(Journey in a Broken World)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Darkness merged with darkness, and fatigue began to touch my limbs, as gravity tries to chain one to the ground.
Each few minutes my hands would fumble, and every now and then I would forget what I was doing- as I continuously mumbled soft whispered busts of phrases. Every now and then I would stop, exhausted in my extravagant needs. I had only began praying- I had perhaps over an hour's worth of prayers before I could go to bed.
Perhaps clarification is needed- the reason I was praying for so long, why I prayed, and finished to go to bed at 12:12 AM the next morning, was not zeal, but laziness. I had neglected my morning prayers, and therefore was combining them with my evening ritual- which generally takes 40 minutes to an hour or so. In the evening I pray to Saint Philomena at least 60 times, and to Saint Michael the Archangel about 5 or six times, to God the Trinity about ten times, and Mary about five. It's something I started to do some time ago- and it is odd, my soul almost needs to pray these, it is as though an invisible order had gone out- that I was to pray- and ask for God's world view, salvation, and godliness.
So why bring these things up- the reason lay in what I had wanted to do- as my hands fumbled expertly over the last rosary bead, and I had finished Hail Holy Queen, and Oh God whose- I did not want to continue. I just wanted to sleep, but the same voice that led me to the church- the same slight touching on my heart's shoulder told me as it had the first time- that I must finish my prayers if I wanted to sleep, and trusting what people call intuition, I knew I had to do so, even as these thoughts were with foreign words, almost dazed words as I was losing my functioning with the late hour.
A gray dusk settled on me, and my hands were almost guided, perhaps by habit, or by the ghostly presence that comes with prayer. My long prayers went forever, and I realized that I had not nearly finished even a 16th of my prayers, when already I felt like stopping, and every sort of temptation began to enter into me with force. I truly empathized with Saint Peter in the garden with Christ. I did not want to pray, but the intuitive voice would not let me stop, and so I fumbled across my collection of paper, prayer-book, cell-phone and rosary, and continued to pray. To do this- I detached myself from any sense of time.
I prayed and did what I sometimes do with the oh so short rosary. Whenever my hand hit the separated bead, I would stop and begin a few more of my prayers, before reading a novena to my beloved saint.
Finally, as the winds outside softly caressed my window, or perhaps there was silent nothingness, I began to speak almost gibberish. I empathize with the Charismatic movement seldom, but I was not speaking in tongues. I was saying the wrong words. Once before I have said this- when I was in terror, and prayed the Our Father, and the Hail Mary came out, and before also have I spoken words which are not what my mind had wanted. Despite this I finished my prayers, said my final please, and quietly put my rosary, papers with prayers, and a small pamphlet away.
Why hadn't my intuitive sense allowed me to skip the ritual, well I believe it lies in the concept of prayers and work. I had asked, cannot my novena count for all that prayer, cannot I substitute the rosary, but this was not allowed. We can never substitute one righteous deed for another. We can do one or the other or both- but obedience cannot be bartered with. My prayers had become works, and I had already, even as I had been praying there, covered in protest and fatigue, but also in obedience- begun slightly- to understand last night's lesson.
The physical world can never be replaced- prayer can never replace firm actions, but nor can firm actions replace fear, which causes despair, and they cannot substitute for prayers. The word spirit has in the English phraseology so mixed its essence up with the word morale, or culture that we forget that even spiritual things have solid substance, and are utterly real. Action, can also never substitute prayers. Prayers open the way for actions, like weapons of war- commandos, or scouts- they clear the territory, and yet the actions are like the gun turrets on large battleships, and the prayers that follow these like an air-strike.
Actions are given substance and power in prayer. Our lowly, practical, and often extravagantly expert- prayer firstly alters our environment, and then, the bursts of our souls- the constant prayers- they resonate and echo within the power of our actions, turning them from pathetic pleas, to powerful blows against untruth, through merciful justice, of listening and acting at the right time, and with dual force- physical and spiritual, and finally we feel hurricane forces- winds which raise the sand in protest- prayer's aftershock- their effect on ourselves and others.
Like submarines, we operate on the open ocean. Prayer is like breaking beneath the surface of waves- and before actions we pray. As we are surfacing to attack we also pray, and once we have launched our torpedoes we pray again. Prayer is like breath, it is that which must saturate and inebriate the veins of our actings. Actions are like our blood, and prayer like the soul which permeates every small tiny drop of substance in a man.
Without prayer nothing spiritual is possible, but without action, very little physical can we done. Like large cruising battleships on the open ocean, we must be rested on prayer, and moving on momentum with action, for the essential essence of what we seem to be- exists but as one single being, but on both dimensions of existing, and must always move as one who has two worlds to contend with. One like the water, the other- the air around us.
Prayer can never substitute action- yet this can help effects of it.
Friday, 31 October 2008
Works and deeds, prayer and the rosary, and the exhausted praying Catholic, at midnight
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, October 31, 2008
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Jesus Christ,
Journey In a Broken World,
Prayer Devotionals,
Rosary Mysteries,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Journey in a Broken World- Jerusalem- 3000 Year old Jewish text found- from time of king david- the text may yield insight into Ancient Israeli law
(Journey in a Broken World; c.f. CNN World New (Secular) 30/10/08; much thanks to a friend and reader of South African Catholic for informing us of this story)
Article by Marc Aupiais
CNN reports- an Israeli archeologist has found a scroll dating around 1000 B.C. this is around a thousand years before the dead sea scrolls, which verified the Roman Catholic view of what the majority of Jewish people considered the bible in Jesus' time. This latest +-3000 year old text is recorded on a piece of pottery, and CNN claims that there are the words "king", "judge", and "slave" on it, but the rest has yet to be deciphered. What makes the pottery more noteworthy, is that it is dated around the time of the rule of Israel's Saint King David- the second king of Israel. It is thought to possibly give new insights into Jewish laws at the times.
Article by Marc Aupiais
CNN reports- an Israeli archeologist has found a scroll dating around 1000 B.C. this is around a thousand years before the dead sea scrolls, which verified the Roman Catholic view of what the majority of Jewish people considered the bible in Jesus' time. This latest +-3000 year old text is recorded on a piece of pottery, and CNN claims that there are the words "king", "judge", and "slave" on it, but the rest has yet to be deciphered. What makes the pottery more noteworthy, is that it is dated around the time of the rule of Israel's Saint King David- the second king of Israel. It is thought to possibly give new insights into Jewish laws at the times.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, October 31, 2008
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Dead Sea Scrolls,
Journey In a Broken World,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Mbeki to quit politics- form pressure group
(Scripturelink Voter's Guide ; c.f. News 24 (Secular) 31/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Beeld is reporting that E-x-President Thabo Mbeki will not be endorsing either ANC group- which is good news for those apposing the abortion policies of our government. Instead he will create a political pressure group.
For the full story, we have linked to news 24 who have posted the Beeld's story, it may be seen in our c.f. (See also) link at the top of this article.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Beeld is reporting that E-x-President Thabo Mbeki will not be endorsing either ANC group- which is good news for those apposing the abortion policies of our government. Instead he will create a political pressure group.
For the full story, we have linked to news 24 who have posted the Beeld's story, it may be seen in our c.f. (See also) link at the top of this article.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, October 31, 2008
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African Politics,
Scripturelink Voters Guide,
South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
DRC- Congo- Kivu Region- Catholic Relief Services pulls two relif workers out of country. Only grass roots organizations like Caritas Internationalis still easily operate in wartorn region
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Catholic News Service 30/10/08; Caritas Internationalis 30/10/08; BBC World News (Secular) 29/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Catholic Relief Services has pulled two relief workers out of the DRC into neighboring Rwanda- due to unsafe conditions of operation, however they claim this is an isolated event, and not a general withdrawal. The Relief workers can't wait to get back to the CRS headquarters in the southern Congo, where the organization's efforts are based.
In recent days a UN peace-keeper helicopter was shot at, purportedly, if UN sources quoted by the BBC (29/10/08) are to be taken as accurate- not by rebels, but by Rwandan troops, and DRC troops have been noted as shooting across the border when they saw weapons fire. The BBC's representation- noted exchanges of fire. Rwanda denies involvement in the conflict. Rebels however claim to have a purpose of fighting Rwanda's own claimed rebels they claim to be in the Congo. We cannot verify any of these claims, by the Rebels.
Caritas Internationalis is appealing for an end to violence. After a recent cease fire called for by rebel forces, and a UN condemnation of rebel activities, as rebels have attacked UN troops- there was still the sounds of gunfire under the shadows of the dark African night.
Caritas Internationalis needs better conditions to ensure 16 000 persons who they are supplying with food necessities get this. Other organizations, including Catholic Relief Services, are appealing western governments to intervene diplomatically. Much of the important work on the ground, however- is still being done by Caritas Internationalis, whose use of local grassroots people has enabled them to continue operations where some other organizations have needed to reassess the aid they are giving. Both Catholic Relief Services, who are appealing for US diplomatic support, and Development and Peace (who are asking the Canadian government for intervention), plan to use Caritas Internationalis in order to supply needs in the Goma Region, where Caritas has structures still in place.
Sites of those mentioned for their aid of efforts:
Caritas Internationalis
Catholic Reflief Services
Development and Peace
Article by Marc Aupiais
Catholic Relief Services has pulled two relief workers out of the DRC into neighboring Rwanda- due to unsafe conditions of operation, however they claim this is an isolated event, and not a general withdrawal. The Relief workers can't wait to get back to the CRS headquarters in the southern Congo, where the organization's efforts are based.
In recent days a UN peace-keeper helicopter was shot at, purportedly, if UN sources quoted by the BBC (29/10/08) are to be taken as accurate- not by rebels, but by Rwandan troops, and DRC troops have been noted as shooting across the border when they saw weapons fire. The BBC's representation- noted exchanges of fire. Rwanda denies involvement in the conflict. Rebels however claim to have a purpose of fighting Rwanda's own claimed rebels they claim to be in the Congo. We cannot verify any of these claims, by the Rebels.
Caritas Internationalis is appealing for an end to violence. After a recent cease fire called for by rebel forces, and a UN condemnation of rebel activities, as rebels have attacked UN troops- there was still the sounds of gunfire under the shadows of the dark African night.
Caritas Internationalis needs better conditions to ensure 16 000 persons who they are supplying with food necessities get this. Other organizations, including Catholic Relief Services, are appealing western governments to intervene diplomatically. Much of the important work on the ground, however- is still being done by Caritas Internationalis, whose use of local grassroots people has enabled them to continue operations where some other organizations have needed to reassess the aid they are giving. Both Catholic Relief Services, who are appealing for US diplomatic support, and Development and Peace (who are asking the Canadian government for intervention), plan to use Caritas Internationalis in order to supply needs in the Goma Region, where Caritas has structures still in place.
Sites of those mentioned for their aid of efforts:
Caritas Internationalis
Catholic Reflief Services
Development and Peace
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, October 31, 2008
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Africa Aid Needs,
Africa General News,
African Aid needs,
Caritas Internationalis,
Conflict watch,
Development and Peace,
Global Conflicts,
Humanitarian Situations,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
VIS- Vatican- Canada has done much for world, with Catholicism as a cornerstone of its society, but Pope benedict fears loss of understanding of human dignity having emerged in his oppinion in the North American Nation
(Journey in a Broken World; c.f. Vatican Information Services (VIS) 30/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI's address to Canada's new ambassador to the Holy See, Anne Leahy, complimented Canada on its many good traits, including "Rich humanism", but the Holy Father, also feared that Canada had lost some of its understanding of what it means to be human, though manifestations of this in the value of life, and true sexuality.
He was also noted as mentioning that the role the church and her organizations play in Canada- are vital enough to consist of a cornerstone of the Nation's society.
He especially noted that true freedom has as its very foundation- God and must be developed in God. Perhaps a rebuke of some elements entering into the Canadian situation, but also an invitation for the nation's true potential to be realized via embracing God's version of natural and true.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI's address to Canada's new ambassador to the Holy See, Anne Leahy, complimented Canada on its many good traits, including "Rich humanism", but the Holy Father, also feared that Canada had lost some of its understanding of what it means to be human, though manifestations of this in the value of life, and true sexuality.
He was also noted as mentioning that the role the church and her organizations play in Canada- are vital enough to consist of a cornerstone of the Nation's society.
He especially noted that true freedom has as its very foundation- God and must be developed in God. Perhaps a rebuke of some elements entering into the Canadian situation, but also an invitation for the nation's true potential to be realized via embracing God's version of natural and true.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, October 31, 2008
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Americas news,
Journey In a Broken World,
Pope Benedict XVI,
Pope Speaks,
True Marriage,
True Sexuality
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Rome- New psychological screening implimented to rid church of bad apple priests- quality over quantity is the way its to be done!
(Journey in a Broken World; c.f. News 24 (Secular) 30/10/08; Catholic Culture 30/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Following a series of scandals in the church, the Vatican has implimented and set out new guidelines for psychological screening of priests. News 24 reports that Benedict XVI believes that despite a shortage of priests- quality is better than quantity.
The document also allows for psychological treatment of priests who have been wounded by the world as they prepare in seminary. It forbids that psychologists be part of formation teams- emphasizing that formation of priests must firstly be spiritual, however that when there are problems prior formation, sometimes psychological treatment helps allow spiritual formation to work.
Psychologists are bound by the same ethical oath as elsewhere (in South Africa people can reveal in some necessities as psychologists, vital information, none are reported in our sources on this Vatican bill)- except with consent- they cannot reveal what has been said in therapy by candidates.
The document is in accordance with Canon law's stipulations on the need for priests to be of a certain mold of person.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Following a series of scandals in the church, the Vatican has implimented and set out new guidelines for psychological screening of priests. News 24 reports that Benedict XVI believes that despite a shortage of priests- quality is better than quantity.
The document also allows for psychological treatment of priests who have been wounded by the world as they prepare in seminary. It forbids that psychologists be part of formation teams- emphasizing that formation of priests must firstly be spiritual, however that when there are problems prior formation, sometimes psychological treatment helps allow spiritual formation to work.
Psychologists are bound by the same ethical oath as elsewhere (in South Africa people can reveal in some necessities as psychologists, vital information, none are reported in our sources on this Vatican bill)- except with consent- they cannot reveal what has been said in therapy by candidates.
The document is in accordance with Canon law's stipulations on the need for priests to be of a certain mold of person.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, October 31, 2008
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Abuse scandal,
Catholic Services,
Journey In a Broken World,
News 24 (secular),
Politics in the church,
Psychology and the Church
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
EuroNews, Reuters, UK Times, ETC- Northern Spain- Opus Dei founded Navarre university suffers sixth attack by Spanish Separatistys (ETA)
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. EuroNews (Secular)30/10/08; Reuters (Secular) 30/10/08; International Herald and Tribune (Secular) 30/10/08)
Founded by the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaria Escriva' about 56 years ago- The Navaree university, in the region bordering France, has for the sixth time suffered a bomb attack from Spanish separatists- the Basque group ETA.
