(Journey in a Broken World; Chastity South Africa; South African Catholic)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Often- when evil tries to overcome me- I have a method which works- I try to see what desire has been twisted by evil against me. Pure evil doesn't exist- it only has power in twisting good.
Now- when it is pride- we realize the true emotion twisted is love of God, and care of self, and self esteem in proportion- realizing this- we endorse the true desires- and when evil is weak enough, or rather- when the good still is fighting- then this rids us of the evil, which somehow withers and dies.
We need firstly to change the evil desire into the good one- to straighten the broken tree's stem, to fix a broken spinal cord, through forcing the broken back into the place it is meant to exist!
Now, sometimes this does not work- and so we sit- trying to wait out the evil of sin- and fight strong desires, as though we were fighting a disease. Unfortunately, of human force alone, such force not always works- we tire quickly and are met again when weaker- which is why often sacraments are such power- and the realization that we can wait it out... in this, however we tire- and often start asking God in prayer- why we cannot have the evil wish we desire, even ask for lifting of the moral obligation- for some excuse to be doing good. Evil has no substance, except in that which is good.
In this- we feel almost electric power, and irritation enter us- as we either give into it, and find we are weaker the next skirmish, or else- try our hardest, and find we have already fallen- or manage to get through it, desperately praying- knowing it will come back again, having weakened us sufficiently.
At this point- we realize that the true desire- ours for whatever it is has ceased to be, or if it hasn't- we perhaps have tried very hard to feed the true desire which has been twisted, and justly we have tried to fight the other- and as yet have not succeeded. Now- if we resist, we are given the grace to do so- but surely- how do we win..?
The desire below is natural- it is ours, is it not- but this other desire- where does it come from, is it not the mutation of the desire we truly have, or had- is it not alien, foreign..?
We are fighting a desire, which is not natural, for sin is insanity, and is not ours- it is alien- so why should we at all be obligated to follow something that is neither sane, nor ours. We calmly must determine not to follow it- to say no to it- and to lower ourselves in our souls. We then begin to pray about this foreign desire within- to saints such as Philomena- and give our bodies over to them to cure, all the while determined to attend the next possible confession.
We realize the desire is not ours- and so we ignore it- like an aggressive tyrant without any power. It is not ours, it is not of our self... it is foreign, and we reject it utterly.
In this- we acknowledge not only the foreignness of this desire- but also the natural desire below, which has been mutated, and we determine to live in better balance with this and to admit it as truth, as truth will set you free. Of course- if our world-view is wrong, if we believe that those things forbidden by Mother Church are natural- then we might as well not even attempt to fight- we must win through submittal to morality and to truth- as the natural means.
Only evil tries to justify that actings of man which are not natural, nor sane.
Good attempts to cure them, or to manage them so as to stop evil triumphing.
That which is moral- is the boundary and fullness of that which is natural.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Overcoming sin- and the natural which has been twisted into evil by evil!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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Indian, and Asian continent Bishops again appeal for aid on violence!
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; Agenzia Fides 29/09/2008)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Asian Catholic Bishops- representing the entirety of the Asian continent's Catholic Bishops- have repeated unsuccessful appeals by Indian Bishops, and international Catholic sources to bring an end of the anti-Christian Genocide occurring in large regions of India. The Federation of Asian Bishops voiced their concerns- and noted that India's constitution should invoke their protection, saying that Christians too are citizens of India who should be entitled to protection from religious violence!
There has yet to be retaliatory attacks from the Christians, who have been urged to take non-violent means, peace and forgiveness. These Perpetrators of Human dignity- must be brought under strict punishment, surely- we must pray that these poor persons- whose only crime is hope in Christ- may survive this harsh genocide!
Their statements may be seen here:
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Asian Catholic Bishops- representing the entirety of the Asian continent's Catholic Bishops- have repeated unsuccessful appeals by Indian Bishops, and international Catholic sources to bring an end of the anti-Christian Genocide occurring in large regions of India. The Federation of Asian Bishops voiced their concerns- and noted that India's constitution should invoke their protection, saying that Christians too are citizens of India who should be entitled to protection from religious violence!
There has yet to be retaliatory attacks from the Christians, who have been urged to take non-violent means, peace and forgiveness. These Perpetrators of Human dignity- must be brought under strict punishment, surely- we must pray that these poor persons- whose only crime is hope in Christ- may survive this harsh genocide!
Their statements may be seen here:
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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Asian News,
Bad Authority,
Bishops Speak Out,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Health Issues,
Hinduist Extremism,
Human Rights Abuses,
Most Vulnerable,
Mother Theressa,

India- More persecution of Christians- Christians fleeing to jungle face threats from nature
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. Catholic World News 29/09/08 as seen at Catholic Culture)
Article by Marc Aupiais
After contracting Malaria in the jungle among Christian refugees fleeing the Anti-Christian Hindu Extremist mobs- who have burnt over 4 000 Christian homes, and killed directly and indirectly- many Christians- 30 year old nun- Sister Mable, died of Malaria- despite getting to a hospital.
The Indian Government has set up 14 refugee camps. Christian refugees report that these camps are not safe- with attacks succeeding within these as well- and therefore many Christians have fled to the jungles.
Refugees face daily threats to their existence- and not only from mobs, who force conversions, but from nature, having fled to places in the jungle.
The international community has yet to mention this recent genocide- in any way so as to reach us! To prove to the mops that their conversion really "has" happened- Christians must take violent actions against peers, and sign- lying that of their own free will they convert to Hinduism.
Article by Marc Aupiais
After contracting Malaria in the jungle among Christian refugees fleeing the Anti-Christian Hindu Extremist mobs- who have burnt over 4 000 Christian homes, and killed directly and indirectly- many Christians- 30 year old nun- Sister Mable, died of Malaria- despite getting to a hospital.
The Indian Government has set up 14 refugee camps. Christian refugees report that these camps are not safe- with attacks succeeding within these as well- and therefore many Christians have fled to the jungles.
Refugees face daily threats to their existence- and not only from mobs, who force conversions, but from nature, having fled to places in the jungle.
The international community has yet to mention this recent genocide- in any way so as to reach us! To prove to the mops that their conversion really "has" happened- Christians must take violent actions against peers, and sign- lying that of their own free will they convert to Hinduism.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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Asian News,
Bad Authority,
Catholic Services,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Health Issues,
Hinduist Extremism,
Human Rights Abuses,
Most Vulnerable,
Mother Theressa,

Vietnam- Communists- still clash with Catholics- Government won't return Catholic Diplomatic Building- Take Catholic Artifacts
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. Catholic Culture; UCAN News; CNS 01/02/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Catholic Culture, basing an article on the United Catholic Asian News service reports more trouble in Vietnam.
Catholics in Vietnamese Ha Noi, were mobbed by Communist youth, as the Vietnamese Government confiscated a cross and statue of the Madonna- from a former nunciature, which the government had promised in February to return to the church. The symbols of faith were placed under a tree months ago after prayer.
The Catholics were praying outside of Iron Barriers erected by the communist government, outside the disputed building. Communism is considered an evil ideology by the Church. The building was surrounded by hundreds of police- apparently seeing the catholics as a threat- these were supported by communist youths- who forced the praying Catholics back. Prayer is a powerful weapon- but this shows just how far certain governments are prepared to go to protect their own interests.
A nunciature is the building in which a nuncio resides, the highest rank of diplomat from the Holy See- dispatched permanently to a Civil Authority.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Catholic Culture, basing an article on the United Catholic Asian News service reports more trouble in Vietnam.
Catholics in Vietnamese Ha Noi, were mobbed by Communist youth, as the Vietnamese Government confiscated a cross and statue of the Madonna- from a former nunciature, which the government had promised in February to return to the church. The symbols of faith were placed under a tree months ago after prayer.
The Catholics were praying outside of Iron Barriers erected by the communist government, outside the disputed building. Communism is considered an evil ideology by the Church. The building was surrounded by hundreds of police- apparently seeing the catholics as a threat- these were supported by communist youths- who forced the praying Catholics back. Prayer is a powerful weapon- but this shows just how far certain governments are prepared to go to protect their own interests.
A nunciature is the building in which a nuncio resides, the highest rank of diplomat from the Holy See- dispatched permanently to a Civil Authority.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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Asian News,
Bad Authority,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Communism against the church,
UCAN News service,

Vatican installs Solar Power
(Social Justice South Africa;c.f. CathNews;Catholic News Service (CNS) ;BBC; AP; IHT)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Solar panels for the Paul VI auditorium are being installed, with Holy Father- Pope Benedict XVI- emphasising the utmost importance of protecting the environment. Donated by "Solar World", the 2 700 solar panels, used in temperature control and lighting- will save 70 tons of oil, however from the quotations we are unsure of the period in which this will take place, and how often this will occur.
Another group, Planktos Inc (US Firm), along with- KlimaFa Ltd (Hungary) are restoring 600 aches of wood in Hungary and donating the carbon credits to the Vatican.
The German Holy Father- is known for his encouragement of ecological action- to aid our world's natural heritage.
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Solar panels for the Paul VI auditorium are being installed, with Holy Father- Pope Benedict XVI- emphasising the utmost importance of protecting the environment. Donated by "Solar World", the 2 700 solar panels, used in temperature control and lighting- will save 70 tons of oil, however from the quotations we are unsure of the period in which this will take place, and how often this will occur.
Another group, Planktos Inc (US Firm), along with- KlimaFa Ltd (Hungary) are restoring 600 aches of wood in Hungary and donating the carbon credits to the Vatican.
The German Holy Father- is known for his encouragement of ecological action- to aid our world's natural heritage.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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Environmental News,
Pope Speaks,
Social Justice South Africa,
Sustainable Development,
Sustainable Energy,

Monday, 29 September 2008
Pope appeals youth- Don't destroy planet- Ecotourism helps the most needy- Papal Summer Residence- Apostolic Palace of Castelgandolfo
(Social justice South Africa; c.f. Vatican Information Service (VIS); Agenzia Fides)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI- on the 27th of September stated, at World Tourism Day 2008, at the Papal summer residence in- Castelgandolfo- that correct management of the environment is not only moral but beneficial, and necessary. He noted something he called "social tourism"(VIS 27/09/08)(Agenzia Fides 29/9/2008), and that environmental responsibility is not only part of a healthy economy- but beneficial to those who practice it prudently.
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI- on the 27th of September stated, at World Tourism Day 2008, at the Papal summer residence in- Castelgandolfo- that correct management of the environment is not only moral but beneficial, and necessary. He noted something he called "social tourism"(VIS 27/09/08)(Agenzia Fides 29/9/2008), and that environmental responsibility is not only part of a healthy economy- but beneficial to those who practice it prudently.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, September 29, 2008
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Agenzia Fides,
Environmental News,
Holy See,
Most Vulnerable,
Pope Speaks,
Social Justice South Africa,
Sustainable Development

EU must take in Iraqi refugees- UN High Commissioner on Refugees- tells EU Meeting on Assylum
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Agenzia Fides 26/09/2008)
Article By Marc Aupiais
The United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, António Guterres, recently addessed the EU (European Union) Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs as a guest at a meeting, organized by the French EU President. He asked for a resettlement program to be created to sort out the needs of refugees from Iraq- who cannot safely live in their own country due to conflict.
Many have moved to Jordan or Syria for the time being (about 2 million). These refugees include minority Christians suffering harsh persecution.
The UNHCR has joined the World Food Program and Caritas- in asking for some form of immediate action on trying to aid the dire situation in the country.
The EU has at times been controversial in its strict asylum procedures.
Article By Marc Aupiais
The United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, António Guterres, recently addessed the EU (European Union) Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs as a guest at a meeting, organized by the French EU President. He asked for a resettlement program to be created to sort out the needs of refugees from Iraq- who cannot safely live in their own country due to conflict.
Many have moved to Jordan or Syria for the time being (about 2 million). These refugees include minority Christians suffering harsh persecution.
The UNHCR has joined the World Food Program and Caritas- in asking for some form of immediate action on trying to aid the dire situation in the country.
The EU has at times been controversial in its strict asylum procedures.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, September 29, 2008
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Agenzia Fides,
Caritas Internationalis,
Middle East,
Social Justice South Africa,
United Nations,
World Food Program

Are some Protestants Catholic supremasists?
(Journey In a Broken World; Creative Minority Report)
Article By Marc Aupiais
(c.f. note)
Creative Minority report is reporting a marked decrease over recent years in "Catholic Triumphalism", with a decrease in Catholic prophesies of large areas united under the faith, and ironic increase in this among specific protestant groups- markedly those with anti-catholic agendas.
Recent losses by Catholics- have resulted in bleak outlooks of the future by many, as well as the lack of Catholic Nationalist prophesies by specific nations.
While many believe that the presence of the protestant churches is a sign of their speed in reproducing new organizations- or purely from natural causes such as fear of Rome, or advertising, and humanistic societal causes- personally I believe that like all "Material heresies" (official designation of Protestantism by the "Ecclesiam" names it a "Material Heresy", and "Material Schism"), Protestantism was allowed by God to aid in either clarifying and molding Catholic muscles- in combating it- or in order to cure a weakness in the church. If we can cure the weaknesses in the church- with prayer we should again assume our role as Mother church. I firmly believe that the Protestant "material Schism", is not a lack of catechism- but a manifestation of a wound in the church. Surely- if we were operating in complete health- the message and truth, and manifestation would permiate beyond borders of fear and independantism to a greater degree. Surely- this opposition is because we do not manifest the truth as we should- even as schism, as Saint Paul says in the bible- is evil and therefore of the devil- in this we realize- that every schism allows us to look in the mirror- and see which under-emphasized element of our truth has been twisted by our enemies- so as to satisfy that which has been abused into Schisms in the body- and cure them by watering the plant below the heresy- which has been twisted slightly or much- based on our own weakness in manifesting adequately the truth!
If indeed, as I even used to believe- the only separator of Christians is pride- then we are accusing those responsible of mortal sin. In any case- when I say heresy and schism- I mean from the Catholic doctrinal perspective- material refers to a physical reality- this by no means makes those following it automatically guilty- this requires knowledge and choice- for this reason the Vatican has determined to emphasize many similarities between our separated faiths through Ecumenism. I only hope my fellows in such would also aim nobly as I hope they are- to the reunification on Mother Church!
Note: This article does not intend any insult to other faiths- all definitions are Catholic Theological Definitions, and refer to one's relationship purely with the Roman Apostolic Catholic Faith, currently under Pope Benedict XVI, and neither insinuate guilt, nor are intended in any manner outside of Ecclesiastical meanings. We greatly respect our fellow Christians and by no means have any intent of any form of accusation- or harm towards any protestant reader, or any non-Catholic. please inform us if you are offended by this article- and suggest better ways to phrase the same opinion. We also fully support efforts of ecumenism- and clarification of beliefs between all major religions, while also showing definite lines of disagreement.
Article By Marc Aupiais
(c.f. note)
Creative Minority report is reporting a marked decrease over recent years in "Catholic Triumphalism", with a decrease in Catholic prophesies of large areas united under the faith, and ironic increase in this among specific protestant groups- markedly those with anti-catholic agendas.
Recent losses by Catholics- have resulted in bleak outlooks of the future by many, as well as the lack of Catholic Nationalist prophesies by specific nations.
While many believe that the presence of the protestant churches is a sign of their speed in reproducing new organizations- or purely from natural causes such as fear of Rome, or advertising, and humanistic societal causes- personally I believe that like all "Material heresies" (official designation of Protestantism by the "Ecclesiam" names it a "Material Heresy", and "Material Schism"), Protestantism was allowed by God to aid in either clarifying and molding Catholic muscles- in combating it- or in order to cure a weakness in the church. If we can cure the weaknesses in the church- with prayer we should again assume our role as Mother church. I firmly believe that the Protestant "material Schism", is not a lack of catechism- but a manifestation of a wound in the church. Surely- if we were operating in complete health- the message and truth, and manifestation would permiate beyond borders of fear and independantism to a greater degree. Surely- this opposition is because we do not manifest the truth as we should- even as schism, as Saint Paul says in the bible- is evil and therefore of the devil- in this we realize- that every schism allows us to look in the mirror- and see which under-emphasized element of our truth has been twisted by our enemies- so as to satisfy that which has been abused into Schisms in the body- and cure them by watering the plant below the heresy- which has been twisted slightly or much- based on our own weakness in manifesting adequately the truth!
If indeed, as I even used to believe- the only separator of Christians is pride- then we are accusing those responsible of mortal sin. In any case- when I say heresy and schism- I mean from the Catholic doctrinal perspective- material refers to a physical reality- this by no means makes those following it automatically guilty- this requires knowledge and choice- for this reason the Vatican has determined to emphasize many similarities between our separated faiths through Ecumenism. I only hope my fellows in such would also aim nobly as I hope they are- to the reunification on Mother Church!
Note: This article does not intend any insult to other faiths- all definitions are Catholic Theological Definitions, and refer to one's relationship purely with the Roman Apostolic Catholic Faith, currently under Pope Benedict XVI, and neither insinuate guilt, nor are intended in any manner outside of Ecclesiastical meanings. We greatly respect our fellow Christians and by no means have any intent of any form of accusation- or harm towards any protestant reader, or any non-Catholic. please inform us if you are offended by this article- and suggest better ways to phrase the same opinion. We also fully support efforts of ecumenism- and clarification of beliefs between all major religions, while also showing definite lines of disagreement.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, September 29, 2008
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humourous commentary on Schisms between churches,
Ironic quirks or existence,
Journey In a Broken World,

