Thursday 31 May 2012

Nature Magazine: Birds are juvenile Dinosaurs! Dinosaurs are Not Extinct!


'Birds are actually infant / juvenile / baby dinosaurs': Nature Magazine suggests that dinosaurs didn't die out, they evolved away their adulthood! Reminds one of Justin Bieber, and the danger of cougars!!

'“[...] understand that one portion of its life can be parceled out and made into the entire lifespan of a new, and in this case, radically successful organism.”'

source: Planet Save | 'Birds Evolved From Dinosaurs By Remaining ‘Juveniles’' by NATHAN at MAY 31, 2012

Nature Magazine | 'Birds have paedomorphic dinosaur skulls' by Bhart-Anjan S. Bhullar et al at 27 May 2012

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Obama tries to abuse Religious left!


It's okay... as long as... it's okay as long as

It's okay as long as the state controls the religion. The opposite is what they really don't want. It's page of a book out of Communist China, and Napoleonic France!
Melanie Jones originally shared this post:
Correct me if I'm wrong ... but isn't it the democrats who cry about conservatives and separation of church and state? ... but it's perfectly okay for Eric Holder to talk to black pastors about supporting #obama
Holder to brief black pastors on campaign 2012 | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner »
Attorney General Eric Holder, the IRS, and the liberal lawyers at the ACLU will brief several hundred pastors in the African American community on how to participate in the presidential election -- wh...

Is This Barack Obama's Spending Theme song... ?


Is This Barack Obama's Spending Theme song... when he wastes taxes?It would be mine!

#gplussersformitt Join the Crusade! +Mitt Romney for USA President!

Child Sex Fiasco: Parliament finally! amends sex law, which would have allowed child abusers, sexual predators, etc to get off scott free!


Child Sex Fiasco: Parliament finally! amends sex law, which would have allowed child abusers, sexual predators, etc to get off scott free!

'A Party for Abusers'?

'MPs convened following a decision by the Western Cape High Court that a man who had been convicted of forcibly fondling a woman could not be sentenced because there was no penalty for such a crime.

The law does not stipulate a sentence for this offence and 28 other sexual crimes including sexual assault, consensual sexual acts with children, sexual exploitation and grooming of children, and sexual offences against mentally disturbed people.'

The New Age (government controlled) | 'Sex law amended' by Siyabonga Mkhwanazi at May 30 2012 6:39AM SAST

Wikileaks Julian Assange extradited to Sweden to Face Rape Charge! He is likely also to Face USA judge over treason Charge!


Wikileaks Julian Assange extradited to Sweden to Face Rape Charge! He is likely also to Face USA judge over treason Charge!

'Britain's Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden over alleged sex crimes, closing his final legal avenue of appeal in Britain.'

IOL | 'Assange loses extradition case' by AFP at May 30 2012 at 10:47am SAST

Chromebook! Google's new Cloud Computer makes a splash: finally!


Chromebook! Google's new Cloud Computer makes a splash: finally! Microsoft Watch Out! That said, I'm sticking with my Microsoft Word: None of the other computers have a word processor I like as much!
Sundar Pichai originally shared this post:
Last year we announced
a new kind of computer
This is the next step

Excited about the next step in our Chrome OS journey. Today we’re introducing new and faster hardware, a revamped UI experience, and more robust apps. Congrats to the team!

Reminds one of a Horror movie lols! But it's good to see GeoPayments technology entering South Africa!

Reminds one of a Horror movie lols! But it's good to see GeoPayments technology entering South Africa!

p.s. here's them explaining GeoPayments... the FNB CEO seems so pleased to be CEO, it's flipping fantastic. It is an interesting application, although an actor may have been a better choice: FNB CEO Michael Jordaan talks innovation and explains GeoPay on the FNB App .

and of course their horror! advert!

A day in the life of Mary -- FNB GeoPay !

Map of The African World... Gauteng Edition ;)!~


Map of The African World... Gauteng Edition ;)!~

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Syrian Massacre deeply upsets Pope!

Syrian Massacre deeply upsets Pope!
'Leaders and believers of different religions are called to promote peace through prayer and mutual cooperation'! Vatican assures, only by peace and dialogue to it, will an answer be found for Syria!

IOL | 'Pope pained by Syrian massacre' by Sapa-AFP at May 29 2012 13:31:47 SAST

This is what a music video looks like...

For those music refugees, born after 1990... This is what a music video looks like... and wow ... did you notice she didn't even have to prostitute herself with overt and obscene references to sex... and thus didn't pervert the young ones ;)!~ Please help us return music to Real Music, by Real People, with CREATIVE Music Videos! LOLS! Join the crusade! P.s. This is one of my favourite artists! and I've added it to my personal YouTube Music Playlist, I suggest doing the same: with yours : create a music playlist, and put songs on it you actually like! 

Limitation sky... Tonight... will I be lost forever... Natalie Imbruglia - Beauty On The Fire !

Decided to take a risk!


Decided to take a risk! I've started posting my Google Plus, and major stories on Facebook! Please like my page, I may lose my current fans if they don't like it, so would appreciate support here!

