Saturday 31 October 2009

Have a Blessed Halloween

Note from Editor

We at would like to wish our news sections' readers a blessed All Hallows Eve- and then a Blessed All Saints Day- tomorrow.

All Hallows Eve, or Halloween- is the Eve (day before) of All Saints Day.

Both are good days to pray for the faithful departed!

Marc Aupiais

Thursday 29 October 2009

News - East Africa: US slams Uganda's new anti-gay bill

Editorial Note from Editor

News - East Africa: US slams Uganda's new anti-gay bill: "The US has said Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill is a setback for human rights, but the Ugandan government says it has told its critics to mind their own business."

Donor Nations, aren't happy? Sure, why not be grumpy, its not like those good African Nations who commit Genocide, at least its not a push by pro-lifers, then those Ugandan children would need to be sent away, after all, we can't get rid of the nuisance of people on Africa, they might even start righting our errors, or writing blogs and criticizing us. As it is, "donor nations" are unhappy- precisely why I don't donate to the UN or major charities, I'm unhappy- unhappy that they try reduce our populations by abortion, not over some law which compared to African Witchcraft legislation, is mild! Do I support the Ugandan law- no, I never could support what I see as a human rights abuse, but really, the USA has devalued Human Rights enough, no wonder Uganda, like the rest of us here, don't want to hear about America's version of human rights, even when they have a point!

I don't think gay people should be arrested, but I think there are plenty worse things than banning homosexuality, "Homosexual Marriage", is one of those on that list of worse things, especially due to statistics on children without Father and Mother figures, and crime. Africa already sees the west as interfering with its business, the Catholic church, now also does here. Perhaps, the west would have a stronger voice if they did not persecute pro-life countries, or those who ban homosexual "marriage" also, then maybe they would be a voice of reason, telling Uganda, not to arrest these people, as it is, America is very hard to please, and their consistent AID initiatives, have correlated directly with a rise in STDs in Africa, and a rise in the amount of starving people- wonderful to import the food aid... really, ingenious, and then flood our markets with untested, GM, and subsidized foods, keep us under your little finger while feeling charitable.

If America interfered more strategically, and in a less partisan matter, do you think Africa's leaders would listen, or do you think western ways have been forced on Africa for long enough that it wont make a difference, or do you think African leaders should be listening more to the west and have no excuse?!

Tell us your views, by twitter, facebook, or email.

Marc Aupiais

Italy: Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi may lose Catholic Vote!- Bloomberg

(See What We See News and Archive; Bloomberg (Secular; Independent; American) 29 / 10 | October / 2009)

[English; Afrikaans; français]

Note by Marc Aupiais

According to Bloomberg:

"Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi may face the biggest challenge from Catholic voters since he entered politics in 1994 as his sex scandals alienate some values voters and opposition Catholic leaders unite.

“The Catholic vote had been dispersed, but it could carry more weight if they all get back together,” Antonio Noto, director of Rome-based IPR Marketing, said in a phone interview.

The Christian Democrats dominated politics in a country where more than 95 percent of the population is Roman Catholic until a corruption scandal led to its dissolution in 1992. The remnants of that party are now attracting other Catholic opposition politicians and values voters who are abandoning Berlusconi after a series of sex scandals."
(Bloomberg (Secular; Independent; American) 29 / 10 | October / 2009

The Italian Prime Minister's anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia stance has previously gained him Catholic support, but he has been accused by some of causing women to be treated more like objects in Italian society, and sex scandals, and an attack on an influential Catholic editor, the previous editor of the Italian Bishops' conference's l'Avvenire, by a paper, owned by his family, have not helped relations with the church.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

ZENIT - Scholars Aim to Disprove Darwin

Note by Marc Aupiais

As editor of South African Catholic, I admit- I am an evolutionist, and the facts in this article, seem to be the same facts creationists have spewed out for years- motivated by some desire to prove a younger Earth- possibly. When the pope had discussions on Evolution, creationists were notably and seemingly purposely excluded.

The church has largely taken the side of mainstream science. Granted, it did that against Galileo- when his views contradicted those of the science of the time, but that was prior any solid proof- that the Greek system (not the biblical system) was wrong about the planets. As for me, I am still on the side of evolution.

Zenit, however, is a top news service, and of note. According to them, some members of what I personally consider the "other side", think they have disproven evolution.

Zenit writes:

"After a year of conferences celebrating the 150th anniversary of Darwin's 1859 book, "On the Origin of Species," a Nov. 9 conference is planned to provide empirical proof to debunk evolution.

Rome's Pope Pius V University will host the daylong conference that will present a scientific refutation of evolution theory.

Peter Wilders and H. M. Owen, organizers of the event, told ZENIT that the conference is aimed to "stimulate debate among scientists" and that it is particularly geared to university students."

Being young, they have less built-in resistance to new data that conflicts with establishment dogma," a statement from the organizers explained.

"Darwinian evolution has become the accepted paradigm of the scientific community," they noted.

"New research data that challenges that paradigm is automatically rejected for philosophical rather than scientific reasons.

"Results of recent empirical research published by scientific academies refutes the basic principles of the geological time-scale. It reduces the age of rocks and therefore the fossils in them.

The theory of evolution is undergirded by both the time-scale and the age of fossils.

"This evidence from sedimentology harmonizes with the latest findings in genetics, paleontology, physics, and other scientific disciplines. The implications of this research are fatal for Darwinism. [...]""

October 26th 2009 -
Zenit News (Independent; Catholic; American)

I guess we shall see after November 5th- don't expect any miracles, I certainly don't. Then again I think evolution a miracle.

My comments here are of course opinion. I have often used Genesis in an attempt to debunk creationism, and have enjoyed seeing friends abandon the young earth theory. That said, anything is possible. This is a note, not an article. If it turns out creationism is scientifically correct, so be it. Evolution is only a good theory.

What are your views?!...

Sunday 25 October 2009

U.N. experts in Iran to inspect new nuclear site

Note by Marc Aupiais

Reuters (Secular; Independent; British) has an interesting article, on the most recent Iranian weapons proliferation scare, read the rest at the link below the short quote:

"By Hossein Jaseb

TEHRAN (Reuters) - U.N. inspectors have arrived in Iran to examine a nuclear site that has heightened Western fears of a covert program to develop atomic bombs, an accusation the Islamic Republic rejects.
(Paragraphing possibly altered)
"They arrived late last night for routine inspections," Ali Shirzadian, a spokesman for Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, told Reuters on Sunday. He gave no further details.

The U.N. experts were due to inspect Iran's second enrichment plant, under construction 160 km (100 miles) south of Tehran. Iran hid the site for three years until last month, fanning Western suspicions.

Refined uranium can be used to fuel nuclear power plants and also to provide material for bombs if enriched further. Iran, which says it wants only peaceful nuclear energy, agreed to open the new site to monitoring at talks with six world powers -- the United States, Germany, France, Russia, China and Britain -- held in Geneva on October 1. But a second understanding struck in the Swiss city stumbled on Friday when Iran cast doubt on a plan to send abroad much of its enriched uranium reserve for processing into special fuel for a reactor used to create radioactive isotopes for medical purposes.

