therefore that new things contradicting such; are wrong. Mostly, it helps us, it keeps us skeptical, which is healthy: but like with my back: the new: this was good, the old: this was bad, but I was used to the bad, was comfortable in in: and because I was comfortable, I wanted: naturally to reject the new. Yet,, I knew that the pain from my physio appointment, and discomfort, with the lack of old pains: this was good.
The same happens with sin: we feel uncomfortable with being honest, and truthful, and moral: we get scared: because we are no longer used to this: we fear, because we don't notice God, or that truth is reality: and is therefore most attractive in the end of things. We ignore that if we sleep around before marriage: it causes problems: that sleeping with your boyfriend, will set a president: that unlike marriage: will not mean the selfless sharing, but the selfish one. And men also: ignore: that when we do such: that we do not learn to wait, to control our urges: and that we are disabled before we marry. Also: such nice feelings: yet, we tell our bodies that they are our husband or wife: I am sure a chair would look beautiful, if we did such with it enough. Soon, though, if a better looking chair came to market...?
Morality is designed to live a mentally, physically, and spiritually full life. I am proud of my virginity, and the gifts of this truth. I am glad, because it is freeing, and allows me a rational, and skeptical, and safe, and less guilty, less deluded perspective of life.
Immorality may be the muscle one is used to using, but it is the corruption, which brought down "Christian" Rome, and the small sins, those small lies: which has defamed the church, which now bares the name, or that ancient political empire: in the modern era.
It is only when we see the ethical choice as the most practicle, and pragmatic: when we realize: or change our perception: to realize that evil: is as nonsensical as scoring a home goal: that we begin to see: that morality is best. Yes, my sinful form, it shivers and withdraws, it feels fear at change:
...so, fears utter truth so deeply: yet: the fear we have: is not of hope in Christ, but that all our false hopes: these will be shown false: and that is why the convert cries, they see their sin, their hope in evil and they cry, at the loss, that false hope is shown to have made.
They cry also: at their stupidity, but after the first tears, must come the second, and after the second: come a weak realization, and then a belief, and with that a faith in things to come.
All says to be cautious, to not take the moral route, or thinks that morality is pathetic, or that it stands down, and lets evil happen. It is very good, that most of the world is willingly immoral: if they tried to be what the secularist defines as good: our world would be in trouble.
To be moral, to love: is nothing but to be just: no more, not less: this is why we worship God, and why we feed the poor. Justice is to act in truth, and act on truth correctly. The command to forgive: refers to those who are sorry, who have and will truly change their ways: but even then does not exclude just punishments: does not demand that one forget: only that one treats another as they truly are.
You see, justice is reality: is that which we so heartfully seek, with delusions, and pathos, and lies, and the mass, and systematic, and state funded: murder of infants, of a section of society, whose rights to life, and choice: are ignored: by their murder, while, like a family in the house: while still in the womb. By we, I have not once here referred to me, but to the monster, that snake which tries to live in the mouth: to the false ideology, the deep web of lies. I have sinned, but I am not speaking of myself, I do not share the view of C.S. Lewis, that a man can only speak of what he himself has done. Sin is banal: addiction to chocolate, can speak as much of sexual addition, or anything else, as those who have had such. Anger in the mind, is the same beast as murder, even as the consequences are different, and one is more self controlled. I still confess small angers, and small sins, and from these: I know those considered more important: under what is assumed to be: "most" peoples' eyes.
Firstly, the ice must melt, that solid structure on which we rely, then: the paths we took: they turn to water, and are stream: which we cannot cross. The problem is, that in winter: nothing grows: it may be easy to walk about, but we starve with too much ice, and "mobility": with no food at all. You see, the free wonderer, he is a dream: but to cultivate anything, we must give up such notions of "freedom", we are not wonderers, but farmers: being a too free, mobile man; is to have nothing that one truly owns!
A fighter jet, speeds up, when landing on the carrier, the pilot knows the cost of landing wrongly, and so: dangerously pulls a maneuver, which will allow him to take off again. Morality is the same: it is harder to do, but safer, and more real. To make out, or have sexual relations before marriage, or stimulate certain sections of mind or body too much: these are dangerous, and bad for the mind, body and soul. So, are lies: they hold the plane down. Then, if we land wrongly, we'll crash into the sea: but, if, like I try to choose: you choose the ethical path: when the landing goes bad: you take off again, enough speed and control remains: it is more realistic, safer to be moral. Sin, always hampers freedom: and prevents us from some options!
NOTE: STATEMENTS ABOUT POLITICIANS,AND GOOD AND BAD: ARE FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF CATHOLIC ETHICS: AND DO NOT REFER TO JUDGMENTS OF PERSON, BUT ONLY TO THE MATERIAL APPLICATION OF CATHOLIC MORALITY: BY WHICH PERSONS SUCH AS MANDELA, OBAMA, TUTU, the IRA, and the band U2, and their leader: BONO: would materially fail the test, if indeed the Catholic God, is the judge, and these people were judged by their effect alone!
In the end, I am liberal: in all that is ethical: for ethics: are the true protection of freedom: and that which enslaves, incapacitates, or is immoral: by the Catholic God's standard; and by his magisterium's standard: is not liberal: but unwise: as far as I know.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Thursday, January 29, 2009
No comments:

Journey In a Broken World

Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Response of Una Voce: To our article about their request for prayers, for an SSPX Priest
(Tridentine South Africa)
Introductory note by Marc Aupiais
Due to a request by Una Voce: our normal copyrighting does not apply to this press release: it may not be freely distributed, under our normal conditions, by those who normally could distribute it, or by those who can't.
We neither endorse, nor guarantee the content of what Una Voce has to say: their words are their own, not ours. Note: rely on this information at your own risk!
"Una Voce SA stands by its decision to post news of the murder of Fr. Eldred Leslie and to ask for prayers for the repose of his soul.
This is simply an act of Christian charity for a man who was by all accounts a good and holy priest and well loved by many in KZN.
Una Voce SA's policy is not to comment on other Catholic groups (traditionalist or otherwise) or their members or activities."
Introductory note by Marc Aupiais
Due to a request by Una Voce: our normal copyrighting does not apply to this press release: it may not be freely distributed, under our normal conditions, by those who normally could distribute it, or by those who can't.
We neither endorse, nor guarantee the content of what Una Voce has to say: their words are their own, not ours. Note: rely on this information at your own risk!
"Una Voce SA stands by its decision to post news of the murder of Fr. Eldred Leslie and to ask for prayers for the repose of his soul.
This is simply an act of Christian charity for a man who was by all accounts a good and holy priest and well loved by many in KZN.
Una Voce SA's policy is not to comment on other Catholic groups (traditionalist or otherwise) or their members or activities."
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
No comments:

Monday, 26 January 2009
Analysing Archbishop Buti Tlhagale's "genocide" accusations against the SADC (in Which the South African Government is implicated)
(Insider Confessions Analysis)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Disclaimer: The following analysis: is not an endorsement of the views of the Bishops' Conference, nor of Archbishop Buti. It is simply aimed at looking into possible effects of the Archbishop's claims, accusations, and statements. While, it is based on a viewpoint, and history, we do not guarantee that we are correct or accurate: Rely on this analysis, at your own risk.
Buti Tlhagale OMI, President of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC), who is Archbishop of Johannesburg, also: in Pretoria (South Africa), recently claimed that the Southern African Development Community (SADC); of which South Africa, is an important member: either would or could be guilty of a passive Genocide: via the statement:
He considers the Mugabe government illegitimate, and sees the SADC (A regional body of governments), as giving it what he sees as false legitimacy.
The Statements: likely are aimed at creating opposition to the ruling ANC (African National Congress), in South Africa: before elections: so as to either: cause them to seriously consider acting on Zimbabwe, or else: to get more power to those who could. Archbishop Buti, has consistently lambasted ANC leadership of late, and has been angry with the church: for allowing the media to take her role as moral watchdog of society. The Archbishop of Johannesburg, has been much louder than South Africa's Resident Cardinal: "Napier", of the Archdiocese of Durban.
The ANC, forced through the legalization of abortion, and "Gay Marriage", despite massive opposition to both of these in South Africa (9 out of ten (90 %), and 4 out of five (80%), seem to appose, or view as wrong: these respectively)
As the ANC, is the only major key source of power: on whether Mugabe stands down currently, the statements: likely are not aimed at regional governments, but at the key regional player: South Africa. Those in Zimbabwe, also: already know of this situation locally.
The ANC controlled South African Government: which Buti, fears may not be accountable to the people (22 / Jan / 2009 ), has prevented international action against Zimbabwe, for about 8 years now. Whether or not related, a local Catholic broadcaster: was kicked off government airwaves; shortly after statements the Archbishop has made about ANC figures, and certain public matters.
Any influence of regional governments; may be aimed at pressuring South Africa, or else: at protecting the claims of Botswana, who appose Mugabe.
His statements, will likely not only tell churchgoers, that he is in touch with their lives, but these also: should win the church allies among those supporting human rights. According to South African Television Station (Secular; Independent) E TV, when looking at election results, and the follow up: at the time of the recent "Elections" in Zimbabwe: the MDC (Movement For Democratic Change) president: Morgan Tsvangirai: constitutionally (Legally, by election rules), is the true president of Zimbabwe, even without an additional election.
Mugabe, and the MDC, had scheduled for today, and attended: a meeting in South Africa, likely in Pretoria: in which they met with SADC. Public opinion, slants largely towards SADC, somehow taking the ZANU PF (Mugabe) side of things, or that the government in preventing peace efforts, which are not desired by mugabe: is not making the correct decision, if BBC World (Television) News reports (today) are to be believed.
The politically aware Archbishop of Johannesburg, certainly is not out of touch with his counterparts in Zimbabwe. The situation on the ground is desperate.
If he is quoting international law: then the document to quote may be:
Or another section of the applicable document. The problem here: is proving genocide, whereby: it seems: that the archbishop: may be more grounded in International Humanitarian Law, than in the Genocide declaration. Either way: he does call attention to something occurring, something: that if done with the results, as the intention: is certainly a "genocide" of sorts, at least: materially, but intention is the thing about genocide. As it is: what is happening in Zimbabwe, is a dire humanitarian situation, and whether or not a "Passive Genocide", is as important as one. Much of this is avoidable, and with political leadership, and clear actions: he clearly seemingly thinks: could have been avoided more powerfully.
Otherwise: the fact that these deaths are occurring(At least 3 000 (Three thousand) now), could be what he is pointing to: South Africa, in his opinion, if we interpret the release correctly: continues to stand by as Zimbabweans die in droves. The bishop could be saying that South Africa either is, or could become responsible for these deaths: if they do nothing.
Whatever he is saying, it is the second statement he has released: which has attacked government policy: in 4 days, in his 22 January address this year: to the Southern African catholic Bishops' Conference, (i think) in Cape Town: he said:
"South Africa has failed dismally as a mediator in trying to broker peace and a government of National Unity in Zimbabwe. President Mugabe ought to be persuaded to retire. He has done his country incalculable harm. SADC (Southern African Development Community) too has failed to offer a strong leadership in the resolution of the Zimbabwean disaster – it is no longer just a crisis. We call for fresh elections without Mugabe."
(South African Catholic 22 / Jan / 2009)
About 6 % of South Africans, in about 2005: claimed to be Catholic: about 10 % of the Johannesburg population, also: even though the Archdiocese: says that only 10% of these 10% in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg go to mass regularly.
The voice of the Bishops' Conference: is one of moral standing, as South Africa is highly religious: these statements could well be read in church this Sunday: previously, priests; have noted the words of this Archbishop.
This is the second time in four days: that the Bishop's conference president; has called for a Zimbabwe government without Mugabe:
As to calls for Mugabe to stand down: maybe it is slightly aimed at those inside Zimbabwe, or an attempt to pressure Mugabe: as it is: The Bishops Conference: seems to be calling for Mugabe to be made to not be in the picture. Their claims against the SADC region, and indirectly against the "Republic Of South Africa": Government have certainly made radio news.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Disclaimer: The following analysis: is not an endorsement of the views of the Bishops' Conference, nor of Archbishop Buti. It is simply aimed at looking into possible effects of the Archbishop's claims, accusations, and statements. While, it is based on a viewpoint, and history, we do not guarantee that we are correct or accurate: Rely on this analysis, at your own risk.
Buti Tlhagale OMI, President of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC), who is Archbishop of Johannesburg, also: in Pretoria (South Africa), recently claimed that the Southern African Development Community (SADC); of which South Africa, is an important member: either would or could be guilty of a passive Genocide: via the statement:
"SADC must stop supporting and giving credibility to the illegitimate Mugabe regime with immediate effect. Failing this, SADC Leaders accept complicity in creating the conditions that have resulted in starvation, displacement, disease and death for ordinary Zimbabweans. This is nothing short of passive genocide."
(South African Catholic 26 / Jan / 2009)
He considers the Mugabe government illegitimate, and sees the SADC (A regional body of governments), as giving it what he sees as false legitimacy.
The Statements: likely are aimed at creating opposition to the ruling ANC (African National Congress), in South Africa: before elections: so as to either: cause them to seriously consider acting on Zimbabwe, or else: to get more power to those who could. Archbishop Buti, has consistently lambasted ANC leadership of late, and has been angry with the church: for allowing the media to take her role as moral watchdog of society. The Archbishop of Johannesburg, has been much louder than South Africa's Resident Cardinal: "Napier", of the Archdiocese of Durban.
The ANC, forced through the legalization of abortion, and "Gay Marriage", despite massive opposition to both of these in South Africa (9 out of ten (90 %), and 4 out of five (80%), seem to appose, or view as wrong: these respectively)
As the ANC, is the only major key source of power: on whether Mugabe stands down currently, the statements: likely are not aimed at regional governments, but at the key regional player: South Africa. Those in Zimbabwe, also: already know of this situation locally.
The ANC controlled South African Government: which Buti, fears may not be accountable to the people (22 / Jan / 2009 ), has prevented international action against Zimbabwe, for about 8 years now. Whether or not related, a local Catholic broadcaster: was kicked off government airwaves; shortly after statements the Archbishop has made about ANC figures, and certain public matters.
Any influence of regional governments; may be aimed at pressuring South Africa, or else: at protecting the claims of Botswana, who appose Mugabe.
His statements, will likely not only tell churchgoers, that he is in touch with their lives, but these also: should win the church allies among those supporting human rights. According to South African Television Station (Secular; Independent) E TV, when looking at election results, and the follow up: at the time of the recent "Elections" in Zimbabwe: the MDC (Movement For Democratic Change) president: Morgan Tsvangirai: constitutionally (Legally, by election rules), is the true president of Zimbabwe, even without an additional election.
Mugabe, and the MDC, had scheduled for today, and attended: a meeting in South Africa, likely in Pretoria: in which they met with SADC. Public opinion, slants largely towards SADC, somehow taking the ZANU PF (Mugabe) side of things, or that the government in preventing peace efforts, which are not desired by mugabe: is not making the correct decision, if BBC World (Television) News reports (today) are to be believed.
The politically aware Archbishop of Johannesburg, certainly is not out of touch with his counterparts in Zimbabwe. The situation on the ground is desperate.
If he is quoting international law: then the document to quote may be:
"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
(UN on Genocide 12 / Jan / 1951)
Or another section of the applicable document. The problem here: is proving genocide, whereby: it seems: that the archbishop: may be more grounded in International Humanitarian Law, than in the Genocide declaration. Either way: he does call attention to something occurring, something: that if done with the results, as the intention: is certainly a "genocide" of sorts, at least: materially, but intention is the thing about genocide. As it is: what is happening in Zimbabwe, is a dire humanitarian situation, and whether or not a "Passive Genocide", is as important as one. Much of this is avoidable, and with political leadership, and clear actions: he clearly seemingly thinks: could have been avoided more powerfully.
Otherwise: the fact that these deaths are occurring(At least 3 000 (Three thousand) now), could be what he is pointing to: South Africa, in his opinion, if we interpret the release correctly: continues to stand by as Zimbabweans die in droves. The bishop could be saying that South Africa either is, or could become responsible for these deaths: if they do nothing.
Whatever he is saying, it is the second statement he has released: which has attacked government policy: in 4 days, in his 22 January address this year: to the Southern African catholic Bishops' Conference, (i think) in Cape Town: he said:
"South Africa has failed dismally as a mediator in trying to broker peace and a government of National Unity in Zimbabwe. President Mugabe ought to be persuaded to retire. He has done his country incalculable harm. SADC (Southern African Development Community) too has failed to offer a strong leadership in the resolution of the Zimbabwean disaster – it is no longer just a crisis. We call for fresh elections without Mugabe."
(South African Catholic 22 / Jan / 2009)
About 6 % of South Africans, in about 2005: claimed to be Catholic: about 10 % of the Johannesburg population, also: even though the Archdiocese: says that only 10% of these 10% in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg go to mass regularly.
The voice of the Bishops' Conference: is one of moral standing, as South Africa is highly religious: these statements could well be read in church this Sunday: previously, priests; have noted the words of this Archbishop.
This is the second time in four days: that the Bishop's conference president; has called for a Zimbabwe government without Mugabe:
"We call for fresh elections without Mugabe."
(South African Catholic 22 / Jan / 2009)
"We, the Catholic Bishops of Southern Africa, call on Mugabe to step down immediately. We call for the formation of a coalition interim government of National Recovery and the preparation for internationally supervised and credible presidential elections as soon as possible."
(South African Catholic 26 / Jan / 2009)
As to calls for Mugabe to stand down: maybe it is slightly aimed at those inside Zimbabwe, or an attempt to pressure Mugabe: as it is: The Bishops Conference: seems to be calling for Mugabe to be made to not be in the picture. Their claims against the SADC region, and indirectly against the "Republic Of South Africa": Government have certainly made radio news.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, January 26, 2009
No comments:

