Saturday, 30 October 2010
Introducing the New SACNS Audio-Visual Site
30 | October (10th Month) | 2010 AD
Article by Marc Aupiais
In the continued contest to create dynamic, applicable, useful content for our Catholic and other users, we at SACNS, have decided to create this, our first fully audio-visual site.
Including a section for our new articles, information about our service and many other interesting services.
The inclusion of audio, mean you our readers can visit our page and browse elsewhere while still absorbing and observing our articles.
We also plan to introduce full podcasts of our articles as we attempted unsuccessfully with our previous website to do.
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Friday, 29 October 2010
The anti-Christ to European anti-federalist movements, the foundational Lisbon treaty is set to be hammered into yet another form by the EU king makers France and Germany
French state global propaganda machine France 24 hosts an article by Reuters claiming that a French and German push to force other EU Eurozone nations to follow conservative economic policy after the PIGGS crises is set to push through the European parliament.
The Lisbon treaty, which creates a serious if not intrusive bond between the European nations party to the EU is very popular among ruling coalitions and parties across the EU, and very unpopular among the nations' citizens. The Catholic church opposed the original Lisbon treaty. The move to amend Lisbon, oft portrayed as a European constitution, has been seen by more liberal nations as an attempt to coerce conservative economic policies into existence across Europe.
The American Tea Party movement aims to promote similar economic policy in the federalist United States of America.
"Germany wants limited treaty alterations to ensure there is a permanent and legally sound crisis-resolution system in place for countries that use the euro. It has threatened to block the budget reforms if no deal is reached.
Many of the EU's 27 member states see the logic in Germany's proposal and could support it in principle, but need convincing that a change to the treaty is needed to set up the mechanism, and want any agreed amendments to be narrowly defined.
Any change to an EU treaty must be approved unanimously and ratified by all member states, either in a vote of parliament or via a referendum. The European Parliament should also agree.
In a sign that momentum towards treaty change was growing, countries such as Finland, Greece, Sweden and Britain, along with Poland, Slovakia and Ireland, signalled they would support limited amendments, although Warsaw linked its support to a deal on pension reforms.
"The euro area needs a credible permanent crisis mechanism to ensure the financial stability of the euro area as a whole," said Finnish Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi, whose country had said earlier this week it opposed such moves.
"If this new system requires treaty change, then treaty change should be done."
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said treaty change could be discussed if it was needed to improve the EU's ability to respond to economic and financial crises.
France's European affairs minister, Pierre Lellouche, said in Berlin that countries were warming to the Franco-German position, which he called a gift to Europe.
Mandate for Council, Commission
EU sources said the leaders were expected to give a mandate to the Commission and to Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the EU Council which represents the member states' governments, to work out how the treaty could be amended.
"Van Rompuy will receive a mandate to talk to the 27 member states on the opportunity for a treaty reform. And the Commission will receive a mandate to explore the technical modalities of such a reform," a senior EU source said.
In an agreement struck in the northern French town of Deauville on Oct. 18, Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy said they wanted concrete treaty change proposals on the table before an EU summit next March.
Germany wants to have the changes in force before the 2013 expiry of the EU's temporary mechanism for handling the euro zone debt crisis, a 440-billion-euro ($600-billion) IMF-backed fund called the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF).
The EFSF is taxpayer-funded and Germany fears it could violate a clause in the Lisbon treaty against bailouts. It has faced legal challenges in Germany's constitutional court.
Britain, which opposes any treaty amendments that could transfer more power to Brussels, has indicated it could back the proposal if it affects only the euro zone. Ireland said it hoped to avoid holding a referendum on treaty change."