Pope was among voices calling for sustainable development, and moral world business practise
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. L'Osservatore Romano)
Article by Marc Aupiais
In the latest publication of the Vatican Newspaper, published 24th September- the pope also emphasized the need to promote the interests of the poor- as money can be found when the rich are in trouble. This was at the time- greeting in advance- the September 25th meeting in the UN, which we have mentioned in other articles.
Article by Marc Aupiais
In the latest publication of the Vatican Newspaper, published 24th September- the pope also emphasized the need to promote the interests of the poor- as money can be found when the rich are in trouble. This was at the time- greeting in advance- the September 25th meeting in the UN, which we have mentioned in other articles.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, September 29, 2008
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Pope Remembers Pope John Paul I 30 Years on, emphasises humility
(Journey in a Broken World; c.f. CathNews 29/09/08; Catholic News Service 28/09/08; AsiaNews 28/09/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Yesterday- Pope Benedict XVI, on the thirtieth anniversary of Pope John Paul I's death- recognised that people will remember the man for his humility- something both think vital to Christian faith. Pope John Paul I only lived for 33 days as pope- but is remembered for his smiles, and his Humility, a virtue he emphasized in his Motto: the Latin : "Humilitas", which he took from Saint Charles Borromeo(CathNews 29/09/08;), a sixteenth Century Archbishop.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Yesterday- Pope Benedict XVI, on the thirtieth anniversary of Pope John Paul I's death- recognised that people will remember the man for his humility- something both think vital to Christian faith. Pope John Paul I only lived for 33 days as pope- but is remembered for his smiles, and his Humility, a virtue he emphasized in his Motto: the Latin : "Humilitas", which he took from Saint Charles Borromeo(CathNews 29/09/08;), a sixteenth Century Archbishop.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, September 29, 2008
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Catholics must get involved with politics, and reject Secularism- Holy See
(Scripturelink Voters Guide; c.f. Zenit News Service)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Secretary of the "Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace", Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi, spoke yesterday to Italian Catholics- saying that Catholics must vote and vote with the church and get involved in Politics. He criticized the movement to Secularism- saying that the church, as Benedict XVI, had told the church earlier, must get involved with society and politics- in fact- that Christ is indispensable to society- and that Catholics must take an utterly active role in politics.
Catholics are obligated to vote for the most prudent choice in leaders of their society- and to take an active role in promoting Catholic Morals, and world-view in the public and private arena of their society- making disciples (learners)of all people- but leaving conversion as a choice- but not opposition to Natural Law- which should be permiated within legal systems as what the church might consider their only real justification.
Ideas such as separation of church and state are secular values from the French enlightenment, accompanying a rejection of Catholicism- religious can't take political office, under current canon law- so as to remain objective, and as the Priest cannot hold the sword (Saint Thomas Aquinas), however laymen are encouraged to hold office, and partake in politics- pushing the views and values of Church, and necessity of Christ on society- even as respecting the choice of some to not worship our God- but not their right to blaspheme our religion.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Secretary of the "Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace", Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi, spoke yesterday to Italian Catholics- saying that Catholics must vote and vote with the church and get involved in Politics. He criticized the movement to Secularism- saying that the church, as Benedict XVI, had told the church earlier, must get involved with society and politics- in fact- that Christ is indispensable to society- and that Catholics must take an utterly active role in politics.
Catholics are obligated to vote for the most prudent choice in leaders of their society- and to take an active role in promoting Catholic Morals, and world-view in the public and private arena of their society- making disciples (learners)of all people- but leaving conversion as a choice- but not opposition to Natural Law- which should be permiated within legal systems as what the church might consider their only real justification.
Ideas such as separation of church and state are secular values from the French enlightenment, accompanying a rejection of Catholicism- religious can't take political office, under current canon law- so as to remain objective, and as the Priest cannot hold the sword (Saint Thomas Aquinas), however laymen are encouraged to hold office, and partake in politics- pushing the views and values of Church, and necessity of Christ on society- even as respecting the choice of some to not worship our God- but not their right to blaspheme our religion.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, September 29, 2008
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"Separation of Church and State",
Bishops Speak Out,
Good methods,
Holy See,
Scripturelink Voters Guide

Religious liberty to Catholics good- but give us back our land!- Holy See
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. Zenit New Service)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Speaking to the Czech Ambassador to the Holy See (Vatican City State), the Pope today congratulated the Czech government on progress made with religious rights, but called for further liberty to to be given to Catholics, the Ex-Communist country's government still owns lands the church claims as her own. Communist regimes were famous for confiscating Catholic and other lands.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Speaking to the Czech Ambassador to the Holy See (Vatican City State), the Pope today congratulated the Czech government on progress made with religious rights, but called for further liberty to to be given to Catholics, the Ex-Communist country's government still owns lands the church claims as her own. Communist regimes were famous for confiscating Catholic and other lands.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, September 29, 2008
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Sunday, 28 September 2008
A thought on truth- and reality, and the sad path to seeking true answers
(Journey in a Broken World)
Article by Marc Aupiais
I really am an odd religious person in the modern era- why- because I, like much of the secular world refuse to believe what doesn't make sense to me- it is something that could be sin, or could be truth- but I am always loyal to truth before any concept of God. My excuse is that God says he is truth- so there is no fear in looking into facts- and seeing if belief in God is saner than belief in the secular world. Of course- I believe in mysteries- in things I know enough of to know I don't know all things- but in our universe the inexplicable sort of makes sense- and I cling to it... it is my sanity to believe as I do!
Many don't question it at all- they feel goodness about belief- and as some answer to this question- with the thought- simply follow the feeling- go with it- but this is not the method I use...
If I am to believe- well- I want to feel sensical in this... and more than that- I want genuine belief- not some decision to choose a belief system- I prefer honesty to such choice.
So, why do I believe- well- partly intuition, partly prayer- and partly the truth within and my experience- and to many this is the basis- and this basis is good.
Somehow- I must always question all things- its why certain groups do not like me much- I question- and work for justice. Many are part of the church- purely for humanitarian reasons- it is a body for this justice- but such people do not really believe, nor think of the doctrine of Mother church as anything but foolish- or useful in results in this world.
The truth is- my search for truth goes beyond all we see- I need to satisfy the part inside- and it only quiets when I believe- as a physical pain overcomes me when I separate from seeking truth- so that even as a Catholic- I still endlessly debate even myself- in an endless quest for Reality- for Truth.
I believe- as the early Christians did- that God is the frame of our world- the mediator in which we exist- Reality, Eternity, as Aquinas calls the tool by which we measure God. Now eternity has all the attributes of God- it is almighty, and all knowing, and permiates over all existence- in fact- I would say Eternity is the description of God- and the Highest Reality on which all exists also-
Now- we know the attributes of Reality and that they correlate. The Pantheist believes similar to the Catholic- except they believe all in existence is Reality- while the Catholic believes they exist in Reality.
Truly- this is what keeps me Catholic- this about Reality- and that all comes from something before it- so everything must come from Reality- and Reality must be greater than all- for all is within Him.
This means to me that even our intelligence must come from Reality- if so- Reality- which is sentient, has every attribute of God, of He who we name not without reverence- whose name is Reality itself- I AM Who I Am- Existence, Eternity- Reality.
If this is so- then my sanity is in belief...
How can I not awkwardly submit to truth, even tyranny in it- if it means remaining within right world-view- if it means being connected with Reality, if it means remaining within Sanity- and not denying what my soul says is truth.
Perhaps I am wrong- after all- I seek into this enough- not for pride or self reliance- nor does this make me right- I am not vane about my own perceptiveness- but it is a compulsion within- one I think all people should seek- believing as they do- but for arguments sake- always checking
Article by Marc Aupiais
I really am an odd religious person in the modern era- why- because I, like much of the secular world refuse to believe what doesn't make sense to me- it is something that could be sin, or could be truth- but I am always loyal to truth before any concept of God. My excuse is that God says he is truth- so there is no fear in looking into facts- and seeing if belief in God is saner than belief in the secular world. Of course- I believe in mysteries- in things I know enough of to know I don't know all things- but in our universe the inexplicable sort of makes sense- and I cling to it... it is my sanity to believe as I do!
Many don't question it at all- they feel goodness about belief- and as some answer to this question- with the thought- simply follow the feeling- go with it- but this is not the method I use...
If I am to believe- well- I want to feel sensical in this... and more than that- I want genuine belief- not some decision to choose a belief system- I prefer honesty to such choice.
So, why do I believe- well- partly intuition, partly prayer- and partly the truth within and my experience- and to many this is the basis- and this basis is good.
Somehow- I must always question all things- its why certain groups do not like me much- I question- and work for justice. Many are part of the church- purely for humanitarian reasons- it is a body for this justice- but such people do not really believe, nor think of the doctrine of Mother church as anything but foolish- or useful in results in this world.
The truth is- my search for truth goes beyond all we see- I need to satisfy the part inside- and it only quiets when I believe- as a physical pain overcomes me when I separate from seeking truth- so that even as a Catholic- I still endlessly debate even myself- in an endless quest for Reality- for Truth.
I believe- as the early Christians did- that God is the frame of our world- the mediator in which we exist- Reality, Eternity, as Aquinas calls the tool by which we measure God. Now eternity has all the attributes of God- it is almighty, and all knowing, and permiates over all existence- in fact- I would say Eternity is the description of God- and the Highest Reality on which all exists also-
Now- we know the attributes of Reality and that they correlate. The Pantheist believes similar to the Catholic- except they believe all in existence is Reality- while the Catholic believes they exist in Reality.
Truly- this is what keeps me Catholic- this about Reality- and that all comes from something before it- so everything must come from Reality- and Reality must be greater than all- for all is within Him.
This means to me that even our intelligence must come from Reality- if so- Reality- which is sentient, has every attribute of God, of He who we name not without reverence- whose name is Reality itself- I AM Who I Am- Existence, Eternity- Reality.
If this is so- then my sanity is in belief...
How can I not awkwardly submit to truth, even tyranny in it- if it means remaining within right world-view- if it means being connected with Reality, if it means remaining within Sanity- and not denying what my soul says is truth.
Perhaps I am wrong- after all- I seek into this enough- not for pride or self reliance- nor does this make me right- I am not vane about my own perceptiveness- but it is a compulsion within- one I think all people should seek- believing as they do- but for arguments sake- always checking
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, September 28, 2008
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New SA "President" won't change policies "that work" (actual quote "a Policy that works")
(Scripturelink Voters Guide; Agenzia Fides 26/9/2008)
Article by Marc Aupiais
On Friday- Agenzia Fides Reports- South Africa's new President acknowledged the volatility of the global economy and has stated he won't change policies he sees to be working. He has insured the re-installation of Trevor Manuel, who recently resigned, and then had a change of heart, perhaps unrelated, but after a preview of economic fallout.
The New President recently replaced controversial previously health minister Manto, who is famous for associations with people claiming to cure aids with vitamins. Despite her fame for claims involving HIV and Lemons, the ANC has maintained her as Minister of the Presidency (Agenzia Fides 26/9/2008).
Agenzia Fides claims that analysts say that the ANC has over this ten year term- lost 30% of their voting public.
Article by Marc Aupiais
On Friday- Agenzia Fides Reports- South Africa's new President acknowledged the volatility of the global economy and has stated he won't change policies he sees to be working. He has insured the re-installation of Trevor Manuel, who recently resigned, and then had a change of heart, perhaps unrelated, but after a preview of economic fallout.
The New President recently replaced controversial previously health minister Manto, who is famous for associations with people claiming to cure aids with vitamins. Despite her fame for claims involving HIV and Lemons, the ANC has maintained her as Minister of the Presidency (Agenzia Fides 26/9/2008).
Agenzia Fides claims that analysts say that the ANC has over this ten year term- lost 30% of their voting public.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, September 28, 2008
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Kofi Anan Speaks out on Keya Violence- Agenzia Fides
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Agenzia Fides)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Agenzia Fides Reports- that United Nations Secretry General- Kofi Anan says :
“The situation of the internal refugees is in the mind of all Kenyans. We need to find a solution as soon as possible.” (Agenzia Fides, 26/9/2008).
He speaks of 80 000 internal refugees that have yet to return home after the deaths of a thousand Kenyans in January and February- after accusations of election fraud, where 350 000 Kenyans fled their homes and houses. 129 camps hold 76 400 people across Kenya, and their government is attempting to get the refugees back into their homes, with a program named after a Swahili phrase translated "Return Home" (Agenzia Fides, 26/9/2008).
Election Violence in Kenya and accusations of election fraud reverberated at the beginning of the year in Kenya's election.
Recent articles have alleged the presence of "Death Squadrons" active in Kenya.
Other than the already about 76 400 people in camps around Kenya- about 220 000 people rely on the Red Cross for basic survival.
The reincorporation is hailed as necessary to combat the Kenyan food shortage- as many of the refugees are farmers, relied upon to produce basic produce...
Article by Marc Aupiais
Agenzia Fides Reports- that United Nations Secretry General- Kofi Anan says :
“The situation of the internal refugees is in the mind of all Kenyans. We need to find a solution as soon as possible.” (Agenzia Fides, 26/9/2008).
He speaks of 80 000 internal refugees that have yet to return home after the deaths of a thousand Kenyans in January and February- after accusations of election fraud, where 350 000 Kenyans fled their homes and houses. 129 camps hold 76 400 people across Kenya, and their government is attempting to get the refugees back into their homes, with a program named after a Swahili phrase translated "Return Home" (Agenzia Fides, 26/9/2008).
Election Violence in Kenya and accusations of election fraud reverberated at the beginning of the year in Kenya's election.
Recent articles have alleged the presence of "Death Squadrons" active in Kenya.
Other than the already about 76 400 people in camps around Kenya- about 220 000 people rely on the Red Cross for basic survival.
The reincorporation is hailed as necessary to combat the Kenyan food shortage- as many of the refugees are farmers, relied upon to produce basic produce...
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, September 28, 2008
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Africa General News,
African Aid needs,
Agenzia Fides,
Church Organizations,
Health Issues,
Human Rights Abuses,
Social Justice South Africa

Helen Zille- in charge of the Democratic Alliance (DA) - praises Catholic organization
(Scripturelink Voter's Guide; c.f. Southern Cross (Fidelity issues discovered, link shows our retraction of using their news); Catholic Culture)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The leader of South Africa's DA, Helen Zille- according to the Southern Cross, has praised the Catholic Women's League- for their part in the Church, and in moulding democracy in positive directions. This was at the 25th annual CWL conference banquet in applicable areas.
She reminded the Organization of its own fallibility, and said this was a basic evolutionary part of democracy- the admittal that persons can make mistakes and operate within "checks and balances" (Southern Cross article).
More controversial aspects of the 77 year old South African Branch's international Organization- are noted by Catholic Culture in a separate article (Article by Catholic Culture), such as supporting a pro-"choice" (pro killing unborn children), pro-homosexuality march in Canada- along with other organizations. The march also was in support of "women's rights", as we have no further information on it- we have only spoken of the problems we see in the actions of their Canadian branch, many of whose members were shocked at the march against life, which stipulated itself as such.
The DA has been campaigning as the largest South African Opposition party, for a while now- aiding poor people with needed necessities and had partaken in other actions. Helen Zille- who left the ANC for the DA, near the beginning of our Democracy- to apparently help ensure a balance of power in Democracy- is a noted opposition figure, and mayor of Cape Town, where it seems the meeting took place.
She went to Saint Mary's as a child, however, Helen Zille's religion is uncertain to us at the moment.
Basically- we see this as an endorsement of a Catholic Organization by the Mayor of Cape Town.
The Catholic Women's League's home page in South Africa is
Their main purpose seems to be charity. They are endorsed by the South African Bishops Conference.
Article by Marc Aupiais
The leader of South Africa's DA, Helen Zille- according to the Southern Cross, has praised the Catholic Women's League- for their part in the Church, and in moulding democracy in positive directions. This was at the 25th annual CWL conference banquet in applicable areas.
She reminded the Organization of its own fallibility, and said this was a basic evolutionary part of democracy- the admittal that persons can make mistakes and operate within "checks and balances" (Southern Cross article).
More controversial aspects of the 77 year old South African Branch's international Organization- are noted by Catholic Culture in a separate article (Article by Catholic Culture), such as supporting a pro-"choice" (pro killing unborn children), pro-homosexuality march in Canada- along with other organizations. The march also was in support of "women's rights", as we have no further information on it- we have only spoken of the problems we see in the actions of their Canadian branch, many of whose members were shocked at the march against life, which stipulated itself as such.
The DA has been campaigning as the largest South African Opposition party, for a while now- aiding poor people with needed necessities and had partaken in other actions. Helen Zille- who left the ANC for the DA, near the beginning of our Democracy- to apparently help ensure a balance of power in Democracy- is a noted opposition figure, and mayor of Cape Town, where it seems the meeting took place.
She went to Saint Mary's as a child, however, Helen Zille's religion is uncertain to us at the moment.
Basically- we see this as an endorsement of a Catholic Organization by the Mayor of Cape Town.
The Catholic Women's League's home page in South Africa is
Their main purpose seems to be charity. They are endorsed by the South African Bishops Conference.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, September 28, 2008
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Catholic Services,
Church Organizations,
Laity Organizations,
Scripturelink Voters Guide,
Southern Cross