Archdiocese of Johannesburg,
Archdiocese of Pretoria,
Earth Global Bishops,
Insider Confessions Analysis,
with reference to the place:
Pretoria, South Africa

Sunday, 25 January 2009
Benedict XVI Blesses Lambs: whose Wool will adorn Archbishops: important clergymen
(Journey in a broken World )
Article By Marc Aupiais
In a Video Labeled January 21st, on the Vatican YouTube site, Benedict XVI is shown as blessing two very relaxed lambs, with wreaths on their heads. Rather than being dinner, we hope: some may consider two adorable little white fluffy; and seemingly a bit tired: lambs on plates, or more like cushions; too tempting, the two little darling animals: are being honored: as their wool (Or should we say lamb-fur): will adorn archbishops.
to quote the site:
"In honor of the Feast of St. Agnes, the Holy Father blessed the lambs whose wool will be used for palliums that are bestowed to metropolitan archbishops on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29. The pallium is a sign of union with the seat of Peter.Immediately after, the Holy Father received a delegation from the Austrian town of Mariazell, the site of an important historical Marian shrine. Benedict XVI was given the honorary citizenship of the Austrian city"
See the Video here:
NOTE: See how Benedict XVI touches one on the head! I don't have sound, maybe it is a blessing, but I think he may be patting it!
Benedict XVI, is the shepherd of the Catholic Flock!
Article By Marc Aupiais
In a Video Labeled January 21st, on the Vatican YouTube site, Benedict XVI is shown as blessing two very relaxed lambs, with wreaths on their heads. Rather than being dinner, we hope: some may consider two adorable little white fluffy; and seemingly a bit tired: lambs on plates, or more like cushions; too tempting, the two little darling animals: are being honored: as their wool (Or should we say lamb-fur): will adorn archbishops.
to quote the site:
"In honor of the Feast of St. Agnes, the Holy Father blessed the lambs whose wool will be used for palliums that are bestowed to metropolitan archbishops on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29. The pallium is a sign of union with the seat of Peter.Immediately after, the Holy Father received a delegation from the Austrian town of Mariazell, the site of an important historical Marian shrine. Benedict XVI was given the honorary citizenship of the Austrian city"
See the Video here:
NOTE: See how Benedict XVI touches one on the head! I don't have sound, maybe it is a blessing, but I think he may be patting it!
Benedict XVI, is the shepherd of the Catholic Flock!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, January 25, 2009
No comments:

Papal Actions,
Pope Benedict XVI,
Vatican YouTube site
with reference to the place:
Vatican City

Internal squabbles, and the Independent Catholic Press
(Insider Confessions Analysis)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Some time ago, we covered that the locally parish shelf best selling: Southern Cross; was supporting abortion arguments, and abortion supporting politicians. The Local South African church: had no problem responding to us, but still: no intention to reign the Southern Cross in, even as the Newspaper, is widely seen as a voice representing them, and even as it is sold in parishes, and advertised by Priests, and Catholic media.
In a separate story of sorts, that we haven't published: franchises are often odd: they do things not good for business for uniformity. The catholic church is not a business: it is more like a government, and in that category, is efficient.
The problem they face with journalists; lies in freedom of independence. How to allow journalistic integrity; without killing mortal souls.
The South African Answer: seems to be to write letters, and discuss things with editors; but not to crack down on pro-abortion arguers.
Connections between the Southern Cross and the Bishops need not be discussed, however, an expose we requested by an American News firm: Trinity Communications, does not seem to have gone down well. The Bishops have seemingly not taken any penal action on the pro-abortion arguments, nor any action on the slating of a Vatican decision, by the Southern Cross editor.
Freedom of the press, and independence of the press, however: should not be absolute; as Scripturelink News: we try to give accuracy, perspectives; and a human rights focus.
Because many abortion efforts; fall into the direct definition of article 2 section d: of the UN declaration on Genocide: we consider abortion to be a complete human rights issue: even beyond our Catholic belief that the child is alive: a belief verified in science.
The issues, where Catholic press should be forced to comply are: human rights; Canon Law, and issues pertaining to accuracy, truth: and life and death, and dogma.
These are issues, which are important: however; for whatever political, or other reason: these have not been issues which are enforced. Archbishop Buthi's statements: that it is the media in South Africa: not the churches; who have been the watchdog of society, and government: seem quite compelling now.
Indiscriminately using services simply because they are sold in parishes, or listed on Hierarchy websites, is as irresponsible as buying products that sports stars endorse. One must truly investigate what they read: and it is up to the Catholic, in our post modern world, where our post is often late; to discern for themselves; what seems to best fit the Gospel: they have the guidance of the papacy in this: a papacy, which publishes the views of the Vatican quite regularly; and the customization of the Scripturelink search engine; means that diverse views may be researched, to make up one's mind.
To be Lazy in choosing world view, and icons of celebrity, and film: is a dangerous position for any person. The day; when one must look at information, and make up their own mind: with a Catholic defined, and constitutioned framework: the day when we must research before we speak: has arrived, as after the modern age, came the post modern age; when demographics no longer insured world view. After the Post-modern age; come the age we define; but we must put away our single source perspectives, and trust in what is written: and go beyond; researching what is good and true, and not neglecting the intuition, and the facts.
Even I have been prone to mistakes, and yet; now, I crawl, where I once slithered, and perhaps one day: I shall fly.
As Media, and source: it is our job to pursue the truth, as a watchdog. Let us not revoke our role.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Some time ago, we covered that the locally parish shelf best selling: Southern Cross; was supporting abortion arguments, and abortion supporting politicians. The Local South African church: had no problem responding to us, but still: no intention to reign the Southern Cross in, even as the Newspaper, is widely seen as a voice representing them, and even as it is sold in parishes, and advertised by Priests, and Catholic media.
In a separate story of sorts, that we haven't published: franchises are often odd: they do things not good for business for uniformity. The catholic church is not a business: it is more like a government, and in that category, is efficient.
The problem they face with journalists; lies in freedom of independence. How to allow journalistic integrity; without killing mortal souls.
The South African Answer: seems to be to write letters, and discuss things with editors; but not to crack down on pro-abortion arguers.
Connections between the Southern Cross and the Bishops need not be discussed, however, an expose we requested by an American News firm: Trinity Communications, does not seem to have gone down well. The Bishops have seemingly not taken any penal action on the pro-abortion arguments, nor any action on the slating of a Vatican decision, by the Southern Cross editor.
Freedom of the press, and independence of the press, however: should not be absolute; as Scripturelink News: we try to give accuracy, perspectives; and a human rights focus.
Because many abortion efforts; fall into the direct definition of article 2 section d: of the UN declaration on Genocide: we consider abortion to be a complete human rights issue: even beyond our Catholic belief that the child is alive: a belief verified in science.
The issues, where Catholic press should be forced to comply are: human rights; Canon Law, and issues pertaining to accuracy, truth: and life and death, and dogma.
These are issues, which are important: however; for whatever political, or other reason: these have not been issues which are enforced. Archbishop Buthi's statements: that it is the media in South Africa: not the churches; who have been the watchdog of society, and government: seem quite compelling now.
Indiscriminately using services simply because they are sold in parishes, or listed on Hierarchy websites, is as irresponsible as buying products that sports stars endorse. One must truly investigate what they read: and it is up to the Catholic, in our post modern world, where our post is often late; to discern for themselves; what seems to best fit the Gospel: they have the guidance of the papacy in this: a papacy, which publishes the views of the Vatican quite regularly; and the customization of the Scripturelink search engine; means that diverse views may be researched, to make up one's mind.
To be Lazy in choosing world view, and icons of celebrity, and film: is a dangerous position for any person. The day; when one must look at information, and make up their own mind: with a Catholic defined, and constitutioned framework: the day when we must research before we speak: has arrived, as after the modern age, came the post modern age; when demographics no longer insured world view. After the Post-modern age; come the age we define; but we must put away our single source perspectives, and trust in what is written: and go beyond; researching what is good and true, and not neglecting the intuition, and the facts.
Even I have been prone to mistakes, and yet; now, I crawl, where I once slithered, and perhaps one day: I shall fly.
As Media, and source: it is our job to pursue the truth, as a watchdog. Let us not revoke our role.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, January 25, 2009
No comments:

Una Voce South Africa: Laments SSPX death?
(Tridentine South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Having contacts affiliated with the SSPX is useful, in that they often show up what others say, to sometimes have another possible element: by their own words. Una Voce South Africa, mysteriously decided to ask for no comments, after saying that a Priest had died: Fr. Eldred Leslie, who is noted as supporting pro-life and the "Traditional" (Tridentine form Latin) Mass.
While asking for prayers for the repose of his soul, Christopher Cordeiro: of Una Voce South Africa, does not note that the man he asks viewers to pray for: is in fact SSPX: a member of an organization which, while its leadership have had their automatic excommunication lifted; are still at odds with the papacy on many issues.
Una Voce, usually does not choose to respond on discussions about the SSPX, and their American site, has been sited as somewhat sympathetic to the irregular grouping. Christopher, does not seem to permit comments on the irregular grouping on his blog.
Tridentine South Africa, is not affiliated with the Una Voce, or the SSPX movements: rather: it is purely based on helping Catholics to obey the Papacy, in a manner: which is proper, and which best allows for their diversity, and views: without coming into the dangers of radical traditionalism.
As Una Voce South Africa: have explicitly asked that no comments be placed on their article about this death, we have not done so. We have asked, via Christopher's, or possibly Una Voce's email address ( unavocesa@gmail.com ) for his opinion, and hopefully, will be able to note his voice on this issue.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Having contacts affiliated with the SSPX is useful, in that they often show up what others say, to sometimes have another possible element: by their own words. Una Voce South Africa, mysteriously decided to ask for no comments, after saying that a Priest had died: Fr. Eldred Leslie, who is noted as supporting pro-life and the "Traditional" (Tridentine form Latin) Mass.
While asking for prayers for the repose of his soul, Christopher Cordeiro: of Una Voce South Africa, does not note that the man he asks viewers to pray for: is in fact SSPX: a member of an organization which, while its leadership have had their automatic excommunication lifted; are still at odds with the papacy on many issues.
Una Voce, usually does not choose to respond on discussions about the SSPX, and their American site, has been sited as somewhat sympathetic to the irregular grouping. Christopher, does not seem to permit comments on the irregular grouping on his blog.
Tridentine South Africa, is not affiliated with the Una Voce, or the SSPX movements: rather: it is purely based on helping Catholics to obey the Papacy, in a manner: which is proper, and which best allows for their diversity, and views: without coming into the dangers of radical traditionalism.
As Una Voce South Africa: have explicitly asked that no comments be placed on their article about this death, we have not done so. We have asked, via Christopher's, or possibly Una Voce's email address ( unavocesa@gmail.com ) for his opinion, and hopefully, will be able to note his voice on this issue.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, January 25, 2009
No comments:

Christopher Cordeiro,
Latin Mass,
Latin Mass controvery,
Tridentine Mass,
Tridentine South Africa

Saturday Star: publishes naked photos
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Saturday Star, part of the IOL group of newspapers; has taken it upon themselves to air naked photos appearing in Marie Claire Magazine: whether to highlight the controversy, or anger over the fact that celebrity nudes are being published, to "Raise awareness" of woman abuse, or to sell newspapers: is unclear. What is clear, is that the women and men are not bruised, and while many likely object to the fact that arousing pictures are now in the reach of children doing grade 2 newspaper projects, the question as to why the IOL newspaper chose to air the pictures in their news, without any real warning for sensitive, um... viewers: is unclear.
If they had noted in front that they had naked pictures on page nine, wait: maybe they simply should not have shown naked pictures in the first place: really, did Marie Claire contact them for this? Why are there naked pictures in a popular newspaper. Surely, Marie Claire: cannot be as circulated as the star?
In either case: It does seem distasteful. It is almost as though: since the government shifted from denying the existence of HIV/AIDS: to telling children in Junior school, and younger: to wear condoms, on television: that now; sexual images are acceptable; after all: how else does one sell those nasty condoms?
Previous funding from the Marie Claire campaign went to funding the Treatment Action Campaign(TAC): noted for anger towards government in previous times: and for their rabid support of condoms.
Studies in America: have shown condoms less effective than Modern Natural Family methods: at preventing childbirth, more than that: abstinence training at schools: has shown more effective in preventing teenage pregnancy, and disease: than condom spurges. Children as young as twelve can get seemingly, if I remember correctly, and if the stats available online are correct: free government abortions, and also contraception, in South Africa.
Kissing someone under the age of 16 (Which is why age of girlfriends is important), is considered statutory rape in South Africa: and is punishable by a prison sentence. Getting contraception for personal use, is allowed at this age, and much younger, as with the use of government abortion facilities free of charge: to you, not those paying their taxes: who fund your abortion.
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Saturday Star, part of the IOL group of newspapers; has taken it upon themselves to air naked photos appearing in Marie Claire Magazine: whether to highlight the controversy, or anger over the fact that celebrity nudes are being published, to "Raise awareness" of woman abuse, or to sell newspapers: is unclear. What is clear, is that the women and men are not bruised, and while many likely object to the fact that arousing pictures are now in the reach of children doing grade 2 newspaper projects, the question as to why the IOL newspaper chose to air the pictures in their news, without any real warning for sensitive, um... viewers: is unclear.
If they had noted in front that they had naked pictures on page nine, wait: maybe they simply should not have shown naked pictures in the first place: really, did Marie Claire contact them for this? Why are there naked pictures in a popular newspaper. Surely, Marie Claire: cannot be as circulated as the star?
In either case: It does seem distasteful. It is almost as though: since the government shifted from denying the existence of HIV/AIDS: to telling children in Junior school, and younger: to wear condoms, on television: that now; sexual images are acceptable; after all: how else does one sell those nasty condoms?
Previous funding from the Marie Claire campaign went to funding the Treatment Action Campaign(TAC): noted for anger towards government in previous times: and for their rabid support of condoms.
Studies in America: have shown condoms less effective than Modern Natural Family methods: at preventing childbirth, more than that: abstinence training at schools: has shown more effective in preventing teenage pregnancy, and disease: than condom spurges. Children as young as twelve can get seemingly, if I remember correctly, and if the stats available online are correct: free government abortions, and also contraception, in South Africa.
Kissing someone under the age of 16 (Which is why age of girlfriends is important), is considered statutory rape in South Africa: and is punishable by a prison sentence. Getting contraception for personal use, is allowed at this age, and much younger, as with the use of government abortion facilities free of charge: to you, not those paying their taxes: who fund your abortion.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, January 25, 2009
No comments:

Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
government interferance with morality,
Kissing Law,
Marie Claire,
Naked Pictures,
The Star

Saturday, 24 January 2009
SSPX Bishops re-"communicated"
(Tridentine South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
In a seemingly politically motivated move: Benedict XVI; has lifted automatic excommunications, incurred under canon law: by four SSPX bishops, who: on being consecrated, committed what was then termed and largely perceived to be: an act of schism. While the excommunications no longer carry weight: this probably is not a precident for reintroducing others who incur the excommunication: rather: it seems to be a pre-condition for begining dialogue for the complete reunification of the Society, and the Catholic Church. It does not seem that all issues have been resolved overnight. This may be a start, but many things are still vague and unclear.
It was not because of the excommunications alone: that Catholics have been discoraged from attending society masses, and whether or not the SSPX priests will now be allowed by the Vatican to perform mass ligitimately, or if their actions are still considered illigitimate, is not something we can comment on. This is not the end of the issue, but the beginning of it.
We have asked for ecclesiastical assistence in covering this issue, so as to give a fuller view: whether by direct statements being quoted, or by indirectly quoting sources: so as to give an inside perspective. We hope to gain such.
As for the mean-time: it is still important that the valid tridentine mass be pursued in the mainstream church, within diocesan structures. Many SSPX priests' sermons might still carry certain bias, as with parishioners there.
Doubt still hangs over the organization, and until talks are entered into, in a meaningful manner, and a comprehensive clarification, and negotiation take place: there will still be a cloud over the society. When comprehensive regulations for this situation come to be meted out: perhaps, a clear answer can be made.
Pursuing the unquestionably valid Summorum Pontificum instituted Tridentine (Latin) Mass, within normal church hierarchical structures, remains not ony the clear, and legally sure way to proceed, but also means enjoyment of something special, within, without risking accepting some controversial, if not radical views, and without taking a political stand.
Until the situation becomes less vague: the isolation of the "Society" in the mainstream will likely continue. Negotiations have not happened adequately yet; so as to actually physically and properly reincorperate the controversial Swiss based "Society "of" Pius X", in a proper, and civilized, complete manner: nor is it clear that this shall ever occur, nor if the society will ever manage to regain credibility, and fulfill a beneficial function in the mainstream of the church. So far, ecumenism with SSPX has been at great cost to Catholic-Judaic relations, and the controversial views of the organization, and a particular member of it: could cause further issues.
For now: the best thing to do: is stop, and wait.
It is very dangerous to see this in more than its ecumenical (political) light so far, and it is still advisable to avoid SSPX masses, for those in the mainstream: until such time as more information is given; and it is likely important to wait for negotiations, and meetings: before determining if any headway has been made between the Vatican, and their biggest "irregular" canonical apponent. Whether this is the Vatican calling an SSPX bluff, or if it is genuinely the offering of a palm leaf: it certainly is political. Benedict XVI, is famed for his "Ecumenical" abilities. Hopefully, it may someday yield the fruit of curing the chasm between SSPX and mainstream laity and pastors, and others.
The meaning and ramifications of this ecclesiastical move are unclear. Benedict XVI's representation, seems clear that this has nothing to do with SSPX views on the world. The SSPX bishops were excommunicated for being consecrated, not for their views. The lifting of such excommunication: therefore says nothing of the validity of their views.
It is a political (Ecumenical) move: it is still unclear what status the SSPX churches have in this situation: and whether or not this will mean the lifting of the censure on the SSPX priests: which bans them from "ligitimately" offering the mass.
SSPX Masses have been considered Valid (The priests are considered to truly perform the Eucharistic Sacrifice, in the sense normal priests do), but illegitimate (illegal), it is not immediately clear if warnings against attending their masses, will be lifted, now that the first real move to dialogue has been made.
The Ball is in the SSPX's court. We hopefully may follow this story further.
Article by Marc Aupiais
In a seemingly politically motivated move: Benedict XVI; has lifted automatic excommunications, incurred under canon law: by four SSPX bishops, who: on being consecrated, committed what was then termed and largely perceived to be: an act of schism. While the excommunications no longer carry weight: this probably is not a precident for reintroducing others who incur the excommunication: rather: it seems to be a pre-condition for begining dialogue for the complete reunification of the Society, and the Catholic Church. It does not seem that all issues have been resolved overnight. This may be a start, but many things are still vague and unclear.
It was not because of the excommunications alone: that Catholics have been discoraged from attending society masses, and whether or not the SSPX priests will now be allowed by the Vatican to perform mass ligitimately, or if their actions are still considered illigitimate, is not something we can comment on. This is not the end of the issue, but the beginning of it.
We have asked for ecclesiastical assistence in covering this issue, so as to give a fuller view: whether by direct statements being quoted, or by indirectly quoting sources: so as to give an inside perspective. We hope to gain such.
As for the mean-time: it is still important that the valid tridentine mass be pursued in the mainstream church, within diocesan structures. Many SSPX priests' sermons might still carry certain bias, as with parishioners there.
Doubt still hangs over the organization, and until talks are entered into, in a meaningful manner, and a comprehensive clarification, and negotiation take place: there will still be a cloud over the society. When comprehensive regulations for this situation come to be meted out: perhaps, a clear answer can be made.
Pursuing the unquestionably valid Summorum Pontificum instituted Tridentine (Latin) Mass, within normal church hierarchical structures, remains not ony the clear, and legally sure way to proceed, but also means enjoyment of something special, within, without risking accepting some controversial, if not radical views, and without taking a political stand.
Until the situation becomes less vague: the isolation of the "Society" in the mainstream will likely continue. Negotiations have not happened adequately yet; so as to actually physically and properly reincorperate the controversial Swiss based "Society "of" Pius X", in a proper, and civilized, complete manner: nor is it clear that this shall ever occur, nor if the society will ever manage to regain credibility, and fulfill a beneficial function in the mainstream of the church. So far, ecumenism with SSPX has been at great cost to Catholic-Judaic relations, and the controversial views of the organization, and a particular member of it: could cause further issues.
For now: the best thing to do: is stop, and wait.
It is very dangerous to see this in more than its ecumenical (political) light so far, and it is still advisable to avoid SSPX masses, for those in the mainstream: until such time as more information is given; and it is likely important to wait for negotiations, and meetings: before determining if any headway has been made between the Vatican, and their biggest "irregular" canonical apponent. Whether this is the Vatican calling an SSPX bluff, or if it is genuinely the offering of a palm leaf: it certainly is political. Benedict XVI, is famed for his "Ecumenical" abilities. Hopefully, it may someday yield the fruit of curing the chasm between SSPX and mainstream laity and pastors, and others.
The meaning and ramifications of this ecclesiastical move are unclear. Benedict XVI's representation, seems clear that this has nothing to do with SSPX views on the world. The SSPX bishops were excommunicated for being consecrated, not for their views. The lifting of such excommunication: therefore says nothing of the validity of their views.
It is a political (Ecumenical) move: it is still unclear what status the SSPX churches have in this situation: and whether or not this will mean the lifting of the censure on the SSPX priests: which bans them from "ligitimately" offering the mass.
SSPX Masses have been considered Valid (The priests are considered to truly perform the Eucharistic Sacrifice, in the sense normal priests do), but illegitimate (illegal), it is not immediately clear if warnings against attending their masses, will be lifted, now that the first real move to dialogue has been made.
The Ball is in the SSPX's court. We hopefully may follow this story further.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, January 24, 2009
No comments:

Chasms in the Divine Body,
Latin Mass,
Pope Benedict XVI,
Pope Speaks,
Tridenine Mass,
Tridentine South Africa,
Vatican City State,
Vatican II

Friday, 23 January 2009
Venezuela; Latin America: Catholic Embassy tear bombed, government supporters suspected
(Social Justice South Africa; Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. Zenit News 22 / 01 / 2009 ; Archive : 25 / 10 / 2008; 13 / 11 / 2008; Zenit News 10 / 07 / 2007 ; 19 / 11 / 2007; CWNews 13 / 05 / 2006 ; Catholic Culture 21 / 11 / 2008; all sources quoted, are catholic, and independent; The First Two are South African; the Rest are American (USA) Based)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Vice President of the EU (European) Parliament: Mario Mauro , who is also the representative on religious persecution in the: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, has condemned an attack on a Catholic Nuncio: which is the technical name for a Vatican Embassy, to a political power. The Nuncio, was in Venezuela, and government supporters, are: due to a past record, possibly: those responsible.
Venezuela is ruled by the socialist: Hugo Chávez, who has had clashes with the church. During Last year's November 23rd elections, Hugo Chávez's socialist supporters, were accused of intimidating Catholics. Hugo Chávez, wants a completely socialist state, and has made controversial comments on the world stage. Tensions, between Hugo Chávez, who originally tried to create a coup, but later was elected, and the Bishops, in Venezuela; are high: due to his anti-life policies, education issues, possible interference with church structures, and accusations of an alleged plot against Hugo Chávez, made against the Bishops in the country. All of this and actual violence has created a tough circumstance.
The Attack is not the first, and previous experience means that the socialist government's supporters, and factions close to the president, called radical, and considered to have religious intolerance; by EU Parliament Vice President: Mario Mauro; who is also the representative on religious persecution, to the: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Mario Mauro condemned the attacks, saying that any future incidences would only make things worse for Venezuela, where he claims that fundamental rights (He uses the word "Liberties"): are consistently being scraped into non-existence and stolen from citizens.
He noted his solidarity with the Catholic community in the country, where this is not the first attack on the church. Previously, also: government supporters have attacked this embassy, somewhat creating suspicions, that they have something to do with the recent tear bombings!
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Vice President of the EU (European) Parliament: Mario Mauro , who is also the representative on religious persecution in the: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, has condemned an attack on a Catholic Nuncio: which is the technical name for a Vatican Embassy, to a political power. The Nuncio, was in Venezuela, and government supporters, are: due to a past record, possibly: those responsible.
Venezuela is ruled by the socialist: Hugo Chávez, who has had clashes with the church. During Last year's November 23rd elections, Hugo Chávez's socialist supporters, were accused of intimidating Catholics. Hugo Chávez, wants a completely socialist state, and has made controversial comments on the world stage. Tensions, between Hugo Chávez, who originally tried to create a coup, but later was elected, and the Bishops, in Venezuela; are high: due to his anti-life policies, education issues, possible interference with church structures, and accusations of an alleged plot against Hugo Chávez, made against the Bishops in the country. All of this and actual violence has created a tough circumstance.
The Attack is not the first, and previous experience means that the socialist government's supporters, and factions close to the president, called radical, and considered to have religious intolerance; by EU Parliament Vice President: Mario Mauro; who is also the representative on religious persecution, to the: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Mario Mauro condemned the attacks, saying that any future incidences would only make things worse for Venezuela, where he claims that fundamental rights (He uses the word "Liberties"): are consistently being scraped into non-existence and stolen from citizens.
He noted his solidarity with the Catholic community in the country, where this is not the first attack on the church. Previously, also: government supporters have attacked this embassy, somewhat creating suspicions, that they have something to do with the recent tear bombings!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, January 23, 2009
No comments:

Americas General News,
Americas news,
Americas Politics,
Anti-catholic watch,
Latin America,
Social Justice South Africa Socialism,

Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Latin mass in Port Elizabeth: a success: our contact
(Tridentine South Africa)
Article By Marc Aupiais
We apologize for the time it took to get this out, there were both physical, and other problems on both sides. We ourselves received this on the 19th of January, that's about two days ago; from our contact in Port Elizabeth (PE).
They say this of the Latin Mass, we were involved in new media promotion of:
"The Mass on New Years Day at Corpus Christi Church was well attended:
over 100 people in attendance, many of them parishioners of this church, others from further afield.
Mgr John Clark offered a beautiful Low Mass and the response from those in attendance was generally very favourable.
Photos were taken and I hope - even at this late stage, over 2 weeks later - to post these. Mgr Clark continues to offer this Mass every Friday at 5:30pm at St Vincent's Church (his parish). We are hoping to organise more frequent public Masses at other parishes in the near future, and you will be kept informed - more speedily than this time!"
(we have added lines in between, but not altered the text itself.)
The Mass in Question was held on January first.
Article By Marc Aupiais
We apologize for the time it took to get this out, there were both physical, and other problems on both sides. We ourselves received this on the 19th of January, that's about two days ago; from our contact in Port Elizabeth (PE).
They say this of the Latin Mass, we were involved in new media promotion of:
"The Mass on New Years Day at Corpus Christi Church was well attended:
over 100 people in attendance, many of them parishioners of this church, others from further afield.
Mgr John Clark offered a beautiful Low Mass and the response from those in attendance was generally very favourable.
Photos were taken and I hope - even at this late stage, over 2 weeks later - to post these. Mgr Clark continues to offer this Mass every Friday at 5:30pm at St Vincent's Church (his parish). We are hoping to organise more frequent public Masses at other parishes in the near future, and you will be kept informed - more speedily than this time!"
(we have added lines in between, but not altered the text itself.)
The Mass in Question was held on January first.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
No comments:

Corpus Christi in PE,
Latin Mass,
Port Elizabeth,
South Africa,
St.Vincent's PE,
Tridentine Mass,
Tridentine South Africa
with reference to the place:
Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Obama Inauguration, now its happened, still +-4 times that of Bush? It was thought, in an estimation: to be more than ten times that of Bush!
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Before it happened, it was estimated that it would cost 5 00 000 000 US$ (Five Hundred million United States of America: Dollars), this probably included the concert and train journey, and use of Lincoln's bible.
Other sources, now are putting it at about 160 000 000 US$ (One hundred and Sixty Million United States of America: Dollars), or so. In fact, this probably excludes these other costs, which we received at the time. The estimate we published, was just that, an estimate, we thought to also show how close estimates were, the estimate, was from an external source, however, it included things, seemingly expensively not included in other estimates. We therefore do not immediately discount it.
This is still about four times that of the Bush inauguration, which was criticized at the time, as extravagant.
And that is the point, we are enjoying to make again.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Before it happened, it was estimated that it would cost 5 00 000 000 US$ (Five Hundred million United States of America: Dollars), this probably included the concert and train journey, and use of Lincoln's bible.
Other sources, now are putting it at about 160 000 000 US$ (One hundred and Sixty Million United States of America: Dollars), or so. In fact, this probably excludes these other costs, which we received at the time. The estimate we published, was just that, an estimate, we thought to also show how close estimates were, the estimate, was from an external source, however, it included things, seemingly expensively not included in other estimates. We therefore do not immediately discount it.
This is still about four times that of the Bush inauguration, which was criticized at the time, as extravagant.
And that is the point, we are enjoying to make again.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
No comments:

Americas General News,
Americas news,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Obama inauguration

SACBC Forwarded news: Monastery in Marianhill Robbed
(Southern African Catholic Dispatches)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The following is a copy of a dispatch sent out to a facebook list, the disclaimer applies to us:
Article by Marc Aupiais
The following is a copy of a dispatch sent out to a facebook list, the disclaimer applies to us:
"Apologies, for being late in posting this, we received it yesterday.
If you want the original email, send me an inbox, with an address to send to.
Subject: FW: Priest, monk robbed in Durban: South Africa: News: News24
Time: 13:27 20 / 01 / 2009
Sent to: contacts, such as myself
sent from: Fr Townsend: Information officer of the SACBC
Content of press release:
"Mariannhill Monastery Robbed
Fr. Chris Townsend
Information Officer - SACBC
P Please consider the environment before printing this email
http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_2455880,00.html "
Find this information useful: invite friends, by clicking on:
Rely on this information at your own risk, we do not endorse, nor guarantee dispatches from the Bishops conference.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
No comments:

Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Obama Inauguration to cost about 10 times Bush's, in a time of economic crisis
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. InForumBlog (Catholic; Independent; American) 19 / 01 / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
When Bush did his cool +-40 million or so US Dollar inauguration, the press thought it could better be spent: not so with the cool +-500 000 000 (Five Hundred Million) Barak Hussein Obama inauguration. Despite a time of economic Crisis, two wars, and so much more: Obama, who voted to kill Abortion survivors, via infanticide,and hardly spoke up on the tragedy in the Gaza Strip, except to bolster his own image, Obama, wants to go in in "Style", insisting on using Lincoln's bible, and other extravagances. As could have been predicted, by his cool political response when the Financial Crisis came out, Obama: is proving to be anything but prudent with American money.
Bush recently set aside January 18th, as a day for the sanctity of human life, including the lives of the unborn. Bush, while being against abortion, and cloning, and liked, apparently by the Dalli Llama, given special treatment by pope Benedict XVI, also went against the Vatican on the Iraq war (Second gulf War), resulting in a massacre of Christians, by militants, and also: has been implicated in removing privacy, and in possible human rights abuses.
Bush's own inauguration, was considered a bit extravagant. The question as to why Obama throws such a party, when his people will starve all the more, and why the homeless in the area have been force to move; is hardly being asked very much, if at all: in much of the mainstream media.
Article by Marc Aupiais
When Bush did his cool +-40 million or so US Dollar inauguration, the press thought it could better be spent: not so with the cool +-500 000 000 (Five Hundred Million) Barak Hussein Obama inauguration. Despite a time of economic Crisis, two wars, and so much more: Obama, who voted to kill Abortion survivors, via infanticide,and hardly spoke up on the tragedy in the Gaza Strip, except to bolster his own image, Obama, wants to go in in "Style", insisting on using Lincoln's bible, and other extravagances. As could have been predicted, by his cool political response when the Financial Crisis came out, Obama: is proving to be anything but prudent with American money.
Bush recently set aside January 18th, as a day for the sanctity of human life, including the lives of the unborn. Bush, while being against abortion, and cloning, and liked, apparently by the Dalli Llama, given special treatment by pope Benedict XVI, also went against the Vatican on the Iraq war (Second gulf War), resulting in a massacre of Christians, by militants, and also: has been implicated in removing privacy, and in possible human rights abuses.
Bush's own inauguration, was considered a bit extravagant. The question as to why Obama throws such a party, when his people will starve all the more, and why the homeless in the area have been force to move; is hardly being asked very much, if at all: in much of the mainstream media.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
No comments:

American Democrats,
Americas Politics,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Financial Crisis,
Financial Issues,
George Bush,
Human Rights,
Human Rights Abuses,
Obama inauguration,