World powers regard the two steps as litmus tests of Iran's stated intent to use enriched uranium only for civilian purposes, and as a basis for follow-up talks on curbing enrichment itself, which would bring Iran trade and technology rewards in return. "

[Read on at source:]

Why celebacy of the priesthood?

Note by Marc Aupiais

As a Catholic, one has three choices- Marriage, Single life, or consecrated life.

This is because Jesus said- some become enuchs for the sake of the gospel. This despite that becoming an enuch (the cutting off of a part), accompanied direct exclusion from Israel, as something wrong.

Saint Paul said that a man with a wife, must focus on her and God. He is her head (that is her support, not her mind, despite the regular misquote made), he is to please her, and God.

The priest must focus only on God.

Most of us plan to enter married life sometime in the future, but some choose single life, or consecrated life. The priest, like the single individual- has no place being anything but celebate. His hands hold God, and give us the Eucharist.

Mail and Guardian- wrong again!

Note by Marc Aupiais

The Mail and Guardian (Secular; Independent; South African; Liberal / leftist) is claiming that the Catholic church may need to evaluate the celebacy of the Latin Rite / Mainstream Catholic church after deciding to accept Anglican Priests into the communion, including married ones.

There are 23 rites in the Catholic church, 22 of them rejoined after leaving.

The practice of accepting the married Anglican priests into the Church is centuries long, not new, and last we checked over at South African Catholic- these married priests have to remain celebate in their marriages.

This is why one should rather read BBC [British Broadcasting Corporation] (Secular; Governmental; British; possible bias on environmental issues, slightly liberal) on Catholicism, or another more accurate source.

Even us independent Catholic news services, some of whom are more accurate, because of the specialisation!

Friday 23 October 2009

Law exams

Note from editor

I personally am in the midst of examinations at the moment, so from my part of the service- I may not post or post timeously while my varsity exams are on. I apologise for the inconvenience.

Marc Aupiais

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Anglicans may now join Church en masse due to Vatican document-NewsWires : euronews

Notation by Marc Aupiais

With both sides stressing that this was a good move, and the British Catholic church ("Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster and head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales") noting it was not a criticism of Anglicanism...

In what is being noted as a response to many requests- the Vatican has launched a new document- which will see more traditional Anglicans able to easily convert, keeping many structures, and their own bishops, while candidates for priesthood from that background, would be studying alongside mainstream Catholics, and priests would be being included by already current age-old traditions:

"VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Benedict on Tuesday took a major step to make it easier for disaffected Anglicans who feel their Church has become too liberal to convert to Roman Catholicism.

The move comes after years of discontent in some sectors of the 77-million-strong worldwide Anglican community over the ordination of women priests and homosexual bishops.

While both sides stressed the step would not affect dialogue between the two Churches, it was clear it was taken because of the growing number of Anglicans who want to leave their Church.

The Vatican said the Pope had approved a document known as an “Apostolic Constitution” to accept Anglicans who want to join Catholicism, either individually or in groups, while maintaining some of their own traditions.

It marks perhaps the clearest and boldest institutional step by the Vatican to welcome disaffected Anglicans into the fold since King Henry VIII broke with Rome and set himself up at the head of the new Church of England in 1534.

The new structure allows for the appointment of leaders, usually bishops who will come from the ranks of unmarried former Anglican priests, to oversee communities of former Anglicans who become Catholics and recognise the pope as their leader.

“In this way, the Apostolic Constitution seeks to balance on the one hand the concern to preserve the worthy Anglican liturgical and spiritual patrimony and, on the other hand, the concern that these groups and their clergy will be integrated into the Catholic Church,” the Vatican said. "

Euronews (Secular; Independent; French), article by Reuters (Secular; Independent; French)

20 / 10 | October / 2009

Monday 19 October 2009

SAPA: Cape Town: Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, joins leftest protestors- calling for nationalization of food industries!

(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. IOL's the Star (Secular; Independent; South African) story by SAPA (Secular; Independent; South African) 18 / 10 | October / 2009)

[English; Afrikaans; français]

Article by Marc Aupiais

According to the South African Press Association (SAPA):

"[...]about 50 protesters gathered outside Parliament's main gate in Plein Street, Cape Town, at noon on Sunday, calling for rising food prices to be checked.

Among other things, the group called for the nationalisation of basic food production, including milk and bread.

The protesters, from the Congress of SA Trade Unions, the Black Sash, the Children's Resource Centre and the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, displayed posters proclaiming: "Fight hunger - demand food security for all".

[... the memorandum was] addressed to President Jacob Zuma and Agriculture Minister Tina Joemat-Petterrson [...]"
(IOL's the Star (Secular; Independent; South African) story by SAPA (Secular; Independent; South African) 18 / 10 | October / 2009)

The local Catholic church in South Africa, has often leant more to the left of the spectrum than to the right. Catholic dogma condemns communism as intrinsically evil. A government takeover of the agricultural industry in neighbouring Zimbabwe, resulted in agricultural collapse.

In South Africa, a government redistribution of land program, was recently blamed for an increase in the murders of Caucasian farmers, during a report, by investigative journalism program- Carte Blanche, which also criticized the program as unrealistic.

The South African government, is attempting to replace white, yet experienced farmers, with non-white citizens, in accordance with "transformation" policy. Unfortunately, many who receive land, do not know how to use it correctly, and make almost no profit. The government sponsored violent takeover of land in neighbouring Zimbabwe, is used as justification by the South African government, for its own project.

The government reportedly has plans in the pipeline to start forcing sales of land, rather than use the willing-buyer, willing-seller method. It is unsure why what seems prima facie to be an institution of the Archdiocese of Cape Town, has taken a decision clearly not supported by all Catholics in the country, that is- a decision to campaign to take the control of the agricultural industry, away from the farmers and companies which have sustained it.

Archbishop Buthi, of Johannesburg, the president of the SACBC (Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference), previously lamented the removal of former president Thabo Mbeki from office, claiming that ruling the ANC (African National Congress) had done a lot more in power than the world recognizes, he has also in the past claimed that government corruption is leading South Africa to sin and ruin. Both Cosatu, and the Black Sash, have often been affiliated with the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual-"marriage" ruling ANC.

The pragmatic "truth"

What is truth- is it real?

Article by Marc Aupiais

We believe what keeps us alive. We believe that politician will change it all, that judge is just, voting won't make a difference, we are better off than before?

We believe that they are altruistic, or that we did it all on our own. We believe what gets us high marks, what makes them our friend. We believe what we need to believe, what of truth?

We believe that news, because it has paid off to believe. We believe it Christ, because we must to survive?

Indeed, we must believe in Christ. But truth is not pragmatism.

I believe what I need to believe to survive, but not because I need to believe it, but because I know what we really need to believe.

Torture can aim to brainwash- in the Taming of the Shrew- the sun is the moon, the moon: the sun. A Man is a woman, for anothers voice says he is- and then he is what he was said not to be- it is so?

What we need to believe to live- is not that which others say to believe. What we need to believe is the truth, however harsh.

Truth has a sense within, deep inside- we know it is so.

I believe in God- because it is logical, in Christ- because it is so.

We need to believe truth to survive. Anything else we believe must not be out of fear. We must know and prepare for the consequences of no prior saying yes, and vice versa.

We may need to enter heaven as a little child may- but a little child hearing truth, and an adult hearing truth, true logic- both use all their wits.