Another oddity in South Africa over the Latin Mass
(Tridentine South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
As I was unable to attend the Latin Mass meeting, all the way in Pretoria yesterday, I sent someone who was attending my proxy and that of a fellow of mine.
The monsigneur- who had informed us he would only do the mass if at least 30 people were in attendance- something that seemed reasonable- but which does seem against the wishes of the Vatican- informed all who had travelled so far that he had had a sudden change of heart- he would no longer do the Latin Mass with them- this at the third meeting simply to finalize the location.
He said they could find out in October about another priest he might ask about it. Pretoria is over an hour's drive from Johannesburg, and many people put off important things to comply with this meeting- we share our empathy with them for their disappointment, especially as I personally have not until recently had any interest in the Traditional mass- except in a feeling that God desired it.
Sadly- in a country where holding hands during the Our Father- seems the norm, despite this not being a Catholic symbol, and not something with a biblical source- something utterly foreign to the rubrics of the mass, nor permitted without Vatican Approval that I have ever seen- which no document I have seen gives, and where communion is taught to be received on the hand- against the norms in the rubrics I have seen, and against what Vatican II said.
It is no secret that the South African Church has a crisis- with so many not understanding basic doctrines- or else not attending mass at all.
So, in truth- I had hoped the Latin- not only would achieve what Pope Benedict had intended, but also reunite SSPX members with the church, as well as increase Orthodoxy in general as it has in other nations.
Unfortunately- we once again must wait on another hope- I do know of Parishes in South Africa who adhere to the desires of the papacy to permit the Latin form of mass, and I do know of some developments, but for now we need to wait and hope- and obey God as best we are able.
Sad defeat often turns into great victory- I only wish I knew why there is such a negative attitude about this Valid form of mass among many priests- to the extent that many Catholics are in open Schism with Mother Church- simply because they desire to worship as they used to- in what Vatican II had set forth as the Ordinary form- Latin!
Please continue to pray for the Advancement of the right we used to follow for over a millennium- the one which was called the ordinary form- and has the imprimatur of Trent- of God's most famous council upon it.
This said- the colloquial is valid- and we do not disobey by following it- just the opposite!
Article by Marc Aupiais
As I was unable to attend the Latin Mass meeting, all the way in Pretoria yesterday, I sent someone who was attending my proxy and that of a fellow of mine.
The monsigneur- who had informed us he would only do the mass if at least 30 people were in attendance- something that seemed reasonable- but which does seem against the wishes of the Vatican- informed all who had travelled so far that he had had a sudden change of heart- he would no longer do the Latin Mass with them- this at the third meeting simply to finalize the location.
He said they could find out in October about another priest he might ask about it. Pretoria is over an hour's drive from Johannesburg, and many people put off important things to comply with this meeting- we share our empathy with them for their disappointment, especially as I personally have not until recently had any interest in the Traditional mass- except in a feeling that God desired it.
Sadly- in a country where holding hands during the Our Father- seems the norm, despite this not being a Catholic symbol, and not something with a biblical source- something utterly foreign to the rubrics of the mass, nor permitted without Vatican Approval that I have ever seen- which no document I have seen gives, and where communion is taught to be received on the hand- against the norms in the rubrics I have seen, and against what Vatican II said.
It is no secret that the South African Church has a crisis- with so many not understanding basic doctrines- or else not attending mass at all.
So, in truth- I had hoped the Latin- not only would achieve what Pope Benedict had intended, but also reunite SSPX members with the church, as well as increase Orthodoxy in general as it has in other nations.
Unfortunately- we once again must wait on another hope- I do know of Parishes in South Africa who adhere to the desires of the papacy to permit the Latin form of mass, and I do know of some developments, but for now we need to wait and hope- and obey God as best we are able.
Sad defeat often turns into great victory- I only wish I knew why there is such a negative attitude about this Valid form of mass among many priests- to the extent that many Catholics are in open Schism with Mother Church- simply because they desire to worship as they used to- in what Vatican II had set forth as the Ordinary form- Latin!
Please continue to pray for the Advancement of the right we used to follow for over a millennium- the one which was called the ordinary form- and has the imprimatur of Trent- of God's most famous council upon it.
This said- the colloquial is valid- and we do not disobey by following it- just the opposite!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, September 28, 2008
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Tridentine South Africa

Saturday, 27 September 2008
Overcoming lust- a secret guide from Chastity South Africa
(Chastity South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Firstly- let us define lust(c.f. note)-
this is the seeking of sexual pleasure apart from either its unitive or its procreative properties. I.e. anything outside of a marriage between one man and one woman- who are open to life in their actions.
Natural Family Planning is included in this- chastity that is (so long as it isn't for selfish reasons)- as it follows natural patterns and is natural- and actually asked of the Israelites in Levitical Law (Leviticus chapter 15 verse 24)and therefore is not lust...
Now, when we lust- sometimes we focus on the form of the body- but Michael Angelo's David is not evil or pornographic- nor much of Christian art. That made to incite lust- or viewed to incite lust, or which shows what should be a private act to the world becomes sinful- and lust- but lust is not an interest in the sexual form- rather- what is sinful is to look at anything with the intent of doing a lustful action with it. Jesus notes this when he says looking at a woman with lust is adultery.
So- how does one overcome it- well- one can be freed from it in confession- but every sin is still a risk- what we- since writing on all sin as insanity- have realized- is that lust is the twisting of a good, natural, God given desire into something evil- whenever we are tempted in lust- we must look deep, and ask why- what causes it- is it the desire to marry a beautiful lady (or man for the ladies), or to enjoy our marriage one day- but not now, or the desire for marriage or for self esteem, which has been twisted. Endorse the desire below in a godly manner- and the lust should disappear.
Remember- if we don't endorse sinful thoughts- but fight them- we hold no guilt for these- instead- when we come to our senses- we must immediately look into why, determine to confess and stop our sin- and see what role we played in it to prevent another occurance- often something caused us to fall- we need either to avoid it if it is sinful- or in a safe environment- alter these internal perceptions that cause goodness to prevent right perception and lead to sin.
Lust is always misperception of another as a tool to cure an unsatisfied desire- or else to use any tool to satisfy sexual desire without the unitive and pro-creative properties both present...
If we satisfy the root desire which has been twisted, or abused by the devil into lust- the good one- not the evil one- whether the desire to show affection, or to gain self esteem, or that for something pleasurable (though of the pleasure of praying?- but generally a desire for pleasure comes from loneliness), or a desire for companionship... if we do so in a Godly manner- lust cannot survive, as we push it out and satisfy the plant this weed tries to cling to... and destroy the heinous weed of lust...
In all of these- the saints all hear and desire to be our guides and companions- loneliness is a terrible thing- but God intended us for happiness- and he is the first step to gaining companions- and love, and truth- for every friend we lose for him- he pays us back a million times in this world and the next- now this is what the bible says- of renouncing evil...
So- when lust tries to take you- start to pray to a saint- be sure to ask why you desire this- and do not listen to sinful excuses- look below and endorse the desire you have neglected- which evil is taking advantage of- and ask yourself what you would do if a Godly person were to see your actions and be dismayed- would you hide them- or does your mind reply-
"who cares- that is their problem"
Now, if one says this- and this is of a Godly person- and one is not saying- I will prevail in good nonetheless- because we are speaking of a Godly person- nor are we saying- I will try help them understand- because this is us speaking of what sinful and such a reply is not appropriate.
In this scenario, are we justifying our actions- or are we concerned as to heal our neighbor from perceiving us as evil? Now this only is when our neighbor is Godly.
So often- when in sin- the church and saints look scary- and we turn from them, or think chastity is impossible- or that we must only do this or that to prove we are not in lust- but the saints and the sacrament of penance (Gospel of John chapter 20 verse 23) are often our only recourse- and not sinning is always an option to us children of truth- God promised strength in temptation if we choose his path.
Remember- acting in lust, such as foreplay, like French Kissing outside of marriage (c.f. Saint Thomas Aquinas- Summa Theologica- "Parts of Lust"), makes the body believe another is your spouse- after-all- God created us for marriage- not lust- and so it thinks you cruel to do otherwise- unless you strictly discipline it. I have also seen men wearing women's clothing- even Catholics- this too is lust, or at least provoking others to it- to which on seeing such people- I have made a cruel* joke to them before- to demonstrate that they are aiding sins along... however much fun they are having being silly at events- it is the same sort of events for which God desecrated the people of Canaan- and asked the Israelites to stone such men. Wearing women's clothing is only acceptable with a valid reason- such as fleeing enemies...
Overcoming lust by self mortification- fasting and thinking of what one has done, or hurting one's self in tactical ways while thinking of one's sin, or smelling something horrid while thinking of one's sin- or placing one's feet in hot (not dangerously so)water- while thinking of what one has done- and then also confessing it- whether thoughts or actions- truly can destroy lust or many other sins quite quickly- and Pavlo's dog agrees.
Self mortification is not strange- in fact- Catholics are required to abstain from meat (not fish- but also from expensive fish and shellfish)on Fridays- although some Dioceses have permitted this to be supplemented with charitable actions on Fridays outside of Lent, where it is generally compulsory.
Once one overcomes sin-
From that point on- prayer- and the trick of finding what desire has been twisted into evil, along with the constant threat of mortification- and an understanding of whether an action is selfish or not- and constant desire to ask the saints for help can aid tremendous amounts... remember also- that reading a Catholic bible, or Godly Catholic article, or prayer- and determining to hear God, and wait this sin out can also aid. Never think something odd is necessary- always follow intuition and God- and be careful when passions and emotion takes you- try to ask why it is so- and if the reason is just- by all means allow emotion- but let the rational mind rule- and always remember how strict, but merciful God is- he condemns a good man who turns evil in his last years, and forgives a prostitute who has just confessed to the priest, and repented (or who has determined to join the faith- whereby it would take a while until her first confession).
Remember- the church is your doctor- your priest your spiritual healer- he is bound to secrecy in confession.
Note: this article covers the Catholic view. No insult is meant to non-Catholics- however- as a Catholic news service- we should be expected to speak sometimes in Catholic Jargon- and not have the same view of words as others.
* I simply pointed out to the people I spoke to- that their actions might be cruel to those who would be affected by it, something as straight persons, such as I also am- they would not desire- I in no way was mean to them- but often people don't realize the impact they could have, and the hurt they could cause those in sin- or with evolutionary lacks that cause them not to desire certain things that the advancement of the species requires- and I enjoy humour as a tool to aid people. To me this action is on level with harming others like tempting someone who compulsively steals- as my morality sees such actions as wrong- even as the mind may be affected to desire wrong things- I think tempting another into what my church calls a mortal sin is also wrong- especially when done by those not under such.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Firstly- let us define lust(c.f. note)-
this is the seeking of sexual pleasure apart from either its unitive or its procreative properties. I.e. anything outside of a marriage between one man and one woman- who are open to life in their actions.
Natural Family Planning is included in this- chastity that is (so long as it isn't for selfish reasons)- as it follows natural patterns and is natural- and actually asked of the Israelites in Levitical Law (Leviticus chapter 15 verse 24)and therefore is not lust...
Now, when we lust- sometimes we focus on the form of the body- but Michael Angelo's David is not evil or pornographic- nor much of Christian art. That made to incite lust- or viewed to incite lust, or which shows what should be a private act to the world becomes sinful- and lust- but lust is not an interest in the sexual form- rather- what is sinful is to look at anything with the intent of doing a lustful action with it. Jesus notes this when he says looking at a woman with lust is adultery.
So- how does one overcome it- well- one can be freed from it in confession- but every sin is still a risk- what we- since writing on all sin as insanity- have realized- is that lust is the twisting of a good, natural, God given desire into something evil- whenever we are tempted in lust- we must look deep, and ask why- what causes it- is it the desire to marry a beautiful lady (or man for the ladies), or to enjoy our marriage one day- but not now, or the desire for marriage or for self esteem, which has been twisted. Endorse the desire below in a godly manner- and the lust should disappear.
Remember- if we don't endorse sinful thoughts- but fight them- we hold no guilt for these- instead- when we come to our senses- we must immediately look into why, determine to confess and stop our sin- and see what role we played in it to prevent another occurance- often something caused us to fall- we need either to avoid it if it is sinful- or in a safe environment- alter these internal perceptions that cause goodness to prevent right perception and lead to sin.
Lust is always misperception of another as a tool to cure an unsatisfied desire- or else to use any tool to satisfy sexual desire without the unitive and pro-creative properties both present...
If we satisfy the root desire which has been twisted, or abused by the devil into lust- the good one- not the evil one- whether the desire to show affection, or to gain self esteem, or that for something pleasurable (though of the pleasure of praying?- but generally a desire for pleasure comes from loneliness), or a desire for companionship... if we do so in a Godly manner- lust cannot survive, as we push it out and satisfy the plant this weed tries to cling to... and destroy the heinous weed of lust...
In all of these- the saints all hear and desire to be our guides and companions- loneliness is a terrible thing- but God intended us for happiness- and he is the first step to gaining companions- and love, and truth- for every friend we lose for him- he pays us back a million times in this world and the next- now this is what the bible says- of renouncing evil...
So- when lust tries to take you- start to pray to a saint- be sure to ask why you desire this- and do not listen to sinful excuses- look below and endorse the desire you have neglected- which evil is taking advantage of- and ask yourself what you would do if a Godly person were to see your actions and be dismayed- would you hide them- or does your mind reply-
"who cares- that is their problem"
Now, if one says this- and this is of a Godly person- and one is not saying- I will prevail in good nonetheless- because we are speaking of a Godly person- nor are we saying- I will try help them understand- because this is us speaking of what sinful and such a reply is not appropriate.
In this scenario, are we justifying our actions- or are we concerned as to heal our neighbor from perceiving us as evil? Now this only is when our neighbor is Godly.
So often- when in sin- the church and saints look scary- and we turn from them, or think chastity is impossible- or that we must only do this or that to prove we are not in lust- but the saints and the sacrament of penance (Gospel of John chapter 20 verse 23) are often our only recourse- and not sinning is always an option to us children of truth- God promised strength in temptation if we choose his path.
Remember- acting in lust, such as foreplay, like French Kissing outside of marriage (c.f. Saint Thomas Aquinas- Summa Theologica- "Parts of Lust"), makes the body believe another is your spouse- after-all- God created us for marriage- not lust- and so it thinks you cruel to do otherwise- unless you strictly discipline it. I have also seen men wearing women's clothing- even Catholics- this too is lust, or at least provoking others to it- to which on seeing such people- I have made a cruel* joke to them before- to demonstrate that they are aiding sins along... however much fun they are having being silly at events- it is the same sort of events for which God desecrated the people of Canaan- and asked the Israelites to stone such men. Wearing women's clothing is only acceptable with a valid reason- such as fleeing enemies...
Overcoming lust by self mortification- fasting and thinking of what one has done, or hurting one's self in tactical ways while thinking of one's sin, or smelling something horrid while thinking of one's sin- or placing one's feet in hot (not dangerously so)water- while thinking of what one has done- and then also confessing it- whether thoughts or actions- truly can destroy lust or many other sins quite quickly- and Pavlo's dog agrees.
Self mortification is not strange- in fact- Catholics are required to abstain from meat (not fish- but also from expensive fish and shellfish)on Fridays- although some Dioceses have permitted this to be supplemented with charitable actions on Fridays outside of Lent, where it is generally compulsory.
Once one overcomes sin-
From that point on- prayer- and the trick of finding what desire has been twisted into evil, along with the constant threat of mortification- and an understanding of whether an action is selfish or not- and constant desire to ask the saints for help can aid tremendous amounts... remember also- that reading a Catholic bible, or Godly Catholic article, or prayer- and determining to hear God, and wait this sin out can also aid. Never think something odd is necessary- always follow intuition and God- and be careful when passions and emotion takes you- try to ask why it is so- and if the reason is just- by all means allow emotion- but let the rational mind rule- and always remember how strict, but merciful God is- he condemns a good man who turns evil in his last years, and forgives a prostitute who has just confessed to the priest, and repented (or who has determined to join the faith- whereby it would take a while until her first confession).
Remember- the church is your doctor- your priest your spiritual healer- he is bound to secrecy in confession.
Note: this article covers the Catholic view. No insult is meant to non-Catholics- however- as a Catholic news service- we should be expected to speak sometimes in Catholic Jargon- and not have the same view of words as others.
* I simply pointed out to the people I spoke to- that their actions might be cruel to those who would be affected by it, something as straight persons, such as I also am- they would not desire- I in no way was mean to them- but often people don't realize the impact they could have, and the hurt they could cause those in sin- or with evolutionary lacks that cause them not to desire certain things that the advancement of the species requires- and I enjoy humour as a tool to aid people. To me this action is on level with harming others like tempting someone who compulsively steals- as my morality sees such actions as wrong- even as the mind may be affected to desire wrong things- I think tempting another into what my church calls a mortal sin is also wrong- especially when done by those not under such.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, September 27, 2008
No comments:

Chastity South Africa,
Overcoming sin,
Prayer as a weapon,
Self Mortification

Bishop gives admirable speech- to gay audience that invited him
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. Creative Minority Report; Cal Catholic Daily)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Sacramento Coadjutor Bishop Jaime Soto recently was keynote speaker at a gay and lesbian catholics conference in America- where he was expected by many to do what some American bishops have done on issues ranging from salvation, to the mass, to abortion- and endorse the heretical* view of the group....
Instead- and I will quote his words of wisdom, and disapproval of the sin these poor persons where they manifested a heretical* view of marriage and were perhaps are separated from the Ecclesiam by-
"[Cal Catholic Daily] But there was noting ambiguous about Bishop Soto’s remarks to the group. “Sexual relations between people of the same sex can be alluring for homosexuals, but it deviates from the true meaning of the act and distracts them from the true nature of love to which God has called us all,” Bishop Soto said. “For this reason, it is sinful. Married love is a beautiful, heroic expression of faithful, life-giving, life-creating love. It should not be accommodated and manipulated for those who would believe that they can and have a right to mimic its unique expression."
At least five members of the audience walked out during the bishop’s address. When he finished speaking, there was general silence -- with only a very small number applauding.
The chairman of the conference then announced that the bishop would answer questions at a reception that would be held in another room. That led to widespread expressions of disapproval from members of the audience, who said they wanted to be able to express their responses immediately. It was agreed that those who wanted to speak would line up. The bishop was told twice by the chairman that he was free to leave if he wanted -- or to stay and listen. Bishop Soto stayed and sat quietly listening to every response.
A series of about eight speakers came to the microphone to express their unhappiness with what the bishop had said -- and what they felt he had not said. One woman said, in essence, "We know what the Church says. What we wanted you to talk about is the value of our lived experience as lesbian women and gay men."
Two speakers -- one man and one woman -- thanked the bishop for his address and voiced their agreement with what he had to say.
While the audience members were responding to the bishop’s remarks, a board member of the National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries came up to one of the tables in the room and said, "On behalf of the board, I apologize. We had no idea Bishop Soto was going to say what he said.""
*Official church definition- one who rejects a doctrine they are obligated to believe
Article by Marc Aupiais
Sacramento Coadjutor Bishop Jaime Soto recently was keynote speaker at a gay and lesbian catholics conference in America- where he was expected by many to do what some American bishops have done on issues ranging from salvation, to the mass, to abortion- and endorse the heretical* view of the group....
Instead- and I will quote his words of wisdom, and disapproval of the sin these poor persons where they manifested a heretical* view of marriage and were perhaps are separated from the Ecclesiam by-
"[Cal Catholic Daily] But there was noting ambiguous about Bishop Soto’s remarks to the group. “Sexual relations between people of the same sex can be alluring for homosexuals, but it deviates from the true meaning of the act and distracts them from the true nature of love to which God has called us all,” Bishop Soto said. “For this reason, it is sinful. Married love is a beautiful, heroic expression of faithful, life-giving, life-creating love. It should not be accommodated and manipulated for those who would believe that they can and have a right to mimic its unique expression."
At least five members of the audience walked out during the bishop’s address. When he finished speaking, there was general silence -- with only a very small number applauding.
The chairman of the conference then announced that the bishop would answer questions at a reception that would be held in another room. That led to widespread expressions of disapproval from members of the audience, who said they wanted to be able to express their responses immediately. It was agreed that those who wanted to speak would line up. The bishop was told twice by the chairman that he was free to leave if he wanted -- or to stay and listen. Bishop Soto stayed and sat quietly listening to every response.
A series of about eight speakers came to the microphone to express their unhappiness with what the bishop had said -- and what they felt he had not said. One woman said, in essence, "We know what the Church says. What we wanted you to talk about is the value of our lived experience as lesbian women and gay men."
Two speakers -- one man and one woman -- thanked the bishop for his address and voiced their agreement with what he had to say.
While the audience members were responding to the bishop’s remarks, a board member of the National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries came up to one of the tables in the room and said, "On behalf of the board, I apologize. We had no idea Bishop Soto was going to say what he said.""
*Official church definition- one who rejects a doctrine they are obligated to believe
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, September 27, 2008
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Americas General News,
Americas news,
Bishops Speak Out,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Good methods,
Intrinsic Evil,
Media Influence,
True Sexuality

90% of JHB Archdiocese Catholics in the substance of Mortal sin, and lack of priests?
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Statistics apparently from the recent Synod- say only 100 000 of the 1 000 000 Catholics in the Archdiocese regularly attend mass- as not attending mass on purpose is a mortal sin- this is very serious.
Some parishes only can have communion once every three months-
This is because of a shortage of priests- our local seminary has had to close large sections- and two schools have become one.
What's the problem- well- we think people need to stop watering down the faith- or lying about the seriousness of sin- if people knew they would go to hell for certain actions, many wouldn't do as they do...
Sadly- often the culprits are representatives of the church- and the diocese, to whom we have sent twice reports of misuse of authority- does not usually respond well- we have even been told to join in, having reported an incident- when on holiday I and another attended a mass where the priest encouraged the parish to commit an abuse of the mass, and also sang happy birthday to a parishioner (a seemingly common event).
One of our foundational doctrines is Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Sallus- outside the sacraments and the church- there is no salvation- except to those who for no fault of their own are not actively in union with the Divine teachings of the church! We are told to attend mass on sundays and days of obligation- and to attend confession yearly.
The issue is grave and until we determine to halt our politically correct talk- or stop the craziness of not preaching, or at least speaking of our religion- a secular value- disobedient to the gospel- we will continue to see short ques at confession- and lax Catholicism at church. God is in the detail- not some sketchy outline- when we gain respect for our ancestors who burnt heretics at the stake- perhaps we realize how important the immortal soul is- we only have one- while our body will be replaced after death.
I don't advocate burning anyone- that only can happen when a just Authority asks for it- and usually when that is that in charge of the land- and I don't say it is any solution- my real point is that we need to clearly preach our religion- to read the bible and catechism as a family at night- and to debate like anything about our beliefs- until such time as we promoted the faith boldly- and decide- not to spare the nation of our values- but to cement them in law- and in vocal objections to immorality- with insistence not to permit evil people to get away with public scandal-
Until we choose to rise as one- and rid our land of the yoke of ignorance- we will continue to hell preaching the secular humanist Philosophy - "don't judge- forgive", rather than the Catholic one- "forgive your brother 77 times a day if he truly repents and asks genuinely for forgiveness- otherwise- treat those who offend against the church- those who call themselves Christians- but aren't- as foreigners..."
Now we treat these people with love- but the bible shows that sometimes love is to tell them they are in sin- and to encourage change by any means possible... Of course- due to business needs and other things- and the nature of the world- we do need to associate with these people- but it does not mean we neglect judging- and truly letting them know the requirements for their salvation!
The Church Militant exists to preach the gospel- to administer the Sacraments- and to manifest glory and bring its members their due.
Judge not the church with the world's eyes- judge the world as the spiritual man- who the bible says "judges all things!", especially within the church!
Article by Marc Aupiais
Statistics apparently from the recent Synod- say only 100 000 of the 1 000 000 Catholics in the Archdiocese regularly attend mass- as not attending mass on purpose is a mortal sin- this is very serious.
Some parishes only can have communion once every three months-
This is because of a shortage of priests- our local seminary has had to close large sections- and two schools have become one.
What's the problem- well- we think people need to stop watering down the faith- or lying about the seriousness of sin- if people knew they would go to hell for certain actions, many wouldn't do as they do...
Sadly- often the culprits are representatives of the church- and the diocese, to whom we have sent twice reports of misuse of authority- does not usually respond well- we have even been told to join in, having reported an incident- when on holiday I and another attended a mass where the priest encouraged the parish to commit an abuse of the mass, and also sang happy birthday to a parishioner (a seemingly common event).
One of our foundational doctrines is Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Sallus- outside the sacraments and the church- there is no salvation- except to those who for no fault of their own are not actively in union with the Divine teachings of the church! We are told to attend mass on sundays and days of obligation- and to attend confession yearly.
The issue is grave and until we determine to halt our politically correct talk- or stop the craziness of not preaching, or at least speaking of our religion- a secular value- disobedient to the gospel- we will continue to see short ques at confession- and lax Catholicism at church. God is in the detail- not some sketchy outline- when we gain respect for our ancestors who burnt heretics at the stake- perhaps we realize how important the immortal soul is- we only have one- while our body will be replaced after death.
I don't advocate burning anyone- that only can happen when a just Authority asks for it- and usually when that is that in charge of the land- and I don't say it is any solution- my real point is that we need to clearly preach our religion- to read the bible and catechism as a family at night- and to debate like anything about our beliefs- until such time as we promoted the faith boldly- and decide- not to spare the nation of our values- but to cement them in law- and in vocal objections to immorality- with insistence not to permit evil people to get away with public scandal-
Until we choose to rise as one- and rid our land of the yoke of ignorance- we will continue to hell preaching the secular humanist Philosophy - "don't judge- forgive", rather than the Catholic one- "forgive your brother 77 times a day if he truly repents and asks genuinely for forgiveness- otherwise- treat those who offend against the church- those who call themselves Christians- but aren't- as foreigners..."
Now we treat these people with love- but the bible shows that sometimes love is to tell them they are in sin- and to encourage change by any means possible... Of course- due to business needs and other things- and the nature of the world- we do need to associate with these people- but it does not mean we neglect judging- and truly letting them know the requirements for their salvation!
The Church Militant exists to preach the gospel- to administer the Sacraments- and to manifest glory and bring its members their due.
Judge not the church with the world's eyes- judge the world as the spiritual man- who the bible says "judges all things!", especially within the church!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, September 27, 2008
No comments:

Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Good methods,
Strict Rules,

Hopeful Prayers to try prevent Abortion Bill- Australia- Fides
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; Agenzia Fides)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne has sent a request for prayer to Catholic citizens in Melbourne- to combat an abortion bill- similar to those present in South Africa- which would force hospitals to partake in abortion- and be excommunicated from our church, or break the law. A third of births in the region are delivered by Catholic health care- and this follows announcements by the Archbishop that if the bill passes through successfully- the Catholic hospitals will close their maternity wards to not partake in this grievous, scandalous sin- proposed in legislation.
The Archbishop has set up a "Day of Intercession for Life," (Sunday, October 5, 2008), including a vigil at the Saint Patrick's Cathedral- for those planning to pray against this.
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne has sent a request for prayer to Catholic citizens in Melbourne- to combat an abortion bill- similar to those present in South Africa- which would force hospitals to partake in abortion- and be excommunicated from our church, or break the law. A third of births in the region are delivered by Catholic health care- and this follows announcements by the Archbishop that if the bill passes through successfully- the Catholic hospitals will close their maternity wards to not partake in this grievous, scandalous sin- proposed in legislation.
The Archbishop has set up a "Day of Intercession for Life," (Sunday, October 5, 2008), including a vigil at the Saint Patrick's Cathedral- for those planning to pray against this.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, September 27, 2008
No comments:

Australia general News,
Bishops Speak Out,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Good methods,
Health Issues,
Human Rights Abuses,
Intrinsic Evil,
Oceana News,
Prayer as a weapon,