Twilight: a movie review, by Media Study South Africa
(Media Study South Africa ; C.f. Decent Films (Catholic; independent; American; Reviews both "good" and "bad" films) __/__/__; USCCB Film Review __/__/__ ; CathNews (Australian; Catholic; independent: Quotes review by: - Jim Murphy, Australian Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting) 12 / Dec / 2008)
Article by Marc Aupiais
It seems darkened, in the rainy region, in that rainy town, in Washington. Bella Swan (played by Kristen Stewart), an oddly nervous looking girl, moves there, to live with her father. After the divorce, the mother met someone, and the mother wanted to move around with them: so Bella, Bella decides that it is better to be with her father: so as to let her mother be "happy". She isn't happy herself though. The sun is hardly out, and there have been deaths "Animal attacks", of sorts.
Her new chemistry partner, who she likes, wanted to sit anywhere but with her. He covers his mouth, when he sees her, and looks at her, as though looking at a tasty morsel. He doesn't turn up for a few days: then he returns periodically, and things seem just a bit mysterious: until something happens, and soon Bella begins to suspect...
Like our introduction, well, we had to say something: this film is both offensive, and possibly interesting, probably not suitable to impressionable teenage girls.
Twilight is a Vampire thriller/horror/romance, where a young, and nervous looking teenage girl: falls in love with a dangerous, but somewhat self controlled Vampire: who finds the thought of her blood near irresistible, and therefore, at first seeks to avoid this dessert (food, not area) like tasty morsel, whose smell, almost makes killing her impossible to resist, whose mind he cannot read.
Obviously, this is a romance: between an "immortal" predator: designed to kill human beings, and a human being, both in "love" with each other, if it were possible at that age. It is sort of a "doomed romance". It is the romance between: in their description: a "Lion and a Lamb" (paraphrase): in which the male lead struggles with the incumbent urge, to eat the female lead, whom he also apparently "loves".
It has got elements of a horror, and has got violence, and a sort of "supernatural". It has a sort of chastity, whereby the male lead only can slightly kiss the female lead, as he doesn't want to devour her (with his teeth). It turns into a bit of a scary scene: when other vampires, sniff her "Irresistible" smell. The Vampire, also sounds a bit like George Bush at some points, who isn't all bad, even though he abuses lots of human rights, but seemed just as illogical; when he started taking away America's privacy: in his insistence, that his prying: is for Bella's protection.
Ultimately, as proven by the Facebook group: this type of film is dangerous to teenage girls: and gives women abusers more power, and stinks quite cruelly, of a world, where feminism, has not achieved its goals, but where women seem as exploited as ever. The movie, is well played, and has good screenplay, but the ideas behind it, can cloy people.
Like the titanic, it has danger in its cultural effect, and perhaps reflects a loss of chivalry amongst men. Ultimately, it stinks of a desire for subjection, is a game: where the vampire holds all the power, and the girl: trusts unconditionally ("In Theory"), that he won't use her trust against her. It truly is the deathly fascination, which a human prey item, can have with their potential psychopathic killer. It is the making of romance, out of the abusive, unequal relationship.
At least in the Phantom of the Opera, where a similar intoxication occurs: the bad guy who does such: does not get the girl in the end.
- Written by a Mormon, which has different elements: this may be why they wait until marriage (later in the series), to do something about reproduction. Definite Mormon touches to the story line.
- Considered to be cliché by some, with too much sniffing, and head movements, apparently, by the female lead.
- The mother's pursuit of happiness, having left her father: is almost, if not portrayed positively.
- Reminds some of Dracula, and the Titanic.
- In the book series, as is in the movie, the Vampire lead, seems abusive, the relationship only seems to hurt, or harm Bella, and the Vampire does not respect her privacy, and hates it when any warn her away from his dangerous hands. He could be any abuser, and the book series treats abuse of Bella lightly, where she does not seem to mind the effects of a certain act, the pain inflicted on her, as she is licking her wounds.
- Vampires could represent aristocracy, or a high school popular kids group, and a desire to join this.
- Like the poster/cover: the screenplay is suggestive, and seems to reflect adult insinuations: for a teenage girl, and 90 year old "17 year old" Vampire (remind anyone of internet dating?)! This means that fascination, and lusts for the physical form, is romanticized.
- Use of the word "God", by a non-lead character: to denote surprise that the lead female; had landed the lead male character. (Blasphemy?)
- In a phone conversation with the divorced mother: the female lead: notes that she likes a guy, the mother tells her to use "protection" (Artificial contraception, is considered intrinsically evil: by the catholic Church; also: seems to indicate consent of the parent with fornication: another negative; which could encourage teenage pregnancy! The Mother does not seem concerned about how he treats her, while the father simply gets her what looks like pepper spray, and there is insinuation about the father and a gun. The relationship, of course, seems to be kept from the parents, who are not told of the dangers, but lied to.)
- Violence, including the ripping apart piece by piece of a Vampire: although this is not too explicidly shown: it is known what is happening.
- Scene where female lead seems to be in underwear, lying on a bed, maybe with a shirt, and she embraces the male lead,: they then kiss, and he jumps back: in fear of eating her. (Ethics).
- Insinuation, whereby the "Adopted" children of the male lead's adopted "Father": hook up with each other.
- The Vampires don't seem to mind the other Vampires hunting people (Ethics).
- The Female lead does not mind if the male lead has killed people (Ethics).
- The female lead is prepared to risk her life, at the whims of the male lead, and his family (lack of Prudence). This could encourage teenage pregnancy, and crime, as well as dispose women to abuse.
- Male lead watches female lead sleep: seems like a stalker: she DOES NOT mind this, and is interested.
- Female lead lies to her father, and hurts him badly emotionally.
- Female lead lies to her mother about events.
- American Native Americans: try to suggest that Bella leave the Vampire alone: they are considered by the Vampire as the "wolves", who attack when he leaves her alone for five minutes.
- Possibly dispose women to abusive partners.
- Elements, much like horror in Anne Rice: where people are attracted to dangerous, even evil people, or concepts: and give into their power.
- Female lead is blasé about nearly dying in a car crash, parent is portrayed as overprotective, that they care so much.
- "Bad" Vampires, act towards people, as though prey: and "play" with their "food".
- The entire movie, could likely be predicted from adverts, in fact, in this regard, it disappoints: the bad guys simply catch a sniff of the female lead, and the showdown, is almost too familiar of film's abusive bully, and strong jock boyfriend showdown.
- Could be a comic book: which isn't a good thing!
- Plays on fascination with revolting subjects and danger!
- Bit like a symbolic main character, and film: stylization may be overdone.
- Follows predictable Hollywood patterns.
- Main female character, simply searches the internet, and gets onto a sort of cult-like website.
- Plot is thin, and obvious.
Possibly good elements:
- A sort of chastity emerges.
- The Characters "struggle" to be "ethical", but a negative is that: there doesn't seem much concern if they aren't.
- Killing, except in the case of animals: is done reluctantly by the "Good" "vampires".
- The fight not to eat his girlfriend, portrays the Vampire, almost, like a man fighting lust, which can be good.
Negative: the girl doesn't mind, and they both risk her life.
- The characters "put themselves out" for one another: doing what they "think" best for the others.
- The Vampires value "Family", but then again, apparently: only seemingly protect the female lead for this (negative on ethics scale).
- Brilliant screenplay: at least, in the average eyes. A critic, has considered it pathetic, but it is entertaining.
- A sort of cold "romance" is "victorious", over urges of the body, though in later books, a sort of abusive relationship emerges, and this "romance", is behind Bella's parents' backs: parents, who don't seem overly concerned.
- There is a sort of "unconditional" love emphasized: between the main characters, negative of this, is that Bella falls right into the Vampire's arms: i.e. Trusts a dangerous creature absolutely, and what teenage girl knows what "love" is?
- Violence against women, or certain thoughts: seem portrayed negatively, though for a while: the vampire is in danger of finishing off that one extra beer (killing his girlfriend).
- Well woven, if not predictable plot, and interesting screenplay.
- Vampires, the "good" that is: are portrayed, like recovering addicts: one almost can laugh: as a female vampire treats such like smoking, even though it is terrible/ the other side, is that killing is treated lightly, and consequences are the main concern, as though killing someone, is like taking a smoke.
- Suspense is contained.
- The film website, says that Bella does not care about fitting in with the popular girls, but then she seems absolutely fascinated with the "popularity" of the vampires (which counter this somewhat, if not completely).
The film, is the work of director: "Catherine Hardwicke"; based on the novel: Twilight, by Mormon: "Stephenie Meyer". The vampire, male lead: is: Edward Cullen (Played by Robert Pattinson); the Female, "Human" Lead is: Bella Swan (played by Kristen Stewart), who wore contacts in the film.
Article by Marc Aupiais
It seems darkened, in the rainy region, in that rainy town, in Washington. Bella Swan (played by Kristen Stewart), an oddly nervous looking girl, moves there, to live with her father. After the divorce, the mother met someone, and the mother wanted to move around with them: so Bella, Bella decides that it is better to be with her father: so as to let her mother be "happy". She isn't happy herself though. The sun is hardly out, and there have been deaths "Animal attacks", of sorts.
Her new chemistry partner, who she likes, wanted to sit anywhere but with her. He covers his mouth, when he sees her, and looks at her, as though looking at a tasty morsel. He doesn't turn up for a few days: then he returns periodically, and things seem just a bit mysterious: until something happens, and soon Bella begins to suspect...
Like our introduction, well, we had to say something: this film is both offensive, and possibly interesting, probably not suitable to impressionable teenage girls.
Twilight is a Vampire thriller/horror/romance, where a young, and nervous looking teenage girl: falls in love with a dangerous, but somewhat self controlled Vampire: who finds the thought of her blood near irresistible, and therefore, at first seeks to avoid this dessert (food, not area) like tasty morsel, whose smell, almost makes killing her impossible to resist, whose mind he cannot read.
Obviously, this is a romance: between an "immortal" predator: designed to kill human beings, and a human being, both in "love" with each other, if it were possible at that age. It is sort of a "doomed romance". It is the romance between: in their description: a "Lion and a Lamb" (paraphrase): in which the male lead struggles with the incumbent urge, to eat the female lead, whom he also apparently "loves".
It has got elements of a horror, and has got violence, and a sort of "supernatural". It has a sort of chastity, whereby the male lead only can slightly kiss the female lead, as he doesn't want to devour her (with his teeth). It turns into a bit of a scary scene: when other vampires, sniff her "Irresistible" smell. The Vampire, also sounds a bit like George Bush at some points, who isn't all bad, even though he abuses lots of human rights, but seemed just as illogical; when he started taking away America's privacy: in his insistence, that his prying: is for Bella's protection.
Ultimately, as proven by the Facebook group: this type of film is dangerous to teenage girls: and gives women abusers more power, and stinks quite cruelly, of a world, where feminism, has not achieved its goals, but where women seem as exploited as ever. The movie, is well played, and has good screenplay, but the ideas behind it, can cloy people.
Like the titanic, it has danger in its cultural effect, and perhaps reflects a loss of chivalry amongst men. Ultimately, it stinks of a desire for subjection, is a game: where the vampire holds all the power, and the girl: trusts unconditionally ("In Theory"), that he won't use her trust against her. It truly is the deathly fascination, which a human prey item, can have with their potential psychopathic killer. It is the making of romance, out of the abusive, unequal relationship.
At least in the Phantom of the Opera, where a similar intoxication occurs: the bad guy who does such: does not get the girl in the end.
- Written by a Mormon, which has different elements: this may be why they wait until marriage (later in the series), to do something about reproduction. Definite Mormon touches to the story line.
- Considered to be cliché by some, with too much sniffing, and head movements, apparently, by the female lead.
- The mother's pursuit of happiness, having left her father: is almost, if not portrayed positively.
- Reminds some of Dracula, and the Titanic.
- In the book series, as is in the movie, the Vampire lead, seems abusive, the relationship only seems to hurt, or harm Bella, and the Vampire does not respect her privacy, and hates it when any warn her away from his dangerous hands. He could be any abuser, and the book series treats abuse of Bella lightly, where she does not seem to mind the effects of a certain act, the pain inflicted on her, as she is licking her wounds.
- Vampires could represent aristocracy, or a high school popular kids group, and a desire to join this.
- Like the poster/cover: the screenplay is suggestive, and seems to reflect adult insinuations: for a teenage girl, and 90 year old "17 year old" Vampire (remind anyone of internet dating?)! This means that fascination, and lusts for the physical form, is romanticized.
- Use of the word "God", by a non-lead character: to denote surprise that the lead female; had landed the lead male character. (Blasphemy?)
- In a phone conversation with the divorced mother: the female lead: notes that she likes a guy, the mother tells her to use "protection" (Artificial contraception, is considered intrinsically evil: by the catholic Church; also: seems to indicate consent of the parent with fornication: another negative; which could encourage teenage pregnancy! The Mother does not seem concerned about how he treats her, while the father simply gets her what looks like pepper spray, and there is insinuation about the father and a gun. The relationship, of course, seems to be kept from the parents, who are not told of the dangers, but lied to.)
- Violence, including the ripping apart piece by piece of a Vampire: although this is not too explicidly shown: it is known what is happening.
- Scene where female lead seems to be in underwear, lying on a bed, maybe with a shirt, and she embraces the male lead,: they then kiss, and he jumps back: in fear of eating her. (Ethics).
- Insinuation, whereby the "Adopted" children of the male lead's adopted "Father": hook up with each other.
- The Vampires don't seem to mind the other Vampires hunting people (Ethics).
- The Female lead does not mind if the male lead has killed people (Ethics).
- The female lead is prepared to risk her life, at the whims of the male lead, and his family (lack of Prudence). This could encourage teenage pregnancy, and crime, as well as dispose women to abuse.
- Male lead watches female lead sleep: seems like a stalker: she DOES NOT mind this, and is interested.
- Female lead lies to her father, and hurts him badly emotionally.
- Female lead lies to her mother about events.
- American Native Americans: try to suggest that Bella leave the Vampire alone: they are considered by the Vampire as the "wolves", who attack when he leaves her alone for five minutes.
- Possibly dispose women to abusive partners.
- Elements, much like horror in Anne Rice: where people are attracted to dangerous, even evil people, or concepts: and give into their power.
- Female lead is blasé about nearly dying in a car crash, parent is portrayed as overprotective, that they care so much.
- "Bad" Vampires, act towards people, as though prey: and "play" with their "food".
- The entire movie, could likely be predicted from adverts, in fact, in this regard, it disappoints: the bad guys simply catch a sniff of the female lead, and the showdown, is almost too familiar of film's abusive bully, and strong jock boyfriend showdown.
- Could be a comic book: which isn't a good thing!
- Plays on fascination with revolting subjects and danger!
- Bit like a symbolic main character, and film: stylization may be overdone.
- Follows predictable Hollywood patterns.
- Main female character, simply searches the internet, and gets onto a sort of cult-like website.
- Plot is thin, and obvious.
Possibly good elements:
- A sort of chastity emerges.
- The Characters "struggle" to be "ethical", but a negative is that: there doesn't seem much concern if they aren't.
- Killing, except in the case of animals: is done reluctantly by the "Good" "vampires".
- The fight not to eat his girlfriend, portrays the Vampire, almost, like a man fighting lust, which can be good.
Negative: the girl doesn't mind, and they both risk her life.
- The characters "put themselves out" for one another: doing what they "think" best for the others.
- The Vampires value "Family", but then again, apparently: only seemingly protect the female lead for this (negative on ethics scale).
- Brilliant screenplay: at least, in the average eyes. A critic, has considered it pathetic, but it is entertaining.
- A sort of cold "romance" is "victorious", over urges of the body, though in later books, a sort of abusive relationship emerges, and this "romance", is behind Bella's parents' backs: parents, who don't seem overly concerned.
- There is a sort of "unconditional" love emphasized: between the main characters, negative of this, is that Bella falls right into the Vampire's arms: i.e. Trusts a dangerous creature absolutely, and what teenage girl knows what "love" is?
- Violence against women, or certain thoughts: seem portrayed negatively, though for a while: the vampire is in danger of finishing off that one extra beer (killing his girlfriend).
- Well woven, if not predictable plot, and interesting screenplay.
- Vampires, the "good" that is: are portrayed, like recovering addicts: one almost can laugh: as a female vampire treats such like smoking, even though it is terrible/ the other side, is that killing is treated lightly, and consequences are the main concern, as though killing someone, is like taking a smoke.
- Suspense is contained.
- The film website, says that Bella does not care about fitting in with the popular girls, but then she seems absolutely fascinated with the "popularity" of the vampires (which counter this somewhat, if not completely).
The film, is the work of director: "Catherine Hardwicke"; based on the novel: Twilight, by Mormon: "Stephenie Meyer". The vampire, male lead: is: Edward Cullen (Played by Robert Pattinson); the Female, "Human" Lead is: Bella Swan (played by Kristen Stewart), who wore contacts in the film.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
No comments:

Southern African Catholic Press Releases: Program on Catholic Priesthood on SABC 2: FYI from Bishops conference
(Southern African Catholic Press Releases)
Information from Marc Aupiais
The Following is a slightly edited (due to clearing up, what the quotes of the emails say, is not altered) copy of information we distributed to our facebook subscribers, of one service: dispatches from the SACBC, the disclaimer applies to all forwarding, or distribution of this information. We permit distribution of this article:
"For those new to this service: as a media contact of the SACBC, I receive press releases, and sometimes mention them on "South African Catholic" and other news sources that I access. I decided others may be interested in these, for whatever purpose, and so forward the information. Sometimes there are several for one day, often, there are none for days.
Basically, this involves getting information which may be important, due to the source, which as a media contact, I am permitted to forward in some way. You may freely invite others, including non-members of the host to this event; it is about information, not any sort of stance.
The following is quoted from an email that the SACBC (Bishops conference) forwarded to media including us:
It is about a program on SABC (Government station) television: SABC 2 at 09: 00 on 1st February 2009.
The Bishops' Conference: introduction to media contacts:
Fr. Chris Townsend
Information Officer - SACBC
P Please consider the environment before printing this email"
The email they forwarded to media contacts:
"Hi All,
The repeat broadcast of my doccie on Catholic Priesthood has been postponed by a week.
ISSUES OF FAITH: Catholic Priesthood to be repeated on SABC 2, 09:00 on 1st February 2009.
The rest of the email, seems to be from SABC, and has not much interest to viewers of this: email me if you want it forwarded: give an email address to forward it to.
As per usual, rely on this information at your own risk: we neither endorse, nor guarantee the content of dispatches emailed to us as a press contact of the SACBC.
To invite nothers to receive these emails:
In the email: Patricia refers to a person named:
Patrica Proctor.
We of course, know nothing about the program mentioned, only we got it, in an FYI via the Bishops conference!"
Information from Marc Aupiais
The Following is a slightly edited (due to clearing up, what the quotes of the emails say, is not altered) copy of information we distributed to our facebook subscribers, of one service: dispatches from the SACBC, the disclaimer applies to all forwarding, or distribution of this information. We permit distribution of this article:
"For those new to this service: as a media contact of the SACBC, I receive press releases, and sometimes mention them on "South African Catholic" and other news sources that I access. I decided others may be interested in these, for whatever purpose, and so forward the information. Sometimes there are several for one day, often, there are none for days.
Basically, this involves getting information which may be important, due to the source, which as a media contact, I am permitted to forward in some way. You may freely invite others, including non-members of the host to this event; it is about information, not any sort of stance.
The following is quoted from an email that the SACBC (Bishops conference) forwarded to media including us:
It is about a program on SABC (Government station) television: SABC 2 at 09: 00 on 1st February 2009.
The Bishops' Conference: introduction to media contacts:
Fr. Chris Townsend
Information Officer - SACBC
P Please consider the environment before printing this email"
The email they forwarded to media contacts:
"Hi All,
The repeat broadcast of my doccie on Catholic Priesthood has been postponed by a week.
ISSUES OF FAITH: Catholic Priesthood to be repeated on SABC 2, 09:00 on 1st February 2009.
The rest of the email, seems to be from SABC, and has not much interest to viewers of this: email me if you want it forwarded: give an email address to forward it to.
As per usual, rely on this information at your own risk: we neither endorse, nor guarantee the content of dispatches emailed to us as a press contact of the SACBC.
To invite nothers to receive these emails:
In the email: Patricia refers to a person named:
Patrica Proctor.
We of course, know nothing about the program mentioned, only we got it, in an FYI via the Bishops conference!"
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
No comments:

Social Justice South Africa,
Southern African Catholic Dispatches

Monday, 19 January 2009
Response of the Office of Helen Zille (DA Leader) on concerns over homosexuality statements
(Scripturelink Voters guide)
Introduction by Marc Aupiais
The following is an Email Response, by the office of Helen Zille, leader of the DA (Democratic Alliance) in South Africa, and Mayor of Cape Town, to concerns raised, over a press release, in which the ANC were lambasted, for not supporting a document, which in addition to the noble cause of decriminalizing Homosexuality, legally: also promoted, and seemed to attempt to legislate "Gender theory": which would insinuate support of Homosexual civil unions: "Gay Marriage", something the church considers to be irreconcilable with Catholic morality, and society.
Date: 19 January 2009 16:06
Email: Leader < leader@da.org.za >
Title: Response from the office of Helen Zille
Respondent: Tammy Evans
Large sections of the Contents of Email Response:
"Dear Mr Aupiais
On behalf of Helen Zille, thank you for your e-mail.
As indicated in the press statement you refer to, the DA supports the decriminalisation of homosexuality in line with our Constitution.
The DA’s position on civil unions is the same as it always has been. Like all issues of conscience, the DA gives its members a free vote to vote in Parliament as they choose.
Giving our members a free vote on civil unions is compatible with the belief that homosexuality is not a crime.
I hope that this e-mail has served to clarify your concerns.
Please feel free to remain in touch with our office.
Tammy Evans
Political Assistant
Office of the Leader - Democratic Alliance
2nd floor, Marks Building, Parliament
Cape Town 8000"
This email (contact details somewhat excluded)
is in response to another by ourselves: to the DA:
"A DA objection, to not voting on a UN proposal by France has caught my attention. My objection, is not the protection of homosexual rights, but the same, as that given by the Vatican, when apposing such a proposal. The proposal promotes Gender theory, and therefore gay marriage. Yes, South Africa should have stated, they supported the principle of freedom from persecution, but support of that proposal means indirectly, seeming: support for Gay marriage (something that the SA populace does not in majority support): an issue that he DA has been neutral on previously. I would like a clarification from the DA: on their neutrality on this issue, as it will affect both my vote, and many others. This does affect moral issues, as the DA is in fact, willingly or not: making a stance on this issue!"
(to: leader@da.org.za;
date: 16 January 2009 15:39;
subject: Clarification needed, I represent a media initiative (3 days ago);
mailed-by gmail.com)
Introduction by Marc Aupiais
The following is an Email Response, by the office of Helen Zille, leader of the DA (Democratic Alliance) in South Africa, and Mayor of Cape Town, to concerns raised, over a press release, in which the ANC were lambasted, for not supporting a document, which in addition to the noble cause of decriminalizing Homosexuality, legally: also promoted, and seemed to attempt to legislate "Gender theory": which would insinuate support of Homosexual civil unions: "Gay Marriage", something the church considers to be irreconcilable with Catholic morality, and society.
Date: 19 January 2009 16:06
Email: Leader < leader@da.org.za >
Title: Response from the office of Helen Zille
Respondent: Tammy Evans
Large sections of the Contents of Email Response:
"Dear Mr Aupiais
On behalf of Helen Zille, thank you for your e-mail.
As indicated in the press statement you refer to, the DA supports the decriminalisation of homosexuality in line with our Constitution.
The DA’s position on civil unions is the same as it always has been. Like all issues of conscience, the DA gives its members a free vote to vote in Parliament as they choose.
Giving our members a free vote on civil unions is compatible with the belief that homosexuality is not a crime.
I hope that this e-mail has served to clarify your concerns.
Please feel free to remain in touch with our office.
Tammy Evans
Political Assistant
Office of the Leader - Democratic Alliance
2nd floor, Marks Building, Parliament
Cape Town 8000"
This email (contact details somewhat excluded)
is in response to another by ourselves: to the DA:
"A DA objection, to not voting on a UN proposal by France has caught my attention. My objection, is not the protection of homosexual rights, but the same, as that given by the Vatican, when apposing such a proposal. The proposal promotes Gender theory, and therefore gay marriage. Yes, South Africa should have stated, they supported the principle of freedom from persecution, but support of that proposal means indirectly, seeming: support for Gay marriage (something that the SA populace does not in majority support): an issue that he DA has been neutral on previously. I would like a clarification from the DA: on their neutrality on this issue, as it will affect both my vote, and many others. This does affect moral issues, as the DA is in fact, willingly or not: making a stance on this issue!"
(to: leader@da.org.za;
date: 16 January 2009 15:39;
subject: Clarification needed, I represent a media initiative (3 days ago);
mailed-by gmail.com)
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, January 19, 2009
No comments:

Sunday, 18 January 2009
Toronto Canada: Atheists set sites on buses: Canadian Children will be asking if there is a "good case" against God?
(Media Study South Africa; c.f. Canadian Globe and Mail (Canadian; Secular; Independent) 16 / Jan / 2009)
(Media Study South Africa; c.f. Canadian Globe and Mail (Canadian; Secular; Independent) 16 / Jan / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Canadian Catholic church has a dark history, it is undoubted: implication in a pro-abortion march, along with the Canadian Arm of the Catholic Woman's League, had already blackened their name. Unlike Italy, where adverts such as this were rejected as unethical; Toronto, could soon see adverts promoting Atheism, at subways, and on buses.
In ancient times, atheism, was a civil crime: a crime against the state: at least, in Ancient Greece. The comparison between atheistic, and structurally, and organized in form: religious cultures: easily shows difference in happiness, success, and other such things: according to a Study in the New York Times (Which is quite liberal itself).
Claims that such will increase discussion on the existence of a God: are likely nonsensical: some people should be angered, and such could create antagonism between religious and Atheists, also: children will see these boards, which undermine parents at a critical age.
Even if it were "probable" that God did not exist, if he were a mythical creature, like a lepracon: it would be rude to create an advert which said lepracons don't exist, it would be a biased, and bigoted attack on Ireland.
To advertise that Santa Clause did not exist, even though Saint Nicolas is a true basis of the mythical creature: well, and English Catholic Priest, who announced such to his congregation: was slandered in the press: so that even BBC heard the story. Such things don't create discussion, they create animosity, and discord in a society.
To believe God does not exist, to discuss this with other adults: perhaps, but placing such on buses, is not acceptable: children see buses, and such can only further degrade family structures, in Britain, America, Canada and Spain.
Much like basically naked people, shown in adverts for a "Sex" convention, in South Africa, which were placed on street advertising, anything in the view of children: which encourages unhealthy behavior, as Atheism does: should be confined to the realm of adults, if accepted at all. Personally, I think, both sex conventions, and Atheism, should be kept out of the public realm, by law. Simply, because of the economic, and social effects such have to damage a society. Atheism takes from people hope and happiness, and for what: a "realism", "skepticism": are these not things which make life unbearable: even if there is not a God: the image of one would spur people on to be kinder and more just: communist, and other atheistic projections: have always had the affect of disheartening people: and such is bad economically. It was also a lack of ethics: which caused the current economic downturn. Belief in a real Hell, and individual judgment: makes people more moral: and morality creates integrity, and integrity is the maintenance of a society, in that morality creates concord, and creates economic profit, for more, and often brings a nation prosperity.
Once again, the Canadian Catholic church, doesn't get good marks, on their "respect" of such things. Sadly, Canada: risks falling further morally; even as to her southern border, the United States of America is about to be caught in the hurricane of her own butterfly wings, unless something is done to reverse, or prevent coming changes promised by Barak Hussein Obama.
People have a right to their views on religion, a freedom to do so that is: but to force and impose that view on another's children: and to force them to read it whenever at the subway; such is attempting to engineer, and propagandize a people, via a sort of coercing: into thought structures not their own.
If I were Canadian, I would raise issue on this, if not simply on a blog, or facebook: and I would be sure to be careful which political party I vote for in future.
(Media Study South Africa; c.f. Canadian Globe and Mail (Canadian; Secular; Independent) 16 / Jan / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Canadian Catholic church has a dark history, it is undoubted: implication in a pro-abortion march, along with the Canadian Arm of the Catholic Woman's League, had already blackened their name. Unlike Italy, where adverts such as this were rejected as unethical; Toronto, could soon see adverts promoting Atheism, at subways, and on buses.
In ancient times, atheism, was a civil crime: a crime against the state: at least, in Ancient Greece. The comparison between atheistic, and structurally, and organized in form: religious cultures: easily shows difference in happiness, success, and other such things: according to a Study in the New York Times (Which is quite liberal itself).
Claims that such will increase discussion on the existence of a God: are likely nonsensical: some people should be angered, and such could create antagonism between religious and Atheists, also: children will see these boards, which undermine parents at a critical age.
Even if it were "probable" that God did not exist, if he were a mythical creature, like a lepracon: it would be rude to create an advert which said lepracons don't exist, it would be a biased, and bigoted attack on Ireland.
To advertise that Santa Clause did not exist, even though Saint Nicolas is a true basis of the mythical creature: well, and English Catholic Priest, who announced such to his congregation: was slandered in the press: so that even BBC heard the story. Such things don't create discussion, they create animosity, and discord in a society.
To believe God does not exist, to discuss this with other adults: perhaps, but placing such on buses, is not acceptable: children see buses, and such can only further degrade family structures, in Britain, America, Canada and Spain.
Much like basically naked people, shown in adverts for a "Sex" convention, in South Africa, which were placed on street advertising, anything in the view of children: which encourages unhealthy behavior, as Atheism does: should be confined to the realm of adults, if accepted at all. Personally, I think, both sex conventions, and Atheism, should be kept out of the public realm, by law. Simply, because of the economic, and social effects such have to damage a society. Atheism takes from people hope and happiness, and for what: a "realism", "skepticism": are these not things which make life unbearable: even if there is not a God: the image of one would spur people on to be kinder and more just: communist, and other atheistic projections: have always had the affect of disheartening people: and such is bad economically. It was also a lack of ethics: which caused the current economic downturn. Belief in a real Hell, and individual judgment: makes people more moral: and morality creates integrity, and integrity is the maintenance of a society, in that morality creates concord, and creates economic profit, for more, and often brings a nation prosperity.
Once again, the Canadian Catholic church, doesn't get good marks, on their "respect" of such things. Sadly, Canada: risks falling further morally; even as to her southern border, the United States of America is about to be caught in the hurricane of her own butterfly wings, unless something is done to reverse, or prevent coming changes promised by Barak Hussein Obama.
People have a right to their views on religion, a freedom to do so that is: but to force and impose that view on another's children: and to force them to read it whenever at the subway; such is attempting to engineer, and propagandize a people, via a sort of coercing: into thought structures not their own.
If I were Canadian, I would raise issue on this, if not simply on a blog, or facebook: and I would be sure to be careful which political party I vote for in future.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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Americas news,
Anti-catholic watch,
British news,
Media Influence,
Media Study South Africa,
with reference to the place:
Toronto, ON, Canada

Backlog:See What We See: News Archive: 17 / Jan 2009
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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"See What We See" Archives
with reference to the place:
Roodepoort, South Africa

South Africa: ANC President: only Afrikaaners: true african tribe, out of whites
(Scripturelink Voters Guide; c.f. IOL (Secular; South African; Independent) 12 / Jan / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
While the FF+'s ("Freedom Front Plus") leader Pieter Mulder: called statements, amounting to calling non-Afrikaner whites foreigners: clear political leadership, from ANC ("African National Congress") president, and leader: Jacob Zuma, whose followers have been accused of violence and intimidation, of average citizens, and even judges, and political leaders, many other voices, have seemed to remain silent.
Jacob Zuma, insinuated that having more than one passport, made a South African, not an African, and likened himself to an Afrikaner, saying they "are the only "white tribe" "on the continent" which belongs to Africa "Completely"".
Apartheid, was maintained under the Calvinistic, protestant, Afrikaans: Nationalist Party government, in which those not speaking Afrikaans were second class citizens, including English speaking people of European Descent. Those of different races: had different jobs available, and there was unequal treatment of peoples. Zuma supporters, stoned a woman, who looked like the one, now in exile, with the ANC saying her safety is not guaranteed, until she revokes accusations of rape against Zuma. He also, has tried every trick to escape being tried on corruption, in which his financial advisor, tried before him: was found guilty of a "Generally Corrupt" relationship with him.
Article by Marc Aupiais
While the FF+'s ("Freedom Front Plus") leader Pieter Mulder: called statements, amounting to calling non-Afrikaner whites foreigners: clear political leadership, from ANC ("African National Congress") president, and leader: Jacob Zuma, whose followers have been accused of violence and intimidation, of average citizens, and even judges, and political leaders, many other voices, have seemed to remain silent.
Jacob Zuma, insinuated that having more than one passport, made a South African, not an African, and likened himself to an Afrikaner, saying they "are the only "white tribe" "on the continent" which belongs to Africa "Completely"".
Apartheid, was maintained under the Calvinistic, protestant, Afrikaans: Nationalist Party government, in which those not speaking Afrikaans were second class citizens, including English speaking people of European Descent. Those of different races: had different jobs available, and there was unequal treatment of peoples. Zuma supporters, stoned a woman, who looked like the one, now in exile, with the ANC saying her safety is not guaranteed, until she revokes accusations of rape against Zuma. He also, has tried every trick to escape being tried on corruption, in which his financial advisor, tried before him: was found guilty of a "Generally Corrupt" relationship with him.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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Jacob Zuma,
South Africa

Atheists don't get away with intrusive, unprovable bus ads in Genoa, Italy
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. Reuters (Independent; British; Secular) 17 / 01 / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Atheist bus ads, denying the existence of God, without proving their unfounded views, which were set to hit the Italian city of Genoa, have been banned: the advertising company; due to a violation of advertising ethics: withdrew, and conservative politicians objected. Italy is largely Catholic.
In Washington DC, America; ads were allowed. In London, Britain, they were used, but these, those in Britain, are possibly to be challenged: as the atheists cannot prove their advert is accurate. In Barcelona, in secularist, socialist, anti-religious Spain: the adverts also appeared on buses.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Atheist bus ads, denying the existence of God, without proving their unfounded views, which were set to hit the Italian city of Genoa, have been banned: the advertising company; due to a violation of advertising ethics: withdrew, and conservative politicians objected. Italy is largely Catholic.
In Washington DC, America; ads were allowed. In London, Britain, they were used, but these, those in Britain, are possibly to be challenged: as the atheists cannot prove their advert is accurate. In Barcelona, in secularist, socialist, anti-religious Spain: the adverts also appeared on buses.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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Americas news,
British news,
Church Eurasia,
with reference to the place:
Genoa, Italy