Thursday, 28 October 2010
South Africa stands up for children against EU, Canada at the UN- UN specialised coverage organisation reports
The Republic of South Africa- a leader globally in legislation involving children's rights, has along with the Holy See, and South Africa's pet, the African Union's block in the UN- condemned a "right" to explicit (pornographic according to South African definitions) sex education.
The EU, Canada, and other countries endorsed the document, despite its violation of the founding principles of the United Nations.
Studies have shown abstinence education more effective, and found that people given contraceptive education are more likely to have sex at an inappropriate age, with people they don't love and less likely to use condoms- defeating the purpose of the education. A report by Lancet found that people buying sex are less likely to use condoms if given pamphlets on falsely named "safe sex". Sexualization at a young age is thought to encourage psychological disorders.
"Volume 13, Number 46
October 28, 2010
Countries Slam Attempts to Create New "Right" to Sexual Education at UN
By Samantha Singson
New York, October 28 (C-FAM) - Angry delegates took to the UN floor this week to denounce a report that promotes a new human right to explicit sexual education for young children.
The African and Caribbean blocs led the widespread hostility toward the report by registering their "strong rejection" and "strong disapproval."
The report claims a new human right to sexual education citing non-binding recommendations and other UN reports including the controversial UNESCO guidelines on sexual education and the Yogyakarta Principles. The report's author, Victor Muñoz, argues that States have an obligation to ensure this new right "from the early stages of life."
Bucking established procedure, Muñoz submitted his report to the UN without being present to defend his recommendations and analysis.
Muñoz pays lip service to the right of parents to choose their children's education, which is part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but adds "this authority may never run counter to the rights of children and adolescents." According to Muñoz, comprehensive sexual education goes beyond simple biological or reproductive information.
Ignoring the ongoing heated debate at the UN over terms dealing with "sexual orientation" and "gender identity," Muñoz insists that sexual education include information on "sexual diversity." Muñoz blasts abstinence programs, which he argues normalizes stereotypes and promotes discriminatory images because they are based on "heteronormativity."
Muñoz added that denying the existence of lesbian, gay, transsexual, transgender and bisexual population exposes these groups to discrimination.
Though unable to address Muñoz directly, frustrated delegates representing Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Organization of Islamic Countries lined up to denounce the report. They criticized Muñoz's single-handed attempt to redefine the human rights system and introduce controversial topics such as sexual orientation, sexuality education and gender identity as universally accepted concepts.
Malawi, on behalf of the African bloc, said there was "no universal agreement on the notions of sexual education." Munoz's attempt to create a new right and reinterpret the existing understanding of human rights "flouted" the code of conduct, Malawi said. The African group expressed alarm at what it called Muñoz's selective use of quotes from other UN documents, which do not constitute a "truthful reflection of objective facts."
The Caribbean bloc also registered its "strong disapproval of this attempt by Muñoz to create a new right within the universally established right to education, far exceeding his mandate." The Caribbean countries charged Muñoz with "indulging his personal interests at the expense" of delegations and demanded a re-written report that followed the guidelines set by the UN.
While many others -- including Russia, South Africa, Morocco, the Arab Group, the Holy See and the United States -- also denounced the assertion of a new right to comprehensive sexual education, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, and Argentina were supportive. The European Union "fully and wholeheartedly" expressed its support for Muñoz and his report.
The General Assembly took no action on the report this week, but it is expected to consider it again in December."

Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Concluding Observations Adopted by CRC » Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute
Note by Marc Aupiais
UN meeting concludes that children should have the right to be aborted.
" Published: 10/20/10 11:14 AM - By Seana Cranston, J.D. Concluding Observations Adopted by CRC The concluding observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child at its 55th session, held in Geneva, have been released. The countries included are Angola, Burundi, Guatemala, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Spain, Sri Lanka, and the Sudan.
In its concluding observations, the CRC calls on Nicaragua to decriminalize abortion. Montenegro is told that it should provide adolescents with appropriate "reproductive health services, including reproductive health education." In addition, the CRC says that it "notes with concern the limited knowledge among adolescents about reproductive health," in Sri Lanka. "