Indian Bishops on Persecution- AsiaNews.IT
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; AsiaNews.it)
The Following article is used with permission. While most of our articles are freely distributable by those supporting our causes- so far as this distribution is not for prophet, or is reqested in writing- the following may not be distributed without prior permission from AsiaNews.it, who have permitted us to place this here.
" 09/26/2008 17:31
Indian bishops make demands in relation to anti-Christian violence
by Card. Varkey Vithayathil
For the first time the Bishops’ Conference of India formally accuses Hindutva groups, demanding justice from central and state governments. Its goal is to preserve India’s civilisation of tolerance and guarantee the good works by Christians in favour of the poor and the outcasts and for social reconciliation.
Bangalore (AsiaNews) – Here is the statement signed by Card Varkey Vithayathil on behalf of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India concerning anti-Christian violence, released today:
Shocked and grieved by the incidents of extreme violence unleashed against the Christian community recently in various parts of our Country, the members of the Standing Committee (Executive Body) of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India express their utter disappointment at the apathy and inaction of the Governments at the Centre and in the States.
Tragic events
Innocent people were murdered, women were molested, churches and religious places were desecrated, pulled down and burnt; houses of Christians were destroyed in Kandhamal and several other districts of Orissa. The State Government kept giving an assurance that things were normal and security arrangements were perfect. Yet when representations were made, it pleaded inability to control the mobs that vandalized church property assailed religious personnel and Christian population. It was evident that the perpetrators of these hideous deeds were trained agents of radical Hindutva activists who were acting under instructions and executing a master plan of destruction. Even as the Christian community in India was still agonizing under these most painful events, attacks and vandalism spread to Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh
It is India's ancient civilization that is being humiliated and the values such as Ahimsa, Truth, Tolerance, and Respect for Religions that She has jealously preserved for centuries that are being dragged to the dust. It is India's fair name that has been tarnished and her secular and democratic image seriously damaged before the international community. These recent horrors in various parts of our country have disgraced the high ideals and principles that our wise men and saints upheld and the vision that our Founding Fathers cherished.
We appreciate the initiative of the Government of India in sending a fact-finding team to study the situation in Karnataka. At the same time we express our disappointment because no corresponding action has been taken until now in the State of Orissa, where the violence and destruction were of much greater magnitude.
Our demands
We make the following demands:
– That stronger and stringent action be taken against all kinds of anti-social and anti-religious elements that violate human rights and terrorize innocent people;
– That culprits should be brought to book and legal action be taken against them;
– That adequate compensation be immediately given to the affected people and institutions;
– That CBI inquiry be immediately ordered to investigate the Orissa incidents and their nexus to attacks on Christian communities in other States;
– That a ban be imposed on fundamentalist groups that train "terrorists" under the banner of Hindutva or any other name;
– That the leaders who act on a communal agenda, or who inspire organized violence against persons of another community, or who use religion for political purposes be restrained.
– That in the event of people taking the law into their own hands, the police be instructed to act in accordance with the demands of law and order, with justice and without prejudice.
The teaching of the church
We are convinced that the allegations of forced conversions by Christian communities is merely a strategy developed by vested interests in order to prevent Christian services of health, education, poverty alleviation and development on behalf of deprived communities. Conversion by force, allurements or deception goes against the teaching of the Catholic Church: "The Church strictly forbids forcing anyone to embrace the Faith, or alluring or enticing people by worrisome wiles. By the same token, she also strongly insists on this right that no one should be frightened away from the Faith by unjust vexations on the part of others” (Vatican Council II). Further Church Law prescribes: "No one is ever permitted to coerce persons to embrace the Catholic faith against their conscience."
It is truly humiliating to the poor to claim that they easily yield to the temptation of converting to any religion for some material advantage. In fact, the poor who choose Christianity forfeit so many benefits guaranteed by the Constitution. Some have even sacrificed their lives for refusing to reconvert.
The Catholic Church respects other religions and holds what is true and holy in them as a precious heritage of humanity. Her teaching in this matter is clear. "The Catholic Church regards with sincere reverence those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and teaching which, though differing in many aspects from the ones she holds and sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men." She exhorts all her children "prudently and lovingly, through dialogue and collaboration with the followers of other religions and in witness of Christian faith and life, to acknowledge, preserve and promote the spiritual and moral goods, found among these people, as well as their values in their society and culture." (Vatican Council II)
We perceive that the Hindutva opposition to Christian activities derives from the fear that many of the deprived communities may be so empowered as to assert their own rights and resist exploitation. No matter how great the threat that may confront us, we cannot renounce the heritage of love and justice that Jesus left us. He said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed." (Gospel of Luke 4:18). When Jesus went about healing the sick, associating with outcasts and assisting the poor, those works were not allurements but the concrete realization of God's plan for humankind: to build a society founded on love, justice and social harmony. The Church therefore is walking in the footsteps of her Master when she exerts herself to the utmost for the benefit of humanity, especially those who are poor and marginalized.
Our constitutional rights
Every citizen and community of our Country has an inalienable right to freedom of conscience and religious liberty. The Indian Constitution, article 25 § 1, upholds that "all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion." It is this right of every citizen to embrace the religion which best satisfies his/her quest for God and for fulfilment. This constitutes an essential part of Human Rights. We belong to a civilization that attaches great importance to this right.
Christian response
Ultimately, Christian response to harassment and persecution may be expressed in one word: forgiveness, and this while we seek to have our rights safeguarded and justice done. If however, some choose to consider the sufferance of the Christian community as a weakness, they are seriously mistaken. We wish to remind everyone that we are citizens of this great country. We too have had a share in shaping this civilization and continue to contribute a great deal to the growth and development of this nation. The Catholic Church in India has always played an active role in promoting inter-religious dialogue and inter-religious harmony. It is with absolute resolve to live in harmony and in happy collaboration with everyone around us, that we seek to serve God and our Nation.
We are heartened by persons of Hindu society and of other communities who have come forward to condemn the evil deeds of a fringe group of fundamentalist activists and to help the victims of violence in many ways. We are grateful that the majority of the people of our Country recognize the small Christian minority as a peace-loving community, ever eager to render service to people of all social strata and religious affiliations, especially those who are poor and needy.
We express our solidarity with the hapless suffering victims of violence, especially those in Orissa who have been rendered homeless, who are forced to flee into forests, who still languish in relief camps and who are being still cruelly threatened to give up their Christian faith, and in their name we appeal to the Governments concerned to take appropriate and effective action without any further delay and to bring relief and justice to them.
We invite everyone to join in prayer for our great nation, for leaders of the Governments and for Civil Authorities, for all those who have suffered in the recent violence and also for those who were the cause of our sufferings. May God bless our country and lead us on the way of peace and justice.
Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil
President CBCI"
The Following article is used with permission. While most of our articles are freely distributable by those supporting our causes- so far as this distribution is not for prophet, or is reqested in writing- the following may not be distributed without prior permission from AsiaNews.it, who have permitted us to place this here.
" 09/26/2008 17:31
Indian bishops make demands in relation to anti-Christian violence
by Card. Varkey Vithayathil
For the first time the Bishops’ Conference of India formally accuses Hindutva groups, demanding justice from central and state governments. Its goal is to preserve India’s civilisation of tolerance and guarantee the good works by Christians in favour of the poor and the outcasts and for social reconciliation.
Bangalore (AsiaNews) – Here is the statement signed by Card Varkey Vithayathil on behalf of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India concerning anti-Christian violence, released today:
Shocked and grieved by the incidents of extreme violence unleashed against the Christian community recently in various parts of our Country, the members of the Standing Committee (Executive Body) of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India express their utter disappointment at the apathy and inaction of the Governments at the Centre and in the States.
Tragic events
Innocent people were murdered, women were molested, churches and religious places were desecrated, pulled down and burnt; houses of Christians were destroyed in Kandhamal and several other districts of Orissa. The State Government kept giving an assurance that things were normal and security arrangements were perfect. Yet when representations were made, it pleaded inability to control the mobs that vandalized church property assailed religious personnel and Christian population. It was evident that the perpetrators of these hideous deeds were trained agents of radical Hindutva activists who were acting under instructions and executing a master plan of destruction. Even as the Christian community in India was still agonizing under these most painful events, attacks and vandalism spread to Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh
It is India's ancient civilization that is being humiliated and the values such as Ahimsa, Truth, Tolerance, and Respect for Religions that She has jealously preserved for centuries that are being dragged to the dust. It is India's fair name that has been tarnished and her secular and democratic image seriously damaged before the international community. These recent horrors in various parts of our country have disgraced the high ideals and principles that our wise men and saints upheld and the vision that our Founding Fathers cherished.
We appreciate the initiative of the Government of India in sending a fact-finding team to study the situation in Karnataka. At the same time we express our disappointment because no corresponding action has been taken until now in the State of Orissa, where the violence and destruction were of much greater magnitude.
Our demands
We make the following demands:
– That stronger and stringent action be taken against all kinds of anti-social and anti-religious elements that violate human rights and terrorize innocent people;
– That culprits should be brought to book and legal action be taken against them;
– That adequate compensation be immediately given to the affected people and institutions;
– That CBI inquiry be immediately ordered to investigate the Orissa incidents and their nexus to attacks on Christian communities in other States;
– That a ban be imposed on fundamentalist groups that train "terrorists" under the banner of Hindutva or any other name;
– That the leaders who act on a communal agenda, or who inspire organized violence against persons of another community, or who use religion for political purposes be restrained.
– That in the event of people taking the law into their own hands, the police be instructed to act in accordance with the demands of law and order, with justice and without prejudice.
The teaching of the church
We are convinced that the allegations of forced conversions by Christian communities is merely a strategy developed by vested interests in order to prevent Christian services of health, education, poverty alleviation and development on behalf of deprived communities. Conversion by force, allurements or deception goes against the teaching of the Catholic Church: "The Church strictly forbids forcing anyone to embrace the Faith, or alluring or enticing people by worrisome wiles. By the same token, she also strongly insists on this right that no one should be frightened away from the Faith by unjust vexations on the part of others” (Vatican Council II). Further Church Law prescribes: "No one is ever permitted to coerce persons to embrace the Catholic faith against their conscience."
It is truly humiliating to the poor to claim that they easily yield to the temptation of converting to any religion for some material advantage. In fact, the poor who choose Christianity forfeit so many benefits guaranteed by the Constitution. Some have even sacrificed their lives for refusing to reconvert.
The Catholic Church respects other religions and holds what is true and holy in them as a precious heritage of humanity. Her teaching in this matter is clear. "The Catholic Church regards with sincere reverence those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and teaching which, though differing in many aspects from the ones she holds and sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men." She exhorts all her children "prudently and lovingly, through dialogue and collaboration with the followers of other religions and in witness of Christian faith and life, to acknowledge, preserve and promote the spiritual and moral goods, found among these people, as well as their values in their society and culture." (Vatican Council II)
We perceive that the Hindutva opposition to Christian activities derives from the fear that many of the deprived communities may be so empowered as to assert their own rights and resist exploitation. No matter how great the threat that may confront us, we cannot renounce the heritage of love and justice that Jesus left us. He said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed." (Gospel of Luke 4:18). When Jesus went about healing the sick, associating with outcasts and assisting the poor, those works were not allurements but the concrete realization of God's plan for humankind: to build a society founded on love, justice and social harmony. The Church therefore is walking in the footsteps of her Master when she exerts herself to the utmost for the benefit of humanity, especially those who are poor and marginalized.
Our constitutional rights
Every citizen and community of our Country has an inalienable right to freedom of conscience and religious liberty. The Indian Constitution, article 25 § 1, upholds that "all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion." It is this right of every citizen to embrace the religion which best satisfies his/her quest for God and for fulfilment. This constitutes an essential part of Human Rights. We belong to a civilization that attaches great importance to this right.
Christian response
Ultimately, Christian response to harassment and persecution may be expressed in one word: forgiveness, and this while we seek to have our rights safeguarded and justice done. If however, some choose to consider the sufferance of the Christian community as a weakness, they are seriously mistaken. We wish to remind everyone that we are citizens of this great country. We too have had a share in shaping this civilization and continue to contribute a great deal to the growth and development of this nation. The Catholic Church in India has always played an active role in promoting inter-religious dialogue and inter-religious harmony. It is with absolute resolve to live in harmony and in happy collaboration with everyone around us, that we seek to serve God and our Nation.
We are heartened by persons of Hindu society and of other communities who have come forward to condemn the evil deeds of a fringe group of fundamentalist activists and to help the victims of violence in many ways. We are grateful that the majority of the people of our Country recognize the small Christian minority as a peace-loving community, ever eager to render service to people of all social strata and religious affiliations, especially those who are poor and needy.
We express our solidarity with the hapless suffering victims of violence, especially those in Orissa who have been rendered homeless, who are forced to flee into forests, who still languish in relief camps and who are being still cruelly threatened to give up their Christian faith, and in their name we appeal to the Governments concerned to take appropriate and effective action without any further delay and to bring relief and justice to them.
We invite everyone to join in prayer for our great nation, for leaders of the Governments and for Civil Authorities, for all those who have suffered in the recent violence and also for those who were the cause of our sufferings. May God bless our country and lead us on the way of peace and justice.
Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil
President CBCI"
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, September 27, 2008
No comments:

Asian News,
Bad Authority,
Bishops Speak Out,
Catholic Services,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Human Rights Abuses,

Congo- not to be in 63rd General Assembly- due to fighting in their country
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Agenzia Fides)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Agenzia Fides (25/9/2008)is reporting that The Congo's president and representative will not go to the UN general assembly in light of the crisis in the country.
Days ago- Caritas International reported human rights abuses, raiding of medical facilities by combatants, and other issues such as arbitrary arrest in the Eastern DRC. Agenzia Fides states that the Government along with the UN task team in the country are now involved in conflicts with rebels near the Rwandan border, and against the LRA near the Ugandan border, who have apparently kidnapped dozens of children. Africa is famous for its child soldiers, and many problems.
The government has cited the same peace agreement mentioned by Caritas a few days ago- in which all combatants agreed to a withdrawal, and have apparently sent urgent aid shipments to camps and affected areas.
This follows calls by Caritas International days ago for Humanitarian channels to be reopened and a ceasefire implimented.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Agenzia Fides (25/9/2008)is reporting that The Congo's president and representative will not go to the UN general assembly in light of the crisis in the country.
Days ago- Caritas International reported human rights abuses, raiding of medical facilities by combatants, and other issues such as arbitrary arrest in the Eastern DRC. Agenzia Fides states that the Government along with the UN task team in the country are now involved in conflicts with rebels near the Rwandan border, and against the LRA near the Ugandan border, who have apparently kidnapped dozens of children. Africa is famous for its child soldiers, and many problems.
The government has cited the same peace agreement mentioned by Caritas a few days ago- in which all combatants agreed to a withdrawal, and have apparently sent urgent aid shipments to camps and affected areas.
This follows calls by Caritas International days ago for Humanitarian channels to be reopened and a ceasefire implimented.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, September 27, 2008
No comments:

Africa General News,
African Aid needs,
Agenzia Fides,
Caritas Internationalis,
Social Justice South Africa,
Sustainable Development,
United Nations

Bishops respond to Mbeki Resignation- Agenzia Fides
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Agenzia Fides)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Agenzia Fides (24/09/08) is reporting that The South African Bishops have given them a press release stating that the trust of the South African people needs to be regained by government institutions. They have also joined calls for an inquiry into the Arms Deal Corruption.
The President of the SACBC (SA Catholic Bishops Conference)slatted self advancement and nepotism in government- as well as calls for violence- welcoming as much more mature- the decision by the ANC to take a political course of action- and calling Mbeki's decision to cede to this call by his party noble.
for more information see-
Article by Marc Aupiais
Agenzia Fides (24/09/08) is reporting that The South African Bishops have given them a press release stating that the trust of the South African people needs to be regained by government institutions. They have also joined calls for an inquiry into the Arms Deal Corruption.
The President of the SACBC (SA Catholic Bishops Conference)slatted self advancement and nepotism in government- as well as calls for violence- welcoming as much more mature- the decision by the ANC to take a political course of action- and calling Mbeki's decision to cede to this call by his party noble.
for more information see-
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, September 27, 2008
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Nairobi Death Squadrons kill 500- Fides
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Agenzia Fides)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Agenzia Fides reports (24/9/2008) that 500 people have been killed by so-called "death-squadrons". This is according to the "National Commission on Human Rights" of Kenya- who state that the killers are mostly "Mungiki", who Fides says are responsible for many other crimes. The "sqadrons" have been linked to Secret Service agencies in Kenya by Fides' source, and according to Fides' source, are politically connected and therefore very hard to bring under the reigns of justice. The victims were often tortured and harmed before dying.
Kenyan police deny any involvement in the crimes.
Kenya is still suffering from their recent election- where there were acusations by opposition of fraud.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Agenzia Fides reports (24/9/2008) that 500 people have been killed by so-called "death-squadrons". This is according to the "National Commission on Human Rights" of Kenya- who state that the killers are mostly "Mungiki", who Fides says are responsible for many other crimes. The "sqadrons" have been linked to Secret Service agencies in Kenya by Fides' source, and according to Fides' source, are politically connected and therefore very hard to bring under the reigns of justice. The victims were often tortured and harmed before dying.
Kenyan police deny any involvement in the crimes.
Kenya is still suffering from their recent election- where there were acusations by opposition of fraud.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, September 27, 2008
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Africa General News,
Agenzia Fides,
Human Rights Abuses,

Condoms could increase disease- percentage goes up with awareness/"protection program"
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; Catholic League - For Civil And Religious Rights)
Article By Marc Aupiais
Quotation from Catholic League
Direct Quotation from a Catholic League Article- they permit their articles to be distributed with correct attribution!
"September 18, 2008
Do Condoms Increase STDs?
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office yesterday released the annual Mayor’s Management Report. It shows that the Health Department gave away 39,070,000 male condoms to community groups in fiscal year 2008, which ended June 30. News story are reporting that this figure is more than double the rate from the previous fiscal year.
What is not being discussed by the media, however, is what the data show regarding the incidence of syphilis: while the distribution of condoms increased by 120 percent in one year, the number of syphilis cases increased by 20 percent.
If condoms are the answer to STDs, then syphilis cases should have declined markedly. The fact that syphilis cases spiked should prove sobering. But, alas, New York City has learned absolutely nothing: next year it plans to distribute 51.6 million condoms. Watch for the rate of STDs to increase as well.
Do condoms increase STDs? It would be difficult to prove that they do, though it is entirely possible that the promiscuous distribution of condoms by government agencies fosters a climate of complacency, one ill-suited to inducing the virtue of self-restraint. One thing is for sure: condom distribution does not curb STDs. Indeed, Mayor Bloomberg is perpetuating a dangerous hoax on young people by ratcheting up condom distribution—even when it is crystal clear that this policy is backfiring."
How is it, that South Africa, with the biggest pro-condom program I know of- has one of the highest aids and Sexual Diseases rates- perhaps this is because condoms- as the bible says (c.f. Onan's death; Deuteronomy 23 v 1,2; etc)and the Church says (Humane Vitae), condoms are evil- the use of them is a mortal sin- so perhaps what is evil causes evil as is to be expected. After all- forming the atmosphere of false safety that people do- or teaching children to wear condoms instead of abstaining- generally makes them think they've been given a licence- especially when you give them certificates for it.
Perhaps we need an end of this condom distribution, a start of valuing marriage, and a real input into giving out medication- not items of sin!
Article By Marc Aupiais
Quotation from Catholic League
Direct Quotation from a Catholic League Article- they permit their articles to be distributed with correct attribution!
"September 18, 2008
Do Condoms Increase STDs?
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office yesterday released the annual Mayor’s Management Report. It shows that the Health Department gave away 39,070,000 male condoms to community groups in fiscal year 2008, which ended June 30. News story are reporting that this figure is more than double the rate from the previous fiscal year.
What is not being discussed by the media, however, is what the data show regarding the incidence of syphilis: while the distribution of condoms increased by 120 percent in one year, the number of syphilis cases increased by 20 percent.
If condoms are the answer to STDs, then syphilis cases should have declined markedly. The fact that syphilis cases spiked should prove sobering. But, alas, New York City has learned absolutely nothing: next year it plans to distribute 51.6 million condoms. Watch for the rate of STDs to increase as well.
Do condoms increase STDs? It would be difficult to prove that they do, though it is entirely possible that the promiscuous distribution of condoms by government agencies fosters a climate of complacency, one ill-suited to inducing the virtue of self-restraint. One thing is for sure: condom distribution does not curb STDs. Indeed, Mayor Bloomberg is perpetuating a dangerous hoax on young people by ratcheting up condom distribution—even when it is crystal clear that this policy is backfiring."
How is it, that South Africa, with the biggest pro-condom program I know of- has one of the highest aids and Sexual Diseases rates- perhaps this is because condoms- as the bible says (c.f. Onan's death; Deuteronomy 23 v 1,2; etc)and the Church says (Humane Vitae), condoms are evil- the use of them is a mortal sin- so perhaps what is evil causes evil as is to be expected. After all- forming the atmosphere of false safety that people do- or teaching children to wear condoms instead of abstaining- generally makes them think they've been given a licence- especially when you give them certificates for it.
Perhaps we need an end of this condom distribution, a start of valuing marriage, and a real input into giving out medication- not items of sin!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, September 27, 2008
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Catholic League,
Health Issues,
Human Rights Abuses,
Intrinsic Evil,
Sustainable Development