Israel keeps her word: unilateral ceasefire, which Hamas has vowed to ignore
(Social Justice South Africa; Scripturelink Voters Guide; c.f. (thanks to a dear friend) CBSNEWS (Secular; Independent; American) 17 / Jan / 2009; c.f. BBC World News (Reliable; Secular; British; Government) 18 / Jan 2009; Archive 15 / Jan / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Israel said it was all about missiles, and considering the more cautious governance, of the ruling political forces, this seemed believable, and appears to be the case. Israel, has declared it would, and seems to have: unilaterally withdrawn offenses on the Gaza Strip, it plans to retain troops for ten more days, however, it will not launch fresh offenses, even as it has vowed that troops will defend themselves if and when Hamas believes it can attack. Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement), which the BBC suspects, could be funded by Iran, along with fellow terrorists: Hezbolla in their suspected funders: has itself, as Hamas, vowed to continue fighting, even as Israel has stopped offenses, resulting in a quite night, after about three weeks of fighting.
Israeli troops, remain, so that they and Egypt, can arrange security, to prevent Hamas from smuggling in weapons, to restart offenses. After the Unilateral Ceasefire, Hamas, which still has the destruction of Israel, which they do not recognize as a state: as their goal: still wanted bloodshed. At least one missile was launched against Israel after the truce went into effect, according to CBS, quoting a source called "Bergers".
1200 Palestinians have died in this conflict, as well as at least ten Israelis. What a child and woman is in this conflict is hard to determine. Being under the age of 18 makes one a child: but in Islamist conflicts, women have been suicide bombers, and perhaps could be militants, and children have become militants.
Facilities, and resources of many humanitarian, or relief groups, have been casualty to air-strikes in this conflict, and the UN is worried about the state of hospitals. Israel was accused of disproportionate force in protecting her borders, but countered that their civilians were being hit.
A probable reason for Israeli speed, and proportions; is that the Bush administration is set to leave soon: even with a proportionate response, it is much less likely, that Israel would get away with defending their borders under the Democrat Obama, who in this issue, said, via advisors: he would not cause two authorities, but who has spoken up on almost everything else. It seemed an odd statement to make. Barak Hussein Obama: voted to euthanise abortion survivors, and wants to get rid of parental consent for abortion. He has not, during the fighting: commented on the deathly situation in the Gaza Strip.
This entire conflict, could probably, have been done, and likely would have been done in a smaller, more civilized manner: if Israel knew it could rely on international support, as it protected its borders. Humanitarian casualties, and the entire situation, would probably have been low key in such a situation, whereby those currently in power in Israel, had previously been extremely soft, even to the point of endangering their political future: on the Gaza Strip situation. They only launched offenses: after a period of daily attacks on civilians.
This is not to justify the offensive; it is however to state what appears to be fact: Israel thought this proportion of force was utterly necessary. Considering stances of those in power in Israel, previous stances before this conflict: should they have believed there was an easier, less collateral spewed manner to protect Israel, they likely would have taken it. Before the counterstrike was launched, Israel, had already given up hope of international solutions. Also, efforts by the international community, as we, and any astute analyst would have predicted, and as we did predict: were not the ones to end this conflict: as we predicted, it was ended purely at the whims of Israel, as would be obvious.
As long as the world shows such blatant bias in judging conflicts, rather than realizing the root cause of these, and realizing who started what: civilian casualties will remain high in situations such as this one. If no-one else will look after Israel, Israel will: the problem is, the manner in which they now can: in that a smaller attack would have had as much backlash, and no attack, would mean allowing terrorism against their innocent civilians.
Blame for collateral damage: must be placed equally on Israel, and on Hamas: and on every biased voice which misrepresented this conflict. Refusal to reason by Hamas, and outright provocation, cannot be ignored. The Hague should be consulted on this issue. From all appearances, it appears as though the Israeli hand seemed almost forced: forced by fear of reprisals when Bush left, and by political pressure, by their own women and children, and rabbits, and dogs, and boys and men: and even an infant: by those facing daily terror attacks: in a war between hateful extremists, and civilians: in which a military chose to intervene.
Before the world says "Never Again", and then forgets they have: one must look at the core of the issue: the reason this tragedy has occurred: lies squarely on the arms of the international community: on the international hatred and bias: so evident (Archive 15 / Jan / 2009) in France recently: which had, when this situation was minor: completely ignored the plight of Israel: so that Israel did, as they always had: and put on a display, which cost, in this case, in a way: 1200 or more or less lives.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Israel said it was all about missiles, and considering the more cautious governance, of the ruling political forces, this seemed believable, and appears to be the case. Israel, has declared it would, and seems to have: unilaterally withdrawn offenses on the Gaza Strip, it plans to retain troops for ten more days, however, it will not launch fresh offenses, even as it has vowed that troops will defend themselves if and when Hamas believes it can attack. Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement), which the BBC suspects, could be funded by Iran, along with fellow terrorists: Hezbolla in their suspected funders: has itself, as Hamas, vowed to continue fighting, even as Israel has stopped offenses, resulting in a quite night, after about three weeks of fighting.
Israeli troops, remain, so that they and Egypt, can arrange security, to prevent Hamas from smuggling in weapons, to restart offenses. After the Unilateral Ceasefire, Hamas, which still has the destruction of Israel, which they do not recognize as a state: as their goal: still wanted bloodshed. At least one missile was launched against Israel after the truce went into effect, according to CBS, quoting a source called "Bergers".
1200 Palestinians have died in this conflict, as well as at least ten Israelis. What a child and woman is in this conflict is hard to determine. Being under the age of 18 makes one a child: but in Islamist conflicts, women have been suicide bombers, and perhaps could be militants, and children have become militants.
Facilities, and resources of many humanitarian, or relief groups, have been casualty to air-strikes in this conflict, and the UN is worried about the state of hospitals. Israel was accused of disproportionate force in protecting her borders, but countered that their civilians were being hit.
A probable reason for Israeli speed, and proportions; is that the Bush administration is set to leave soon: even with a proportionate response, it is much less likely, that Israel would get away with defending their borders under the Democrat Obama, who in this issue, said, via advisors: he would not cause two authorities, but who has spoken up on almost everything else. It seemed an odd statement to make. Barak Hussein Obama: voted to euthanise abortion survivors, and wants to get rid of parental consent for abortion. He has not, during the fighting: commented on the deathly situation in the Gaza Strip.
This entire conflict, could probably, have been done, and likely would have been done in a smaller, more civilized manner: if Israel knew it could rely on international support, as it protected its borders. Humanitarian casualties, and the entire situation, would probably have been low key in such a situation, whereby those currently in power in Israel, had previously been extremely soft, even to the point of endangering their political future: on the Gaza Strip situation. They only launched offenses: after a period of daily attacks on civilians.
This is not to justify the offensive; it is however to state what appears to be fact: Israel thought this proportion of force was utterly necessary. Considering stances of those in power in Israel, previous stances before this conflict: should they have believed there was an easier, less collateral spewed manner to protect Israel, they likely would have taken it. Before the counterstrike was launched, Israel, had already given up hope of international solutions. Also, efforts by the international community, as we, and any astute analyst would have predicted, and as we did predict: were not the ones to end this conflict: as we predicted, it was ended purely at the whims of Israel, as would be obvious.
As long as the world shows such blatant bias in judging conflicts, rather than realizing the root cause of these, and realizing who started what: civilian casualties will remain high in situations such as this one. If no-one else will look after Israel, Israel will: the problem is, the manner in which they now can: in that a smaller attack would have had as much backlash, and no attack, would mean allowing terrorism against their innocent civilians.
Blame for collateral damage: must be placed equally on Israel, and on Hamas: and on every biased voice which misrepresented this conflict. Refusal to reason by Hamas, and outright provocation, cannot be ignored. The Hague should be consulted on this issue. From all appearances, it appears as though the Israeli hand seemed almost forced: forced by fear of reprisals when Bush left, and by political pressure, by their own women and children, and rabbits, and dogs, and boys and men: and even an infant: by those facing daily terror attacks: in a war between hateful extremists, and civilians: in which a military chose to intervene.
Before the world says "Never Again", and then forgets they have: one must look at the core of the issue: the reason this tragedy has occurred: lies squarely on the arms of the international community: on the international hatred and bias: so evident (Archive 15 / Jan / 2009) in France recently: which had, when this situation was minor: completely ignored the plight of Israel: so that Israel did, as they always had: and put on a display, which cost, in this case, in a way: 1200 or more or less lives.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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Americas Politics,
Conflicts maintained by hatred,
Gaza Strip,
Hate Speach,
Islamic conflicts,
Middle East,
Scripturelink Voters Guide,
Social Justice South Africa
with reference to the place:

Saturday, 17 January 2009
Israel Announces Gaza Cease-fire
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says Israel will unilaterally halt its 22-day offensive against Hamas as of 2 a.m. local time (7 p.m. EST) tonight.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
A friend of a Saint
Saturday, January 17, 2009
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A Friend Of A Saint Posts
Vatican: Pope to get (Google powered) YouTube channel- Vatican official- AP - Reuters etc
(Media Study South Africa; c.f. Reuters (Secular; British; Independent) 17 / Jan / 2009; AP (Associated Press)(American; Independent; Secular) 17 / Jan / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Pope Benedict XVI's Vatican brought out Google search for their website, which was originally brought out under his predecessor, in 1995. Now, Google, and the Vatican are collaborating again. The Vatican is due to release a YouTube channel (YouTube is wholly owned by Google), a channel, which will show videos of papal speaches: as well as present to the world: the text versions of these. Henrique de Castro, managing Director (MD) of Media Solutions, for Google, as well as Vatican Representation, according to Reuters, will be at a presentation, next Friday, of this information. YouTube, is own by Google: who were involved in a push for keeping "Gay" "Marriage" legal in California, against proposition 8.
The Vatican, like many other Catholic organizations, including the Scripturelink initiatives, of which this is one: are increasingly using Google tools, for their effectiveness. Yahoo, meanwhile: appears to have improved: drastically, their search engine, since the last use, by Scripturelink, when it was found wholly inadequate. It now, has phenomenally improved its search technology. The initiate itself involves: Google, Vatican Television Center, and Vatican Radio.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Pope Benedict XVI's Vatican brought out Google search for their website, which was originally brought out under his predecessor, in 1995. Now, Google, and the Vatican are collaborating again. The Vatican is due to release a YouTube channel (YouTube is wholly owned by Google), a channel, which will show videos of papal speaches: as well as present to the world: the text versions of these. Henrique de Castro, managing Director (MD) of Media Solutions, for Google, as well as Vatican Representation, according to Reuters, will be at a presentation, next Friday, of this information. YouTube, is own by Google: who were involved in a push for keeping "Gay" "Marriage" legal in California, against proposition 8.
The Vatican, like many other Catholic organizations, including the Scripturelink initiatives, of which this is one: are increasingly using Google tools, for their effectiveness. Yahoo, meanwhile: appears to have improved: drastically, their search engine, since the last use, by Scripturelink, when it was found wholly inadequate. It now, has phenomenally improved its search technology. The initiate itself involves: Google, Vatican Television Center, and Vatican Radio.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, January 17, 2009
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Media Influence,
Media Study South Africa,
New Media,
Pope Benedict XVI,
Vatican City State