Pope elects "conservatives" to elect papacy
Pope Benedict XVI has elected politically conservative, religiously orthodox archbishops to be cardinals on the whole. Including huge Democratic Party critic Burke- just before the US election. The BBC has noted that many Italians were elected, hinting at a return to the tradition of an Italian pope after Joseph Ratzinger was the second non-Italian elected Pope recently.
(BBC World News link. Pope Benedict picks new cardinals )
John Paul II was seen by Ratzinger allies as too liberal- believing the sex abuse scandal an anti-Catholic attack- he stifled efforts to fight it until 2001 when Ratzinger was put in charge of sex abuse.
The current pope appears to be attempting to place people in power across the board who are loyal to the church, not ideology.
To quote Vatican Information Service
the official media voice of the Vatican City State:
"Twenty of the new cardinals, being under the age of eighty, will be electors. Their names are:
- Archbishop Angelo Amato S.D.B., prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
- His Beatitude Antonios Naguib, Patriarch of Alexandria of the Copts, Egypt.
- Archbishop Robert Sarah, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum".
- Archbishop Francesco Monterisi, archpriest of the papal basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls.
- Archbishop Fortunato Baldelli, penitentiary major of the Apostolic Penitentiary.
- Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura.
- Archbishop Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
- Archbishop Paolo Sardi, vice chamberlain of Holy Roman Church.
- Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.
- Archbishop Velasio De Paolis C.S., president of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See.
- Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture.
- Archbishop Medardo Joseph Mazombwe, emeritus of Lusaka, Zambia.
- Archbishop Raul Eduardo Vela Chiriboga, emeritus Quito, Ecuador.
- Archbishop Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Archbishop Paolo Romeo of Palermo, Italy.
- Archbishop Donald William Wuerl of Washington, U.S.A.
- Archbishop Raymundo Damasceno Assis of Aparecida, Brazil.
- Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz of Warsaw, Poland.
- Archbishop Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Archbishop Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising, Germany.
Having pronounced the names of the new cardinal electors, the Pope then indicated that he had also decided to elevate to the dignity of cardinal "two prelates and two priests", all over the age of eighty and hence non-electors, for their "generosity and dedication in the service of the Church."
Their names are:
- Archbishop Jose Manuel Estepa Llaurens, military ordinary emeritus of Spain.
- Bishop Elio Sgreccia, former president of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
- Msgr. Walter Brandmuller, former president of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences.
- Msgr. Domenico Bartolucci, former director of the Pontifical Choir.AG/ VIS 20101020 (420)" (paragraphing possibly added)

Democratic Party Candidate tries to send pro-life group to jail in USA
A democrat who, like most of his party unmistakably voted for a financially unsound bill mandating citizens to buy morally questionable health insurance, which has caused and will continue to cause the closure of pro-life hospitals in the USA is attempting to silence pro-life feminist SBA campaigners through criminal charges. Judges in the USA are often activist and hardly up to the standard of their judicial system peers.
"As you may have heard, after he found out the SBA List intended to put up four billboards across his Congressional district, Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH) filed a complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission alleging that we are falsely accusing him of voting for taxpayer funding of abortion as a result of his vote for the health care legislation.
This an attack on our free speech, designed to drain us of time and resources in the final days of the elections, and while we await a full-blown hearing of the Ohio Election Commission (where they could fine us thousands of dollars and even send Marjorie to jail for up to six months), the SBA List has asked a federal judge to consider a temporary restraining order against the Ohio Elections Commission proceedings—he will rule today.
In the meantime, we have radio ads running in throughout the Cincinnati area hammering Rep. Driehaus"
- SBA List press release

South African water dangerous to drink
A reliable source sent me an article by I-net Bridge. Major retailers have reportedly claimed, along with an agriculture union that South African water supplies are dangerously contaminated, including with E.Coli.
Woolworths, according to a different source- last night's newspaper- has denied claims that it is refusing products for E. Coli, but in the I Net Bridge article has said that it is always glad of suppliers watching water quality. Suppliers have allegedly claimed that Woolworths is rejecting some products.
Spar and Pick 'n Pay are quoted as concerned about products.
South Africa is a major supplier of foodstuffs to Europe. It is feared local markets may be flooded with export goods if they now fail standards.
We cannot verify the claims, as the main Scripturelink News resource centre is experiencing serious technical difficulties.
Our source is generally reliable, and has been keeping us up to date on the situation for a long time now. This is the first time that evidence has seemingly definitely swung against government claims on water.

Sunday, 17 October 2010
1st Aussie Saint
Born of Scottish Immigrants in the land of The Wizard of Oz, she saw through deception and politics, and objected to sexual abuse allegedly committed by one priest. She was excommunicated by a bishop who on his death bed revoked the harsh penalty.
Sr. Mary Of The Cross known to the temporary world as Saint Mary MacKillop of Australia, was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI.
Other saints canonized included a really short Quebec Canadian.

