"Babies are dying and you're upset over a few tweets." - a more polite part from Steven Ertelt's wordy response to this article, our exclusive expose, which you can read below.
One account which continuously follows and unfollows my Twitter, and insistently tweets defamation about his competitors in 'pro-lifing' is Steven Ertelt.
Notice any commonalities (p.s. the tweet below to SACNS is quite upsetting and tweeted to many, the one later and above, shows he doesn't even know who he is haranguing when he does this)
Steven Ertelt trolling. pic.twitter.com/07r8TqGI8r
— Marc Evan Aupiais (@SACNSNew) January 27, 2014
His favourite enemy is reliable news service LifeSiteNews. Tweet an article from them, and he is sure to sweep upon you like a seagull upon the pope's peace doves.
His most recent trolling: the death of a pregnant woman:
@SACNSNew That article falsely accuses Greg Abbott of being responsible for the baby's death. Abbott had nothing to do with it!
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
After we made note of Steven trolling, he deleted the I don't know who you are Tweet to our editor.
@SACNSNew Sorry I don't know who you are.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
.@StevenErtelt I am a journalist for three news services, a law Graduate, among other things.
And an AG has duty to uphold law, so stop.
— Marc Evan Aupiais (@SACNSNew) January 27, 2014
.@StevenErtelt and stop following people such as myself who you 'don't know', it makes me think your blog to be not trustworthy.
— Marc Evan Aupiais (@SACNSNew) January 27, 2014
To answer the question likely burning, yes, I know Steve considers his website to be just that, and not a blog: but trolling is quite a blogger behaviour, not something I expect from a news editor. After I noted who I am, he none the less chose not to continue his trolling this time, and decided not to dispute the nature of his activities or his website. Instead, he determined to troll someone else...
Despite us blocking his account, Steve replied when he saw our article:
@SACNSNew I guess it's clear now why you tweeted something attacking a pro-life elected official. Now you're attacking another pro-lifer.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
@SACNSNew I'd rather be accused of trolling (not sure you know what that really is) than making false accusations against pro-life allies.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
@SACNSNew I tweeted you because the article falsely attacks a pro-life elected official accusing him of being responsible for baby's death.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
@SACNSNew I've blocked you so hopefully your account won't be followed. Sorry I follow pro-lifers.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
To our knowledge we only wrote this article, I love his use of the word blog which we used above also, read on, to find out about 'blog posts', seemingly in plural, and more yet more, of Steve's response.
@SACNSNew Not arguing with you, though you're the one writing blog posts attacking me, which is really lame. Nothing better to do?
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
@SACNSNew We would never quote someone making false attacks on pro-lifers. Not sure how that helps the cause.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
Steve then mentions a state employee taking a position on the nationally noted case, as his reason for tweeting many people about his objection to LifeSiteNews. The Attorney General, he argues is vindicated because a state employee made a stance, and thus so is his mass tweeting of anyone who tweets an article by his competitor LSN.
@SACNSNew Marc, a state attorney spoke up for the unborn baby. See http://t.co/C9YVPP70zg so he did his job!
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
Definitely the case?:
@SACNSNew It's total below the belt attack on me for trying to point out false accusations against pro-lifers, but whatever.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
Despite Steve quite a number of times now Tweeting me when I share their articles, and LifeSiteNews Canadian editor lamenting to me that Steve consistently did so:
@SACNSNew And I'm not going after Life site. I rarely read what they write but when pro-lifers are being unfairly attacked I respond.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
@SACNSNew In the future don't just post blogs attacking pro-life people because they've been defending fellow pro-lifers.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
@SACNSNew It's faster to paste the same thing to people tweeting the same false attack on pro-lifers.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
@SACNSNew If only you were more concerned with unwarranted attacks on fellow pro-lifers than a handful of tweets.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
@SACNSNew Anyway, that is my last tweet. This is beyond ridiculous. Babies are dying and you're upset over a few tweets. Have a good day.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) January 27, 2014
This Article by Marc Aupiais for the SACNS News Service, originally appeared on 27 January 2013 on the SACNS. It has since also appeared in entirety on Aupiais Wire on the 1 Feb 2013.
Major 'Pro-Lifer' Steven Ertelt, unethical, Twitter spammer, and an internet troll! https://t.co/AX6SSaZufC via @Audioboo
— Marc Evan Aupiais (@SACNSNew) February 1, 2014