- Marc Aupiais!

A political gamble...


Democrats to lose out on their political statement! The reason they caused this recall, which the Republican will win, is because of a law, which most citizens in Wisconsin support! #gplussersformitt 

The law they recalled him for actually has more support than opposition in Wisconsin! According to this editorial from the Democrat supporting New York Times online, quoted below. 

'Meanwhile, the collective bargaining issue that inspired the recall effort seems to have faded from memory and does not appear to be much of a burden for Mr. Walker. According to the Marquette poll, 50 percent of Wisconsin residents prefer the law as it is now under Mr. Walker, while 43 percent would prefer the old one.'

Five Thirty Eight Blog of the New York Times | 'In Wisconsin, Walker Is Likely to Survive Recall' by By NATE SILVER at May 24, 2012, 2:12 PM New York Time

Good to see republicans gaining ground on the issues also. Whoever decided to force him to step down term was an idiot. I wish more democrats were that stupid.

Thanks for update, +Melanie Jones

Melanie Jones originally shared this post:
Pointless recall puts Wisconsin in play for +Mitt Romney Thanks :)))
Pointless recall puts Wisconsin in play for Romney | Times247 »
It’s no scoop that the Democrats are expecting an embarrassing defeat in Tuesday’s Wisconsin gubernatorial recall race. M...

Earthquake! 8 Dead from northern Italy Quake!


Earthquake! 8 Dead from northern Italy Quake!
8 Dead In Italy as 5.8 Richter Scale Earthquake strikes 24.8 Miles (40 Kilometers) North-North-West of Bologna, at 9:00:03 AM CET! This is the second major fatal quake in under 10 days! On May 20 seven people died in a Richter 6.0!

'A magnitude 5.8 earthquake has struck Northern Itay at a depth of 9.6 km (6 miles), the quake hit at 07:00:03 UTC Tuesday 29th May 2012
The epicenter was 40 km (24.8 miles) NNW from Bologna, Italy'

EQReporter | ' M 5.8 EARTHQUAKE - NORTHERN ITALY 5/29/12 ' by EQReporter at May 29th USA Time

Fox News | 'At least 8 dead after 5.8-magnitude earthquake hits northern Italy' by Associated Press at May 29, 2012 USA Time

Monday 28 May 2012

As Pope's Butler is charged with his seeming act of treason, the fallout continues in the World's oldest Organization.


Shocking #Vatican Leaks continues to spiral! As Pope's Butler is charged with his seeming act of treason, the fallout continues in the World's oldest Organization.

'One prominent cardinal, illustrating the growing emotion of the debate in Vatican circles, wrote in an Italian newspaper that the pope had been betrayed just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago.


Gabriele - now known in Vatican statements as "the defendant" - was until Wednesday night the quiet man who served the pope's meals, helped him dress and held his umbrella on rainy days.


"I feel very sad for the pope. This whole thing is such a disservice to the Church," Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus'

Reuters | 'Vatican faces widening of leaks scandal' by Philip Pullella; Editing by Ralph Boulton at Sun May 27, 2012 2:25pm EDT Vatican Time

100004 yay!


SACNS has had 1 00 004 Page views, since Google Opened Google Stats for Blogger!

That's One Hundred Thousand Plus Page Views!

Thanks for sticking with us!

Marc Evan Aupiais!

Teach a Man to Fish! Johannesburg City to help the poor create vegetable gardens for R 7 million


Teach a Man to Fish! Johannesburg City to help the poor create vegetable gardens for R 7 million (USD 1 million). This strikes me as a much better solution than the Welfare state the National ANC is attempting to create!

The Sowetan Newspaper | 'Joburg promises to create 45,000 jobs' by HLENGIWE NHLABATHI at MAY 28, 2012 SAST

Twitter Analysis Predicts American Idol Winner, Elections, Stock Market Jitters!


Twitter Analysis Predicts American Idol Winner, Elections, Stock Market Jitters!

'The work, published in the Journal of Computational Science last year, found that shifts in the calmness of Twitter users were often reflected later in market ups and downs.' - Boston Globe

Boston Globe | 'Tweets helped team predict ‘Idol’ winner; Northeastern team used popular show to test Web forecasting theory' by Carolyn Y. Johnson and Globe Staff at MAY 28, 2012

Tuesday 22 May 2012

South Gauteng High Court to decide on explicit painting of RSA President!

Marc Aupiais

11:54  -  Public
"The portrait depicts me in a manner that suggests that I am a philanderer, a womaniser and one with no respect. It is an undignified depiction of my personality and seeks to create doubt about my personality in the eyes of my fellow citizens, family and children… The more it stays displayed, the more my right to dignity and that of the ANC are impugned."

- Jacob Zuma

The South Gauteng High Court is to hear whether the painting portraying the president in a sexually indecent manner will be allowed to stay!


How I imagine His Excellency The President is feeling right now, due to being portrayed indecently:


Judge Insists: Obama CANNOT Indefinitely Detain Americans Without Trial!