The car bomb killed no one, but injured between 17 and 22 people- mostly with flying shards of glass. Smoke was seen lighting the air like ashes from a volcano, or more like rising smoke from a steam train. Students Left the building, notably some were phoning others as they evacuated from the canvas.
An unclear phone call was made to authorities before the blast, which caused them to redirect traffic, however they estimated the location of the attack incorrectly, evacuating the wrong university- Vitoria. This follows recent busting of an ETA cell, which police had claimed were prepared for a terrorist strike.
Founded by the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaria Escriva' about 56 years ago- The Navaree university, in the region bordering France, has for the sixth time suffered a bomb attack from Spanish separatists- the Basque group ETA.
The car bomb killed no one, but injured between 17 and 22 people- mostly with flying shards of glass. Smoke was seen lighting the air like ashes from a volcano, or more like rising smoke from a steam train. Students Left the building, notably some were phoning others as they evacuated from the canvas.
An unclear phone call was made to authorities before the blast, which caused them to redirect traffic, however they estimated the location of the attack incorrectly, evacuating the wrong university- Vitoria. This follows recent busting of an ETA cell, which police had claimed were prepared for a terrorist strike.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, October 31, 2008
No comments:
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Theological Insight- Journey in a Broken world- an empathy of sorts
(Journey in a Broken World)
Article by Marc Aupiais
As I am around them- suddenly I feel an odd emotion, and for a while I am simply wondering why- I use my usual methods, what is my emotion- what emotions are causing it- is it good or bad. Emotions, you see- inform us of things we haven't noticed except intuitively- they are vital to us in our nation, and in our faith. Slight currents of emotion must even be observed in reverence.
The emotion I was feeling wasn't mine. I had been, it turned out- picking up the emotion of a relative of mine- and realizing it is the second time, again ask them if they are feeling as I felt. Having it confirmed- I informed them how I knew, and they did not disagree with me. In fact, they thought with much empathy- it was indeed- quite probably.
Firstly, we must know- people are 70% or so water, and water- it moves slightly, and resonates to vibration. When music hits us, it changes out moods, and aids, or harms people and plants. Water vibrates, and this is shown to give off effects. Water which we concentrate on with prayer- changes shape.
Now, people also can pick up feels of places, even become drained, by music, or by something, and they can pick up another's emotions, perhaps from body-language, or perhaps resonance.
In this same resonance, we often feel what we call intuition- it is just almost here that God answers my own prayer questions and requests. I ask, and suddenly feel slight currents move though me, just as when speaking with my friend.
Now, having spoken of this odd intuition, I speak also now of another sort of intuition- this lies in what Mother Church quietly named- "the Communion of Saints". All Christians throughout time and space, are connected through baptism, and the actings of God- to one another in a mystical way. This is why Saint Paul writes to the Corinthian Church- if one part hurts, all parts hurt. We are connected by our very lives, our own connections to God- what we call our souls- our invisible organs almost of our form- which are closest to God.
Let us wonder at this, and more on another mystery. Not only does God connect us on a lower level than most can visibly see- so that our emotions, intuition, and inners sense what we do not blind ourselves to with too quick a rejection or endorsement, or else the foolishness of not observing the currents below emotion-
but also- his connecting in us runs into the vibrations of souls. God's soul is in every inch of his blood and body- so far as it is alive- our souls also affect every inch of living material within our forms. As our intuition with perhaps water affects slight tones in emotion and soul's quiet pool's ripples- so another resonance also affects us. It is the resonance of the blind who see- who sense the souls of living and dead around them. This is what profits seem to tell us- that we are intricately connected with all life, and all that has or will live- but all the more connected with that life which is restored in grace.
The saints also tell us how God suffered, their souls interlink as our emotions do- with Christ himself- and wounds, incurable, impossible wounds plague certain saints- wounds, such as Padro Pedro's. His stigmata gave off a cup of blood a day- he should have died. We are not speaking of psychological stigmata- that is from normal resonance, but something greater- we speak now of miraculous stigmata.
Padro Pedro's disappeared as his soul left his body and he was normal, clearly these are spiritually instilled graces, and not physical manifestations of empathy.
And so, once again- we are intricately connected with God, who gives us life via the invisible soul, via its connection to his own soul, his very life, whose resonance allows for our life. When we are Christian, our souls, though still our own, in fact more healthily so, more defined, and therefore more sovereign than other's life-force, are so much more powerfully connected with God- they work at full or fuller capacity- as they are healthy, and so when our brothers hurt, our own souls resonate. It is by this also (Hebrews 10,11) that we know of the sufferings of those before us. We also sense them in powerful calms in prayer, as we petition them, and something enters calmness, and resonates inside our own systems, and life.
Empathy, and her child- love, are more than just physical actings, they are more than that. If all that was was the physical life- then the cross was a defeat, and foolish- for those who cannot see at all may be confused by those who sit and watch sunsets, for they have not eyes to see the beauty of what they lack.
When we are loving, just- even seemingly cruel for the sake of truth and justice, and love- not all people notice, that our souls are resonating, and communicating with our Mediator God, and that in order to keep up this oh so blessed connection- we must act a certain way. Just as cell phone users may do wild dances to get signal- we will do crazy things like not let injustices go, like justice, social justice, and forgiveness. Surely, we do not only sense the hidden truth's currents; the resonance- physically, we gradually, if we sink deep into this- will become more and more aware of the spiritual, by intuition- that which all men have.
For we never desire to lose this other field, least we are to lose forever our resonance, and in this our living connecting of the soul itself- to our Mediator's resonating grace.
Article by Marc Aupiais
As I am around them- suddenly I feel an odd emotion, and for a while I am simply wondering why- I use my usual methods, what is my emotion- what emotions are causing it- is it good or bad. Emotions, you see- inform us of things we haven't noticed except intuitively- they are vital to us in our nation, and in our faith. Slight currents of emotion must even be observed in reverence.
The emotion I was feeling wasn't mine. I had been, it turned out- picking up the emotion of a relative of mine- and realizing it is the second time, again ask them if they are feeling as I felt. Having it confirmed- I informed them how I knew, and they did not disagree with me. In fact, they thought with much empathy- it was indeed- quite probably.
Firstly, we must know- people are 70% or so water, and water- it moves slightly, and resonates to vibration. When music hits us, it changes out moods, and aids, or harms people and plants. Water vibrates, and this is shown to give off effects. Water which we concentrate on with prayer- changes shape.
Now, people also can pick up feels of places, even become drained, by music, or by something, and they can pick up another's emotions, perhaps from body-language, or perhaps resonance.
In this same resonance, we often feel what we call intuition- it is just almost here that God answers my own prayer questions and requests. I ask, and suddenly feel slight currents move though me, just as when speaking with my friend.
Now, having spoken of this odd intuition, I speak also now of another sort of intuition- this lies in what Mother Church quietly named- "the Communion of Saints". All Christians throughout time and space, are connected through baptism, and the actings of God- to one another in a mystical way. This is why Saint Paul writes to the Corinthian Church- if one part hurts, all parts hurt. We are connected by our very lives, our own connections to God- what we call our souls- our invisible organs almost of our form- which are closest to God.
Let us wonder at this, and more on another mystery. Not only does God connect us on a lower level than most can visibly see- so that our emotions, intuition, and inners sense what we do not blind ourselves to with too quick a rejection or endorsement, or else the foolishness of not observing the currents below emotion-
but also- his connecting in us runs into the vibrations of souls. God's soul is in every inch of his blood and body- so far as it is alive- our souls also affect every inch of living material within our forms. As our intuition with perhaps water affects slight tones in emotion and soul's quiet pool's ripples- so another resonance also affects us. It is the resonance of the blind who see- who sense the souls of living and dead around them. This is what profits seem to tell us- that we are intricately connected with all life, and all that has or will live- but all the more connected with that life which is restored in grace.
The saints also tell us how God suffered, their souls interlink as our emotions do- with Christ himself- and wounds, incurable, impossible wounds plague certain saints- wounds, such as Padro Pedro's. His stigmata gave off a cup of blood a day- he should have died. We are not speaking of psychological stigmata- that is from normal resonance, but something greater- we speak now of miraculous stigmata.
Padro Pedro's disappeared as his soul left his body and he was normal, clearly these are spiritually instilled graces, and not physical manifestations of empathy.
And so, once again- we are intricately connected with God, who gives us life via the invisible soul, via its connection to his own soul, his very life, whose resonance allows for our life. When we are Christian, our souls, though still our own, in fact more healthily so, more defined, and therefore more sovereign than other's life-force, are so much more powerfully connected with God- they work at full or fuller capacity- as they are healthy, and so when our brothers hurt, our own souls resonate. It is by this also (Hebrews 10,11) that we know of the sufferings of those before us. We also sense them in powerful calms in prayer, as we petition them, and something enters calmness, and resonates inside our own systems, and life.
Empathy, and her child- love, are more than just physical actings, they are more than that. If all that was was the physical life- then the cross was a defeat, and foolish- for those who cannot see at all may be confused by those who sit and watch sunsets, for they have not eyes to see the beauty of what they lack.
When we are loving, just- even seemingly cruel for the sake of truth and justice, and love- not all people notice, that our souls are resonating, and communicating with our Mediator God, and that in order to keep up this oh so blessed connection- we must act a certain way. Just as cell phone users may do wild dances to get signal- we will do crazy things like not let injustices go, like justice, social justice, and forgiveness. Surely, we do not only sense the hidden truth's currents; the resonance- physically, we gradually, if we sink deep into this- will become more and more aware of the spiritual, by intuition- that which all men have.
For we never desire to lose this other field, least we are to lose forever our resonance, and in this our living connecting of the soul itself- to our Mediator's resonating grace.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Body and Soul,
Communion of Catholic Souls,
Journey In a Broken World,
Padro Pedro (Saint),
The Nature of the Soul
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Philippines- Bishops call for society to act against corruption- having alread called for them to "Prepare a new government", say they need support
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. CBCP News (Catholic Bishops of the Philippines) 29/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Having recently asked for a "new government", and for society to take a stance on every level against corruption, which the bishop's representation in these statements had claimed to be a major cause of poverty in the nation, the Philippine church have asked for public action, through the voice of another bishop. They want the Philppines' president to face corruption charges against her, this is as religious organizations in the Philippines, have come out in support of the calls by their bishops.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Having recently asked for a "new government", and for society to take a stance on every level against corruption, which the bishop's representation in these statements had claimed to be a major cause of poverty in the nation, the Philippine church have asked for public action, through the voice of another bishop. They want the Philppines' president to face corruption charges against her, this is as religious organizations in the Philippines, have come out in support of the calls by their bishops.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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"Separation of Church and State",
Asian News,
Catholic Services,
Social Justice South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Orissa, India- "Pillar of Church" and candidate for a future bishop dies- thought to be from wounds sustained in tactical anti-Christian violence
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. UCAN (Catholic) News 29/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Church representatives have called him a pillar, a martyr, whose blood may help cure the dire hemoraging of the Indian Catholic church, and democracy, and a nun in the area has even noted that he was a candidate to be the next bishop in the area. All of this did not prevent a crowd of Hindu Nationalists from severely beating the man who died having blood clots enter his brain. Father Bernard Digal, who is 47, died yesterday at 8:45 p.m (probably local time).
In India, Christians face what seems to fit the 1950's declaration by the UN General Assembly, of what genocide is to be considered as, so as to allow the punishment of war criminals. At least 59 people have been killed, 50 000 left homeless, as Christians are killed, beaten, have their houses and possessions either burnt or appropriated, and face what a bishops in Orissa's capital- say is an unwillingness by the Indian government to react. This is as International calls for peace in the region were attacked by India's Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), as against India's sovereignty.
Leaders from all major religions in the region have condemned the violence.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Church representatives have called him a pillar, a martyr, whose blood may help cure the dire hemoraging of the Indian Catholic church, and democracy, and a nun in the area has even noted that he was a candidate to be the next bishop in the area. All of this did not prevent a crowd of Hindu Nationalists from severely beating the man who died having blood clots enter his brain. Father Bernard Digal, who is 47, died yesterday at 8:45 p.m (probably local time).
In India, Christians face what seems to fit the 1950's declaration by the UN General Assembly, of what genocide is to be considered as, so as to allow the punishment of war criminals. At least 59 people have been killed, 50 000 left homeless, as Christians are killed, beaten, have their houses and possessions either burnt or appropriated, and face what a bishops in Orissa's capital- say is an unwillingness by the Indian government to react. This is as International calls for peace in the region were attacked by India's Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), as against India's sovereignty.
Leaders from all major religions in the region have condemned the violence.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Anti-catholic watch,
Asian News,
Hinduist Extremism,
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Humanitarian Situations,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Africa- DRC- Congo- UN Security council recognises crisis, plans to send in thousands more troops- Rwanda denies funding CNDP - Kivu Rebels,
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. BBC World News 30/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The BBC reports- that the UN Security council has made a non-binding statement- condemning Nkunda's CNDP's violence, and calling for further troop deployment.
The rebels, who have consistently advanced against UN troops, are suspected to be funded and assisted by a regional foreign power. As the UN Security council asks Rwanda and the DRC to sort out their problems, and take concrete steps to create stability in the region- so hurt by the conflict- Rwanda is denying funding of the Rebels.
The rebels claim to be protecting Congolese from Rwandan rebels- who they claim aided the 1994 genocide. The Rwandan president was recently desired in a French court to face charges of murdering the man whose death sparked the genocide- his 1994 predecessor. Rwanda recently removed French from their official list of languages, and as a language in which children can be taught in schools, or people can contact the government. They have also pulled out of a group of French speaking nations, and since France asked for their president to appear in court have accused French soldiers, who were assigned by the UN to protect civilians in the region- of helping conduct the genocide. Others facing accusations, from the government whose leader has been accused by a French judge of murder- include the Catholic church.
The DRC Kivu rebels themselves have caused mass flights from towns whenever they have stormed different urban areas, have shot at UN MONUC troops, and of late have directly been fighting UN peacekeepers- who recently launched air attacks on the rebels who responded with anti-air fire.
The UN has noted that rape, and mutilation of sexual organs are a weapon of war in the DRC, and have asked for human shields to not be captured or used. Which side they are referring, on the second issue of human shields we have not been able to ascertain, as the government of the country has also began to lose control of their soldiers.
There was firing of weapons across the Rwandan border, and firing into the air- by Congolese defense force troops, whose government is gradually losing control of the terrified soldiers, as the rebels continue to take more ground.
Yesterday, the rebels- accused of kidnapping child soldiers recently- announced they wanted a peace treaty- having themselves broken the previous one at an opportune time, and are the cause of even further food insecurity in Congo- as villagers should now be planting crops. They are not however prepared to disarm, until "Rwandan Rebels", they claim are in the area- are "out" of the area.