This is why I preach intuition, dynamic conscience. If one believes, they must believe emotionally beyond cognitive recognition, if they desire to conquer sin and persevere. For this- they must know themselves, for in this we become close to the God who made our souls of truth.

To simply believe some priest or person, does not make it so. To believe what society says, does not make it so. To believe what we once thought but never knew..?

We must love God with heart, mind, body and soul- not in any wrong way- but with every yet every molecule.

To do this, we must know ourselves, our truth.

To truly know God- is to understand truth, self. Our soul- is the logical truth within the being which contain our destiny and connects us with God. Let us not destroy it. Rather- we must pray and find who we are before any other's identity matters.

We can only save others if we save our self first.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Obama continues health assault- calls insurance companies liars, lobbyists profit seekers

(Scripturelink Voter's Guide; c.f. White House (US Presidency; American; Governmental) 17 / 10 | October / 2009 )

[English; Afrikaans; français]

Editorial Article by Marc Aupiais

In a press release from the White House Press Secretary, dated 17 October 2009, Barack Obama once again has attacked the opponents to his health reform plan.

Many of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) member Bishops, have raised serious concerns over the health reform's seeming funding for universal abortion. Alarms at special interests allegedly held by those fronting the bill, were also raised: by the refusal of Obama's party to place any provision or amendment in the bill to remove universal coverage of abortion.

Others, opposed to the passing of this bill have raised concerns over care for the elderly, as well as over the inefficiency of similar systems to the proposed US one, which have been implemented in Canada, and in Great Britain. The press release also does not attempt to counter any claims of big government, or socialisism, thrown against this bill, by opposition members and nay sayers. Rather, the free press, and the industry the bill will affect most are attacked directly by Obama, who claims that he is fighting "big business", a claim not redolent of most capitalist leaders.

The long speech makes no mention of abortion, no mention of Great Britain, no mention of Canada, and no mention of the very real concerns opponents of the plan have voiced. Instead, those opposing the plan are linked by a conspiracy Barack Obama creates, with Health Insurance companies, and studies done are dubbed as deceptive. Barack Obama is known for his association with major abortion firm: Planned parenthood, to whom he made promises during his election campaign, as recorded in the media, which are much more direct than those he made to voters.

Here is a short quote of a summary given by the White House Press Secretary, follow the link (the date is a link) below to see the whole speech:

"WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Obama Calls Hails Progress on Health Insurance Reform Despite Defenders of the Status Quo

WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Barack Obama praised the progress that has been made on health insurance reform, and spoke out against those who defend the status quo in order to score political points and protect their profits. With reform the closest it has ever been to becoming law, the insurance companies are rolling out deceptive ads, paying for misleading studies, and flooding Capitol Hill with lobbyists. Now, Washington needs to serve the American people, not the special interests."
(White House (US Presidency; American; Governmental) 17 / 10 | October / 2009 )

Obama has also been accused of attempting to act unilaterally, and of strict control of party ranks, editorially, I think this could be the case:

To give a short section of his long speech, and to demonstrate his attack on media, and all opponents to his bill:

"Of course, like clockwork, we’ve seen folks on cable television who know better, waving these industry-funded studies in the air. We’ve seen industry insiders – and their apologists – citing these studies as proof of claims that just aren’t true. They’ll claim that premiums will go up under reform; but they know that the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office found that reforms will lower premiums in a new insurance exchange while offering consumer protections that will limit out-of-pocket costs and prevent discrimination based on pre-existing conditions. They’ll claim that you’ll have to pay more out of pocket; but they know that this is based on a study that willfully ignores whole sections of the bill, including tax credits and cost savings that will greatly benefit middle class families. Even the authors of one of these studies have now admitted publicly that the insurance companies actually asked them to do an incomplete job.

It’s smoke and mirrors. It’s bogus. And it’s all too familiar. Every time we get close to passing reform, the insurance companies produce these phony studies as a prescription and say, "Take one of these, and call us in a decade." Well, not this time. The fact is, the insurance industry is making this last-ditch effort to stop reform even as costs continue to rise and our health care dollars continue to be poured into their profits, bonuses, and administrative costs that do nothing to make us healthy – that often actually go toward figuring out how to avoid covering people. And they’re earning these profits and bonuses while enjoying a privileged exception from our anti-trust laws, a matter that Congress is rightfully reviewing.

Now, I welcome a good debate. I welcome the chance to defend our proposals and to test our ideas in the fires of this democracy. But what I will not abide are those who would bend the truth – or break it – to score political points and stop our progress as a country. And what we all must oppose are the same old cynical Washington games that have been played for decades even as our problems have grown and our challenges have mounted."
(White House (US Presidency; American; Governmental) 17 / 10 | October / 2009 )

As one might have noted, the concerns of the opposition, are not really laid out, and one unnamed study is claimed to be fraudulent, without more information. Much of the opposition, is based on fears involving service, not simply costs, value, not simply price. It is usual for government to consult with industries when they are affected by a law, however, this US administration, has once again bypassed this practice. It is not a good sign either, when a government determines to attack the credibility of those reporting on it.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Notre Dame Pays Student Expenses to D.C. March for Gay 'Marriage'

(See What We See News and Archive; c.f. Cardinal Newman Society (Independent; American; Catholic; Watchdog Organization) 13 / 10 / 2009; See What We See News and Archive 12 / 10 / 2009)

[English; Afrikaans; français]

Article notation by Marc Aupiais

The Cardinal Newman Society has the following story about everyone's "favourite" United States university:

Notre Dame Pays Student Expenses to D.C. March for Gay ‘Marriage’

The University of Notre Dame gave financial assistance to five students to participate in Sunday’s national gay rights demonstration, which was organized in part to advocate homosexual “marriage,” a campus newspaper has reported.

The “National Equality March” on Sunday, October 11, in Washington, D.C., was sponsored by Equality Across America, which aims to build a national grassroots network asserting homosexual couples’ “right to marry” as well as other demands. The Catholic Church believes that marriage is possible only between a man and a woman.

“Faithful Catholics will ask whether Notre Dame has learned its lesson from the scandalous commencement ceremony last spring,” said Patrick J. Reilly, President of The Cardinal Newman Society. “What university seeking to reassure families of its Catholic identity would pay for students to attack the family and oppose Catholic teachings on marriage?”

Students from Notre Dame’s Progressive Student Alliance (PSA) petitioned the Student Activities Office and were granted funding to travel to and participate in the demonstration.  The Notre Dame students marched two miles across D.C. and then joined gay rights activists for a Capitol Hill rally.

The president of the Progressive Students Alliance told The Observer, “The fact that we were University-approved was surprising but it was a wonderful surprise.  The University hasn't always been entirely receptive in the past.”"
(Cardinal Newman Society (Independent; American; Catholic; Watchdog Organization) 13 / 10 / 2009)

Notre Dame invited pro-abortion, pro-gay-"marriage" US president, Barack Obama as a keynote speaker and honoured him with an honourary law degree earlier this year, directly disobeying the United States Catholic Bishops in the process, who had forbidden the awarding of a person with the stances on important moral issues, that Obama openly holds.