Character: It's what you do when no one's looking!
What is your character? Is it your disposition, if that’s all it is I’m good, I wake up happy always, I try to look to the brighter side of things and I smile and laugh randomly at the wackiness of our world and the people in it? I’m lucky to have been born this way for sure, I was born happy. Happy is a personality trait different from feeling happiness. But being happy isn’t all there is to it, my character needs to be satisfied and content. I'm happiest when I am working towards a goal or accomplishment. Contentment is happiness. What is satisfaction, a goal, an end result a completed job, when are we content enough, after how many accomplishments, projects or goals? Is it stuff I need to be satisfied, when is enough, can less not be more? When are we complete and satisfied? When we complete school, get that great job, get married, move into a dream home, have children or when we retire, when are we truly happy and satisfied with ourselves, is it again only after the completed current task that our characters demands and we want to build so other see us as content? Why do we always think wishing our lives to fast forward to when we finish this or that we will be happy, after each accomplishment we have strived to work hard to complete, that it then will bring happiness and our character will be complete?
Do you behave one way privately and another publicly with your friends, associates etc? Your private life is supposed to be your own and nobody else’s business, correct? If you have both doesn’t that then mean you have two lives, a private one and then a public one, but they are two very different characteristics of personality? If we split our personalities into two or more characters it goes against the meaning of character which is integrity.
Integrity is whole, meaning one, so if we have more than one personality (private and public) we have a broken character with no integrity. If you have integrity, it is an unbroken condition and only ONE whole character which would be integrity.
If you think you can run your life with a break in one part without it ever affecting the other parts I don’t believe it works that way, sooner rather than later it will implode or spill into the your entire life.
Living your life in private as you do in public prevents you losing integrity or vise versa. A good way to keep integrity in your life is to pay attention to the little things you do, in private or public. Don’t live your life to please others. Live your life to please God and yourself. It’s one thing to know and understand what’s right it’s another to do it. Be honest with yourself, truly honest inside, be honest with others and be honest when speaking to God daily. Character takes time to develop, you determine your true character while others determine your reputation. Let your words always be the truth to whomever they are spoken, keep your promises, honour commitments and meet deadlines. Listen to God’s promises and always stand behind yours.
Everyone seems to long for happiness. It seems to be the peace of mind that goes along with contentment. We keep moving ahead with our lives, time never stops, it seems to go faster, there is never enough time, we are busy, adrenaline is always rushing constantly to the next thought or idea, caught up in a vicious cycle of the fast paced world, over committing ourselves, overspending and over working. Believing if we complete all these things we are sure to be or find happiness or peace of mind?? Constantly, striving, consuming and accumulating does not bring happiness. It just brings anxiety, worry, unhappiness, stress and usually we become very ineffective actually in all areas.
Balance is the key to it all, can you slow down and look at some true qualities of what has pleased you so far in your life and made you happy today, presently, now? Are you enjoying yourself and content today with your success? Its a beautiful day today, presently, with what we have and have been given.
When you are in discontentment mode, not happy or in a state of want ... it doesn’t mean you are lazy, this affects us all, everyone is equal here, the rich and poor are the same species, we react the same ... we both want more stuff.
Being content doesn’t mean you are deprived or disadvantaged of material ... there is power in happiness because you are content with what you have today, you are free basically and happy, free from the stress of discontentment of it never being enough.
It is great to be content and still ambitious. If you base your desires and contentment towards the commandments while you serve God and build your character. If you are ambitious and help others, improve yourself to have an effect on the world, then when you fulfill your ambitions it brings you happiness and contentment, all while building character.
Do you behave one way privately and another publicly with your friends, associates etc? Your private life is supposed to be your own and nobody else’s business, correct? If you have both doesn’t that then mean you have two lives, a private one and then a public one, but they are two very different characteristics of personality? If we split our personalities into two or more characters it goes against the meaning of character which is integrity.
Integrity is whole, meaning one, so if we have more than one personality (private and public) we have a broken character with no integrity. If you have integrity, it is an unbroken condition and only ONE whole character which would be integrity.
If you think you can run your life with a break in one part without it ever affecting the other parts I don’t believe it works that way, sooner rather than later it will implode or spill into the your entire life.
Living your life in private as you do in public prevents you losing integrity or vise versa. A good way to keep integrity in your life is to pay attention to the little things you do, in private or public. Don’t live your life to please others. Live your life to please God and yourself. It’s one thing to know and understand what’s right it’s another to do it. Be honest with yourself, truly honest inside, be honest with others and be honest when speaking to God daily. Character takes time to develop, you determine your true character while others determine your reputation. Let your words always be the truth to whomever they are spoken, keep your promises, honour commitments and meet deadlines. Listen to God’s promises and always stand behind yours.
Everyone seems to long for happiness. It seems to be the peace of mind that goes along with contentment. We keep moving ahead with our lives, time never stops, it seems to go faster, there is never enough time, we are busy, adrenaline is always rushing constantly to the next thought or idea, caught up in a vicious cycle of the fast paced world, over committing ourselves, overspending and over working. Believing if we complete all these things we are sure to be or find happiness or peace of mind?? Constantly, striving, consuming and accumulating does not bring happiness. It just brings anxiety, worry, unhappiness, stress and usually we become very ineffective actually in all areas.
Balance is the key to it all, can you slow down and look at some true qualities of what has pleased you so far in your life and made you happy today, presently, now? Are you enjoying yourself and content today with your success? Its a beautiful day today, presently, with what we have and have been given.
When you are in discontentment mode, not happy or in a state of want ... it doesn’t mean you are lazy, this affects us all, everyone is equal here, the rich and poor are the same species, we react the same ... we both want more stuff.
Being content doesn’t mean you are deprived or disadvantaged of material ... there is power in happiness because you are content with what you have today, you are free basically and happy, free from the stress of discontentment of it never being enough.
It is great to be content and still ambitious. If you base your desires and contentment towards the commandments while you serve God and build your character. If you are ambitious and help others, improve yourself to have an effect on the world, then when you fulfill your ambitions it brings you happiness and contentment, all while building character.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
A friend of a Saint
Saturday, January 17, 2009
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A Friend Of A Saint Posts
Friday, 16 January 2009
South Africa: DA (Democratic Alliance): in support of Homosexuality: addition to previous reviews
(Scripturelink Voters guide; c.f. IOL (Independent; Secular; South African) 12 / Jan / 2009; c.f. Archive 03 / Dec / 2008; c.f. Archive 12 / Dec / 2008; c.f. 23 / Dec / 2009; DA Support, on their own website 11 January 2008 (see such))
(Note, while this is not to justify the stance they took on this issue, they have replied to our request for a response via email, we have recorded their response, from Helen Zille: in another post: in which they reaffirm party policy, to allow in the SA Parliament: Freedom of Conscience, on moral issues: Response of the Office of Helen Zille (DA Leader) on concerns over homosexuality statements: http://southafricancatholic.blogspot.com/2009/01/response-of-office-of-helen-zille-da.html )
Article by Marc Aupiais
The DA, who have previously gained a relatively good rating from us, have done something, which calls into question their dignity. Tony Leon, their Foreign Affairs spokesperson, has asked, via questions submitted in parliament: the ANC's Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, who is South Africa's foreign minister, why RSA ("The Republic of South Africa"); did not vote for a UN (United Nations) push, considered as anti-religious discrimination, by the Vatican: which affirmed "Gender Theory", and attacked religious: in a move, claimed to be aimed at legalizing homosexuality throughout the world.
Their stance, if with an understanding of the document: would seem to insinuate support for Gay marriage: a definite seeming change in policy on the issue.
This note is based on an article in IOL: stating that Tony Leon Stated:
9IOL (Independent; Secular; South African) 12 / Jan / 2009)
The DA's previous record on "claimed" neutrality on moral issues, seems somewhat broken in this recent escapade. The UN resolution, fronted by France, was apposed by 60 nations, via a direct, joint statement, and in a addition,in a statement, which also rejected calls by those 60 nations: linking homosexuality to child molesting: as incorrect, the Vatican also rejected such: saying that they rejected it: due to clauses which encouraged anti-religious persecution.
66 nations, including the EU: supported the initiative.
The wording of the resolution, was thought by the Vatican to contravene the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in it's affirmation of Gender theory: in so far as the Vatican directly stated: that it would likely lead to persecution of natural, universally accepted marriage: and put pressure on nations to accept "Gay Marriage": something, which the church considers an objective evil. Attacks on marriage: which the church considers the union between one man and one woman, aimed at unity and childcare: are considered enough to disqualify a party: so far as voting is concerned: unless voting for such a party: consists of supporting the lesser of two evils; so as to prevent greater evil.
4 out of 5 (80%) of South Africans, consider homosexual acts to be always wrong. This according to the statutory body for statistics http://www.hsrc.ac.za/Document-39.phtml
We have sent an electronic communication to the DA's Guateng Representation, asking for comment on this issue, and informing them of the "Gender Theory" bias of the proposition, they seem to be raising issues about. We will hopefully have a response, or update on this issue soon.
We have also informed the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference of this, we shall hopefully be able to keep you up to date on such things.
The ANC, which is seemingly, politically speaking: "radically" in support of the pro-abortion, and pro-gay marriage camps, as compared definite opposition in South Africa: and their choice to force these issues through (i.e. "radically" when nine out of ten South Africans (90%) appose abortion, and 4 out of 5 think homosexual acts are always wrong: they still chose to force MPs (Members of Parliament) to support such,something which makes them different in this issue, than South Africa's norm in demographics), responded, saying that they simply had not gotten around to signing it, but supported it. The South African ambassador to the UN (United Nations), Dumisani Kumalo, stated that it was not signed: so as not to offend other African nations: of which 6 alone sign it. 47 African Nations did not sign the December 18th proposal.
Abortion laws in South Africa: are considered in Catholic theology, to violate the right of conscientious objection, to participating in the killing of the yet to be born baby.
January 18th, is set forth as a day for the sanctity of Life, in the United States (Of America), under outgoing US (American) President George W Bush, who is doing so, in a stance by the White House against abortion. US (American) President Elect Barak Hussein Obama, has vowed to overturn laws requiring parental consent for abortions, and recently voted to allow a child which survived abortion, to be killed. His most clear promises, seem to be in this field: where he plans to get more funding to abortionists, and wherein, many appointees to vital positions in his administration: are ideologically pro-abortion, raising questions, as to his purpose in appointing these people to such positions.
His vowed legislation, is radical, and seems biased. Many American Catholic bishops, outright apposed him, including a senior Vatican aid. Vatican Representation, say that if legislation, he has promised to pass, passes, such would be seen as an act of war.
One the DA Issue, their own website states:
On receipt of the news that South Africa refused to support a declaration by the United Nations General Assembly on Human Rights Day in December 2008 calling for the decriminalisation of homosexuality I submitted on Friday 9 January 2009 the following questions to the Minister of Foreign Affairs:
1. Whether she can indicate why the South African government failed to support a declaration by the United Nations General Assembly on Human Rights Day, calling for the decriminalisation of homosexuality; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
2. whether her Office has considered the ramifications of the South African government’s failure to support this declaration for the South African government’s reputation, both internationally and domestically, in terms of being committed to (a) upholding its Constitution and the values enshrined in it and (b) promoting the freedom of its people as well as the people of other countries; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
Our failure to translate our domestic Constitution and legislation into international support for human rights is clearly motivated by a desire not to offend some of the most retrogressive and authoritarian countries in the world. This contradiction between what we practise at home and preach abroad is entirely and unhappily consistent with our role call of dismal votes on the United Nations Security Council during our ill-starred tenure there which ended in December 2008."
(DA (Seular; South African; Political party: Press Release 11 / 01 / 2009; no copyright listed)
(Note, while this is not to justify the stance they took on this issue, they have replied to our request for a response via email, we have recorded their response, from Helen Zille: in another post: in which they reaffirm party policy, to allow in the SA Parliament: Freedom of Conscience, on moral issues: Response of the Office of Helen Zille (DA Leader) on concerns over homosexuality statements: http://southafricancatholic.blogspot.com/2009/01/response-of-office-of-helen-zille-da.html )
Article by Marc Aupiais
The DA, who have previously gained a relatively good rating from us, have done something, which calls into question their dignity. Tony Leon, their Foreign Affairs spokesperson, has asked, via questions submitted in parliament: the ANC's Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, who is South Africa's foreign minister, why RSA ("The Republic of South Africa"); did not vote for a UN (United Nations) push, considered as anti-religious discrimination, by the Vatican: which affirmed "Gender Theory", and attacked religious: in a move, claimed to be aimed at legalizing homosexuality throughout the world.
Their stance, if with an understanding of the document: would seem to insinuate support for Gay marriage: a definite seeming change in policy on the issue.
This note is based on an article in IOL: stating that Tony Leon Stated:
""Our failure to translate our domestic constitution and legislation into international support for human rights is clearly motivated by a desire not to offend some of the most retrogressive and authoritarian countries in the world," Leon said."
9IOL (Independent; Secular; South African) 12 / Jan / 2009)
The DA's previous record on "claimed" neutrality on moral issues, seems somewhat broken in this recent escapade. The UN resolution, fronted by France, was apposed by 60 nations, via a direct, joint statement, and in a addition,in a statement, which also rejected calls by those 60 nations: linking homosexuality to child molesting: as incorrect, the Vatican also rejected such: saying that they rejected it: due to clauses which encouraged anti-religious persecution.
66 nations, including the EU: supported the initiative.
The wording of the resolution, was thought by the Vatican to contravene the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in it's affirmation of Gender theory: in so far as the Vatican directly stated: that it would likely lead to persecution of natural, universally accepted marriage: and put pressure on nations to accept "Gay Marriage": something, which the church considers an objective evil. Attacks on marriage: which the church considers the union between one man and one woman, aimed at unity and childcare: are considered enough to disqualify a party: so far as voting is concerned: unless voting for such a party: consists of supporting the lesser of two evils; so as to prevent greater evil.
4 out of 5 (80%) of South Africans, consider homosexual acts to be always wrong. This according to the statutory body for statistics http://www.hsrc.ac.za/Document-39.phtml
We have sent an electronic communication to the DA's Guateng Representation, asking for comment on this issue, and informing them of the "Gender Theory" bias of the proposition, they seem to be raising issues about. We will hopefully have a response, or update on this issue soon.
We have also informed the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference of this, we shall hopefully be able to keep you up to date on such things.
The ANC, which is seemingly, politically speaking: "radically" in support of the pro-abortion, and pro-gay marriage camps, as compared definite opposition in South Africa: and their choice to force these issues through (i.e. "radically" when nine out of ten South Africans (90%) appose abortion, and 4 out of 5 think homosexual acts are always wrong: they still chose to force MPs (Members of Parliament) to support such,something which makes them different in this issue, than South Africa's norm in demographics), responded, saying that they simply had not gotten around to signing it, but supported it. The South African ambassador to the UN (United Nations), Dumisani Kumalo, stated that it was not signed: so as not to offend other African nations: of which 6 alone sign it. 47 African Nations did not sign the December 18th proposal.
Abortion laws in South Africa: are considered in Catholic theology, to violate the right of conscientious objection, to participating in the killing of the yet to be born baby.
January 18th, is set forth as a day for the sanctity of Life, in the United States (Of America), under outgoing US (American) President George W Bush, who is doing so, in a stance by the White House against abortion. US (American) President Elect Barak Hussein Obama, has vowed to overturn laws requiring parental consent for abortions, and recently voted to allow a child which survived abortion, to be killed. His most clear promises, seem to be in this field: where he plans to get more funding to abortionists, and wherein, many appointees to vital positions in his administration: are ideologically pro-abortion, raising questions, as to his purpose in appointing these people to such positions.
His vowed legislation, is radical, and seems biased. Many American Catholic bishops, outright apposed him, including a senior Vatican aid. Vatican Representation, say that if legislation, he has promised to pass, passes, such would be seen as an act of war.
One the DA Issue, their own website states:
On receipt of the news that South Africa refused to support a declaration by the United Nations General Assembly on Human Rights Day in December 2008 calling for the decriminalisation of homosexuality I submitted on Friday 9 January 2009 the following questions to the Minister of Foreign Affairs:
1. Whether she can indicate why the South African government failed to support a declaration by the United Nations General Assembly on Human Rights Day, calling for the decriminalisation of homosexuality; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
2. whether her Office has considered the ramifications of the South African government’s failure to support this declaration for the South African government’s reputation, both internationally and domestically, in terms of being committed to (a) upholding its Constitution and the values enshrined in it and (b) promoting the freedom of its people as well as the people of other countries; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
Our failure to translate our domestic Constitution and legislation into international support for human rights is clearly motivated by a desire not to offend some of the most retrogressive and authoritarian countries in the world. This contradiction between what we practise at home and preach abroad is entirely and unhappily consistent with our role call of dismal votes on the United Nations Security Council during our ill-starred tenure there which ended in December 2008."
(DA (Seular; South African; Political party: Press Release 11 / 01 / 2009; no copyright listed)
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, January 16, 2009
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Democratic Alliance,
Gender Theory,
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