Caritas Internationalis- from their position on the ground in the country are desperately looking for 1.5 million US dollars to help with immediate, basic needs. They were already desiring this when the number of refugees had not completely burst the capacity of refugee camps around Goma, a regional capital in Kivu.
The UN intervention may be needed to stop the constant loss of territory by the African UN task-force- and to possibly prevent what some (United Kingdom minister Mark Malloch-Brown- to Africa) are claiming could be a massacre on the scale of the Rwandan Genocide in 1994. This comes After calls by Caritas Internationalis for global action and immediate relief of some of this humanitarian crisis.
Article by Marc Aupiais
The BBC reports- that the UN Security council has made a non-binding statement- condemning Nkunda's CNDP's violence, and calling for further troop deployment.
The rebels, who have consistently advanced against UN troops, are suspected to be funded and assisted by a regional foreign power. As the UN Security council asks Rwanda and the DRC to sort out their problems, and take concrete steps to create stability in the region- so hurt by the conflict- Rwanda is denying funding of the Rebels.
The rebels claim to be protecting Congolese from Rwandan rebels- who they claim aided the 1994 genocide. The Rwandan president was recently desired in a French court to face charges of murdering the man whose death sparked the genocide- his 1994 predecessor. Rwanda recently removed French from their official list of languages, and as a language in which children can be taught in schools, or people can contact the government. They have also pulled out of a group of French speaking nations, and since France asked for their president to appear in court have accused French soldiers, who were assigned by the UN to protect civilians in the region- of helping conduct the genocide. Others facing accusations, from the government whose leader has been accused by a French judge of murder- include the Catholic church.
The DRC Kivu rebels themselves have caused mass flights from towns whenever they have stormed different urban areas, have shot at UN MONUC troops, and of late have directly been fighting UN peacekeepers- who recently launched air attacks on the rebels who responded with anti-air fire.
The UN has noted that rape, and mutilation of sexual organs are a weapon of war in the DRC, and have asked for human shields to not be captured or used. Which side they are referring, on the second issue of human shields we have not been able to ascertain, as the government of the country has also began to lose control of their soldiers.
There was firing of weapons across the Rwandan border, and firing into the air- by Congolese defense force troops, whose government is gradually losing control of the terrified soldiers, as the rebels continue to take more ground.
Yesterday, the rebels- accused of kidnapping child soldiers recently- announced they wanted a peace treaty- having themselves broken the previous one at an opportune time, and are the cause of even further food insecurity in Congo- as villagers should now be planting crops. They are not however prepared to disarm, until "Rwandan Rebels", they claim are in the area- are "out" of the area.
Caritas Internationalis- from their position on the ground in the country are desperately looking for 1.5 million US dollars to help with immediate, basic needs. They were already desiring this when the number of refugees had not completely burst the capacity of refugee camps around Goma, a regional capital in Kivu.
The UN intervention may be needed to stop the constant loss of territory by the African UN task-force- and to possibly prevent what some (United Kingdom minister Mark Malloch-Brown- to Africa) are claiming could be a massacre on the scale of the Rwandan Genocide in 1994. This comes After calls by Caritas Internationalis for global action and immediate relief of some of this humanitarian crisis.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Africa Aid Needs,
Conflict watch,
Human Rights Abuses,
Humanitarian Situations,
Social Justice South Africa,
United Nations
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Perseveering spirit, an African trait the world needs to learn
(Journey in a Broken World)
Article by Marc Aupiais
A friend of mine asked, commenting on some of my many articles- what happens after these genocides, and situations- can people recover, how do they recover- financially that is? And I am so glad they asked this- because it has such application to the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jeshua, or to use English- Jesus Christ.
When a country is restored, it requires will-power, political zeal, and a desire to look beyond quick fixes to humanitarian problems.
Citizens must live on hope, and endure against all odds, charity must be given to the most needy, and business must continue to run against all the fear, because risks must be taken in such dire situations.
These people daily face far greater challenges than that faced by many of the world's heroic greats, at least as regards personal survival. Winston Churchhill is so famous for never giving up, yet these people gain no fame, sometimes not even pity, as without much notice- they are either eradicated, or somehow survive. They are martyrs of of sort, nor is that saying always- religious martyrs, though, some like in India right now are, but rather- in the original sense- people who are witnesses by their actions, and being and existing- to something that is happening.
Some see evil and for it cease to believe- I see it and cannot help but believe, as those who endure these horrors, in their very actions, and testimonies teach us of the unseen God, whom I also know.
In such a circumstance, we see desperate people, who constantly flee, and then return, and continue as they always have, perhaps minus a few friends, limbs, or joy, and sometimes with huge terrors in their dreams, but they get up in the morning, and they go to work, or pray, or beg, or do something to survive. In Africa we know about perseverance, and from this we know her source- which we must always aspire to- hope. We know that existence cannot possibly be as bad as what we see- we understand there is more- and seek for this more- or else for lies sold us from the west. Let us always succeed to hope in Christ, may God give us hope, peace and truth- for by these three, in sanity, beyond sanity, and in justice and love- we can rebuild, even our broken fallen world, and our pathetic continent, buoyed on every crisis, where when the world tightens their belts- in Africa- people die.
Article by Marc Aupiais
A friend of mine asked, commenting on some of my many articles- what happens after these genocides, and situations- can people recover, how do they recover- financially that is? And I am so glad they asked this- because it has such application to the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jeshua, or to use English- Jesus Christ.
When a country is restored, it requires will-power, political zeal, and a desire to look beyond quick fixes to humanitarian problems.
Citizens must live on hope, and endure against all odds, charity must be given to the most needy, and business must continue to run against all the fear, because risks must be taken in such dire situations.
These people daily face far greater challenges than that faced by many of the world's heroic greats, at least as regards personal survival. Winston Churchhill is so famous for never giving up, yet these people gain no fame, sometimes not even pity, as without much notice- they are either eradicated, or somehow survive. They are martyrs of of sort, nor is that saying always- religious martyrs, though, some like in India right now are, but rather- in the original sense- people who are witnesses by their actions, and being and existing- to something that is happening.
Some see evil and for it cease to believe- I see it and cannot help but believe, as those who endure these horrors, in their very actions, and testimonies teach us of the unseen God, whom I also know.
In such a circumstance, we see desperate people, who constantly flee, and then return, and continue as they always have, perhaps minus a few friends, limbs, or joy, and sometimes with huge terrors in their dreams, but they get up in the morning, and they go to work, or pray, or beg, or do something to survive. In Africa we know about perseverance, and from this we know her source- which we must always aspire to- hope. We know that existence cannot possibly be as bad as what we see- we understand there is more- and seek for this more- or else for lies sold us from the west. Let us always succeed to hope in Christ, may God give us hope, peace and truth- for by these three, in sanity, beyond sanity, and in justice and love- we can rebuild, even our broken fallen world, and our pathetic continent, buoyed on every crisis, where when the world tightens their belts- in Africa- people die.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Caritas Internationalis- Pakistan- Emergency Assessments taking place after earthquake kills hundreds
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Caritas Internationalis 29/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
In the early hours of this morning, an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter Scale, hit Southwest Pakistan. The death toll, at the time Caritas Internationalis published this fact, was already in the hundreds, and is expected to rise. The humanitarian organization has a good track record, and well trained staff in Pakistan, where in 2005 they responded to another major earthquake, which hit the north of the country. The organization is (At the time they published this fact) doing Emergency Assessments of the situation, before deciding on how best to act in response to this disaster.
Pakistan is currently in a civil war, with rebels suspected to have ties with the Taliban, and Al Qaeda. The government does not have enough resources to adequately take care of its people according to the BBC.
Article by Marc Aupiais
In the early hours of this morning, an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter Scale, hit Southwest Pakistan. The death toll, at the time Caritas Internationalis published this fact, was already in the hundreds, and is expected to rise. The humanitarian organization has a good track record, and well trained staff in Pakistan, where in 2005 they responded to another major earthquake, which hit the north of the country. The organization is (At the time they published this fact) doing Emergency Assessments of the situation, before deciding on how best to act in response to this disaster.
Pakistan is currently in a civil war, with rebels suspected to have ties with the Taliban, and Al Qaeda. The government does not have enough resources to adequately take care of its people according to the BBC.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Asian News,
Caritas Internationalis,
Conflict watch,
Humanitarian Situations,
Social Justice South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Caritas Internationalis- The weekend's and week's fighting- is at time when fields are used to sow crops, refugee camps past capacity- needs desperate
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Caritas Internationalis 28/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Caritas Internationalis, the umbrella body of over 160 Catholic aid agencies, is asking, as they had at earlier stages for a desperate 1.5 million US dollars, in order to supply basics, such as blankets, or hygiene products, to over 90 000 people, in the Eastern DRC. Refugee camps have breached capacity, as another 30 000 people are heading for Goma, as two more towns fell to foreign backed Kivu rebels.
Refugees are sleeping at relatives, schools and government buildings- as humanitarian organizations are ill-funded to adequately sort out this problem, and as the UN task team continues to lose ground against the Human Rights abusing, criminal rebels, who recently broke an UN sponsored peace treaty.
As the situation continues to worsen- Caritas Internationalis is warning of lack of food and water, and hygiene necessities among refugees. There have already been several outbreaks of disease this year, worsened by combatants raiding the medical supplies of humanitarian organizations.
Caritas Internationalis, who have a proven record of dealing with, and stabilizing humanitarian situations, and of supporting the poor- claiming that their work is "Justice, not Charity", in their motto- have warned that until areas are secured, refugees cannot return to their villages- also they have noted the dire fact, that these battles will prevent crops being planted when they should be- and help contribute to food security problems in the region. They are asking for the world to mobilize, and for those responsible for this infringement on Congo's sovereignty, and on human rights and dignity- to be held responsible for their unspeakable actions.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Caritas Internationalis, the umbrella body of over 160 Catholic aid agencies, is asking, as they had at earlier stages for a desperate 1.5 million US dollars, in order to supply basics, such as blankets, or hygiene products, to over 90 000 people, in the Eastern DRC. Refugee camps have breached capacity, as another 30 000 people are heading for Goma, as two more towns fell to foreign backed Kivu rebels.
Refugees are sleeping at relatives, schools and government buildings- as humanitarian organizations are ill-funded to adequately sort out this problem, and as the UN task team continues to lose ground against the Human Rights abusing, criminal rebels, who recently broke an UN sponsored peace treaty.
As the situation continues to worsen- Caritas Internationalis is warning of lack of food and water, and hygiene necessities among refugees. There have already been several outbreaks of disease this year, worsened by combatants raiding the medical supplies of humanitarian organizations.
Caritas Internationalis, who have a proven record of dealing with, and stabilizing humanitarian situations, and of supporting the poor- claiming that their work is "Justice, not Charity", in their motto- have warned that until areas are secured, refugees cannot return to their villages- also they have noted the dire fact, that these battles will prevent crops being planted when they should be- and help contribute to food security problems in the region. They are asking for the world to mobilize, and for those responsible for this infringement on Congo's sovereignty, and on human rights and dignity- to be held responsible for their unspeakable actions.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Africa Aid Needs,
African Economic News,
African Politics,
Caritas Internationalis,
Conflict watch,
Social Justice South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Southern Cross echos calls for peaceful conduct in Next year's election- suggests voting- even via spoiling papers
(Scripturelink Voter's Guide; c.f. Southern Cross (Catholic Weekly: Fidelity Issues Discovered, therefore link removed!) 29/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The editor of the Southern cross, just today posted a recent commentary- in which he calls the fears of Cardinal Napier, our cardinal, archbishop of Durban- valid. The Southern Cross is asking of parties to conduct themselves respectfully in the election, or at least its editor- Gunther, who is the Editor of the above mentioned Catholic Weekly, is.
Recently, DA members were attacked by people who claimed to support the ANC, by an informal settlement in Johannesburg.
The Cardinal fears violence between different parties breaking out in bloodshed. Already, there has been violence between parties, use of the media, intimidation, and calls for what seems to be bloodshed by supporter's of the ruling ANC's president, Jacob Zuma.
Gunther Simmermacher, editor of the Southern Cross, says that if South Africans and Catholics vote, perhaps for our small, but vocal, and democratically supporting opposition, or, even spoiling their ballots- so as to show their voice; together they will show a powerful front. He believes that spoiling your vote could show that you don't believe any of the parties fit to represent you.
On this suggestion, unless absolutely necessary to get a vote- we must object, as we have proven- there are political parties, however small in the last election- in South Africa, for whom a vote would help change things, even a small opposition has a voice which can resonate though nations. Just as Catholics have no right to vote ANC, despite Lekota's status as a Catholic, I doubt they can vote for the off-shoot either- there was no huge media circus by either group's leaders when the entire ANC was obligated by Mbeki to uphold Mandela's ideas, by advancing abortion laws even further. Limiting the births in a population so as to reduce it constitutes genocide according to article 2 section D of the United Nations' General Assembly's '50's vote, by which war criminals are to be prosecuted for genocide.
Collaborating in abortion, and this cannot exclude voting for parties more likely to support it, is an excommunicable offense. What is the best way to fight this- we don't know- perhaps a vote for the invisible man, as Gunther suggests, or perhaps a vote for the opposition in a hope that their more stable views will help fight the madness of some decisions of South African politicians. Neither the ANC, nor the MF, nor the UDF, are parties, Catholics can with any amount of faith, knowing their stance on abortion and other issues, possibly in good conscience vote for- but that does not exclude every political party. We can vote for a less bad party, so as to demonstrate our voice, and help fight the great harm of a pro-abortion government.
When the election comes closer, we will do more thorough investigations into the other 5 non-negotiables, and how South Africa's parties stand on these, but in the meantime, we simply agree with the Southern Cross- vote, even if you vote by spoiling your ballot- we must fight this evil- but a vote for the opposition, is like spoiling your ballot twice. Which opposition party to vote for will be a hard decision.
The stance of most of the mainstream political parties on Homosexuality can be seen here, along with how they have voted on abortion; to aid your vote:
Big political parties:
DA's policy on Moral Conscience, which allows MP's to vote as they choose on moral issues, which differs from other parties, and ANC's ("Abortion should be a Right") Abortion mentality from before first post-apartheid election:
Abortion is pointless and immoral
7 non-negotiables for Catholics in South Africa
Article by Marc Aupiais
The editor of the Southern cross, just today posted a recent commentary- in which he calls the fears of Cardinal Napier, our cardinal, archbishop of Durban- valid. The Southern Cross is asking of parties to conduct themselves respectfully in the election, or at least its editor- Gunther, who is the Editor of the above mentioned Catholic Weekly, is.
Recently, DA members were attacked by people who claimed to support the ANC, by an informal settlement in Johannesburg.
The Cardinal fears violence between different parties breaking out in bloodshed. Already, there has been violence between parties, use of the media, intimidation, and calls for what seems to be bloodshed by supporter's of the ruling ANC's president, Jacob Zuma.