More Recently, Barack Obama, has stated to a pro-gay-marriage grouping who he had been speaking to, known as the "Human Rights Campaign":

"For nearly 30 years, you've advocated on behalf of those without a voice. That's not easy. For despite the real gains that we've made, there's still laws to change and there's still hearts to open. There are still fellow citizens, perhaps neighbors, even loved ones -- good and decent people -- who hold fast to outworn arguments and old attitudes; who fail to see your families like their families; who would deny you the rights most Americans take for granted. And that's painful and it's heartbreaking."
(See What We See News And Archive 12 / 10 / 2009)

Barack Obama also voted against giving medical treatment to abortion survivors, and treated George Tiller, a man who aborted babies late term (when they would have survived on their own via Caesarian Section), as a hero. His stances were already know when he spoke at Notre Dame. Many pro-life protesters who decided to walk onto the campus were arrested, and were shown no mercy, by Notre Dame head Fr Jenkins. Pro-Abortion demonstrators were not given this harsh treatment.

Notre Dame, is a French phrase meaning: "Our Lady", referring to Mary, the Mother of Christ, who is also patron of the unborn. Notre Dame University, in the USA, has consistently shown support for those whom Catholic Dogma most opposes.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Southern Philippines: elderly Irish Missionary kidnapped, rebels suspected!

(See What We See News and Archive; c.f. AsiaNews (Catholic; Independent; Asian) 13 / 10 | October / 2009; SkyNews (British / United Kingdom Based; Independent; Secular) 12 / 10 | October / 2009; 13 / 10 | October / 2009; BBC [British Broadcasting Corporation] (Secular; Governmental; British / (UK) United Kingdom) 12 / 10 | October / 2009)

[English; Afrikaans; français]

Article by Marc Aupiais

The Police in the largely Catholic Philippines, have announced the kidnapping of what SkyNews calls a 79 year old (turning 80 years old in December- but whom BBC says is 78 years old) Irish Roman Catholic Missionary, reportedly by Islamic separatist militants. Fr Michael Sinnott, was kidnapped on the evening (19h30 Local Time) of Sunday the 11th of October, by the six (6) gunmen who forced him from his home's private garden, near Pagadian City, on the island of Mindanao, in the Zamboanga del Sur Province, according to the Police Commissioner, Angelo Sumlao.

Fr Sinnott was taken away in a minivan or pickup truck, a vehicle which was later found to be burnt, after being abandoned by the hostage takers. They then allegedly fled in a small boat, likely a speed boat, according to eyewitness reports.

Major General Ben Dolorfino, claims that the priest has since (on Monday) been spotted by what is known to be a militant stronghold in the area of Lanao del Sur. Military personnel were not immediately dispatched to rescue the priest, who had- prior the kidnapping- been caring for children with hearing disabilities. Colleagues fear he will not survive the ordeal, due to his heart condition. He had a heart by-pass a few years ago.

The police suspect the Al Quaeda sympathetic group: Abi Sayyaf of the kidnapping, another suspect being the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). The MILF however, has denied involvement and offered to try find the priest. The priest belongs to the Columban missionaries. Abi Sayyaf, founded in 1990, is one of the smallest, and most violent of the separatist rebel groups. According to the BBC, it is blamed for a recent bomb attack, an attack on a ferry- in which about one hundred human beings, died.

The Philippine government has long been in a bitter civil war, with separatist militants, who desire to create an independent Islamic state in the South of the Country. The area where the priest was stationed was not one of the safest in the Philippines. Kidnappings by rebels are common in areas of the country.

Archbishop Mgr Emmanuel Cabajar, of Pagadian, warned against speculation that the Islamic militants were responsible for the kidnapping.

According to the BBC,

"The Philippines director of the Columban missionaries, Father Pat O'Donoghue, said Father Michael was "robust for his age" but had undergone a heart bypass operation four years ago.

"The concern that I would have is that if he does not have his medication this would be very serious thing for him, especially given the shock," Father Pat told the PA news agency.

"It must be a very shocking thing to find yourself bundled into a car and taken away.""
(BBC [British Broadcasting Corporation] (Secular; Governmental; British / (UK) United Kingdom) 12 / 10 | October / 2009)

It is uncertain whether or not this priest in particular was targeted, or if he was targeted as a priest or not, it is though likely the kidnapping is for ransom.

Vatican Newspaper not a lame duck after all! Challenges Obama peace prize!

(See What We See News and Archive; c.f. Catholic News Agency [CNA] (Catholic; independent; American) 12 / 10 | October / 2009; CWNews (Catholic; independent; American) 09 / 10 | October / 2009)

[English; Afrikaans; français]

Editorial Article by Marc Aupiais

If a recent history of controversial articles has made L'Osservatore Romano a controversial paper, their latest decision certainly once again contradicts the Vatican Press Office (the famous head of the Vatican Press Office- Jesuit Fr Lombardi's statement congratulated Obama, on his peace prize). It may be noted of Lombardi, who had congratulated Obama, unlike L'Osservatore, that this is the man who neglected to bring to the Vatican's attention what a simple Google search would have informed him of- That one of the four SSPX Bishops, who had their excommunication lifted earlier this year, was a holocaust denier, then again, the same communications man did not bring to the attention of the media, that it was not even Benedict XVI who lifted the excommunications of those persons, but another Vatican official, acting on jurisdiction given by the papacy, with an important position.

At least this time, L'Osservatore Romano's differing with the Vatican Press Office, was in a good way. According to the Catholic News Agency (CNA), the paper has accused the Nobel prize committee (appointed by the Swedish Parliament), of attempting to force Obama's hand by the award, while attacking the awarding of Obama with the prize, who by the time votes were tabulated, had only been in office a few weeks:

"Rome, Italy, Oct 12, 2009 / 01:33 pm (CNA).- The semi-official Vatican daily, L’Osservatore Romano, has called the decision to award President Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize premature and more of an invitation to choose peace through politics. The award is also questionable because of his position on various bio-ethics issues, especially abortion.

The article points out that “the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama has taken everyone somewhat by surprise, first and foremost the U.S. president himself.”

“During the last 90 years,” L'Osservatore noted, “the prize has never been awarded to a sitting U.S. president—when it was awarded to Jimmy Carter in 2002 he had been out of office already for some time—[but was] involved in politics and susceptible, therefore, to making a range of decisions related to peace.”

Perhaps for this reason, the newspaper said, “Analysts have almost unanimously interpreted his selection as a way of pressuring Obama to make pacifist choices as his administration continues forward.”

L'Osservatore also questioned the administratoion's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, saying that the decisions seem aimed at trying to find a middle way between “fidelity to the pacifist statements made during the campaign season and a more realistic policy, which some have defined as a continuation of that of the ‘warmonger’ Bush.”

This back-and-forth policy, the paper observed, is very similar to the approach that Obama has taken to “the great bioethics issues, with abortion being first and foremost.” His way of doing things has generated great controversy among Catholics in the country, the daily added.

The Vatican newspaper also brought to mind Mother Teresa being honored with the Peace Prize in 1979, and said, “Obama ought to recall that in 1979 he was preceded by Mother Teresa, who had the courage to state in her acceptance speech that the harshest war with the greatest number of ‘fallen’ is the practice of abortion, legalized and facilitated as well by the international structures.”