Judge refuses Obama the right to detain without trial: anyone vaguely suspected of aiding USA enemies!

'striking down those sections of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 which sought to provide Barack Obama the power to indefinitely detain citizens without benefit of their 5th Amendment rights.'Source: The Western Center for Journalism | 'Judge Strikes Down NDAA, Rules Obama Must Obey Constitution' by DOUG BOOK at MAY 19, 2012

Obama law would have allowed anyone to be detained at Obama's discretion, in America: on suspicion of aiding Al Qaeda or The Taliban.


43 Catholic institutions are suing the US government for their right not to fund abortions!


Marc Aupiais

10:10  -  Public

43 Catholic institutions are suing the US government for their right not to fund abortions! Sterilization, abortion inducing drugs, contraception: among practices Catholics would be forced to fund under Obama's Obamacare. While Amish were given the right to conscientiously object to doing so, Catholics were excluded!

Another good argument by a favourite Google Plusser!
<< continue reading here >>

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Microsoft uses existing speakers, microphone to determine gestures by a Doppler/sonar effect!


Marc Aupiais

09:57 (edited)  -  
+1'd on
  -  Public
Microsoft uses existing speakers, microphone to determine gestures by a Doppler/sonar effect! Amazing, watch this video:SoundWave: Using the Doppler Effect to Sense Gestures wow!

more info: Gizmodo | 'Microsoft Can Detect Your Gestures Using Just Your Computer’s Audio' by Jamie Condliffe at MAY 8, 2012 5:34 AM USA

#AmendmentOne North Carolina Voters define marriage as between one man and one woman...


Marc Aupiais

10:08  -  Public
#AmendmentOne North Carolina Voters define marriage as between one man and one woman... Vote differences are extensive, as the campaign for traditional marriage is getting boosts, and support for 'gay marriage' is down.

'"It should not go unnoticed that our position that marriage is between a man and a woman is gaining support, not losing support," said Brown. "Earlier this week the Gallup poll showed that support for same-sex marriage is down. Actual vote percentages in favor of traditional marriage are rising. In 2008 in California, the Prop 8 constitutional amendment on traditional marriage passed with 52% of the vote. Then in 2009 in Maine, 53% of voters stood for traditional marriage and rejected same-sex marriage legislation. In 2010, 56% of Iowa voters rejected three Supreme Court judges who had imposed gay marriage in that state. And now more than 60% of North Carolina voters have passed a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. There is a clear trend line, and it is moving in our direction."
North Carolina is the first of five states expected to vote on the definition of marriage this year. Others include Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.'

NOM | 'NOM Commends North Carolina Voters for Overwhelming Vote in Favor Of Marriage Protection Amendment' by NOM Staff at MAY 8, 2012 AT 11:15 PM USA Time
Collapse this post
NOMblog: NOM Commends North Carolina Voters for Overwhelming Vote in Favor Of Marriage Protection Amendment »
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 8, 2012 Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004) So much for the idea that same-sex marriage is

With overwhelming Vote FOR Amendment One, North Carolina Stands by marriage


Marc Aupiais

10:04  -  Public
I was wondering what #AmendmentOne meant,

here is an exclamation of the trend by American Papist on Facebook:

VICTORY FOR MARRIAGE! North Carolina voters OVERWHELMINGLY passed the marriage amendment 61%-38%! Many papists on this very page took time out of their day to go and vote in support of it! BRAVO! Learn more here:
NOMblog: NOM Commends North Carolina Voters for Overwhelming Vote in Favor Of Marriage Protection Amendment »
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 8, 2012 Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004) So much for the idea that same-sex marriage is

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Bugey Nuclear Power Plant Security Breached! #France


French Nuclear Crisis: Green Peace manages to drop smoke bombs, from motor powered hang glider, on a Nuclear Facility: Bugey Nuclear Power Plant: in France; The Green Peace Activist was later arrested.

Image source: Wikipedia: File:Centrale-nucleaire-Bugey.jpg

Green Peace France | 'Action : survol de la centrale du Bugey en paramoteur' by Green Peace Staff at 2nd May 2012 French Time

Google translate, with a few edits by myself:

'This morning at 7:40, a Greenpeace campaigner, aboard a motor powered hang glider, has flown over the plant of Bugey (35 km east of Lyon), penetrating prohibited airspace .

Illustrating the vulnerability of nuclear facilities to an air based threat, he managed to drop smoke bombs on one nuclear reactor and landed inside the site.'
Action : survol de la centrale du Bugey en paramoteur »
Ce matin, à 7h40, un militant de Greenpeace, à bord d’un paramoteur, a survolé la centrale du Bugey (Ain, 35 km à... - Lire la suite >>

The French Nuclear Power-plant, which Green Peace managed to Smoke Bomb on a paramotor (motorized hang glider!)


source: Wikipedia: File:Centrale-nucleaire-Bugey.jpg

Marc Aupiais

09:57  -  Public
The French Nuclear Power-plant, which Green Peace managed to Smoke Bomb on a paramotor (motorized hang glider!) Proving lax security, and the danger of a terrorist attack on the plant!

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