Gunther Simmermacher, editor of the Southern Cross, says that if South Africans and Catholics vote, perhaps for our small, but vocal, and democratically supporting opposition, or, even spoiling their ballots- so as to show their voice; together they will show a powerful front. He believes that spoiling your vote could show that you don't believe any of the parties fit to represent you.
On this suggestion, unless absolutely necessary to get a vote- we must object, as we have proven- there are political parties, however small in the last election- in South Africa, for whom a vote would help change things, even a small opposition has a voice which can resonate though nations. Just as Catholics have no right to vote ANC, despite Lekota's status as a Catholic, I doubt they can vote for the off-shoot either- there was no huge media circus by either group's leaders when the entire ANC was obligated by Mbeki to uphold Mandela's ideas, by advancing abortion laws even further. Limiting the births in a population so as to reduce it constitutes genocide according to article 2 section D of the United Nations' General Assembly's '50's vote, by which war criminals are to be prosecuted for genocide.
Collaborating in abortion, and this cannot exclude voting for parties more likely to support it, is an excommunicable offense. What is the best way to fight this- we don't know- perhaps a vote for the invisible man, as Gunther suggests, or perhaps a vote for the opposition in a hope that their more stable views will help fight the madness of some decisions of South African politicians. Neither the ANC, nor the MF, nor the UDF, are parties, Catholics can with any amount of faith, knowing their stance on abortion and other issues, possibly in good conscience vote for- but that does not exclude every political party. We can vote for a less bad party, so as to demonstrate our voice, and help fight the great harm of a pro-abortion government.
When the election comes closer, we will do more thorough investigations into the other 5 non-negotiables, and how South Africa's parties stand on these, but in the meantime, we simply agree with the Southern Cross- vote, even if you vote by spoiling your ballot- we must fight this evil- but a vote for the opposition, is like spoiling your ballot twice. Which opposition party to vote for will be a hard decision.
The stance of most of the mainstream political parties on Homosexuality can be seen here, along with how they have voted on abortion; to aid your vote:
Big political parties:
DA's policy on Moral Conscience, which allows MP's to vote as they choose on moral issues, which differs from other parties, and ANC's ("Abortion should be a Right") Abortion mentality from before first post-apartheid election:
Abortion is pointless and immoral
7 non-negotiables for Catholics in South Africa
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Catholics need to vote with God,
Human Rights Abuses,
Necessity of voting,
Scripturelink Voters Guide,
Southern Cross
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Venezuela- Cardinal calls for free and fair elections in the region
(Social Justice South Africa; CBCP news (Philippine Bishops Conference) 29/10/08; Catholic News Agency 29/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Claiming that verbal violence, offenses, and insults are contrary to the Spirit which should reign among Venezuelans, Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, of the Archdioces of Caracas, called for free and respectful elections in the Region- where an important election faces the citizens of the country. He said that bishops may not have a place in politics, but that it is about human rights, justice, freedom and truth that they now chose speak about.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Claiming that verbal violence, offenses, and insults are contrary to the Spirit which should reign among Venezuelans, Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, of the Archdioces of Caracas, called for free and respectful elections in the Region- where an important election faces the citizens of the country. He said that bishops may not have a place in politics, but that it is about human rights, justice, freedom and truth that they now chose speak about.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Americas news,
Catholic Services,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
DRC- another town falls to Rebels- despite UN insistence they would halt advance- Rebels claim
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Reuters (Secular) 28/10/08; South African Catholic 28/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
On Monday, the UN force, MONUC, was attacking rebel positions outside of Goma, following the falling of another town to the Human Rights abusing, foreign backed, criminal, Kivu Rebels. On Tuesday the UN force was vowing to protect urban areas. By the end of Tuesday, the town of Rutshuru had, if claims of the Rebel forces are to be given any credence, already been the latest victim of the rebel onslaught, as tens of thousands were likely forced to flee, or face the wrath of the infamous foreign backed rebel group- who don't blink at killing UN forces, or volunteers. The UN is claiming that rape and mutilation of sexual organs are weapons of war in the DRC, where children are captured, kidnapped, and forced to fight, even addicted to drugs to ensure loyalty.
The rebels, under their leader Nkunda, accused of human rights abuses, and normal criminal activities, including fraud and kidnapping, and use of child soldiers, also known as the "National Congress for the Defense of the People", or "CNDP" have abused their status as Tutsi- in order to pretend that this is an ethnic conflict.
Article by Marc Aupiais
On Monday, the UN force, MONUC, was attacking rebel positions outside of Goma, following the falling of another town to the Human Rights abusing, foreign backed, criminal, Kivu Rebels. On Tuesday the UN force was vowing to protect urban areas. By the end of Tuesday, the town of Rutshuru had, if claims of the Rebel forces are to be given any credence, already been the latest victim of the rebel onslaught, as tens of thousands were likely forced to flee, or face the wrath of the infamous foreign backed rebel group- who don't blink at killing UN forces, or volunteers. The UN is claiming that rape and mutilation of sexual organs are weapons of war in the DRC, where children are captured, kidnapped, and forced to fight, even addicted to drugs to ensure loyalty.
The rebels, under their leader Nkunda, accused of human rights abuses, and normal criminal activities, including fraud and kidnapping, and use of child soldiers, also known as the "National Congress for the Defense of the People", or "CNDP" have abused their status as Tutsi- in order to pretend that this is an ethnic conflict.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Africa Aid Needs,
Africa General News,
African Democracy,
African Politics,
Conflict watch,
Social Justice South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
DRC- Civil Society claims failure by UN, Government- to stop advance of foreign backed Kivu Rebels- calls for March- which should happen, or have happened today
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Agenzia Fides 27/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Two days ago- Agenzia Fides informed the world of a press release given to them of a request given to the DRC government, to allow a peaceful march- with the aim at promoting peace in the Kivu region, eastern Congo- where rebels- having foreign assistance- have advanced with seemingly unstoppable force against UN (United Nations) MONUC troops, who tried to halt them with attack helicopters recently, and against the Nation's National Army. Civil society also regrets that the DRC national army has also failed to halt the foreign backed rebels from taking over the vast Virunga National Park area.
The march will remember an Archbishop murdered 12 years ago in previous conflict, on returning from comforting refugees. Civil society, organizing the march, believe that peace is needed in the region, they also have called on the government to improve basic living conditions in the "two provinces", by which they likely mean those in the Kivu Area.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Two days ago- Agenzia Fides informed the world of a press release given to them of a request given to the DRC government, to allow a peaceful march- with the aim at promoting peace in the Kivu region, eastern Congo- where rebels- having foreign assistance- have advanced with seemingly unstoppable force against UN (United Nations) MONUC troops, who tried to halt them with attack helicopters recently, and against the Nation's National Army. Civil society also regrets that the DRC national army has also failed to halt the foreign backed rebels from taking over the vast Virunga National Park area.
The march will remember an Archbishop murdered 12 years ago in previous conflict, on returning from comforting refugees. Civil society, organizing the march, believe that peace is needed in the region, they also have called on the government to improve basic living conditions in the "two provinces", by which they likely mean those in the Kivu Area.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Journey in a Broken World- African Nations Welcome Benedict XVI Visit announcement
(Journey in a Broken World; c.f. Agenzia Fides 27/10/08; Agenzia Fides 28/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Nuncios of both Angola and Cameroon, have joyously welcomed the announcement of plans by Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI to visit their countries.
With the first local from Angola being Baptized in 1491- before America was even discovered, and a population which is more Catholic than anything else- with a percentage of higher than 50% Catholic- not only the church, but media in the country are very enthusiastic about the visit, where the pope will bless a peace process, and economic progress in a country which still has real poverty needs.
Cameroon's Nuncio is also glad to have been chosen by the Papacy, to be the place where preparations for an African Synod in Rome will be made- noting that John Paul the Second also chose to visit the nation, which is apparently, if the Nuncio assigned to it is to be taken as a good source- ideal as it has both English and French as well used languages. Both languages are each separately, and often somewhat exclusive of one another- commonalities in many African countries.
Cameroon is about 25% Catholic.
Article by Marc Aupiais
The Nuncios of both Angola and Cameroon, have joyously welcomed the announcement of plans by Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI to visit their countries.
With the first local from Angola being Baptized in 1491- before America was even discovered, and a population which is more Catholic than anything else- with a percentage of higher than 50% Catholic- not only the church, but media in the country are very enthusiastic about the visit, where the pope will bless a peace process, and economic progress in a country which still has real poverty needs.
Cameroon's Nuncio is also glad to have been chosen by the Papacy, to be the place where preparations for an African Synod in Rome will be made- noting that John Paul the Second also chose to visit the nation, which is apparently, if the Nuncio assigned to it is to be taken as a good source- ideal as it has both English and French as well used languages. Both languages are each separately, and often somewhat exclusive of one another- commonalities in many African countries.
Cameroon is about 25% Catholic.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Africa General News,
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Philippines- Bishops threaten government- “The time to rebuild our country economically, socially, and politically is now.”
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Reuters (secular) 29/10/08; CBCP (Philippine Bishops conference) 29/10/08,Philippine Inquirer (Secular) 29/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Reuters is reporting, based on the Philippine Inquirer, that the bishops are asking people to prepare for a new government. The press release on the Philippine conference of Catholic bishops's website, is not seemingly asking for violence with statements such as : "The time to prepare a new government is now." - what it does ask is for a complete reformation of society, against corruption, even to the extent of gaining a new government. Whether the new government consists in making it moral, and therefor the equivalent, or the replacement of the administration by political means seems left up to the government, whose president was lambasted openly by a representative of the bishops as corrupt. The country is certainly being asked by the bishops to permeate the whole of society with Catholic morals.
The Philippines recently were threatened with genocide (Article 2 section d- creating conditions to limit births in a population- is genocide if it aims at reducing population), by groups from within the UN, the US population control office, and American abortion firm "International Planned Parenthood", which has somehow managed to be allowed to teach sexual education classes in America, and was attempting to force a 2 child limit on the Philippines, which is currently in a low scale civil war. The church reiterated that it was not overpopulation that caused poverty, but corruption. It seems the church is heavily against corruption under their current government. Other church organizations had already condemned the corruption in the country's current administration.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Reuters is reporting, based on the Philippine Inquirer, that the bishops are asking people to prepare for a new government. The press release on the Philippine conference of Catholic bishops's website, is not seemingly asking for violence with statements such as : "The time to prepare a new government is now." - what it does ask is for a complete reformation of society, against corruption, even to the extent of gaining a new government. Whether the new government consists in making it moral, and therefor the equivalent, or the replacement of the administration by political means seems left up to the government, whose president was lambasted openly by a representative of the bishops as corrupt. The country is certainly being asked by the bishops to permeate the whole of society with Catholic morals.
The Philippines recently were threatened with genocide (Article 2 section d- creating conditions to limit births in a population- is genocide if it aims at reducing population), by groups from within the UN, the US population control office, and American abortion firm "International Planned Parenthood", which has somehow managed to be allowed to teach sexual education classes in America, and was attempting to force a 2 child limit on the Philippines, which is currently in a low scale civil war. The church reiterated that it was not overpopulation that caused poverty, but corruption. It seems the church is heavily against corruption under their current government. Other church organizations had already condemned the corruption in the country's current administration.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Bishops Speak Out,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Journey in a Broken world- Jesus, Mary and the big communication accident at the temple
(Journey in a Broken World)
Article by Marc Aupiais
In vain we could look for historic texts about Mary flying around in the gray, dusky, dust-filled middle-eastern sky, yet somehow this never seems to appear, which may sadden some, but now that she is a saint- she can at least manifest herself anywhere!
When she was still alive, and probably in her late teens or early twenties, the immaculate mother of humanity, through Christ- had an interesting experience, so interesting that it is in the rosary.
We can imagine as a shot of horror enters her veins, and the middle-eastern sun stands somewhere in the dusky, or maybe daylight sky.
There would have likely been a quick frenzy, maybe even desperate prayers, and concern over what could ever have happened. Maybe Mary cries, even weeped as she realized her mistake, and that of her Husband, Saint Joseph.
We often forget, not only couldn't Mary fly, and that she didn't wear a blue and red suit with underwear on the outside (quite inappropriate for a woman or man), but dearest mother Mary, also made mistakes, and errors of judging situations, even assumptions.
Mary never once sinned, but she did make mistakes, and this is not only shocking, but beautiful. God's mother, the ultimate female icon of holiness, never once sinned, nor was disappointing to God, and yet, at that moment, when she began to realize the desperate horror that a mother feels at having lost her child, she was human, so utterly human.
Christ also, when he had been left by his parents, and was sitting, listening to the teachers in the temple, had also made a mistake. He was God, and yet God allowed himself to do something which his own parents disapproved of, and yet this was not sin. It was God's choice to not have all knowledge, but only that required for our salvation, and his choice also to allow an unwinding of the dark path of life, so that the trickling of streams and rivers amplified this fact.
Jesus and his parents did not communicate as they should have, both made wrong assumptions, or something like such- both were not sinning in their assumptions, both made mistakes.
Now, it may seem to cheapen my often extravagantly poetic style by mentioning a popular culture figure such as Super Man, and yet this is the ultimate man in our culture's eyes- he is indestructible, can't feel pain, makes no real mistakes, and wears his underwear on the outside, as though mocking us normal people.
Mary, our role model- she cries, she makes mistakes, and she is powerless to prevent her son from being subjected to an unjust killing, and humiliated. She is nearly divorced by a husband who wants to do the right thing, by a husband who is rightly a saint, and yet misjudged the very Mother of God. The divorce itself would have been from an unconsummated marriage, and not from a sacramental union.
Jesus, also- he weeps in public, and associated with what many consider still today to be societal slum, and yet he was weak and compassionate around these. And remember- it is he who didn't follow his parents from the temple towards their earthly home!
The true powers of both Jesus and Mary- as exemplified in the Finding in the temple- lies not in superpowers, but in absolute humanity. They could make every mistake as people, every assumption, every communication lapse- but they never once willfully did wrong, and never once purposely rebelled against God.
A mistake and a sin, are not the same. As far as our salvation was concerned, neither Jesus, nor Mary once ever sinned, and yet- while utterly immaculate, both could disagree with each other. The wedding at Canaan, or the finding in the temple both show this- and in both circumstances- our foundation chooses to obey his Mother- God who knows all- submits to a perfectly human, even though perfect in every way- flesh and blood virgin woman.
Let us delve deep into this mystery, as though breathing into fresh air, or scooping deep into a creamy ice-cream.
Neither Jesus or Mary ever sinned, what they did and chose to do was always perfect so far as morals and doctrine are concerned- but so far as worldly wisdom, both were capable of learning from utterly real communication lapses or even mistakes.
Article by Marc Aupiais
In vain we could look for historic texts about Mary flying around in the gray, dusky, dust-filled middle-eastern sky, yet somehow this never seems to appear, which may sadden some, but now that she is a saint- she can at least manifest herself anywhere!
When she was still alive, and probably in her late teens or early twenties, the immaculate mother of humanity, through Christ- had an interesting experience, so interesting that it is in the rosary.