Friday, 26 September 2008
Moral science triumphs again- Flu virus could help cure diseases
(Journey in a broken world; c.f. Reuters)
Article by Marc Aupiais
A recent article by Reuters speaks of how the Flu virus has been used in mice, making ordinary cells act and look like embryonic stem cells.
This could cure Parkinson's Disease and other diseases.
The Vatican has for years called for focus on using the like of our skin's cells for research to avoid the immorality of cloning- used by many. All scientific achievements in this field have been in this section- where the Vatican has advised scientists to remain. The current research is another example of this success.
Article by Marc Aupiais
A recent article by Reuters speaks of how the Flu virus has been used in mice, making ordinary cells act and look like embryonic stem cells.
This could cure Parkinson's Disease and other diseases.
The Vatican has for years called for focus on using the like of our skin's cells for research to avoid the immorality of cloning- used by many. All scientific achievements in this field have been in this section- where the Vatican has advised scientists to remain. The current research is another example of this success.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, September 26, 2008
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Catholics share values with Muslim fellows in France- who are suffering from strict secularism
(Journey In a Broken World; c.f. Catholic Culture; International Herald and Tribune)
Article by Marc Aupiais
After a ban on wearing head-scarfs in public schools- and clashes with strict secularism- Muslims in France are feeling comfortable in Catholic schools- with 10 percent of these institutions' pupils being Islamic.
They feel comfortable in the moral, polite environment where values similar to theirs, and spirituality are instilled, according to the International Herald and Tribune.
This story breaks shortly after comments by Pope Benedict, who said- that Catholic Education was an important contributer to society.
Article by Marc Aupiais
After a ban on wearing head-scarfs in public schools- and clashes with strict secularism- Muslims in France are feeling comfortable in Catholic schools- with 10 percent of these institutions' pupils being Islamic.
They feel comfortable in the moral, polite environment where values similar to theirs, and spirituality are instilled, according to the International Herald and Tribune.
This story breaks shortly after comments by Pope Benedict, who said- that Catholic Education was an important contributer to society.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, September 26, 2008
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Caritas Appeals Successful
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Caritas International)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Recent appeals by Caritas, as guests invited to a UN summit have paid off, with pledges of about 16 billion dollars in aid to developing nations and such causes.
Caritas notes- they don't need to hear from the UN about poverty- Caritas deals with the poor daily.
President of Caritas, Cardinal Oscar RodrÃguez Maradiaga- said that the pledges are needed to address the impact of climate change on the poorest communities: but notes that the Millennium Development goals, are still decades off the path in Sub-Saharan Africa and other places. Last year aid from the G7 reduced by 1 percent (excluding debt relief), not much- except that when aid is reduced by such in such a large scale- one in a hundred people who were supported, will no longer be entitled to this. The organization of Catholic Charities can't comprehend how 700 billion dollars is so easily requested in the US for a lost gamble by banks- but 10 000 000 children dying on a yearly rate, of causes that are so easily prevented- do not get the label of crises.
This comes following the proposed 700 billion dollar bailout of US banking giants.
The relatively small contributions however will help the continent. They will also go to some extent of fulfilling promises neglected largely by rich nations to the developing world.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Recent appeals by Caritas, as guests invited to a UN summit have paid off, with pledges of about 16 billion dollars in aid to developing nations and such causes.
Caritas notes- they don't need to hear from the UN about poverty- Caritas deals with the poor daily.
President of Caritas, Cardinal Oscar RodrÃguez Maradiaga- said that the pledges are needed to address the impact of climate change on the poorest communities: but notes that the Millennium Development goals, are still decades off the path in Sub-Saharan Africa and other places. Last year aid from the G7 reduced by 1 percent (excluding debt relief), not much- except that when aid is reduced by such in such a large scale- one in a hundred people who were supported, will no longer be entitled to this. The organization of Catholic Charities can't comprehend how 700 billion dollars is so easily requested in the US for a lost gamble by banks- but 10 000 000 children dying on a yearly rate, of causes that are so easily prevented- do not get the label of crises.
This comes following the proposed 700 billion dollar bailout of US banking giants.
The relatively small contributions however will help the continent. They will also go to some extent of fulfilling promises neglected largely by rich nations to the developing world.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, September 26, 2008
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African Aid needs,
Americas General News,
Americas news,
Caritas Internationalis,
Good methods,
Holy See,
Human Rights Abuses,
Social Justice South Africa,
Sustainable Development,
United Nations

Congo wars continue... despite peace perception
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Caritas International)
Article by Marc Aupiais
A recent escalation of previously calmer hostilities in the Eastern DRC, has resulted in about 100 000 persons being displaced, adding to the already 1 000 000 displaced since January 2007.
Reports of clashes report Human Rights Abuses, accompanying battles- including rape, torture and in addition to this there are reports of arbitrary arrest. Caritas has asked for a ceasefire and the opening of safe routes to those affected, for humanitarian organizations. Unfortunately a recent outbreak of disease in camps- has been met without adequate resources due to looting of medical facilities by combatants.
Despite their acceptance of a peace agreement to withdraw already 9 days ago (17 September), the Congolese government, among others- has continued war efforts. This agreement was signed and accepted, as organised with UN aid- by all parties who agreed to withdrawal. Caritas is attempting to assess the situation in the country prior further action.
Article by Marc Aupiais
A recent escalation of previously calmer hostilities in the Eastern DRC, has resulted in about 100 000 persons being displaced, adding to the already 1 000 000 displaced since January 2007.
Reports of clashes report Human Rights Abuses, accompanying battles- including rape, torture and in addition to this there are reports of arbitrary arrest. Caritas has asked for a ceasefire and the opening of safe routes to those affected, for humanitarian organizations. Unfortunately a recent outbreak of disease in camps- has been met without adequate resources due to looting of medical facilities by combatants.
Despite their acceptance of a peace agreement to withdraw already 9 days ago (17 September), the Congolese government, among others- has continued war efforts. This agreement was signed and accepted, as organised with UN aid- by all parties who agreed to withdrawal. Caritas is attempting to assess the situation in the country prior further action.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, September 26, 2008
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Africa General News,
Bad Authority,
Caritas Internationalis,
Health Issues,
Human Rights Abuses,
Social Justice South Africa,
Sustainable Development,
Terror tactics,
United Nations

Latin mass meeting tomorrow in Pretoria- support required
(Tridentine South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
This is a reminder of the meeting at St.John Fisher's Parish, Lynnwood, Pretoria at 09:00AM this Saturday- to discuss the possibility of a Latin mass in the Archdiocese-
Article by Marc Aupiais
This is a reminder of the meeting at St.John Fisher's Parish, Lynnwood, Pretoria at 09:00AM this Saturday- to discuss the possibility of a Latin mass in the Archdiocese-
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, September 26, 2008
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Caritas on Development goals
(Social Justice South Africa; C.f. Zenit)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Cardinal Oscar RodrÃguez Maradiaga, of Caritas- the Catholic aid Umbrella organization, as one of Caritas' representatives invited by the UN to a congress on climate change and development, as guests, asked that political leadership be found in the UN for goals- as the division of the world into third and first world, and the greed of a few- in which he refers to the situation in his own country- are damaging the existence of a vast majority.
He said that emissions by First World Nations- which are thought of as a cause to climate change are to the detriment of Third World Nations.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Cardinal Oscar RodrÃguez Maradiaga, of Caritas- the Catholic aid Umbrella organization, as one of Caritas' representatives invited by the UN to a congress on climate change and development, as guests, asked that political leadership be found in the UN for goals- as the division of the world into third and first world, and the greed of a few- in which he refers to the situation in his own country- are damaging the existence of a vast majority.
He said that emissions by First World Nations- which are thought of as a cause to climate change are to the detriment of Third World Nations.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, September 26, 2008
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Africa General News,
Social Justice South Africa,
Sustainable Development,
United Nations

Australia- retired bishop to back the strike
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. CathNews)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Hilton Deakin, recently Bishop of Melbourne- says he backs proposed strikes by cleaners in the country for higher wages- naming them an "invisible workforce".
According to an interview CathNews conducted- working hours disrupt family time in the given industry.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Hilton Deakin, recently Bishop of Melbourne- says he backs proposed strikes by cleaners in the country for higher wages- naming them an "invisible workforce".
According to an interview CathNews conducted- working hours disrupt family time in the given industry.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, September 26, 2008
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End abortion campaign hits US streets
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. 40 Days for life)
A campaign to end abortion via prayer rituals for 40 days outside abortion clinics across states in the US has been launched.
"40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion in America." says their mission statement
It started yesterday.
A campaign to end abortion via prayer rituals for 40 days outside abortion clinics across states in the US has been launched.
"40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion in America." says their mission statement
It started yesterday.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, September 26, 2008
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Americas General News,
Americas news,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Health Issues,
Human Rights Abuses,

Yesterday- Vatican- UN Developed Nations could fulfill their promises, but focus on conflict- and bailing out the rich
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Zenit)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Holy See is asking why the developed world's US is prepared to put 700 billion US Dollars into supporting their own failed banking sector- rather- while only giving tricklings of aid to the undeveloped world.
These accusations are by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, permanent Vatican observer to the United Nations. He says that the UN made promises to fulfill development goals by 2015, but that these goals are intricately involved with Human Rights- and Respect for Human Dignity.
He says that the commitments by these nations- politically to Africa and the developing world- are in fact obligations on these others- socially and morally- by the conscience of good.
He says that the Millennium Declaration Goals are not only achievable- but with focus on them- will be achieved if the UN keeps her promises to do so.
He further lambasted the suggestions involving goals involving sexual and reproductive fields, perhaps a reference to the recent efforts by the UN, in conjunction with American abortion firm "International Planned Parenthood" to force a two child limit of children for parents in the Filipines.
Basically- the Holy See cannot see how- the Developed world can spend so much on Armed Conflict, which often affects the Developing World, and on bailing out their own rich citizens from lost gambles- and not supply the minor amounts needed to fulfill political promises they themselves have made. Nor why so much money is hoped by some be spent on trying to decline the populations in developing nations. Recent accusations also appeared from some Catholic sources- that after the devastating storm which hit North Korea- much of the "aid" packages given to the victims were condoms. The situation in the Filipenes also still vibrates in the ears. Especially as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, created by the UN- says that people must not be persecuted for Sexual Orientation!
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Holy See is asking why the developed world's US is prepared to put 700 billion US Dollars into supporting their own failed banking sector- rather- while only giving tricklings of aid to the undeveloped world.
These accusations are by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, permanent Vatican observer to the United Nations. He says that the UN made promises to fulfill development goals by 2015, but that these goals are intricately involved with Human Rights- and Respect for Human Dignity.
He says that the commitments by these nations- politically to Africa and the developing world- are in fact obligations on these others- socially and morally- by the conscience of good.
He says that the Millennium Declaration Goals are not only achievable- but with focus on them- will be achieved if the UN keeps her promises to do so.
He further lambasted the suggestions involving goals involving sexual and reproductive fields, perhaps a reference to the recent efforts by the UN, in conjunction with American abortion firm "International Planned Parenthood" to force a two child limit of children for parents in the Filipines.
Basically- the Holy See cannot see how- the Developed world can spend so much on Armed Conflict, which often affects the Developing World, and on bailing out their own rich citizens from lost gambles- and not supply the minor amounts needed to fulfill political promises they themselves have made. Nor why so much money is hoped by some be spent on trying to decline the populations in developing nations. Recent accusations also appeared from some Catholic sources- that after the devastating storm which hit North Korea- much of the "aid" packages given to the victims were condoms. The situation in the Filipenes also still vibrates in the ears. Especially as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, created by the UN- says that people must not be persecuted for Sexual Orientation!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, September 26, 2008
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Thursday, 25 September 2008
South Africa's new president- no general election!
(Scripturelink Voters guide; c.f. E News Channel)
Article By Marc Aupiais
With a quarter of Parliament voting for the DA's candidate over the ANC's, and an oddly chummy atmosphere given by the MF and IFP- towards the ANC over the past few days- the ANC has gotten their way with a new president.
The PAC used this to appeal to get some of their members out of jail- while some opposition parties used this to cannibalize on their fellows for ANC approval.
The way in which the ID allied with the ANC in the past against the DA- was not overly present today- rather- they brought attention to the facts- and asked for justice over the arms deal. The DA- using their Democratic right sent forth their own, black candidate to combat the election- where 400 people alone got to choose our president. The spunk of the opposition is to admired- sadly many of the parties, including the so-called ACDP- seemed more interested in praying for the new "President" to have wisdom, or in telling stories than in bringing up how irregularly this procedure occurred. Some brought up that Mbeki was being fired- not for being guilty of crime- but for mere insinuation by a judge not judging him.
The factional infighting of the ANC- which is so damaging our Nation's image was credited by some for this quick election.
With many spoiled papers and absent parliamentarians- this new election is truly a sad manifestation of both the power of one political party- one which a Catholic cannot justly vote for- due to their connection with the communist party and support of abortion- but also of how politics have degraded our nation.
The speaker and others insulted some speakers as I watched- and when one parliamentarian spoke- there were false roaring sounds in the crowd of parliamentarians. This reminds one of the disrespect shown once when a DA parliamentarian took the role of speaker- and was insulted for her attire, and disrespected quite shamefully.
Sadly- as long as one party has such majority- South Africans are not likely to see much progress- because a powerful party is not accountable to its voters.
Article By Marc Aupiais
With a quarter of Parliament voting for the DA's candidate over the ANC's, and an oddly chummy atmosphere given by the MF and IFP- towards the ANC over the past few days- the ANC has gotten their way with a new president.
The PAC used this to appeal to get some of their members out of jail- while some opposition parties used this to cannibalize on their fellows for ANC approval.
The way in which the ID allied with the ANC in the past against the DA- was not overly present today- rather- they brought attention to the facts- and asked for justice over the arms deal. The DA- using their Democratic right sent forth their own, black candidate to combat the election- where 400 people alone got to choose our president. The spunk of the opposition is to admired- sadly many of the parties, including the so-called ACDP- seemed more interested in praying for the new "President" to have wisdom, or in telling stories than in bringing up how irregularly this procedure occurred. Some brought up that Mbeki was being fired- not for being guilty of crime- but for mere insinuation by a judge not judging him.
The factional infighting of the ANC- which is so damaging our Nation's image was credited by some for this quick election.
With many spoiled papers and absent parliamentarians- this new election is truly a sad manifestation of both the power of one political party- one which a Catholic cannot justly vote for- due to their connection with the communist party and support of abortion- but also of how politics have degraded our nation.
The speaker and others insulted some speakers as I watched- and when one parliamentarian spoke- there were false roaring sounds in the crowd of parliamentarians. This reminds one of the disrespect shown once when a DA parliamentarian took the role of speaker- and was insulted for her attire, and disrespected quite shamefully.
Sadly- as long as one party has such majority- South Africans are not likely to see much progress- because a powerful party is not accountable to its voters.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Thursday, September 25, 2008
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Africa General News,
Bad Authority,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Scripturelink Voters Guide,
Social Justice South Africa,
Sustainable Development

