"We Strive for a state of the law, ... A state that will have Islamic Sharia law the basis of legislation," says the head of USA backed Coup in Libya!
His name is Musta Abdul-Jalil, the NTC, Libya Leader and his calls for SHARIA to be imposed are recorded in September 12th Globe and Mail Libya's new leader calls for state based on sharia law ANNE BARNARD!
He said them at a rally!
And seems to suggest, as seen in the quote above that he clearly wanted the SHARIA as a constitution of a Libyan Republic. Whether formal or informal, this is the underlying law he, backed into power by NATO, wants to implement.
The rebels are lead by the very people MI6, CIA used to think were Islamist terrorists, and renditioned for torture and captivity- USA then backs in coup, these individuals, who their own CIA feared to be Islamist terrorists!?
America also illegally funded the introduction of Sharia law into the Kenyan constitution, according to documents and one of the US senators probing the matter then c.f. Fox News Tess Civantos White House Spent $23M of Taxpayer Money to Back Kenyan Constitution That Legalizes Abortion, GOP Reps Say 22nd July 2010; National Review KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ Obamacare in Kenya? 12th July 2010 . Afghanistan made it law that a man of a certain religion can deny his wife food if she denies him sex, under the current American backed government, according to Canada's Globe and Mail, as noted by our Canadian correspondent at the time. The BBC said the Afghani election was rigged, based on their observations at the time of it. In nations America has conquered: Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in its international law efforts, it has continuously promoted Sharia law initiatives, to the shock of some.
These, hereto mentioned are the same Libyan rebel council USA backed, European recognised: NTC (National Transitional Council). The same group of violent men, NATO backed and arresting, rounding up, killing Black Africans, when according to Mail and Guardian quotes: both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International say there is NO evidence of any REAL black mercenaries in Libya, despite almost 30 blacks being executed by the Rebels NTC. To quote the Mail and Guardian :
"Amnesty International researcher Diana Eltahawy said the rebels taking control of Libya had tapped into "existing xenophobia". The New York Times refers to "racist overtones", but sometimes the racism is explicit. A rebel slogan painted in Misrata during the fighting salutes "the brigade for purging slaves, black skin". A consequence of this racism has been mass arrests of black men and gruesome killings -- just some of the various atrocities human rights organisations blame rebels for.
The racialisation of this conflict does not end with hatred of "Africans". Graffiti by rebels frequently depicted Gaddafi as a demonic Jew.
Into this space stepped those who had the greatest resources -- the former regime notables, businessmen and professionals, as well as exiles. It was they who formed the National Transitional Council (NTC).
"The dominance of relatively conservative elites and the absence of countervailing pressures skewed the politics of the rebellion. We hear of "the masses" and "solidarity", but masses can be addressed on many grounds -- some reactionary. There are also many bases for solidarity -- some exclusionary. The scapegoating of black workers makes sense from the perspective of elites. For them, Libya was not a society divided on class lines from which many of them had profited. Instead, the more success Gaddafi had in stabilising his regime the more the explanation for this relied on the claim that "Gaddafi is killing us with his Africans"." c.f. Mail and Guardian RICHARD SEYMOUR A revolution disgraced by racism 2nd September 2011.
The word Kaffir- means curly haired infidel c.f. Catholic Encyclopedia Kaffirs Welch, S 1910. It is an arab word, which is often also applied to all "infidels" in Arabic, translated as "Infidel". Not an Afrikaans word. The Mail and Guardian alleges that the opportunity to wipe out black Africans is why the rebels got so much support, based on information on the ground c.f. Mail and Guardian A revolution disgraced by racism RICHARD SEYMOUR Sep 02 2011.
International aid organisations, such as the Red Cross/Red Crescent are refusing to help black Africans who are starving, with food and medical supplies, having told western media that their own governments must care for them, given their non-citizen status in ethnic Arab Libya c.f. BBC Plight of sub-Saharan Africans in Libya By Wyre Davies BBC News, Tripoli 02 September 2011.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has in the past supported Islamist organizations, deciding to send Iranian ships to break the Israeli Gaza blockade, demanding inspection of Palestinian goods c.f. AFP Iran Red Crescent to send two aid ships to Gaza Farhad Pouladi (AFP) 6th June 2010.
The Red Crtoss also helped train Taliban fighters in combat medicine classes, and donated medical supplies to the fighters c.f. The Guardian Red Cross gives first aid lessons to Taliban by Jon Boone in Kabul 25th May 2010 ; The Telegraph Red Cross gives first-aid training to Taliban fighters By Toby Harnden in Washington 25h of May 2010.
According to official Vatican Missionary news service Fides: NATO bombing was often aimed at civilians, and both sides have committed massacres. c.f.
Agenzia Fides AFRICA /LIBYA - "I went several times to the house that was hit and it did not look like a military command center", says Bishop Martinelli 21st June 2011
Agenzia Fides AFRICA/LIBYA - "Fighting still continues", say local sources from Tripoli to Fides 22nd August 2011
Agenzia FIdes AFRICA/LIBYA - " Bombings have intensified but Gaddafi still seems strong", says Mgr. Martinelli
Agenzia Fides AFRICA/LIBYA-"I have the duty to say that bombings are immoral acts, " says the Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli 6th May 2011
Agenzia Fides AFRICA/LIBYA - "Providing weapons just means extending the war, " says Bishop Martinelli 14th April 2011
Agenzia Fides AFRICA/LIBYA - "The hours of the attack on Bab al Aziziya were terrible," say local sources of Fides 24th August 2011
Agenzia Fides AFRICA/LIBYA -"Last night a violent bombing near the church devastated the serenity of innocent citizens, how can the UN authorize this?" complains Bishop Martinelli 28th April 2011
Agenzia Fides AFRICA/LIBYA - "Violence against Africans saddens me very much, Libya needs them and their work", says Bishop Martinelli 06th September 2011
Agenzia Fides AFRICA/LIBYA - Heavy fighting in Tripoli. The Franciscan monks barricaded in the convent 23rd August 2011