Pointing out an inconsistency, L'Osservatore noted that Pope John Paul II was a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize for year but was never chosen for the award, not even in 2003 “after his condemnation of the war in Iraq.”"
(Catholic News Agency [CNA] (Catholic; independent; American) 12 / 10 | October / 2009)

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Le Quotidien du Vatican n'est pas un canard boiteux après tout!Défis Obama prix de la paix!

Espace de référence: la Cité du Vatican 

(Voir ce que nous voyons Nouvelles et Archives ["See What We See News and Archive"]; cfCatholic News Agency [CNA] (catholique, indépendant; américaine) 12 / 10 | Octobre / 2009;CWNews (catholique, indépendant; américaine) 09 / 10 | Octobre / 2009)

Article par Marc Aupiais

Si une histoire récente d'articles controversés qui a fait de L'Osservatore Romano un document controversé, leur dernière décision certainement à nouveau en contradiction avec le Vatican Bureau de presse (la fameuse tête de la déclaration du bureau de presse du Vatican, le jésuite Lombardi a félicité Obama, sur son prix de la paix). Il est à noter mai de Lombardi, qui avait félicité Obama, contrairement à L'Osservatore, que ce soit l'homme qui a négligé de porter à l'attention du Vatican, ce que d'une simple recherche Google aurait dû l'informer de-Que l'un des quatre évêques FSSPX, qui avaient leur excommunication levée plus tôt cette année, a été un négationniste, puis à nouveau, le même homme de communication n'a pas apporté à l'attention des médias, que ce n'était même pas Benoît XVI qui a levé les excommunications de ces personnes, mais un autre fonctionnaire du Vatican, statuant sur la compétence donnée par la papauté, avec une place importante.

Au moins, cette fois, L'Osservatore Romano des différences par le Bureau de presse du Vatican, était en bonne voie. Selon Catholic News Agency (CNA), le journal a accusé le Comité du Prix Nobel (désigné par le Parlement suédois), de tenter de forcer la main d'Obama par la sentence, tout en attaquant à l'attribution d'Obama avec le prix, qui, par le temps votes ont été compilés, avait seulement été en fonction quelques semaines:

"Rome, Italie, Oct 12, 2009 / 01:33 pm (CNA) .- Le quotidien semi-officiel du Vatican, L'Osservatore Romano, a qualifié la décision d'attribuer le Président Obama avec le Nobel de la paix prématurée et plus d'une invitation de choisir la paix par la politique. Le prix est également contestable en raison de sa position sur différentes questions relatives à la bio éthique, en particulier l'avortement.

L'article souligne que "l'attribution du Prix Nobel de la paix à Barack Obama a pris tout le monde par surprise, d'abord et avant tout le président américain lui-même."

"Au cours des 90 dernières années," L'Osservatore noté, "le prix n'a jamais été attribué à un président américain salon quand il a été décerné à Jimmy Carter en 2002, il avait été au pouvoir pendant un certain temps déjà, [mais] impliqué dans la politique et susceptible, par conséquent, de prendre une série de décisions relatives à la paix. "

Peut-être pour cette raison, le journal a déclaré: «Les analystes ont interprété la quasi-unanimité sa sélection en tant que moyen de pression sur Obama pour faire des choix pacifiste alors que son administration continue à avancer."

L'Osservatore également mis en doute les actions du administratoion en Irak et en Afghanistan, disant que les décisions semblent visent à essayer de trouver une voie médiane entre «la fidélité aux déclarations pacifistes durant la saison de campagne et une politique plus réaliste, que certains ont défini comme une continuation de celle du «faiseur de guerre 'Bush".

Ce va-et-vient politiques, le document fait observer, est très similaire à l'approche que Obama a prises pour «les grands enjeux de la bioéthique, l'avortement étant d'abord et avant tout." Sa façon de faire les choses a suscité une grande controverse parmi les catholiques dans le pays, ajoute le journal.

Le journal du Vatican a également apporté à l'esprit Mother Teresa être honoré du Prix de la Paix en 1979, et dit: "Obama doit de rappeler qu'en 1979, il a été précédée par Mother Teresa, qui a eu le courage de dire dans son discours d'acceptation que le plus dur de guerre avec le plus grand nombre de 'Fallen' est la pratique de l'avortement, légalisé et facilité aussi bien par les structures internationales. "

Soulignant une incohérence, L'Osservatore noté que Pope John Paul II était un candidat pour le Prix Nobel de la paix pour l'année mais n'a jamais été choisi pour la récompense, pas même en 2003 "après sa condamnation de la guerre en Irak". "
(Catholic News Agency [CNA] (catholique, indépendant; américaine) 12 / 10 | Octobre / 2009)

Monday 12 October 2009

Apologies- we are unable to upload the rest of our scheduled news tonight, due to prevailing weather conditions in the vicinity of our Gauteng Centre

Note from Editor: Marc Aupiais

Due to weather conditions in the proximity of our main centre in Gauteng Province, we have had to close down much of our posting of articles tonight.

It is purely due to this, that our last article does not contain a summary of stories at its top, and because of this that it is not translated into Afrikaans and French, as is customary for our service.

Our publishing of the first VIS news dispatch to be received in a while will not go ahead tonight.

As for the previous political article:

It dealt with:

- The changing of the Make-up of the Constitutional Court in the Republic of South Africa, which could see a change in legal climate and what the Constitution influences.

- The continued lack of Security in the Eastern DR Congo.

- The visiting of a Russian Orthodox Church's consecration by Russia's First-Lady.

- Barack Obama's latest endorsement of Gay Marriage, and his claims of this being a human right- both of his beliefs here- Homosexual "Marriage", and the concept of this as a "Human Right" are opposed by the Catholic church as evil.

- The Top Envoy to Afghanistan of the UN, has confirmed accusations of mass election fraud in the war-torn middle-eastern nation.

- The Top UN envoy to Iraq has raised concerns over election rules being in his view: vague.

Today, in a separate article- we also published a story on a Hawaian priest, who was reportedly sainted.

Political stories of some note today! Summary compiled 12 October 2009!

(See What We See News and Archive)

Article by Marc Aupiais

African Issues:

New Constitutional Court Judges for South Africa, could change the interpretation of law:

According to the office of the Presidency, of the Republic of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has appointed 4 new judges to the constitutional court, who were set to take office today, according to the release:

"President Jacob Zuma has in accordance with section 174(4) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa [This is their claim, not our service's, as with all the claims quoted here], appointed the following judges to the Constitutional Court:

· Judge Sisi Sibongile Virginia Khampepe
· Judge Christopher Nyaole Jafta
· Judge Johan Coenraad Froneman, and,
· Judge President Mogoeng Thomas Reetsang Mogoeng

The four retiring Justices are:

· Chief Justice Pius Langa
· Justice Yvonne Mokgoro
· Justice Kate O’ Regan
· Justice Albie Sachs

On the 1st of October 2009, President Zuma announced the appointment of Justice Sandile Ngcobo as the new Chief Justice of South Africa, Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo assumes office on Monday 12 October 2009.


The newly appointed judges assume office on Monday 12 October 2009.