Persecution of Christians in India continues... Authorities gag nuns
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa ;c.f. Vultus Christi; Asianews.it)
While militant groups continue unopposed, and not denounced- to ravage Indian Christian populants- threatening violence- unless they sign that they have freely and of their own will converted to Hinduism- the Indian Government has gaged the Sisters of Charity (Mother Theressa's organization) from speaking of their recent arrest by Police on trumped up kidnapping charges. While their persecutors are marching to the streets against them- they themselves have been silenced- as the Indian government continues to deny armed protection to those suffering these terrorist mops' attacks on Christians. Christian refugee camps- still are not protected- and Christians are still being killed- their houses burnt, and their hair shaved off.
These brutish attacks on human dignity continue to be unopposed in the UN, whose involvement in legislature to try force contraception and abortion on the Philippines, along with an abortion company - is still questionable.
Those who do "convert" are forced to burn others houses- and where authorities are paying for the goods of burnt houses- the mobs now simply take the furniture and refurbishments- so as to prevent recovery of damage!
Mother Theressa protected the poor- these terrorists, without great opposition- are trying to take all wealth from her fruits- and to destroy their salvation in Christ, and their human rights!
While militant groups continue unopposed, and not denounced- to ravage Indian Christian populants- threatening violence- unless they sign that they have freely and of their own will converted to Hinduism- the Indian Government has gaged the Sisters of Charity (Mother Theressa's organization) from speaking of their recent arrest by Police on trumped up kidnapping charges. While their persecutors are marching to the streets against them- they themselves have been silenced- as the Indian government continues to deny armed protection to those suffering these terrorist mops' attacks on Christians. Christian refugee camps- still are not protected- and Christians are still being killed- their houses burnt, and their hair shaved off.
These brutish attacks on human dignity continue to be unopposed in the UN, whose involvement in legislature to try force contraception and abortion on the Philippines, along with an abortion company - is still questionable.
Those who do "convert" are forced to burn others houses- and where authorities are paying for the goods of burnt houses- the mobs now simply take the furniture and refurbishments- so as to prevent recovery of damage!
Mother Theressa protected the poor- these terrorists, without great opposition- are trying to take all wealth from her fruits- and to destroy their salvation in Christ, and their human rights!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Thursday, September 25, 2008
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Asian News,
Bad Authority,
Hinduist Extremism,
Human Rights Abuses,
Mother Theressa,
Terror tactics,
United Nations

Peter and the sheet! What infallibility means- literally speaking!
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. Karl Keating Newsletter sept 23)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Saint Peter is Famous for being told to eat unclean food on a sheet- by God- and being told he was wrong to call it unclean.
The notable thing is not that God calls all unclean- or clean- he doesn't- acts 15 proves this- but that he shall determine that- not Peter- but Peter's authority in this is instantly accepted by all the important Christians he speaks with on this.
Karls point, unlike my own- is not on Peter though- but his belief that Cornellius has a more important conversion than that of Saint Paul- as he opened the way for us Gentiles to receive Christ! The fulfillment of Isaac's prophesy- when he appears to lie to Abraham about being firstborn!
Article by Marc Aupiais
Saint Peter is Famous for being told to eat unclean food on a sheet- by God- and being told he was wrong to call it unclean.
The notable thing is not that God calls all unclean- or clean- he doesn't- acts 15 proves this- but that he shall determine that- not Peter- but Peter's authority in this is instantly accepted by all the important Christians he speaks with on this.
Karls point, unlike my own- is not on Peter though- but his belief that Cornellius has a more important conversion than that of Saint Paul- as he opened the way for us Gentiles to receive Christ! The fulfillment of Isaac's prophesy- when he appears to lie to Abraham about being firstborn!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Thursday, September 25, 2008
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Good methods,

Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Never let evil flourish- Injustice always a concern
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa)
Commentary by Marc Aupiais
What people sometimes do not comprehend- is that since God took human form- every injustice- however small- whether against a Catholic or not matters- whether or not the victim cares.
When evil is fighting itself- if it is left to this- will not the worse evil benefit- in that when evil is divided- either it is between less and worse evil- or else between strong and weak.
It is always in the interest of the prudent Catholic to ensure justice in Natural Law occurs- in that an environment of injustice- where life is not treated justly is the open doorway to the persecution of good by evil- and the training ground in which this first occurs.
Commentary by Marc Aupiais
What people sometimes do not comprehend- is that since God took human form- every injustice- however small- whether against a Catholic or not matters- whether or not the victim cares.
When evil is fighting itself- if it is left to this- will not the worse evil benefit- in that when evil is divided- either it is between less and worse evil- or else between strong and weak.
It is always in the interest of the prudent Catholic to ensure justice in Natural Law occurs- in that an environment of injustice- where life is not treated justly is the open doorway to the persecution of good by evil- and the training ground in which this first occurs.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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"Planned Parenthood" plans to decimate Filipenes population for profit
(Social Justice South Africa ;c.f. Zenit News)
Article by Marc Aupiais
"Planned Parenthood" are known for what EWTN hosts often name a disinformation campaign in the United States- where "Planned Parenthood" not only makes millions of dollars yearly by the deaths of unborn children- and via sales of contraceptives- but also- ironically for being allowed to teach Sexual Education- despite this conflict of interest.
"International Planned Parenthood" is planning to help Filipino legislators enforce contraception, and a possible limit of two children a couple- on their citizens- with proposed jail terms for those apposing these efforts.
"Planned Parenthood"- like the American "Democrats" are known for their "pro-choice" policies, and the way these benefit their own interests. "Planned Parenthood"'s Sexual Education talks have been lambasted by EWTN radio presenters- for being much less successful than Catholic, and other programs which teach these subjects- this is not unsupported by statistics. This new sickening attack on Human dignity will not go without guilt-
These attrocities must be prevented as best as viable. Especially as UN money is being used for many of these purposes
Article by Marc Aupiais
"Planned Parenthood" are known for what EWTN hosts often name a disinformation campaign in the United States- where "Planned Parenthood" not only makes millions of dollars yearly by the deaths of unborn children- and via sales of contraceptives- but also- ironically for being allowed to teach Sexual Education- despite this conflict of interest.
"International Planned Parenthood" is planning to help Filipino legislators enforce contraception, and a possible limit of two children a couple- on their citizens- with proposed jail terms for those apposing these efforts.
"Planned Parenthood"- like the American "Democrats" are known for their "pro-choice" policies, and the way these benefit their own interests. "Planned Parenthood"'s Sexual Education talks have been lambasted by EWTN radio presenters- for being much less successful than Catholic, and other programs which teach these subjects- this is not unsupported by statistics. This new sickening attack on Human dignity will not go without guilt-
These attrocities must be prevented as best as viable. Especially as UN money is being used for many of these purposes
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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Asian News,
Human Rights Abuses,
Media Influence,

Chinese milk scandal- catholic woman claims government knowledge!
( Social Justice South Africa; c.f. CathNews)
Article by Marc Aupiais
According to the Australian organization- CathNews,who sites Union of catholic Asia News, and Asianew.it - who cover the milk crises in China- a catholic source is claiming that government representatives knew about the crises three years ago in 2005.
If true- then the claims of a moral degeneration by Chinese Catholics- could be more than simply apt- but in fact a dire cry for aid. Sadly- we often hear of poor safety standards from China- more than that- we often are forced by retailers to support these- in that many of our western products are produced there. Truly- it is not only the Officials or people who knew who are guilty of this, but we also share partly in the remorse of thousands affected- by not asking higher standards of business as regards respect for the fundamental dignity for the human person- by those we buy from.
When we have the option- we should always rather buy products which support healthy business practices- and if possible- from countries which promote good practice
- rewarding such action, as that of those aptly ignoring what should be international health standards, by buying from these countries and companies- means those responsible are less likely to be called to account for it!
Whether or not the claims of knowledge have utter credence- there still must be some negligence in the system- this is not the first health problem we have seen from China- and further- even without knowledge- it should have been sought.
With the given facts- many will have no powerful reason not to believe the reports of knowledge- we have seen very little signs of an improved respect for life and liberty from the Chinese of late- only more of the same. Prayerfully- one day the Chinese will throw off their oppressive cloak- and once again rejoin the civilized human rights governed world- but then again- the issue the Chinese face- which more manifest than in our western nations- can clearly be mirrored in the horror of Abortion, so that- while there are atrocities, or negligence in other parts of the world- the same sins often occur in the west and in Africa- it is not China alone which needs to change their regulations, but rather- every layman should be utterly involved in fighting for respect for human rights in their daily environment- and even in the political sphere.
Article by Marc Aupiais
According to the Australian organization- CathNews,who sites Union of catholic Asia News, and Asianew.it - who cover the milk crises in China- a catholic source is claiming that government representatives knew about the crises three years ago in 2005.
If true- then the claims of a moral degeneration by Chinese Catholics- could be more than simply apt- but in fact a dire cry for aid. Sadly- we often hear of poor safety standards from China- more than that- we often are forced by retailers to support these- in that many of our western products are produced there. Truly- it is not only the Officials or people who knew who are guilty of this, but we also share partly in the remorse of thousands affected- by not asking higher standards of business as regards respect for the fundamental dignity for the human person- by those we buy from.
When we have the option- we should always rather buy products which support healthy business practices- and if possible- from countries which promote good practice
- rewarding such action, as that of those aptly ignoring what should be international health standards, by buying from these countries and companies- means those responsible are less likely to be called to account for it!
Whether or not the claims of knowledge have utter credence- there still must be some negligence in the system- this is not the first health problem we have seen from China- and further- even without knowledge- it should have been sought.
With the given facts- many will have no powerful reason not to believe the reports of knowledge- we have seen very little signs of an improved respect for life and liberty from the Chinese of late- only more of the same. Prayerfully- one day the Chinese will throw off their oppressive cloak- and once again rejoin the civilized human rights governed world- but then again- the issue the Chinese face- which more manifest than in our western nations- can clearly be mirrored in the horror of Abortion, so that- while there are atrocities, or negligence in other parts of the world- the same sins often occur in the west and in Africa- it is not China alone which needs to change their regulations, but rather- every layman should be utterly involved in fighting for respect for human rights in their daily environment- and even in the political sphere.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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We have to support the right media, and show the world the truth as is!
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa)
commentary by Marc Aupiais
So often- we see it- things we know as true- portrayed otherwise- and more- people mimic what they see and hear.
With so much bad- it is learnt of others- with so much good- we must refine it.
The weapon we are given is dynamic- but stable- to the untrained- it is deadly and like a whip or many martial weapons- it can hurt us more than it hurts others if not wielded adequately.
The Catholic is a master of truth- or rather- a conduit for Her power-
When we see any form of media- what is said has slight hinting- which alters us if we allow alteration- our social conscience is molded by what we see- and we sense this if we view different media with different persons- not only is truth objective- but the viewer is oft influenced by experience- and ideals of others.
To influence for good- we must fight for truth in every nook and cranny- and through every inch of time- we must secretly conquer the enemy-
Christians must become the creative minority they were born to become-
the Spartan Warriors- who are like calm masters of form- who control themselves first- and let their form be molded by intuitive truth- and the urge for reality- we must open ourselves to sorrow and joy- so that in both- hope is blown into existence in this storm of our existence.
What is instilled in the home- is so powerful- and we must fight this battle to our last breath- what is instilled by others also has impact- yet in even the nuances of speech- of medias- we must fight for the value of life- and of existence and of seeing reality as it is.
Those who fight the small battles for truth- often are able to fight titanic monstrosities- all the while swirling truth about as a hidden weapon- and springing like a tiger, or wild animal- with that energy below the visible boundary- so as to teach truth- and dispel falsity and false world-view.
Our world-view is the front on which our soul is won- this is what we mean when we say faith saves- the correct view of reality- is paramount to navigating this ocean we find ourselves barely visible against- as we sail the impossibility of the hurricane of life.
We must protect this- and mold it- so as to better channel the saints triumphant- and our God- Reality (a Translation of the Tetragrammaton)- who is truth himself, whose strands we rely on to lift us and move us in our floating dance of truth!
commentary by Marc Aupiais
So often- we see it- things we know as true- portrayed otherwise- and more- people mimic what they see and hear.
With so much bad- it is learnt of others- with so much good- we must refine it.
The weapon we are given is dynamic- but stable- to the untrained- it is deadly and like a whip or many martial weapons- it can hurt us more than it hurts others if not wielded adequately.
The Catholic is a master of truth- or rather- a conduit for Her power-
When we see any form of media- what is said has slight hinting- which alters us if we allow alteration- our social conscience is molded by what we see- and we sense this if we view different media with different persons- not only is truth objective- but the viewer is oft influenced by experience- and ideals of others.
To influence for good- we must fight for truth in every nook and cranny- and through every inch of time- we must secretly conquer the enemy-
Christians must become the creative minority they were born to become-
the Spartan Warriors- who are like calm masters of form- who control themselves first- and let their form be molded by intuitive truth- and the urge for reality- we must open ourselves to sorrow and joy- so that in both- hope is blown into existence in this storm of our existence.
What is instilled in the home- is so powerful- and we must fight this battle to our last breath- what is instilled by others also has impact- yet in even the nuances of speech- of medias- we must fight for the value of life- and of existence and of seeing reality as it is.
Those who fight the small battles for truth- often are able to fight titanic monstrosities- all the while swirling truth about as a hidden weapon- and springing like a tiger, or wild animal- with that energy below the visible boundary- so as to teach truth- and dispel falsity and false world-view.
Our world-view is the front on which our soul is won- this is what we mean when we say faith saves- the correct view of reality- is paramount to navigating this ocean we find ourselves barely visible against- as we sail the impossibility of the hurricane of life.
We must protect this- and mold it- so as to better channel the saints triumphant- and our God- Reality (a Translation of the Tetragrammaton)- who is truth himself, whose strands we rely on to lift us and move us in our floating dance of truth!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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Media Influence,

Holy See tells UN to Deliver on Africa- and preserve culture
(Social Justice South Africa ; c.f. Immaculate Heart of Mary's Hermitage Report)
Article by Marc Aupiais
On Monday the 22 of September 2008- the Permanent observer of the Vatican at the UN- gave a speech on Africa's development.
The Holy See of the Beloved Catholic church, through their permanent observer to the United Nations- Archbishop Celestino Migliore, has appealed for focus on Africa- it says Africa has made much progress- but not enough to alleviate poverty. It has the youngest average population but also the youngest average age of death.
Despite many differences in culture and diversity- African countries have taken great strides. The United Nations, according to the Archbishop has enshrined in its charter pursuit of Peace and Prosperity for all. Something where Africa still has great chasms which suffer without these.
Africa- according to the Archbishop- needs to gain a sense of ownership of its own land. Further- the UN must take concrete action on plans involving the continent.
The Catholic church is said to be vital in fighting problems on African soil- and in caring for the sick.
The African sense of community is a positive influence- and pursuit of development- according to the observer- must not erode the good elements of the diverse cultures in Africa.
Archbishop Celestino was addressing the UN in a meeting on Africa and her development needs- on Monday the 22 of September 2008.
Article by Marc Aupiais
On Monday the 22 of September 2008- the Permanent observer of the Vatican at the UN- gave a speech on Africa's development.
The Holy See of the Beloved Catholic church, through their permanent observer to the United Nations- Archbishop Celestino Migliore, has appealed for focus on Africa- it says Africa has made much progress- but not enough to alleviate poverty. It has the youngest average population but also the youngest average age of death.
Despite many differences in culture and diversity- African countries have taken great strides. The United Nations, according to the Archbishop has enshrined in its charter pursuit of Peace and Prosperity for all. Something where Africa still has great chasms which suffer without these.
Africa- according to the Archbishop- needs to gain a sense of ownership of its own land. Further- the UN must take concrete action on plans involving the continent.
The Catholic church is said to be vital in fighting problems on African soil- and in caring for the sick.
The African sense of community is a positive influence- and pursuit of development- according to the observer- must not erode the good elements of the diverse cultures in Africa.
Archbishop Celestino was addressing the UN in a meeting on Africa and her development needs- on Monday the 22 of September 2008.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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Africa General News,
Holy See,
Social Justice South Africa,
Sustainable Development,
United Nations