We can imagine as a shot of horror enters her veins, and the middle-eastern sun stands somewhere in the dusky, or maybe daylight sky.
There would have likely been a quick frenzy, maybe even desperate prayers, and concern over what could ever have happened. Maybe Mary cries, even weeped as she realized her mistake, and that of her Husband, Saint Joseph.
We often forget, not only couldn't Mary fly, and that she didn't wear a blue and red suit with underwear on the outside (quite inappropriate for a woman or man), but dearest mother Mary, also made mistakes, and errors of judging situations, even assumptions.
Mary never once sinned, but she did make mistakes, and this is not only shocking, but beautiful. God's mother, the ultimate female icon of holiness, never once sinned, nor was disappointing to God, and yet, at that moment, when she began to realize the desperate horror that a mother feels at having lost her child, she was human, so utterly human.
Christ also, when he had been left by his parents, and was sitting, listening to the teachers in the temple, had also made a mistake. He was God, and yet God allowed himself to do something which his own parents disapproved of, and yet this was not sin. It was God's choice to not have all knowledge, but only that required for our salvation, and his choice also to allow an unwinding of the dark path of life, so that the trickling of streams and rivers amplified this fact.
Jesus and his parents did not communicate as they should have, both made wrong assumptions, or something like such- both were not sinning in their assumptions, both made mistakes.
Now, it may seem to cheapen my often extravagantly poetic style by mentioning a popular culture figure such as Super Man, and yet this is the ultimate man in our culture's eyes- he is indestructible, can't feel pain, makes no real mistakes, and wears his underwear on the outside, as though mocking us normal people.
Mary, our role model- she cries, she makes mistakes, and she is powerless to prevent her son from being subjected to an unjust killing, and humiliated. She is nearly divorced by a husband who wants to do the right thing, by a husband who is rightly a saint, and yet misjudged the very Mother of God. The divorce itself would have been from an unconsummated marriage, and not from a sacramental union.
Jesus, also- he weeps in public, and associated with what many consider still today to be societal slum, and yet he was weak and compassionate around these. And remember- it is he who didn't follow his parents from the temple towards their earthly home!
The true powers of both Jesus and Mary- as exemplified in the Finding in the temple- lies not in superpowers, but in absolute humanity. They could make every mistake as people, every assumption, every communication lapse- but they never once willfully did wrong, and never once purposely rebelled against God.
A mistake and a sin, are not the same. As far as our salvation was concerned, neither Jesus, nor Mary once ever sinned, and yet- while utterly immaculate, both could disagree with each other. The wedding at Canaan, or the finding in the temple both show this- and in both circumstances- our foundation chooses to obey his Mother- God who knows all- submits to a perfectly human, even though perfect in every way- flesh and blood virgin woman.
Let us delve deep into this mystery, as though breathing into fresh air, or scooping deep into a creamy ice-cream.
Neither Jesus or Mary ever sinned, what they did and chose to do was always perfect so far as morals and doctrine are concerned- but so far as worldly wisdom, both were capable of learning from utterly real communication lapses or even mistakes.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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Journey In a Broken World,
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DRC- Congo- Aid workers evacuated as Human-Rights-abusing- rebels advance further
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Reuters (Secular) 28/10/08)
Article By Marc Aupiais
As the nation's Tutsi rebels advance further towards a regional captial against the Government forces in the eastern DRC, the United Nations, is pulling out about 50 aid workers from various charitable organizations from a town close to rebel forces, which is an aim of recent aggressions. Attack helicopters of the UN mission in the DRC recently attacked rebels positions with strategic air power- however the rebels responded with anti-aircraft barrages.
The rebels continue to fight government forces despite a recent treaty. The leader of the group currently advancing is wanted for fraud, use of child soldiers, illegal mining and human rights violations, but has yet to be advanced on by the recognized DRC government. Since the DRC gained a constitution via referendum, and has also had an election, the dynamics of the moral high ground have been shifting. The United Nations firmly states that they will do all in their power not allow further encroachment on urban areas by the infamous Kivu rebels, and that they will defend the nearby town with force.
The town, that the Rebels now want to launch an offensive against, Rutshuru, is home to tens of thousands of internal refugees fleeing violence caused largely by the advancing rebels. Recent attacks on a nearby town sent about 20 000 refugees fleeing for life, towards the provincial capital- Goma.
Article By Marc Aupiais
As the nation's Tutsi rebels advance further towards a regional captial against the Government forces in the eastern DRC, the United Nations, is pulling out about 50 aid workers from various charitable organizations from a town close to rebel forces, which is an aim of recent aggressions. Attack helicopters of the UN mission in the DRC recently attacked rebels positions with strategic air power- however the rebels responded with anti-aircraft barrages.
The rebels continue to fight government forces despite a recent treaty. The leader of the group currently advancing is wanted for fraud, use of child soldiers, illegal mining and human rights violations, but has yet to be advanced on by the recognized DRC government. Since the DRC gained a constitution via referendum, and has also had an election, the dynamics of the moral high ground have been shifting. The United Nations firmly states that they will do all in their power not allow further encroachment on urban areas by the infamous Kivu rebels, and that they will defend the nearby town with force.
The town, that the Rebels now want to launch an offensive against, Rutshuru, is home to tens of thousands of internal refugees fleeing violence caused largely by the advancing rebels. Recent attacks on a nearby town sent about 20 000 refugees fleeing for life, towards the provincial capital- Goma.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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African Democracy,
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Media Study South Africa- Children's programs- KTV's New Cyrano 2022- Reviewed
(Media Study South Africa)
Jean Chalopin, who brought about stories like "Inspector Gadget" also created another interesting series for children. Cyrano, the main character, in Cyrano 2022, set in 2040, where an ominous totalitarian government "rules" large parts of the civilized world, is a rebel. His singer friend Roxy, and others protect him from government attacks among others, in this highly romanticized cartoon, with a four armed monkey who seems a bit too intelligent for his species.
While it is undoubtedly violent, and seems fascinated with the music industry, and odd childish fantasies of rebellion, and a rebel's integrity, and wit, and seems to have no problem with lies, or enjoying fighting- this adaption of the French series by the same name, seems to appose genetic modification, and instill some basic values such as honor and integrity, even if the integrity, or more particularly honor- fought for is not always done so in the most sane manner.
While it seems against human Genetic Modification, with the main character even risking life and limb to save unwilling experiments, it does have a four armed monkey in the show, and genetic mutations do seem to have positive effects in the plots.
Fighting is almost glorified in this cartoon, made poetic, even done with no real reason.
Quite simply, it is a heavily stylized adaption of the glorified rebellion sort of plot- that certainly plays on the same fantasies in boys, as wrestling does.
Do we advise allowing children to watch this show- not in particular, but we cannot see it doing more harm than the thousands of variations of the tough man theme, and at least the main character here is portrayed somewhat as a gentleman.
Jean Chalopin, who brought about stories like "Inspector Gadget" also created another interesting series for children. Cyrano, the main character, in Cyrano 2022, set in 2040, where an ominous totalitarian government "rules" large parts of the civilized world, is a rebel. His singer friend Roxy, and others protect him from government attacks among others, in this highly romanticized cartoon, with a four armed monkey who seems a bit too intelligent for his species.
While it is undoubtedly violent, and seems fascinated with the music industry, and odd childish fantasies of rebellion, and a rebel's integrity, and wit, and seems to have no problem with lies, or enjoying fighting- this adaption of the French series by the same name, seems to appose genetic modification, and instill some basic values such as honor and integrity, even if the integrity, or more particularly honor- fought for is not always done so in the most sane manner.
While it seems against human Genetic Modification, with the main character even risking life and limb to save unwilling experiments, it does have a four armed monkey in the show, and genetic mutations do seem to have positive effects in the plots.
Fighting is almost glorified in this cartoon, made poetic, even done with no real reason.
Quite simply, it is a heavily stylized adaption of the glorified rebellion sort of plot- that certainly plays on the same fantasies in boys, as wrestling does.
Do we advise allowing children to watch this show- not in particular, but we cannot see it doing more harm than the thousands of variations of the tough man theme, and at least the main character here is portrayed somewhat as a gentleman.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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Children's Programs,
children's television,
Cyrano 2022,
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Media Study South Africa,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Vatican- bible summits findings include desire for female lecters, and media age technology- proclaimation of gospel, purpose of the church
(Journey in a Broken World; c.f. Reuters (Secular) 28/10/08; Catholic Culture 27/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Conclusions for the latest Synod of the Bible, include some awaited, even surprising results- from female lectors, to I-pod bibles.
More serious results include a push towards using technology to promote the Gospel... As well as the ideas of i-pod bibles, came those of radio, television, cinema, CDs DVDs, and internet sites among other ideas, as ways of promoting our world view, and our Gospel.
If Protestant Christians expected the church to change her two thousand year old doctrine on the bible, they were not bowed down to. The synod reiterated that while the bible is of such utmost importance, we are not a "book" religion, nor ever have nor will be- but a faith based on a Man, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Those who, against Catholic doctrine, believe not so much as bestowing the gospel on society, as in keeping their moral standards to themselves, will be disappointed, as the synod asked for a rediscovery of natural law in the forming of conscience, and of the effect on morals the inbuilt structures could have on getting Catholics to obey this universal group of laws. Natural Law itself, is more or less often referred to in civil society as conscience.
And perhaps the most important result of the synod, will be revolutionary, if it is allowed to permeate our beliefs. While Vatican II allowed for critical scholarship of the bible, where it was for the benefit of Faith, Benedict XVI, and the invited bishops and laypeople, want to make it clear that there is a great horizon of theology, when reading the bible that is solely understood in faith, and we must not close our eyes to faith, and to the faith when we read the bible. In fact, it was thought by those attending- that without the intervention of faith and the faith's theological insight, the sacred text of the divine scriptures becomes hard, if not impossible to understand properly.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Conclusions for the latest Synod of the Bible, include some awaited, even surprising results- from female lectors, to I-pod bibles.
More serious results include a push towards using technology to promote the Gospel... As well as the ideas of i-pod bibles, came those of radio, television, cinema, CDs DVDs, and internet sites among other ideas, as ways of promoting our world view, and our Gospel.
If Protestant Christians expected the church to change her two thousand year old doctrine on the bible, they were not bowed down to. The synod reiterated that while the bible is of such utmost importance, we are not a "book" religion, nor ever have nor will be- but a faith based on a Man, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Those who, against Catholic doctrine, believe not so much as bestowing the gospel on society, as in keeping their moral standards to themselves, will be disappointed, as the synod asked for a rediscovery of natural law in the forming of conscience, and of the effect on morals the inbuilt structures could have on getting Catholics to obey this universal group of laws. Natural Law itself, is more or less often referred to in civil society as conscience.
And perhaps the most important result of the synod, will be revolutionary, if it is allowed to permeate our beliefs. While Vatican II allowed for critical scholarship of the bible, where it was for the benefit of Faith, Benedict XVI, and the invited bishops and laypeople, want to make it clear that there is a great horizon of theology, when reading the bible that is solely understood in faith, and we must not close our eyes to faith, and to the faith when we read the bible. In fact, it was thought by those attending- that without the intervention of faith and the faith's theological insight, the sacred text of the divine scriptures becomes hard, if not impossible to understand properly.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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Journey In a Broken World,
Pope Benedict XVI,
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Synod of Bishops,
Technology and Church,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Japan- Despite Prime Minster's status as a Catholic- Japan hangs two more on death row
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. BBC World News (secular) 28/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
When their their previous Justice minister's Buddhist beliefs disagreed, Japan for fifteen months, halted executions. Despite being a professed Catholic, Japan's prime minister, Tarso Aso, elected on the 24 of September to the position, has continued to allow the mass use of the death penalty in Japan. When executions take place, they are not broadcast widely, but have allot of support in the local communities. The most recent victims, both criminals, it seems- were both over the age of 50.
The Catholic Church has for years been campaigning for a universal moratorium of the death penalty, saying that the places where it is needed in the modern world are limited. It has had the support of politicians around the world, including some figures in South Africa, and has played a large part in reducing its use. In Japan, however, public sentiments have kept up this practice, without any proven positive effects, which can be separated from good legal measures.
It is not permitted for a Catholic to vote for a politician who allows an extravagant, unnecessary use of the death penalty except when their viable opponents are worse on human rights, and pro-life, pro-family issues, and the 7 non-negotiable political issues- but catholics are permitted, to vote for politicians who believe in a limited death penalty.
Japan has killed 15 people on death row this year, and are estimated to have 100 more ready to be executed, being kept until their final execution dates, which have not been released to the public. Executions usually take place in secret, before later being announced to the public.
Article by Marc Aupiais
When their their previous Justice minister's Buddhist beliefs disagreed, Japan for fifteen months, halted executions. Despite being a professed Catholic, Japan's prime minister, Tarso Aso, elected on the 24 of September to the position, has continued to allow the mass use of the death penalty in Japan. When executions take place, they are not broadcast widely, but have allot of support in the local communities. The most recent victims, both criminals, it seems- were both over the age of 50.
The Catholic Church has for years been campaigning for a universal moratorium of the death penalty, saying that the places where it is needed in the modern world are limited. It has had the support of politicians around the world, including some figures in South Africa, and has played a large part in reducing its use. In Japan, however, public sentiments have kept up this practice, without any proven positive effects, which can be separated from good legal measures.
It is not permitted for a Catholic to vote for a politician who allows an extravagant, unnecessary use of the death penalty except when their viable opponents are worse on human rights, and pro-life, pro-family issues, and the 7 non-negotiable political issues- but catholics are permitted, to vote for politicians who believe in a limited death penalty.
Japan has killed 15 people on death row this year, and are estimated to have 100 more ready to be executed, being kept until their final execution dates, which have not been released to the public. Executions usually take place in secret, before later being announced to the public.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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Asian News,
Social Justice South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Monday, 27 October 2008
Rosary Secrets- A look at the dedication of Our Lord and Saviour, Illustrious, and Divine- Jesus, our Lord, Son of Mary, child in Jerusalem
(Journey in a Broken World)
Article by Marc Aupiais
It is not a sad event when Jesus, our Christ, chooses to comply with his culture, and its rules, in fact- it is as glorious as the light shining on the girl's extravagant dresses, and the shadows falling over the boys suits, for their first Holy Communion.
It is no sad event when Jesus is circumcised, and no sad event when he becomes a man in Jewish culture, and is presented to God, as the firstborn child.
When Jesus fought his culture like a suffering crocodile in drought- he was not fighting its foundation, but something foreign to it. When he called the Pharisees, and Suddacees snakes- Vipers even, he was apposing something which was fighting for the very soul of his culture, and from within the very positions designed by men, even Holy men- to safeguard the essence of the powerful Jewish culture.