(The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa (Secular; Governmental; South African) 11 / 10 | October / 2009)

In South Africa, the Chief Justice is appointed by the presidency, the other judges are appointed by the President of the Republic from a list offered by the JSC (Judicial Service Commission), on which the presidency has a voice via proxy, on the body which also includes representatives of the legal profession. In South Africa, as elsewhere, the appointment of judges is seen as a political matter.

Refugees warned not to return to the DRC:

According to the United Nations (UN) News Center, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Friday warned 2 000 (Two Thousand) Congolese situated in Burundi, not to return to their home in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo / DR Congo), reportedly due to security fears:

"The latest warning from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) follows an incident yesterday when more than 400 Congolese from the recently closed camp in Gihinga, central Burundi, were stopped from entering their country by DRC immigration officials.

“UNHCR has repeatedly urged the refugees not to go back to their native South Kivu province in DRC for the moment, stressing that that under the prevailing security conditions neither the Government authorities nor UNHCR would be in a position to guarantee their safety on return,” agency spokesperson Andrej Mahecic told a news briefing in Geneva.

DRC immigration services said their actions were based on security concerns for the group. The refugees had boarded 11 trucks provided by Burundian government yesterday morning, leaving behind another group of some 500 refugees waiting for their turn to go home. When they reached the border they found it closed and the Burundian authorities took them back to Gihinga.

The refugees are being provisionally sheltered at the former camp, in classrooms and a health centre, waiting for the outcome of discussions between the Burundi authorities and DRC officials, who were expected to arrive in Bujumbura, the Burundian capital, today.

The refugees are being cared for by the Burundian agency responsible, Office pour la Protection des Réfugiés et des Apatrides, which is distributing food and water provided by UNHCR and high protein biscuits provided by the UN World Food Programme (WFP).

The Congolese denied access to their country are those who earlier refused to relocate to the newly established Bwagiriza camp in eastern Burundi, claiming their security would not be guaranteed there. Bwagiriza camp is presently sheltering some 1,200 mostly Congolese refugees, including 599 who voluntarily transferred from Gihinga earlier this week."
(United Nations News Centre (Secular; United Nations; International) 09 / 10 | October / 2009 )

The Eastern Congo, remains a high alert area of the war torn Central African country.

Russian news:

Svetlana Medvedev, Russia's first-lady (The wife of President Medvedev), according to Russia's presidency, took part in the consecration of a Russian Orthodox church, that of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, situated in Sestroretsk which is in the Leningrad Region of Russia. Sestroretsk is reportedly situated nearby St. Petersburg.

Considering that the religious building was build nearby a spot, where Czar, "Peter the Great"/Peter I had launched what the presidency called his "lurking vessel", an early submarine vehicle, the Russian first lady used the opportunity to commemorate the deaths of sailers in Russian service. She also handed over a 18th Century icon of the two Apostles.

According to the Russian Presidency: Russian Orthodox Patriarch, Kirill, presided over the consecration of the church, which included a memorial to sailors in the wall. Also present were:

"[Russia's] Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, [... their] Commander in Chief of the Navy Vladimir Vysotsky, St. Petersburg Governor Valentina Matvienko, the leaders of organizations [... which donated] funds for the construction of the temple, as well as residents Sestroretsk."
(The Kremlin / Russia's Presidency (Secular / Associated with Russian Orthodox Church; Governmental; Russian - quote is a translation from the original Russian into English) 11 / 10 | October / 2009 : view English Google Translation)

The Russian Orthodox Church remains in a centuries old schism with the Roman Catholic church, despite warming of relations between the two recently, and speculation since the election of Kirill as Patriarch. While Russian Orthodoxy, is taught in public schools in Russia, Catholicism is not. Those Eastern Orthodox Christians not associated with the Roman Catholic Church, generally believe it is acceptable to make icons of saints, but not statues of them. The Russian Orthodox Church has in the past been perceived by some: of having close ties to the Russian government, something some hope Kiril may someday, prevent.

American News:

American President Barack Obama's press office has released their notes of his speech to what they note as an organisation promoting the interests of "gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender" persons. The US President claimed:

"For nearly 30 years, you've advocated on behalf of those without a voice. That's not easy. For despite the real gains that we've made, there's still laws to change and there's still hearts to open. There are still fellow citizens, perhaps neighbors, even loved ones -- good and decent people -- who hold fast to outworn arguments and old attitudes; who fail to see your families like their families; who would deny you the rights most Americans take for granted. And that's painful and it's heartbreaking. (Applause.) And yet you continue, leading by the force of the arguments you make, and by the power of the example that you set in your own lives -- as parents and friends, as PTA members and church members, as advocates and leaders in your communities. And you're making a difference. "
(White House / US Presidency (Secular; Governmental; American; Occupied by the left leaning "Democratic Party") released 10 / 10 | October / 2009 )

President Barack Obama was speaking to an organization called the "HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN", where he claimed that their mission was to promote "human rights".

Barack Obama supports Abortion, late Term Abortion (where a child is likely to live if extracted by Caesarian Section), and the prevention of medical resources for survivors of abortion. Prior his election, he is reported in media as having made several promises to Abortion firm, Planned parenthood. He additionally supports homosexual marriage. For his stances on these issues, many Catholics, including a large number of US (USCCB) Catholic bishops, are very concerned over his presidency.

Middle East / America's so-called "War on terror"

Top UN official notes that Afghanistan election was "fraudulent":

While claiming that there are mechanisms in place, to ensure the "will of the people", top UN (United Nations) envoy to Afghanistan, Special Representative: Mr. Eide, admitted to the existence of alleged widespread election fraud, alleged fraud long reported on by the like's of Britain's BBC (British; Governmental; Secular). The United Nations (UN) News Centre, notes that Mr. Eide, has been accused of showing bias towards encombant transition president: Hamid Karzai, this by the UN's own former Deputy Special Representative, Peter Galbraith, Eide's former deputy.

Eide is quoted by the UN News Centre as saying:

"“I have spent all my time over the last weeks for one purpose – and that is to bring this election process forward. That’s been a difficult process, marred by so many problems, not least, as you know, by widespread fraud. So it’s not been easy and that has been my only focus,”[...]

“It is important to bring this country through this process and to continue this process of installing democracy in Afghanistan,” [...]

“I believe that the institutional framework we have created – whatever its weaknesses and those are weaknesses we recognize – I understand well that these institutions would, in the end, be able to remove fraudulent votes and honour valid votes,” said Mr. Eide.

“We are now at a critical juncture,” he stated. “We have put very solid mechanisms in place to ensure that those steps are taken correctly, and that the result reflects the vote of the Afghan people.

“And I do believe, therefore, firmly, that when the result is being certified it will be a result being made on a solid basis and that should be acceptable to the Afghan people.”"
(United Nations News Centre (Secular; United Nations; International) 12 / 10 | October / 2009)

The UN itself did not count votes, this was done by an allegedly "Independent Election Commission" (IEC), set up for the task.

Hamid Karzai's government, has caused discontent among some, after his government passed a law- permitting men to deny their wives food, if they did not please them sexually. The United States of America, and its coalition allies, had been hoping that the election would feed legitimacy to their military campaign in the Middle Eastern nation. Requests for more troops by its top commander in Afghanistan, seem to suggest that their mission has yet to succeed in any substantive way.