What is most sane- what is most Orthodox?
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
When we speak of Orthodoxy- often we actually mean fidelity- or else remaining within an organization's party line.
We sometimes also believe the Orthodox way- to refer to the better, or true, or historic means of doing something!
But what is Orthodoxy? It is not the go-between between liberalism and conservatism, nor liberalism and traditionalism- neither is it traditionalism, conservatism or liberalism- each of which periodically changes meaning.
Orthodoxy- cannot be subjected to any one viewpoint- yet- it often refers to what a viewpoint believes as true.
In truth- orthodoxy is the pursuit of truth above all- and the determination to obey this truth utterly- the problem then is how one defines truth.
If truth is what an organization, or consensus says it is- then Orthodoxy is perhaps fidelity to that Organization- otherwise- Orthodoxy is fidelity to Reality- to the pursuit of manifesting to the world what is as it is.
Ultimately- the early Christians were killed for being what society saw as insane- they preached that someone recently alive had risen from a horrid death- had eaten on rising, and could be eaten body and soul in the Eucharist, and survived- and would spare or condemn us all for our single smallest thoughts- and lifestyle- more than that- that this person was God himself- and gives ceremonies to people- which could free them from bad lifestyles.
For this- they were whipped, slaughtered and martyred. Even they admitted they appeared insane- "foolish" (Saint Paul) to all apposing them!
Those who were martyred, believed it was the most sane course of action- they were loyal to their view of truth- to their take on sanity- and for this utter pursuit- show that they absolutely believed what they taught.
Those who use words like liberty- use a word referring to freedom- therefore- whenever the status quot changes- that which is more liberal changes- and also that which is more traditional or conservative.
Orthodoxy- the form given by God- is the pursuit of truth with all our soul, and body- and manifestation of this in obedience to sanity in truth in every moment of existence.
True Orthodoxy is the pursuit of truth above all else- not scientific truth- nor philosophical truth- but rather truth itself- which manifest so often in the intuitive!
Article by Marc Aupiais
When we speak of Orthodoxy- often we actually mean fidelity- or else remaining within an organization's party line.
We sometimes also believe the Orthodox way- to refer to the better, or true, or historic means of doing something!
But what is Orthodoxy? It is not the go-between between liberalism and conservatism, nor liberalism and traditionalism- neither is it traditionalism, conservatism or liberalism- each of which periodically changes meaning.
Orthodoxy- cannot be subjected to any one viewpoint- yet- it often refers to what a viewpoint believes as true.
In truth- orthodoxy is the pursuit of truth above all- and the determination to obey this truth utterly- the problem then is how one defines truth.
If truth is what an organization, or consensus says it is- then Orthodoxy is perhaps fidelity to that Organization- otherwise- Orthodoxy is fidelity to Reality- to the pursuit of manifesting to the world what is as it is.
Ultimately- the early Christians were killed for being what society saw as insane- they preached that someone recently alive had risen from a horrid death- had eaten on rising, and could be eaten body and soul in the Eucharist, and survived- and would spare or condemn us all for our single smallest thoughts- and lifestyle- more than that- that this person was God himself- and gives ceremonies to people- which could free them from bad lifestyles.
For this- they were whipped, slaughtered and martyred. Even they admitted they appeared insane- "foolish" (Saint Paul) to all apposing them!
Those who were martyred, believed it was the most sane course of action- they were loyal to their view of truth- to their take on sanity- and for this utter pursuit- show that they absolutely believed what they taught.
Those who use words like liberty- use a word referring to freedom- therefore- whenever the status quot changes- that which is more liberal changes- and also that which is more traditional or conservative.
Orthodoxy- the form given by God- is the pursuit of truth with all our soul, and body- and manifestation of this in obedience to sanity in truth in every moment of existence.
True Orthodoxy is the pursuit of truth above all else- not scientific truth- nor philosophical truth- but rather truth itself- which manifest so often in the intuitive!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
1 comment:

Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Early Church,
Good methods,

Why many Protestant and Other congregations die- and the link to strict rules
(Tridentine SA ; c.f. Catholic Culture)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Protestant Christianity in its old form is declining- much of modern Protestant thought- often more mimics the beliefs of a political party or country, or movement than its roots in the 16th century- according to Catholic Culture. This is clear in the recent controversy of the Anglican synod- and the generally acceptance of contraceptive- homosexuality- and female priests among many protestants- things the reformers did not approve of.
The worlds biggest religions- Islam and Catholicism- are the most rule bound and the ones most strict in these.
The countries where Catholicism is strictest- it is largest- where self mortification is most practised, it grows the most.
The reason to watch this trend within the congregations of protestantism- is because it does not come from its roots- none of these people can claim the follow what they "originally heard" from their organizations' founders- as the bible commands of us to do with the words of Christ- but only that they are for progress- something borrowed from secular society.
Catholicism has its own additions from this- from the liberal movement who are not judging the world as "the spiritual man judges all things", but from its perspective- judging the spiritual- and the "carnal is death" (if our religion is to be believed), while the bible (Saint Paul)adds "the spirit is life", and so we have our own carnal additions- holding hands during the Our Father- from Alcoholics Anonymous (Karl Keating- Catholic Answers Apolostate), and communion on the hand, reintroduced by protestants- who desired to show that as the bread they took together was nothing but bread- that therefore any could handle it. Granted- in the early church- communion was often taken on the hand- but the church itself changed this practise- further- in areas where this was active prior Vatican II- it was not an abuse to allow it, yet we are still asked to do otherwise in the official norms.
Another addition- this one perhaps more serious is
- holding hands during the our Father- which is lambasted from EWTN, to Catholic Answers- to Zenit News, to important bishops- as something not in the rubrics- the script by which we hold mass.
According to an authoritative book of the church's on the mass- the holding hands created the wrong atmosphere- the mass is a worship ceremony- it is prayer, and the witnessing of a sacrifice- of the Eucharist- God's living flesh through time-
therefore- while the sign of peace is permitted and correct- it must not be an afterthought- rather- we at Tridentine South and Southern Africa- believe both the Our Father- and the Sign of peace should be distinctive and each have their own powerful impact, through the contrast- by inciting firstly the first command- worship of God- and then the second- love of neighbour- and the singleness of the church.
And so- the Latin mass fits our needs for growth and Orthodoxy- in the phenomenal growth of the churches which have instituted this- and in the growth of irregular organizations such as SSPX, whose bishops are excommunicated.
We must not water down religion to gain following- rather- we must increase its hardness- so that the seed does not fall on shallow ground- but on deep ground.
Further- we should not take practises from Alcoholics Anonymous- we do not gain our power from our peers alone- but from God and the sacraments- and our beloved Popes.
Holding hands- is a sign of needing support- a hand shake is a sign of support- the second is loving our neighbor- the first is something that has perhaps helped alcoholics- but which is introduced from the bottom up- in contrast with the method by which truth is clarified in the church.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Protestant Christianity in its old form is declining- much of modern Protestant thought- often more mimics the beliefs of a political party or country, or movement than its roots in the 16th century- according to Catholic Culture. This is clear in the recent controversy of the Anglican synod- and the generally acceptance of contraceptive- homosexuality- and female priests among many protestants- things the reformers did not approve of.
The worlds biggest religions- Islam and Catholicism- are the most rule bound and the ones most strict in these.
The countries where Catholicism is strictest- it is largest- where self mortification is most practised, it grows the most.
The reason to watch this trend within the congregations of protestantism- is because it does not come from its roots- none of these people can claim the follow what they "originally heard" from their organizations' founders- as the bible commands of us to do with the words of Christ- but only that they are for progress- something borrowed from secular society.
Catholicism has its own additions from this- from the liberal movement who are not judging the world as "the spiritual man judges all things", but from its perspective- judging the spiritual- and the "carnal is death" (if our religion is to be believed), while the bible (Saint Paul)adds "the spirit is life", and so we have our own carnal additions- holding hands during the Our Father- from Alcoholics Anonymous (Karl Keating- Catholic Answers Apolostate), and communion on the hand, reintroduced by protestants- who desired to show that as the bread they took together was nothing but bread- that therefore any could handle it. Granted- in the early church- communion was often taken on the hand- but the church itself changed this practise- further- in areas where this was active prior Vatican II- it was not an abuse to allow it, yet we are still asked to do otherwise in the official norms.
Another addition- this one perhaps more serious is
- holding hands during the our Father- which is lambasted from EWTN, to Catholic Answers- to Zenit News, to important bishops- as something not in the rubrics- the script by which we hold mass.
According to an authoritative book of the church's on the mass- the holding hands created the wrong atmosphere- the mass is a worship ceremony- it is prayer, and the witnessing of a sacrifice- of the Eucharist- God's living flesh through time-
therefore- while the sign of peace is permitted and correct- it must not be an afterthought- rather- we at Tridentine South and Southern Africa- believe both the Our Father- and the Sign of peace should be distinctive and each have their own powerful impact, through the contrast- by inciting firstly the first command- worship of God- and then the second- love of neighbour- and the singleness of the church.
And so- the Latin mass fits our needs for growth and Orthodoxy- in the phenomenal growth of the churches which have instituted this- and in the growth of irregular organizations such as SSPX, whose bishops are excommunicated.
We must not water down religion to gain following- rather- we must increase its hardness- so that the seed does not fall on shallow ground- but on deep ground.
Further- we should not take practises from Alcoholics Anonymous- we do not gain our power from our peers alone- but from God and the sacraments- and our beloved Popes.
Holding hands- is a sign of needing support- a hand shake is a sign of support- the second is loving our neighbor- the first is something that has perhaps helped alcoholics- but which is introduced from the bottom up- in contrast with the method by which truth is clarified in the church.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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Indian Catholics under persecution- international community remains silent
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. Zenit news, Vatican Radio, EWTN)
article by Marc Aupiais
The Indian government- and international community, especially Europe have been called upon to do more for the Christian communities in India, facing waves of mass violence- and who have been forced to flee to camps- under Hindu Extremist attacks. This includes the arrests of "sisters of charity" nuns- based on charges which proved false- by local authorities- and other events.
The Sisters of Charity are founded by Mother Theressa- and are known more for their charitible works than for evangelism-
The thousands of Christian homes and buildings burnt to the ground of late- are testimony to the sickening silence of the press on this issue- once again the international community is silent as a tactical genocide is being conducted.
Analysts believe the attacks could spread to Europe and other nations unless some action is taken!
South African Catholics need to pray for their own protection and that of Indian Christians- silence always aids the oppressor-
Whenever one is witness to persecution of Christians- or Catholics, or caimpaigns of disinformation as in India- it is the duty of the Catholic to stand firm- as Saint Paul writes in the Bible- "The spiritual man judges all things"-
We must not remain silent in this- or in any persecution of our faith!
article by Marc Aupiais
The Indian government- and international community, especially Europe have been called upon to do more for the Christian communities in India, facing waves of mass violence- and who have been forced to flee to camps- under Hindu Extremist attacks. This includes the arrests of "sisters of charity" nuns- based on charges which proved false- by local authorities- and other events.
The Sisters of Charity are founded by Mother Theressa- and are known more for their charitible works than for evangelism-
The thousands of Christian homes and buildings burnt to the ground of late- are testimony to the sickening silence of the press on this issue- once again the international community is silent as a tactical genocide is being conducted.
Analysts believe the attacks could spread to Europe and other nations unless some action is taken!
South African Catholics need to pray for their own protection and that of Indian Christians- silence always aids the oppressor-
Whenever one is witness to persecution of Christians- or Catholics, or caimpaigns of disinformation as in India- it is the duty of the Catholic to stand firm- as Saint Paul writes in the Bible- "The spiritual man judges all things"-
We must not remain silent in this- or in any persecution of our faith!
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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Catholic Watchdog South Africa,

Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Mbeki followed by finance minister
((South African)Scripturelink Voters Guide; c.f. E News Channel)Thabo Mbeki has been followed by 10 cabinate ministers, and3 deputy ministers- including our world renound finance minister- when he was forced out of office by his political rival Jacob Zuma's ANC.
Oddly- a member of AZAPO also resigned- there is a possibility that a new party will form- either under AZAPO- making sense of their resignation- or separately under another banner.
Those who are in office- are not the persons in charge of the party which was elected- and those who replace the world renowned finance minister, and these many ministers- also will not have been voted for by the people- nor was an ANC under Mr Jacob Zuma- who has struggled in any way possible to avoid being tried for corruption- even when another man was convicted of having a "corrupt" relationship with Mr Zuma- the president of the ANC- whose followers- all South Africans have heard- calling for the annihilation of the opposition- and to kill those apposing their new "revolution".
All this said- perhaps a weaker ANC means less corruption- means less crime- and better governance- because without strong opposition- a party has no need to impress.
Which opposition party will benefit most is unclear-
what is clear is the weakness of the party system in South Africa- where votes for new party presidents- can change the president of the country.
Whatever country Malema takes over as interim president- there is a very gray future ahead for any who desire growth in this coming period- the Rand already is falling.
This all said- there are many fighting for the ideals our country was founded on- the future is not all gray-
Further- we do not know the details of these political battles- perhaps we are wrong about our views- yes- Catholics are not allowed to vote ANC, since they are connected with communism- but as to whether this is good or bad- a weaker ruling party is good for everyone- including that party- in that it forsters accountability!
According to E-News Channel- the Finance, and deputy of finance, correctional services, and other vital ministers have resigned.
Oddly- a member of AZAPO also resigned- there is a possibility that a new party will form- either under AZAPO- making sense of their resignation- or separately under another banner.
Those who are in office- are not the persons in charge of the party which was elected- and those who replace the world renowned finance minister, and these many ministers- also will not have been voted for by the people- nor was an ANC under Mr Jacob Zuma- who has struggled in any way possible to avoid being tried for corruption- even when another man was convicted of having a "corrupt" relationship with Mr Zuma- the president of the ANC- whose followers- all South Africans have heard- calling for the annihilation of the opposition- and to kill those apposing their new "revolution".
All this said- perhaps a weaker ANC means less corruption- means less crime- and better governance- because without strong opposition- a party has no need to impress.
Which opposition party will benefit most is unclear-
what is clear is the weakness of the party system in South Africa- where votes for new party presidents- can change the president of the country.
Whatever country Malema takes over as interim president- there is a very gray future ahead for any who desire growth in this coming period- the Rand already is falling.
This all said- there are many fighting for the ideals our country was founded on- the future is not all gray-
Further- we do not know the details of these political battles- perhaps we are wrong about our views- yes- Catholics are not allowed to vote ANC, since they are connected with communism- but as to whether this is good or bad- a weaker ruling party is good for everyone- including that party- in that it forsters accountability!
According to E-News Channel- the Finance, and deputy of finance, correctional services, and other vital ministers have resigned.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
No comments:

Why Catholics are meant to take communion on the tongue
(Tridentine SA c.f. EWTN- case for communion on the tongue) While the church permitted bishops in areas where it already occurred- to allow communion on the hand- the mass use of this practice in the modern era is an abuse- and endanger the loss of respect for the sacrament-
The church itself sets forth as the norm- the way people should take communion- as communion on the tongue.
When we go to church- often we are unaware of so many doctrinal points- such as the necessity of this doctrine- or the fact we are not permitted by the official doctrines or works of Mother church to hold hands during the our father- or many of these other things-
The Latin mass truly is our heritage- not so much as in that it preserves these images that give us respect for God- but in as much as Vatican II actually desired the beloved Novus Order- to be said in Latin in most cases.
A good site on what should happen in mass- recommended by Catholic culture is-
The strict rubrics and procedures of the Tridentine mass- often ensure obedient following- even so- we truly wish more people would practice the NO mass more in line with the desires of the church- remember- you are there to pray- to worship- not to hear a man speak!
The spirit of the Lord- is in the utmost details of our obedience- and cannot be the being behind any disobedience- truly- what does not gather scatters- and what is not from God- does not gather- for evil does not result in good-
Fidelity to our wondrous desert dry public worship- to the very detail of every word of truth- is our way in salvation- whether Novus Order, or Tridentine- we must most perfectly perform every action- and with our entire being worship and manifest the Truth- our God- always demonstrating in body language and respect exactly whom we worship!
In fact- communion on the hand- emerged again with the protestants who rejected the real presence- and took it on the hand to symbolically show this:
The church itself sets forth as the norm- the way people should take communion- as communion on the tongue.
When we go to church- often we are unaware of so many doctrinal points- such as the necessity of this doctrine- or the fact we are not permitted by the official doctrines or works of Mother church to hold hands during the our father- or many of these other things-
The Latin mass truly is our heritage- not so much as in that it preserves these images that give us respect for God- but in as much as Vatican II actually desired the beloved Novus Order- to be said in Latin in most cases.
A good site on what should happen in mass- recommended by Catholic culture is-
The strict rubrics and procedures of the Tridentine mass- often ensure obedient following- even so- we truly wish more people would practice the NO mass more in line with the desires of the church- remember- you are there to pray- to worship- not to hear a man speak!
The spirit of the Lord- is in the utmost details of our obedience- and cannot be the being behind any disobedience- truly- what does not gather scatters- and what is not from God- does not gather- for evil does not result in good-
Fidelity to our wondrous desert dry public worship- to the very detail of every word of truth- is our way in salvation- whether Novus Order, or Tridentine- we must most perfectly perform every action- and with our entire being worship and manifest the Truth- our God- always demonstrating in body language and respect exactly whom we worship!
In fact- communion on the hand- emerged again with the protestants who rejected the real presence- and took it on the hand to symbolically show this:
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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