Anything bad within a culture, is surely not distinctive- sin is banal- and sin is everywhere- simply because it is the done thing does not mean we should set it high on clouds as culture. Culture is distinctive. Culture is that which separates the life and truth of one society from all others. A culture is something beautiful and to be preserved, it lies in nuance, it lies in language, it lies in the ways in which people manifest God. The parts of a culture, which are sinful- are just as evil as any disease, these must never be preserved, because in the end they will destroy utterly the cultures which harbor them.
In essence, every culture is now undergoing the fight between the True culture, and the Culture which does not exist, which fights to destroy true culture, though pretending to be something at all, except plain and simple depraved perversity.
As the war for truth is so powerfully fought in the valleys and mountains and waves, and dunes, and winds and hurricanes- of what is culture, let us always most strongly represent the Catholic Culture, the simple and kind righteousness, the devotion to the Rosary, to Prayer, Mass, Sacraments, Mary, Saints, and actions. Let us not Hide it- let us be firstly Catholic and then whatever culture we represent so far as this benefits God.
Attacks on the Catholic Idea of naming saints after where they come from also are evil, and sinful- in as much as they are illogical. Saints reflect not only their Catholicism, but it is in such a way as to affect their own culture, and often- will a saint manifest all or many of the best traits of their area of residence, while holding none of the bad. Our culture is our heritage, and must be respected, but the part of culture to be respected is the part which saves us from sin and sinful perversity.
Ultimately, every culture finds its hight and summit in respect of truth, in not supremacist hatred of foreigners, but rather in defending its own territory, which also allows respecting what is just in others cultures, even helping these cultures to refine their good over their evil, and sometimes allowing this within themselves, by letting some traits of cultures be lessened or made greater. This is why, ultimately, every culture is united in the Catholic Church, it is the hight and salvation of all. Only through Catholicism, do we find the universal culture which united and unites all people in Christ. It is through realization of what man is, by truly understanding what his source- God is, and how exactly man's status, and dignity was raised by Jesus' incarnation, that we truly are able to manifest the true elements- instilled by God, in every nation's culture.
As Catholics, we are universal, but we are also local- let us firstly be universal, and where necessary- local. Let us firstly gain great respect for our Catholic heritage, and history, and then also for what is good in our own cultures. By what is good in a culture, let us destroy what is bad in it, let us not falsely glorify the goodness in our national cultures, as the cultures of small groups often have flaws, and it is by highlighting both the strengths and the weaknesses of our culture, in a positively true portrait of events, that we are both prevented from despising utterly our people, and from supremacism.
Let us therefor anchor our cultures in their purpose for having good, and purpose, Christ, through the church, the pillar and foundation of truth (I Timothy chapter 3 verse 15)- which always, if its own integrity is preserved, should preserve what is good in culture, and destroy if not utterly what is evil. It is not Catholicism that needs changing by culture, but cultures, who need refining by the mysteries of faith. These cultures include Catholic cultures, these cultures include the cultures within the church in various countries. The culture of those who claim to be Catholic, so often is not Catholic at all. The true hope of every Catholic is Christ, and for this- we do not need to too much be part of our culture, rather- a culture is most richly enlivened, by righteous diversity- so far as its soul is to be preserved.
I am firstly Catholic, and then I am whatever else I am, for in Catholicism, my goodness is sucked from the depths of reality, and made to be- a masterpiece it ever will shine- of true beauty, of that which is made real through faith.
Culture also- can be utterly local, or result in organizations, or in heritage of ancestors, or so much else, yet culture which is good- is what is good and proportionate in culture. It is through truth that we conquer evil, through truth, love, respect, justice, and sometimes through the utter destruction of structure of evil, even to the extent that sometimes the church has sought to rid society of some persons, and seldom governments also do. Let us never respect what is evil in a culture, rather, let us learn from the good in cultures, and in Christ, by truly making them good, by calling out and obeying their counterparts from within the Faith.
Article by Marc Aupiais
It is not a sad event when Jesus, our Christ, chooses to comply with his culture, and its rules, in fact- it is as glorious as the light shining on the girl's extravagant dresses, and the shadows falling over the boys suits, for their first Holy Communion.
It is no sad event when Jesus is circumcised, and no sad event when he becomes a man in Jewish culture, and is presented to God, as the firstborn child.
When Jesus fought his culture like a suffering crocodile in drought- he was not fighting its foundation, but something foreign to it. When he called the Pharisees, and Suddacees snakes- Vipers even, he was apposing something which was fighting for the very soul of his culture, and from within the very positions designed by men, even Holy men- to safeguard the essence of the powerful Jewish culture.
Anything bad within a culture, is surely not distinctive- sin is banal- and sin is everywhere- simply because it is the done thing does not mean we should set it high on clouds as culture. Culture is distinctive. Culture is that which separates the life and truth of one society from all others. A culture is something beautiful and to be preserved, it lies in nuance, it lies in language, it lies in the ways in which people manifest God. The parts of a culture, which are sinful- are just as evil as any disease, these must never be preserved, because in the end they will destroy utterly the cultures which harbor them.
In essence, every culture is now undergoing the fight between the True culture, and the Culture which does not exist, which fights to destroy true culture, though pretending to be something at all, except plain and simple depraved perversity.
As the war for truth is so powerfully fought in the valleys and mountains and waves, and dunes, and winds and hurricanes- of what is culture, let us always most strongly represent the Catholic Culture, the simple and kind righteousness, the devotion to the Rosary, to Prayer, Mass, Sacraments, Mary, Saints, and actions. Let us not Hide it- let us be firstly Catholic and then whatever culture we represent so far as this benefits God.
Attacks on the Catholic Idea of naming saints after where they come from also are evil, and sinful- in as much as they are illogical. Saints reflect not only their Catholicism, but it is in such a way as to affect their own culture, and often- will a saint manifest all or many of the best traits of their area of residence, while holding none of the bad. Our culture is our heritage, and must be respected, but the part of culture to be respected is the part which saves us from sin and sinful perversity.
Ultimately, every culture finds its hight and summit in respect of truth, in not supremacist hatred of foreigners, but rather in defending its own territory, which also allows respecting what is just in others cultures, even helping these cultures to refine their good over their evil, and sometimes allowing this within themselves, by letting some traits of cultures be lessened or made greater. This is why, ultimately, every culture is united in the Catholic Church, it is the hight and salvation of all. Only through Catholicism, do we find the universal culture which united and unites all people in Christ. It is through realization of what man is, by truly understanding what his source- God is, and how exactly man's status, and dignity was raised by Jesus' incarnation, that we truly are able to manifest the true elements- instilled by God, in every nation's culture.
As Catholics, we are universal, but we are also local- let us firstly be universal, and where necessary- local. Let us firstly gain great respect for our Catholic heritage, and history, and then also for what is good in our own cultures. By what is good in a culture, let us destroy what is bad in it, let us not falsely glorify the goodness in our national cultures, as the cultures of small groups often have flaws, and it is by highlighting both the strengths and the weaknesses of our culture, in a positively true portrait of events, that we are both prevented from despising utterly our people, and from supremacism.
Let us therefor anchor our cultures in their purpose for having good, and purpose, Christ, through the church, the pillar and foundation of truth (I Timothy chapter 3 verse 15)- which always, if its own integrity is preserved, should preserve what is good in culture, and destroy if not utterly what is evil. It is not Catholicism that needs changing by culture, but cultures, who need refining by the mysteries of faith. These cultures include Catholic cultures, these cultures include the cultures within the church in various countries. The culture of those who claim to be Catholic, so often is not Catholic at all. The true hope of every Catholic is Christ, and for this- we do not need to too much be part of our culture, rather- a culture is most richly enlivened, by righteous diversity- so far as its soul is to be preserved.
I am firstly Catholic, and then I am whatever else I am, for in Catholicism, my goodness is sucked from the depths of reality, and made to be- a masterpiece it ever will shine- of true beauty, of that which is made real through faith.
Culture also- can be utterly local, or result in organizations, or in heritage of ancestors, or so much else, yet culture which is good- is what is good and proportionate in culture. It is through truth that we conquer evil, through truth, love, respect, justice, and sometimes through the utter destruction of structure of evil, even to the extent that sometimes the church has sought to rid society of some persons, and seldom governments also do. Let us never respect what is evil in a culture, rather, let us learn from the good in cultures, and in Christ, by truly making them good, by calling out and obeying their counterparts from within the Faith.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, October 27, 2008
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Jesus Christ,
Journey In a Broken World,
Real Through Faith,
Reality's war against illusion,
Rosary Mysteries,
True Catholic Culture,
War For Culture's Soul
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
India- Local Film-maker makes low budget film on Indian Saint, Sister Alphonsa's, life, possible joy to Christians during current genocide
(Journey in a Broken World; Reuters 27/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Sister Alphonsa, who purposely hurt herself, to turn off suiters, to ensure herself a future place in the convent, against the whims of society and a young heart, died about 60 years ago, however, her short, and inspiring life will come alive again on the Big screen in India, in her local dialect. It is not in the Indian state of Orissa, where the violence is taking place, that the film was shot and will be released, nor does the film mention the riots, and violence in the area.
It is however possibly good for the suffering community, who see daily, and hear daily of the suffering of those in Orissa, where Christians are being systematically scared away, or wiped out, economically, or physically, to see the content this movie, in a country, where the government has periodically been accused of some form of negligence since the outbreak of the Hindu Nationalist violence in Orissa, and some surrounding areas.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Sister Alphonsa, who purposely hurt herself, to turn off suiters, to ensure herself a future place in the convent, against the whims of society and a young heart, died about 60 years ago, however, her short, and inspiring life will come alive again on the Big screen in India, in her local dialect. It is not in the Indian state of Orissa, where the violence is taking place, that the film was shot and will be released, nor does the film mention the riots, and violence in the area.
It is however possibly good for the suffering community, who see daily, and hear daily of the suffering of those in Orissa, where Christians are being systematically scared away, or wiped out, economically, or physically, to see the content this movie, in a country, where the government has periodically been accused of some form of negligence since the outbreak of the Hindu Nationalist violence in Orissa, and some surrounding areas.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, October 27, 2008
No comments:
Asian News,
Journey In a Broken World,
Media Influence,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Vatican- Pope- I am especially concerned about Indian and Iraqi Christians- under such persecution at present
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. News 24 (secular) 26/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
This Sunday, Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, of the illustrious Roman Catholic Church, having announced plans to visit Africa, noted some spots of trouble for Christians, noting especially some eastern countries, where Christians suffer intolerance, unjust violence, and are forced or threatened into leaving their homes. He by name mentioned India, where over 50 000 Christians have been adversely affected, and 60 have been killed in an anti-Christian Genocide, and Iraq, where about 2300 Christians recently had to flee the city of Mossul.
He also mentioned hopes for China, where authorized religion is controlled, and censored by the state, and Catholic priests and bishops seemingly have appeared to disappear every now and again, and where the underground church suffers grave threats daily. China and the Vatican have no diplomatic relations, this since 1951, and the Chinese Catholic church is considered sacramental by the papacy, but not due to any compromises to allow safe worship in the country, however underground bishops are not permitted to partake in many meetings on Chinese soil.
The "Open" Catholic Church, in the control of the Chinese government, is one Catholics are discouraged from attending in a very extreme sense by the Vatican, due to the control of it by a foreign power.
Article by Marc Aupiais
This Sunday, Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, of the illustrious Roman Catholic Church, having announced plans to visit Africa, noted some spots of trouble for Christians, noting especially some eastern countries, where Christians suffer intolerance, unjust violence, and are forced or threatened into leaving their homes. He by name mentioned India, where over 50 000 Christians have been adversely affected, and 60 have been killed in an anti-Christian Genocide, and Iraq, where about 2300 Christians recently had to flee the city of Mossul.
He also mentioned hopes for China, where authorized religion is controlled, and censored by the state, and Catholic priests and bishops seemingly have appeared to disappear every now and again, and where the underground church suffers grave threats daily. China and the Vatican have no diplomatic relations, this since 1951, and the Chinese Catholic church is considered sacramental by the papacy, but not due to any compromises to allow safe worship in the country, however underground bishops are not permitted to partake in many meetings on Chinese soil.
The "Open" Catholic Church, in the control of the Chinese government, is one Catholics are discouraged from attending in a very extreme sense by the Vatican, due to the control of it by a foreign power.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, October 27, 2008
No comments:
Anti-catholic watch,
Asian News,
Pope Speaks,
Social Justice South Africa,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Pope to visit Africa in 2009
(Journey in a Broken World; c.f. The South African Star (secular) 27/10/08; News 24 (secular) 26/10/08; Immaculate Heart of Mary Hermitage Report 26/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Pope Benedict XVI, current Holy Father, and Head of the illustrious Roman Catholic Church, has announced plans to visit Cameroon, in March 2009, and then go on to Angola, for the 500th anniversary of Angola's first evangelization.
He also announced plans for a summit in October, II Special Assembly for Africa, of the Synod of Bishops, to which African Bishops have been invited, to focus on justice, reconciliation, and on peace within the world's most poverty stricken continent. The synod will be hosted at Rome.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Pope Benedict XVI, current Holy Father, and Head of the illustrious Roman Catholic Church, has announced plans to visit Cameroon, in March 2009, and then go on to Angola, for the 500th anniversary of Angola's first evangelization.
He also announced plans for a summit in October, II Special Assembly for Africa, of the Synod of Bishops, to which African Bishops have been invited, to focus on justice, reconciliation, and on peace within the world's most poverty stricken continent. The synod will be hosted at Rome.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Monday, October 27, 2008
No comments:
Africa General News,
Journey In a Broken World,
Pope Benedict XVI,
Pope Speaks,
Synod of Bishops,
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Caritas Internationalis- Europe- Spain- statistics indicate possible 50% rise in those in poverty in spain by end of year, due to International Financial Crisis
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Caritas Internationalis 23/10/08)
Article By Marc Aupiais
Caritas Spain estimates that the amount of people needing help by the end of the year will have increased by a ratio of half the people needing help in 2007. Caritas Sain has helped support more than 1 000 000 people in Spain, with over 55 000 volunteers.
Article By Marc Aupiais
Caritas Spain estimates that the amount of people needing help by the end of the year will have increased by a ratio of half the people needing help in 2007. Caritas Sain has helped support more than 1 000 000 people in Spain, with over 55 000 volunteers.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, October 26, 2008
No comments:
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Africa- Uganda- Agenzia Fides- African Nations meet to discuss ideas of free-trade area throughout Africa
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Agenzia Fides 22/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
As other sources also have since confirmed to have occurred, Agenzia Fides, on Wednesday the 22 reported on a meeting in Uganda, by Regional Representatives throughout Africa- to discuss among other subjects, the possible creation of a free-trade area throughout Africa.
Other issues covered included the improvement of infrastructure to allow this.
Article by Marc Aupiais
As other sources also have since confirmed to have occurred, Agenzia Fides, on Wednesday the 22 reported on a meeting in Uganda, by Regional Representatives throughout Africa- to discuss among other subjects, the possible creation of a free-trade area throughout Africa.