Senior UN envoy to Iraq concerned over election laws:

"The senior United Nations envoy in Iraq has voiced concern about the country’s election laws, saying they lack clarity just three months before parliamentary polls are slated to be held.

Ad Melkert, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and the head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), issued a statement yesterday in which he called on Iraq’s Council of Representatives to revise the legal framework for the elections.

“Holding parliamentary elections on 16 January appears to be something that is strongly desired by the people of Iraq, will be a vital milestone for Iraq’s democratization process, and called for by the Iraq constitution,” he said, according to a press release issued by UNAMI in Baghdad."
(United Nations News Centre (Secular; United Nations; International) 12 / 10 | October / 2009)

The issue may cause concern, after the outcome of the Afghanistan election recently.

Pope Benedict Canonizes Five New Saints

Yesterday, Sunday October 11, 2009, in his homily Pope Benedict spoke of the newly canonized saints, “Their perfection, in the logic of a faith that is humanly incomprehensible at times, consists in no longer placing themselves at the centre, but choosing to go against the flow and live according to the Gospel,”.

I have always admired Saint Damien because of his overwhelming love and work to help people that were so badly treated by society in Hawaii. A Belgian 19th century priest, who went to one of the Hawaiian Islands, Molokai, to help these people who were basically thrown there with leprosy and disregarded, treated less than human. Leprosy has the same stigma as that of the HIV/AIDS disease or reminds me of such.

This island is very primitive and almost a hidden secret from the outside world still today. The place I am speaking of is Kalaupapa which is tucked away on the nearly inaccessible, rugged corner of Molokai. Kalaupapa is a small peninsula jutting our 4.5 square miles on the island of Molokai. This is where Father Damien moved to and lived the remainder of his life helping these victims of the leprosy disease.

In 1865 this island was chosen by King Kamehameha V as an appropriate place to house or let leprosy patients live out their lives, they were literally just dropped off there and abandoned. Kalaupapa is best known for the work of Father Damien DeVeuster, known as “the Martyr of Molokai”. This serene place became a natural prison because of its high sea cliffs that surround it and near impossible accessibility in or out of it.

Father Damian who volunteered in 1873 to serve this leper settlement temporarily but once he arrived he remained. The people he encountered were desperate for help. He himself contracted leprosy in 1884 and remained in Kalaupapa. He died of leprosy at the age of 49, after spending 16 years of his life aiding the patients of Kalaupapa.

Patients who contracted leprosy, Hansen’s disease were immediately sent or taken from their homes for fear of spreading the infectious disease. In the 1800’s there was no medical treatment of it and patients were sent to the island of Molaki to live. They were treated as outcasts and ripped from their families.

Today many who visit Kalaupapa by plane, mule or boat are stunned with its beauty; there is little there, a store, a bar, a service station and a small post office, their homes and a hospital. Once all the lepers have passed away the National Park Service will take back this oasis and it will no longer belong to the State Department of Health. It is the right (law) of patients (leprosy) to remain there for their lifetime by Federal Law.

Since 1964, sulfur drug treatment has controlled leprosy also knows as Hansen’s disease and in 1969 patients were no longer confined to the settlement and were free to come and go as health permitted.

Also canonized Zygmunt Szczesny Felinski, archbishop of Warsaw when Poland rebelled against annexation by imperial Russia in 1863. Exiled to Siberia for 20 years by the czar, he was “a shining example for all the church”, the pope said.

Dominican friar Francisco Coll Guitart, one of two Spaniards created a saint, preached in Catalonia in the 19th century and “reached the hearts of others because he transmitted what he himself lived with passion, which burned in his heart”, said the pontiff.

The other is Brother Rafael Arnaiz Baron who became a Trappist monk and died at the age of 27 in 1938. He “did not know how to pray” when he began monastic life but became an example “especially for young persons who are not easily satisfied”, the pope said.

France’s new saint is Jeanne Jugan, venerated as Marie de la Croix. She worked with the poor and elderly, shedding all her own material possessions to become “a poor person among the poor” until her death in 1879.

Sunday 11 October 2009

CISA: Congo Bishop forced to leave Special Synod for Africa... After a parish is burnt down, hostages taken

(South African Catholic; c.f. CISA [Catholic Information Service For Africa] (Catholic; Independent; African [Continental]) Friday 09 / 10 | October / 2009 ; Friday 09 / 10 | October / 2009 ; CNA [Catholic News Agency] (Catholic; Independent; American) 10 / 10 | October / 2009 )

Central African archbishop, withdraws from the Vatican hosted: Special Synod for Africa, due to hostage situation in his home archdiocese.

According to the CISA news service:

"VATICAN, October 9, 2009 (CISA) - The reality of political violence in [parts of] Africa hit the ongoing Synod in Rome in its first week when a Congolese bishop-delegate was forced to cut short his participation and return home following attacks at a parish where priests were taken hostage.

The Synod is discussing justice, peace and reconciliation in Africa.

Archbishop François Xavier Rusengo [Archbishop François-Xavier Maroy Rusengo] of Bukavu in the war-torn eastern DR Congo [Democratic Republic of Congo] told the [Special] Synod [for Africa] that uniformed men last Friday burnt down one of his parishes, attacked priests and took others hostage. The archdiocese had to pay a huge ransom for release of the hostages.

'Through these acts, it is the Church, remaining the only support for a terrorized, humiliated, exploited and dominated people who they would reduce to silence. Lord, may your will be done, may your kingdom of peace arrive', the Archbishop said on Tuesday.

The Synod issued a statement of solidarity with Archbishop Rusengo and the Christians of Bukavu, and expressed the hope that reconciliation and the Good News of the Gospel, as we are reminded during these days of Synod reflection, may be welcomed as the path shared by all to accomplish conditions of human life founded on the values of justice, reinforced by peace, which is a gift from God.

At the same time, the Synod called on the government to do everything possible to bring back order in justice to establish and guarantee peace, necessary for a normal life of the dear population."
(CISA [Catholic Information Service For Africa] (Catholic; Independent; African [Continental]) Friday 09 / 10 | October / 2009 ;)

Meanwhile, another archbishop, Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel of Addis Ababa, who is situated in the same city as the headquarters of the African Union (AU), suggested that the church appoint a permanent representative to the body, with the same credentials as an Apostolic Nuncio (Vatican Ambassador to a political power).

This suggestion was supported by the SACBC (Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference), but possibly not by SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagasca), which Ethiopia is a member of- which is not mentioned as supporting the idea, but may well support it.

The Archbishop, however mentioned, that SECAM in particular, in his opinion: needed a representative on the AU for its mission, if not only an observer. He claimed that 50% of the AU members (possibly, this seems to refer to the representatives at the headquarters of the AU, as Africa is not 50% Catholic?) are Catholic, and that the Apostolic Nuncio in Ethiopia has been given permission to sit in on all meetings in Addis Abbaba as an observer.

It is unclear who the Archbishop would recommend for the job, which would happen in his proximity.

US Department of State, fears election violence in upcoming Mozambique election

(South African Catholic; c.f. US Department of State Website (Secular; Governmental; American) Updated Sunday 11 / 10 | October / 2009 ; News 24 (Secular; Independent; South African): articles by SAPS (Secular; Independent; South African) 29 / 09 | September / 2009 ; 07 / 09 | September 2009; 13 / 12 | December / 2004)

Notation by Marc Aupiais

The US Department of State, has warned their citizens to avoid Mozambique, due to fears of election violence, claiming:

"The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens to the potential for violence in Mozambique in association with the October 28, 2009, general election. This Travel Alert expires on November 10, 2009.