A friend and divorce
A friend speaks to me of a protestant tv channel. Show about divorce- husbands cheating etc. The show seems to suggest divorce is sometimes deserved- but like the death penalty it never ever is by either party- even if sometimes legally speaking it is unavoidable!
Divorce is never deserved by either party or by the children- all of whom marriage was made to protect.
It affects everyone for life like a life sentence. It is utterly personal and private. Divorcees including those who legally speaking marry again- never recover and have shorter lives from the stress.
The church does offer divorce counselling- and an annulment in the church can make a huge difference.

Friday, 15 October 2010
We have placed two successful twitter products of the SACNS on facebook, and need you to allow us to have shorter easy to remember names.
Please review and subscribe to:
South African Catholic News Service International
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remember that facebook only allows so many things from one source in your news feed, so it shouldn't be a nuisance that so much information is covered. It should however help arm you with information about the church and how it is portrayed.
if you haven't, then subscribe to us and other news on facebook:
and our editor Marc Aupiais
South African Catholic News Service: Twitter|Facebook|Facebook Discuss|CAF|YouTube|UStream News|UStream Editorial | Email
As an internationally collaborative: initiative to provide a more transparent, accurate view of the world: This service is brought to you by the Scripturelink Search Engine (quotations, or confers in this service/initiative, are provided to give perspective independently, or reference some external sources: and do not imply collaboration, or any kind of affiliation, or co-operation with other services, or initiatives, which are quoted or noted in articles)
Check the accuracy, and perspectives of our contents via the above listed search engine: against other "Catholic" services

Wednesday, 13 October 2010
A story not making headlines
The first Gitmo detainee has started to be tried criminally today. RT (Russia Today) notes that media are nowhere to be seen.
Fact is the Chilean situation is hiding many things. An army could advance on a capital city and perform a coup- and because of the coverage in Chile- major media would never know.
Unnoticed further is that South Africa is on the Security Council again.
Our grand old nation is famous for politics that benefit the Great Nation South Africa and South Africans- but at the cost of human rights. A Great cost. Which makes the vote a sad moment.
Other African nations to have served: Uganda and Nigeria.

Not the end of sacns

End of sacns

Saturday, 9 October 2010
Catholic media and the ignorant stupid Vatican
Catholic media due to a recent meeting are lamenting the complete incompetence of the Vatican in media relations- citing the release of codification of women ordination excommunications and sex abuse norms being published together. Also lamenting the lifting of the Williamson excommunication.
The problem with their conclusions is that they are incorrect.
The comparing of women's ordination ceremonies and sex abuse was intentional- the codification in both cases were unnecessary. The Vatican clearly intended to show that the sex abuse was an internal matter of disobedience. Also comparing the two got the sex abuse media coup more coverage.
It is almost certain the Vatican did or should have known of Williamson's views on Jews. SSPX views on the Holocaust are well known, and talks have been going on for years. The Vatican may play dumb, but as a Vatican watcher I can assure you they are among the most sly foxy politicians on the planet.
Williamson was excommunicated for illegal ordination of bishops (ordination is a tricky issue ha?), a theological issue not related to his factual denial of the extent of the holocaust.
From Benedict XVI's history, even though it was not Benedict who lifted the excommunication- it is almost certain that he saw the temporary bad press as worth the risk from regaining the SSPX schismatics into the faith.
The Vatican isn't dumb- but clearly some major media need training in basic office politics.

Most US Catholic Marriages invalid?
Catholic Culture reports on a survey which if accurate would suggest that most Catholic marriages in the USA are or will be invalid.
It shows most Catholics supporting homosexual unions, higher than the general population.
Marriage is an exclusive covenant between a man and a woman open to possible naturally occurring childbirth.
Homosexual couples can never naturally have children. Support of homosexual unions- hint at a fundamental misunderstanding of marriage- and thus that such marriages are likely null and void.
4 out of 5 South Africans, according to the Johannesburg Star believe homosexual acts always immoral. Homosexual civil unions- which get the privileges from the state associated with marriage have long been legal in South Africa.

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