Other issues covered included the improvement of infrastructure to allow this.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, October 26, 2008
No comments:
Africa Aid Needs,
Africa General News,
African Democracy,
African Economic News,
African Politics,
Social Justice South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Sunday Independent- Maoist rebels claimed to have killed Hindu Fundamentalist leader- the death sparked anti-Christian Genocide
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f.Sunday Independent 06/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
It is ages ago that this was said, none the less, it will aid our reader's perspective. The murder which prompted the killing of Christians in a genocide currently in India, was caused by one man's death. Responsibility for this death has in fact been claimed not by Christians, but by Maoist Rebels in India.
Article by Marc Aupiais
It is ages ago that this was said, none the less, it will aid our reader's perspective. The murder which prompted the killing of Christians in a genocide currently in India, was caused by one man's death. Responsibility for this death has in fact been claimed not by Christians, but by Maoist Rebels in India.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, October 26, 2008
No comments:
Anti-catholic watch,
Asian News,
Social Justice South Africa,
Sunday independent
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
India- I was Raped, publically shown naked in front of police, who did nothing, I will not co-operate- Nun, who refuses to co-operate with Police. Int
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. The Star 24/10/08; Sunday Independent 24/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Speaking to international media, an Indian Nun, who is said to have been captured, raped and paraded around naked, next to a priest, by a large amount Hindu Fundamentalists, in Orissa, India on the 25th of August 2008, says she will not co-operate with India's Police. She says that police were present when she was paraded naked in public by the mob, and that the police did nothing. These claims are almost mirror images of claims by other nuns (Sisters of Charity- founded by Blessed Mother Theressa), who were captured by a mob, and turned over to police on charges that they had kidnapped orphans in their care. The nuns were held without evidence, and were promptly able to show papers to prove their case. police still were not sympathetic.
Other sources claim that refugee camps are not protected, this due to the fact that attacks have been recorded by journalists to reach within the camps. The Archbishop of the capital of Orissa, Bhubaneswar- Archbishop Cheenath, has of late- claimed that there was more of the appearance of a government cover-up over guilt of officials in the genocide, in a recent inquiry, than efforts to bring about law and justice. The many deaths, are claimed by many Catholic bishops to be partly due to the way the government has handled the situation, and victims often claim that police or government personnel were nearby when they were attacked, but did nothing.
The Indian government is in the habit of not mentioning, in death reports- that those suffering attacks are Christians. A prominent Indian Hindu Nationalist Party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), also recently attacked prayers for peace in the region by Catholic pope Benedict XVI- insinuating that the Vatican was not within their rights, by in their statements- including that religious leader should not say anything, and that India is a "sovereign" nation, as though this entitled the exclusion of foreign calls for laws to be enforced, not against the oppressed, but for basic human rights to be safeguarded.
Article by Marc Aupiais
Speaking to international media, an Indian Nun, who is said to have been captured, raped and paraded around naked, next to a priest, by a large amount Hindu Fundamentalists, in Orissa, India on the 25th of August 2008, says she will not co-operate with India's Police. She says that police were present when she was paraded naked in public by the mob, and that the police did nothing. These claims are almost mirror images of claims by other nuns (Sisters of Charity- founded by Blessed Mother Theressa), who were captured by a mob, and turned over to police on charges that they had kidnapped orphans in their care. The nuns were held without evidence, and were promptly able to show papers to prove their case. police still were not sympathetic.
Other sources claim that refugee camps are not protected, this due to the fact that attacks have been recorded by journalists to reach within the camps. The Archbishop of the capital of Orissa, Bhubaneswar- Archbishop Cheenath, has of late- claimed that there was more of the appearance of a government cover-up over guilt of officials in the genocide, in a recent inquiry, than efforts to bring about law and justice. The many deaths, are claimed by many Catholic bishops to be partly due to the way the government has handled the situation, and victims often claim that police or government personnel were nearby when they were attacked, but did nothing.
The Indian government is in the habit of not mentioning, in death reports- that those suffering attacks are Christians. A prominent Indian Hindu Nationalist Party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), also recently attacked prayers for peace in the region by Catholic pope Benedict XVI- insinuating that the Vatican was not within their rights, by in their statements- including that religious leader should not say anything, and that India is a "sovereign" nation, as though this entitled the exclusion of foreign calls for laws to be enforced, not against the oppressed, but for basic human rights to be safeguarded.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, October 26, 2008
No comments:
Anti-catholic watch,
Asian News,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Social Justice South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
South African daily Newspaper version of the Sunday Times, the "Times" airs antagonistic article critisizing sainting of Indian Saint, and ignoring Indian Genocide
(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. antagonistic article at The Times 26/10/08 (While we have saved the address of this article, and evidence of it- for future reference, we will not link to it in articles))
Article by Marc Aupiais
It is titled "Christian church is obsessed with race", and so we could already see the bias of an article published, and evidence was then proof saved securely as evidence by our systems- of the antagonistic article in the "Times", the new daily service of South Africa's "Sunday Times".
In an article which calls naming a saint from India, an Indian Saint "White Supremacist", and completely ignores that perhaps nations are given honour by the fact that Holy people have lived there, and which entirely ignores any mention of the current anti-Christian Genocide in India, an article appearing in the Times, the new daily version of the Sunday times, lashes out at Christianity, and in particular Catholicism.
The new daily newspaper already has used its platform to do something which we can only disapprove of. Please inform us of further bias as evident in news-media.
Article by Marc Aupiais
It is titled "Christian church is obsessed with race", and so we could already see the bias of an article published, and evidence was then proof saved securely as evidence by our systems- of the antagonistic article in the "Times", the new daily service of South Africa's "Sunday Times".
In an article which calls naming a saint from India, an Indian Saint "White Supremacist", and completely ignores that perhaps nations are given honour by the fact that Holy people have lived there, and which entirely ignores any mention of the current anti-Christian Genocide in India, an article appearing in the Times, the new daily version of the Sunday times, lashes out at Christianity, and in particular Catholicism.
The new daily newspaper already has used its platform to do something which we can only disapprove of. Please inform us of further bias as evident in news-media.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, October 26, 2008
No comments:
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
External Newsbrief- Some Interesting stories this week
(Just a quick news brief, we are gradually also investigating non-religious, or less guarenteed sources of some degree of known quality in order to report more fully on Africa, for now we are simply linking to some articles, later we may more thoroughly investigate actual articles. At present, a link to an article is not an endorsement, simply a note that it carries some interest. Not all articles linked to at present are religious. In future, we plan to do our own independent research into such stories, but for now we are covering them in this manner. Stories in this section either cover issues of note to Catholics, or else stories we have already covered, but with different perspectives. If you desire us to stop this new initiative, please email us, by clicking reply on your message, if any sources we note have a bad history, so as to be inaccurate, please inform us)
Compillation of Links by Marc Aupiais
The appearance of a site, or statement linked to in this brief does not imply any form of endorsement, either of the organization in question, or of the views given by external journalism sources linked to here.
Mail and Guardian- Catholic Church sees promise in I-pod Bibles
Mail and Guardian- UN security council may send in special forces-
the article covers issues we also are covering- involving the DRC
With the increased violence, we have for weeks been reporting, the UN may finally take some further action, by possible deployment of special forces to "protect civilians"
Mail and Guardian- Paper claims Politicians will choose who new "scorpions" prosecute
Mail and Guardian- further stresses with power sharing in Zimbabwe
See also
Southern Cross, based on CNS article claims that a Catholic official sees power sharing deals, which we note were brokered by South Africa's former mediating politician have not been successful, as cabinet posts were not decided when the negotiation had ended. This may have something to do with pressures in South Africa at the time, which resulted in the Mediator, and a former president of Zimbabwe's neighbor to be basically caused to resign.
The Southern Cross Article can be found here:
Mail and Guardian- DA claims attacks by persons claiming to belong to ANC- against members
The Southern Cross of 22-28/10/08, covering a different part of South Africa also has a story about Cardinal Napier of Durban's comments about expected violence and deaths, from clashes between different parties, as also happened between IFP and ANC supporters prior the 1994 elections.
I heard of pre-apartheid stories from a Progressive Party Politician's family, about intimidation in their days- we likely will see allot of this, even possibly at rallies. Recently, on a government Radio Station- I hear comments "from" "ANC" members in Orange farm, claiming propoganda, and looking negatively at the new ANC split party. We can expect to see the usual politics in news and media with the coming election, as has already started between the two ANC groups.
Mail and Guardian- Wednesday- The Infamous "War Veterans" in Zimbabwe, whose forced removal of White Zimbabweans from farms, and seeming attacks on MDC members before the last election- is still a fresh memory, have asked Mugabe to form a government without the MDC, as the MDC and Zanu PF continue to have problems... They have threatened the MDC leader with possible force.
Shortly after the election took place, E-News Channel, a South African station, claimed that due to delays in a re-vote- technically the MDC should have won, according to Zimbabwean law. The MDC had a majority in parliament.
African Leaders call for free trade block all around Africa - Mail and Guardian; Agenzia Fides
Mail and Guardian- International Criminal court takes odd actions involving DRC warlord
Catholic News Agency- Bishop's voting document reaches over 100 000 voters on 5 non-negotiables
We ourselves wonder when our own bishops will note that it is an excommunicable offense to aid efforts at abortion for instance. http://scripturelinkvotersguide.blogspot.com gives Catholics reviews on each of the main parties on the issues of abortion and Homosexual Marriage in our own country, as accords the 7 non-negotiable issues mentioned in Catholic Answers Action's review of these same issues.
Catholic News Agency Official- Israeli interference with Catholic procedures of canonizing saints is tiresome, responding to Israeli Government attacks on Pope Pius XII.
The Israeli's have made a war memorial, vilifying the pope who himself risked life and limb to quietly save Jewish holocaust survivors. Israel's major political party, was recently embroiled in a scandal- when a popular website run by supporters- created a collage of Benedict XVI, involving a Nazi symbol. http://scripturelinkvotersguide.blogspot.com/2008/10/israeli-leading-party-in-anti-catholic.html
Catholic News Agency- McCain Catching up; Mail and Guardian also estimates only five point difference
Vatican Newspaper gives positive review of Disney movie Wall-E
Disney has often been noted for matters of negative interest by Catholic Non-Profit Organizations- and by human rights groups, but it seems somehow that the Vatican Newspaper's reviewers saw Wall-E as pro-life, or good in some degree as regards this.
Mail and Guardian- IMF,and African Development Bank- 30 of 48 Sub-Saharan African states have electricity issues- poor management, lack of investment may be to blame- 75% of people don't have adequate electrical needs fulfilled
South Africa's The Times (Daily Version of the "Sunday Times") Attacks Sainting of Indian Saint- saying church is race obsessed, article does not note that the Indian Christians in large areas of the country are being wiped out in a Genocide, while making antagonistic comments about the church:
(Link purposely not included, we have kept records of this on separate storage facilities- this kept is evidence of what was said)
Compillation of Links by Marc Aupiais
The appearance of a site, or statement linked to in this brief does not imply any form of endorsement, either of the organization in question, or of the views given by external journalism sources linked to here.
Mail and Guardian- Catholic Church sees promise in I-pod Bibles
Mail and Guardian- UN security council may send in special forces-
the article covers issues we also are covering- involving the DRC
With the increased violence, we have for weeks been reporting, the UN may finally take some further action, by possible deployment of special forces to "protect civilians"
Mail and Guardian- Paper claims Politicians will choose who new "scorpions" prosecute
Mail and Guardian- further stresses with power sharing in Zimbabwe
See also
Southern Cross, based on CNS article claims that a Catholic official sees power sharing deals, which we note were brokered by South Africa's former mediating politician have not been successful, as cabinet posts were not decided when the negotiation had ended. This may have something to do with pressures in South Africa at the time, which resulted in the Mediator, and a former president of Zimbabwe's neighbor to be basically caused to resign.
The Southern Cross Article can be found here:
Mail and Guardian- DA claims attacks by persons claiming to belong to ANC- against members
The Southern Cross of 22-28/10/08, covering a different part of South Africa also has a story about Cardinal Napier of Durban's comments about expected violence and deaths, from clashes between different parties, as also happened between IFP and ANC supporters prior the 1994 elections.
I heard of pre-apartheid stories from a Progressive Party Politician's family, about intimidation in their days- we likely will see allot of this, even possibly at rallies. Recently, on a government Radio Station- I hear comments "from" "ANC" members in Orange farm, claiming propoganda, and looking negatively at the new ANC split party. We can expect to see the usual politics in news and media with the coming election, as has already started between the two ANC groups.
Mail and Guardian- Wednesday- The Infamous "War Veterans" in Zimbabwe, whose forced removal of White Zimbabweans from farms, and seeming attacks on MDC members before the last election- is still a fresh memory, have asked Mugabe to form a government without the MDC, as the MDC and Zanu PF continue to have problems... They have threatened the MDC leader with possible force.
Shortly after the election took place, E-News Channel, a South African station, claimed that due to delays in a re-vote- technically the MDC should have won, according to Zimbabwean law. The MDC had a majority in parliament.
African Leaders call for free trade block all around Africa - Mail and Guardian; Agenzia Fides
Mail and Guardian- International Criminal court takes odd actions involving DRC warlord
Catholic News Agency- Bishop's voting document reaches over 100 000 voters on 5 non-negotiables
We ourselves wonder when our own bishops will note that it is an excommunicable offense to aid efforts at abortion for instance. http://scripturelinkvotersguide.blogspot.com gives Catholics reviews on each of the main parties on the issues of abortion and Homosexual Marriage in our own country, as accords the 7 non-negotiable issues mentioned in Catholic Answers Action's review of these same issues.
Catholic News Agency Official- Israeli interference with Catholic procedures of canonizing saints is tiresome, responding to Israeli Government attacks on Pope Pius XII.
The Israeli's have made a war memorial, vilifying the pope who himself risked life and limb to quietly save Jewish holocaust survivors. Israel's major political party, was recently embroiled in a scandal- when a popular website run by supporters- created a collage of Benedict XVI, involving a Nazi symbol. http://scripturelinkvotersguide.blogspot.com/2008/10/israeli-leading-party-in-anti-catholic.html
Catholic News Agency- McCain Catching up; Mail and Guardian also estimates only five point difference
Vatican Newspaper gives positive review of Disney movie Wall-E
Disney has often been noted for matters of negative interest by Catholic Non-Profit Organizations- and by human rights groups, but it seems somehow that the Vatican Newspaper's reviewers saw Wall-E as pro-life, or good in some degree as regards this.
Mail and Guardian- IMF,and African Development Bank- 30 of 48 Sub-Saharan African states have electricity issues- poor management, lack of investment may be to blame- 75% of people don't have adequate electrical needs fulfilled
South Africa's The Times (Daily Version of the "Sunday Times") Attacks Sainting of Indian Saint- saying church is race obsessed, article does not note that the Indian Christians in large areas of the country are being wiped out in a Genocide, while making antagonistic comments about the church:
(Link purposely not included, we have kept records of this on separate storage facilities- this kept is evidence of what was said)
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Sunday, October 26, 2008
No comments:
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Catholic Women's league- encourages parishioners to thank priests on Sunday dedicated to priests- our disapproval of how this was and likely will be done in the given context!