The Embassy has received specific reports of localized civil unrest and violence in Gaza, Nampula, Sofala and Tete provinces. Past elections in Mozambique have featured violence in other areas of the country throughout the campaign season, the election, and especially in the days and weeks following the announcement of election results"
(US Department of State Website (Secular; Governmental; American) Updated Sunday 11 / 10 | October / 2009)

The 2004 elections, saw opposition party members refusing access to votes, stored in warehouses which required keys from both sides for access. The Opposition had accused police of chasing their election observers away from polling stations, and alleged that many rural voters had not been able to vote. The opposition at the time: Renamo, had been contesting Frelimo for the election, where only 30% to 40% of voters turned out. It had been declared free and fair.

Saturday 10 October 2009

Racist Bishops? Want black pope, call anti-life Obama a sign from God- that there's a need for a black pope!

Editorial Note by Marc Aupiais (Editor)

A number of African Bishops, from the region around Kenya, where Obama's father lives, have taken to treating the pro-abortion Democrat as though a sign from God, that the Catholic Church needs to repent and become more like America, and not the opposite, as some may have thought.

While the credibility of quotes by the Associated Press (AP), on issues involving Roman Catholicism, and American politics, has reduced significantly of late, with Pope Benedict XVI himself being directly and openly misquoted in favour of US president Barack Obama, their latest few, possibly out of context quotes, in their words, would seem hard to fake:

"Archbishop Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle of Accra, Ghana said on Wednesday that there was "a divine plan behind" Obama's election.

"It's like the biblical story repeating itself," he told journalists, citing the Old Testament figure Joseph who, after being sold into slavery in Egypt ends up becoming a top official.

"We believe God has his own plans. God directs history," he said of the US election. "We pray that it (Obama's presidency) brings blessings for Africa and the whole world."


"We [royal we, collaborators, Ghana's Bishops, the North/Central-African Bishops?] are definitely aware of it," Palmer-Buckle said[ referring to the concern of many of the US Catholic Bishops, over Obama's attempts to radically increase abortion funding, something the pope himself is concerned about- as seen in his recent greeting of the pro-abortion US ambassador to the Vatican.]. "But we feel it our duty to meet him and find out what are the things that unite us more than divide us."

Earlier this week, the Ghanian prelate leading the three-week meeting on the Church in Africa, Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson of Cape Coast, Ghana, cited Obama's election in saying he didn't see any reason why there couldn't now be a black pope."
(AP [Associated Press] (Secular; Independent; American; Has had a tendency to misquote Catholic figures, including the pope: recently) 07 / 10 / 2009)

The Archbishop, who we have confirmed is an archbishop, appears clearly to not only be judging purely on race, but to be insinuating a black superiority in future, by comparing races to the 12 brothers. The Cardinal, being a Cardinal is a possible candidate for a future pope, if they were to judge by the criteria of being black, rather than on merit, and orthodoxy- he would be even more likely to have a good chance. Obama's ancestors themselves were never slaves, his father is a citizen of Kenya, his mother a white American.

Another Bishop,archbishop Monsignor Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya of Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has claimed:

""If the election of a black as head of the USA was a divine sign and a sign from the Holy Spirit for the reconciliation of races and ethnic groups for peaceful relations ... this synod and the universal church would gain from not ignoring this primordial event of contemporary history which is far from being a banal game of political alliances," he said in his speech.

Archbishop John Onaiyekan of Abuja, Nigeria gave more tangible reasons for praise in meeting with journalists.

"Obama has the authority to talk straight to our bad leaders and tell them they are messing up our countries," he said. Besides, he added, "In Africa we are always happy when our brother is big.""
(AP [Associated Press] (Secular; Independent; American; Has had a tendency to misquote Catholic figures, including the pope: recently) 07 / 10 / 2009)

To attribute the election of Barak Obama to the Holy Spirit, is to place the responsibility for millions of additional deaths via abortion, on the shoulders of the Holy Spirit, a very serious accusation. That another claims that "we" are always happy when our "brother" is "big", seems to say that a white US president is not a brother to the bishop. Bush himself, a white man- focussed on Africa extensively.

Obama himself, has been seemingly racist, during his term in office- instantly taking the side of a black professor, over a white policeman in one event, and showing other activities which do not lend towards the perception the one bishop has of a uniter of men.

Fortunately, there are many many more bishops in Africa, the views of a few men do not constitute the views of multiple Bishops conferences. All of those involved seem to be from the same region, if not the same conference. All are from nearby Kenya, Obama's Father's country.

Further, the AP quotes are out of context, we cannot tell what the questions were, that said- they certainly contain words which mean something in any context. It would seem these bishops are saying that the colour of a man's skin is more important than whether an unborn child lives or dies, and than whether a political party has purposely misrepresented Catholic doctrine, dogma and Canon law on Abortion or not.

Send us your views!

Friday 9 October 2009

Barack Obama "Wins" Nobel Prize

Note by Marc Aupiais

"He was not thought to be among the frontrunners but Barack Obama has won this year's Nobel Peace Prize. The surprise announcement was made by the Nobel Committee in Oslo.


The Committee's statement said: "Obama has as president created a new international climate, multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position with emphasis on the role that the UN and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are prefered as instruments for resolving even the most difficult conflicts".


But he is less than nine months into his first term, and has yet to score what could be considered a major foreign policy success. The decision has provoked a mixed reaction on the world stage." (EuroNews 09 / 10 | October / 2009)

While many people may still be hoping that the mainstream news got this story wrong- others are beginning to realise the reality of what has happened.

US President Barack Obama has won the Nobel Prize- for what you may ask, don't worry, we're asking the same thing: maybe for being elected?

Or is it that whole idea that he has ideas on the environment which haven't succeeded yet?

Oh- was that the international diplomacy environment? Oh? Has he succeeded there?

For a prize started by a man who created the explosive "dynamite", and started a prize in his own name after reading his own negatively written obituary in a newspaper due to a media error, this is hardly out of place. It does put to shame people who actually achieved their goals before getting the prize.

By the time Obama was voted in for the prize, prior public release of results, his only achievement was to expand abortion funding- that is according to Creative Minority Report, we haven't verified it. He'd also made a number of speeches, and promises he did not keep, or maybe kept in the same way the ANC promises people land (anyone heard of some US base in Cuba which was meant to close down?).

So remember- the Nobel prize is pretentious, wait- was that meant to be said: "prestigious"- did I make a media error- no, it was intentional, too bad for Nobel.

The person who gives a fair, reasonable explanation for why Obama deserves this prize over others who did something, may well deserve his prize.

The explanation which no-one should get a prize for- is that its for Obama's efforts to do things, like (failed) diplomacy.

For another source c.f.

CNN (a.k.a. Why am I watching this Channel- quick- change to BBC) [secular; "independent"; American]

09 October 09


Euronews (Secular; Independent; French)

"Extraordinary efforts" win Obama Nobel prize - Nobel Prize : news ...

09 / 10 / 2009

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