(Southern African Catholic Press Releases)
Information from Marc Aupiais
The Following is a slightly edited (due to clearing up, what the quotes of the emails say, is not altered) copy of information we distributed to our facebook subscribers, of one service: dispatches from the SACBC, the disclaimer applies to all forwarding, or distribution of this information. We permit distribution of this article:
"For those new to this service: as a media contact of the SACBC, I receive press releases, and sometimes mention them on "South African Catholic" and other news sources that I access. I decided others may be interested in these, for whatever purpose, and so forward the information. Sometimes there are several for one day, often, there are none for days.
Basically, this involves getting information which may be important, due to the source, which as a media contact, I am permitted to forward in some way. You may freely invite others, including non-members of the host to this event; it is about information, not any sort of stance.
The following is quoted from an email that the SACBC (Bishops conference) forwarded to media including us:
It is about a program on SABC (Government station) television: SABC 2 at 09: 00 on 1st February 2009.
The Bishops' Conference: introduction to media contacts:
Fr. Chris Townsend
Information Officer - SACBC
P Please consider the environment before printing this email"
The email they forwarded to media contacts:
"Hi All,
The repeat broadcast of my doccie on Catholic Priesthood has been postponed by a week.
ISSUES OF FAITH: Catholic Priesthood to be repeated on SABC 2, 09:00 on 1st February 2009.
The rest of the email, seems to be from SABC, and has not much interest to viewers of this: email me if you want it forwarded: give an email address to forward it to.
As per usual, rely on this information at your own risk: we neither endorse, nor guarantee the content of dispatches emailed to us as a press contact of the SACBC.
To invite nothers to receive these emails:
In the email: Patricia refers to a person named:
Patrica Proctor.
We of course, know nothing about the program mentioned, only we got it, in an FYI via the Bishops conference!"
Tuesday 20 January 2009
Southern African Catholic Press Releases: Program on Catholic Priesthood on SABC 2: FYI from Bishops conference
Social Justice South Africa,
Southern African Catholic Dispatches
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