(Tridentine South and Southern Africa; Catholic Connection 22/07/08; 23/06/01)
Article by Marc Aupiais
I went to the early mass today- the Saturday night one, and what should be happening in parishes across the country tomorrow- happened tonight. A speaker from the Catholic Women's League spoke, thanking the priest, from the women's league, and the congregation for his work. This far it is good, she then encouraged the congregation to show this, this point it is no longer so compliant with Catholic Traditions of Eucharistic respect.
It is perhaps an unwritten law, which is serious enough- that should this have been done during the mass, we could apply Benedict XVIs words to it, and say that the essence of the mass is lost. Quite simply, even if it was in the announcements, as many of these will be- it remains in the presence of the Eucharist, and is before the priest leaves, and before the final prayers are said, as likely will be with many parishes tomorrow.
In fact, some ancient groups within the church found it so serious to do similar things, that we have centuries old canons recorded in these areas, utmost forbidding clapping in worship.
Now, what purpose does the Catholic Women's League (CWL) have in this- perhaps political- the advancement of the league in public eye, and in the eyes of priests, perhaps genuine aims at appreciating priests, or perhaps knowing aims at "reforming" the church. The league does not give us much to go by as to judging if they are orthodox or spurious. Organizations without clear pledges of loyalty to Orthodox teachings and practice are often ones to watch- for anything spurious. Participation by leading figures in Canada's Catholic Women's League in a pro-abortion march recently is only further proof of this. Unfortunately, in South Africa- it is unlikely that these practices will be stopped, even as 9 out of ten catholics in my own archdiocese, do not attend mass, we still are not returning to the Orthodox practices of before, instead- many choose something almost protestant, or African Traditionalist in nature to worship to. The Pope himself recently stated that the church is not ours but God's. We are to worship God at church, not continue human traditions, or further human politics within a purely human organization. The danger of seeing the church purely as a body of people, is that it is not a human body, but a divine manifestation, which we will be punished if we misrepresent.
At Trinity church at Wits, the other day when I attended, there was use of bongo drums in worship. The use of modern drums may well be justified, in that the sounds made by these are far from those of early drums, and the effect on the audience of the early drums are prevented- in that these simply compliment music, and do not induce any real form of trance, or dance feelings, or the darker group emotions- if used in a respectful manner. It is noted in old testament regulations, that Israel was not to use drums in their worship, the reason was the effect these had on the people worshiping. Perhaps one day we will regain respect for the ancient ways in which Catholics have worshiped for thousands of years.
It is when Catholics have returned to Orthodoxy in that past, that the church has been revived, attempting to water down the faith will only hurt it more.
What should the Women's league have done- they should have asked people to stand in agreement, or perhaps take something a bit more protestant in agreement, and say "amen"- it is. The simple fact is, we are to love God firstly, with heart mind and soul, and that means respect also, and secondly our neighbor. No man should ever be clapped for in a church, even as sometimes, such as at priestly ordinations, clapping may be permitted, but this clapping must be for God, and his working, and not for the priests.
Please also read the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologica on "Superstition". Aquinas is one of only a few saints to be called a Doctor of the church, in Catholic Belief, his words carry more prominence than popes, and are often quoted by important figures... unless the pope speaks excathedra, in which case it is God we respect, and the pope's words, as regards morals and doctrine are to be taken as true.
Article by Marc Aupiais
I went to the early mass today- the Saturday night one, and what should be happening in parishes across the country tomorrow- happened tonight. A speaker from the Catholic Women's League spoke, thanking the priest, from the women's league, and the congregation for his work. This far it is good, she then encouraged the congregation to show this, this point it is no longer so compliant with Catholic Traditions of Eucharistic respect.
It is perhaps an unwritten law, which is serious enough- that should this have been done during the mass, we could apply Benedict XVIs words to it, and say that the essence of the mass is lost. Quite simply, even if it was in the announcements, as many of these will be- it remains in the presence of the Eucharist, and is before the priest leaves, and before the final prayers are said, as likely will be with many parishes tomorrow.
In fact, some ancient groups within the church found it so serious to do similar things, that we have centuries old canons recorded in these areas, utmost forbidding clapping in worship.
Now, what purpose does the Catholic Women's League (CWL) have in this- perhaps political- the advancement of the league in public eye, and in the eyes of priests, perhaps genuine aims at appreciating priests, or perhaps knowing aims at "reforming" the church. The league does not give us much to go by as to judging if they are orthodox or spurious. Organizations without clear pledges of loyalty to Orthodox teachings and practice are often ones to watch- for anything spurious. Participation by leading figures in Canada's Catholic Women's League in a pro-abortion march recently is only further proof of this. Unfortunately, in South Africa- it is unlikely that these practices will be stopped, even as 9 out of ten catholics in my own archdiocese, do not attend mass, we still are not returning to the Orthodox practices of before, instead- many choose something almost protestant, or African Traditionalist in nature to worship to. The Pope himself recently stated that the church is not ours but God's. We are to worship God at church, not continue human traditions, or further human politics within a purely human organization. The danger of seeing the church purely as a body of people, is that it is not a human body, but a divine manifestation, which we will be punished if we misrepresent.
At Trinity church at Wits, the other day when I attended, there was use of bongo drums in worship. The use of modern drums may well be justified, in that the sounds made by these are far from those of early drums, and the effect on the audience of the early drums are prevented- in that these simply compliment music, and do not induce any real form of trance, or dance feelings, or the darker group emotions- if used in a respectful manner. It is noted in old testament regulations, that Israel was not to use drums in their worship, the reason was the effect these had on the people worshiping. Perhaps one day we will regain respect for the ancient ways in which Catholics have worshiped for thousands of years.
It is when Catholics have returned to Orthodoxy in that past, that the church has been revived, attempting to water down the faith will only hurt it more.
What should the Women's league have done- they should have asked people to stand in agreement, or perhaps take something a bit more protestant in agreement, and say "amen"- it is. The simple fact is, we are to love God firstly, with heart mind and soul, and that means respect also, and secondly our neighbor. No man should ever be clapped for in a church, even as sometimes, such as at priestly ordinations, clapping may be permitted, but this clapping must be for God, and his working, and not for the priests.
Please also read the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologica on "Superstition". Aquinas is one of only a few saints to be called a Doctor of the church, in Catholic Belief, his words carry more prominence than popes, and are often quoted by important figures... unless the pope speaks excathedra, in which case it is God we respect, and the pope's words, as regards morals and doctrine are to be taken as true.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, October 25, 2008
No comments:
Catholic Women's league,
movements in the church,
Politics in the church,
Possible abuses of the mass,
Strict Rules,
Tridentine Mass,
Tridentine South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Canada- Church officials appeal for investigation- is Canadian money helping to fund Indian Genocide?
(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Agenzia Fides 23/10/2008)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The defining trait of the Nazi regime, stalinist communism, and most dictatorships- is a deathly nationalism, which bulks at difference, and diversity. This may have something to do with claims that not only India's soul, and heritage are at stake in the allowance of an anti-Christian genocide, but also her democracy.
The Canadian bishops are asking their government to join efforts throughout the world, to somehow pressure the Indian government to do what it was elected to do, implement constitutional, and legal rights- and take some concrete action to prevent the complete wiping out of Christians in the large area of Orissa, and other places where the nationalist violence has spread among Hindu Fundamentalists.
The violence has spread far since it began to be noticed around early September. It is fronted by Hindu Nationalists, who have been converting non-Hindus at weapon's point, and have burnt, or stolen houses, lands, or goods of Christians, who are either chased away, convert, and must prove this through joining violence, or are killed by fundamentalists, or else risk death in hiding- by nature's natural elements, including disease, in the Indian jungles.
The bishops are asking for investigations by the Canadian government, into whether or not Canadian money is making its way into the hands of those promoting the genocide in India. The mass slaughter of Christians in India, has been harshly condemned by leaders of all major religions in the area, and by Pope Benedict XVI.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), representing many Hindu voters in India- recently tried to prevent international declarations which would help stop the violence, by calling statements by Holy Father, the current Catholic Pope Benedict XVI- unnecessary foreign intervention with India's sovereign status. The Indian government has been accused of negligence, and of turning a blind eye to attacks, these accusations are made by Christians on the ground, who claim that it would be impossible for personnel stationed in areas, to have not seen the vast mobs carrying out attacks.
The thousands upon thousands adversely affected in this recent outburst of decades of anti-Christian vendettas, suggested to be carried out, in sermons by the teachers of the fundamentalists, has finally manifested all the symptoms required to be genocide, since September.
Article by Marc Aupiais
The defining trait of the Nazi regime, stalinist communism, and most dictatorships- is a deathly nationalism, which bulks at difference, and diversity. This may have something to do with claims that not only India's soul, and heritage are at stake in the allowance of an anti-Christian genocide, but also her democracy.
The Canadian bishops are asking their government to join efforts throughout the world, to somehow pressure the Indian government to do what it was elected to do, implement constitutional, and legal rights- and take some concrete action to prevent the complete wiping out of Christians in the large area of Orissa, and other places where the nationalist violence has spread among Hindu Fundamentalists.
The violence has spread far since it began to be noticed around early September. It is fronted by Hindu Nationalists, who have been converting non-Hindus at weapon's point, and have burnt, or stolen houses, lands, or goods of Christians, who are either chased away, convert, and must prove this through joining violence, or are killed by fundamentalists, or else risk death in hiding- by nature's natural elements, including disease, in the Indian jungles.
The bishops are asking for investigations by the Canadian government, into whether or not Canadian money is making its way into the hands of those promoting the genocide in India. The mass slaughter of Christians in India, has been harshly condemned by leaders of all major religions in the area, and by Pope Benedict XVI.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), representing many Hindu voters in India- recently tried to prevent international declarations which would help stop the violence, by calling statements by Holy Father, the current Catholic Pope Benedict XVI- unnecessary foreign intervention with India's sovereign status. The Indian government has been accused of negligence, and of turning a blind eye to attacks, these accusations are made by Christians on the ground, who claim that it would be impossible for personnel stationed in areas, to have not seen the vast mobs carrying out attacks.
The thousands upon thousands adversely affected in this recent outburst of decades of anti-Christian vendettas, suggested to be carried out, in sermons by the teachers of the fundamentalists, has finally manifested all the symptoms required to be genocide, since September.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, October 25, 2008
No comments:
Agenzia Fides,
Asian News,
Social Justice South Africa
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus ("Salus extra Ecclesiam non est" Saint Cyprian)- the duty was clearly set out by saint Cyprian of Carthage of salvaton on our garden of roses- Holy Mother Church
(Journey in a Broken World, c.f. Vatican Site on unbaptized infants; Catholics United For The Faith 28/09/08;Bringtoyou ??/06 0r 07/08; EWTN "Father Feeney (dissident) makes a comeback" )
Article by Marc Aupiais
We oft observe cautiously, in the ideas of the popular cultures of the ages, and even at present of the mysterious concept of a seer, of some person who somehow knows what the future is, or what it could be in some circumstances. In the novelties of film, and fictions, so often it is left solely to those who know of the prophesy to prevent what could occur- as never is it usually allowed in these speculations, that any person presumably outside of these few viewers of concept, can possibly know of it- and therefore all of these persons would act as they always had- leading up to whatever event would occur in any case. The person who has the knowledge of these events also has the unique danger of changing a good prophesy, if these fictions are to be taken to their other extreme.
When we say "Salus extra Ecclesiam non est" (word for word: Salvation outside the church not is), we say something much like these fiction creators- we say that we know of the future, of these events which are guaranteed, and we also know of the way to prevent these events- and further understand their real, true meaning, and what truths they surround of these words, and of the clear opaqueness in the true values of these words, symbols, mysteries, and events secretly are- which is, and are often misinterpreted.
More than this- we alone have been tasked with this momentous task- that of turning illusion into reality- by calling the reality- much as God did the animals to the arc- from within reality itself- to take the place of what once only appeared to exist so to speak.
For, against, or spoken of with quiet silence in every illusion- is the reality it either manifests, or misrepresents.
Now, we have seen, and know the importance of faith- of adherence to the truth in sanity- in order to bring about a quiet restructuring of sands within our desert world, yet we still have not spoken of how this shifting is to be altered into so subtle an alternate.
Now, if we are traveling within the sands of a dangerous terrain- that which is barren, and hot- a desert of sorts. We understand that if we bear too much heat for just a few collections of moments- our insides will stop working, and our chemical reactions will become pointless- making us die, like a machine no longer able to take its fuel, and make energy from this.
Those who are under threat from heat and elements in a wide open desert, can well include even ourselves... in this world, not only do we need the information to save us, but also the water to hydrate us. It is fair to say that after the day reaches midday in those sun induced hottest parts of time and of space on the planet- that in the open, on the dunes, there is no real hope of survival. One must either cover one's self below the earth, or quickly find a shelter- and preferably one with something to cool one's self.
Now, in the church- the sacraments are the water which keeps us alive- in fact, the human body is majority water, and so we know that we require water to exist at all, as we do the sacraments- or their ghostly mysterious counterpart- the mystery of Lumen Gentium XVI- the sacrament (Latin: Sacramentum: Military Pledge- from the word consecrate (make Holy), translating Greek Mysterion (mystery)), which like a mirage exists within the soul of one who would, or will take these saving mysteries, this saving mystery- which is the works of mercy of the Mother, Our Church.
When we say- that outside the church there is no salvation- it is like saying to a desert traveler- that unless they get to this or that oasis, or trading post before noon- that they will not make it. It is not supremacist,it is a natural, necessary, caring, God-given warning.
The traveler, who does not make it to the outpost on time, must take quick action, cautious action, that he or she might strike into frozen luck, and find a cave just before the time when he is set to die, and even a cave with water within to save him, but how exactly long this cave lasts, or how safe is any person's guess. The way man has been given to save others is through sacraments, and church. God created the sacraments- but himself is not bound by the physical manifestations of grace, which themselves are mysteriously connected with grace- yet it is the state of the soul which would live on sacraments, like the intelligence, wit and intuitive powers of a desert traveler who could find the cave- which saves those who have yet to find the sacrament, but would given time and opportunity. Any who make it to the cave, know also how temporary their resources are, and as soon as they are able- try to find their best path towards the Outpost, our Church.
The Catholic Church is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth (I Timothy chapter 3 verse 15- Bible), and so the church has determined (Romans chapter I, Proverbs Chapter II; Lumen Gentium XVI), that those who seek the Divine Truth about God, who Is God, as best they are able, in order to obey it- are actually seeking the Sacrament- the Mystery, and Pledge of us- of Mother Church.
Like any traveler seeking a new culture, home and hope- these people are already altering in an invisible manner, or changed to some mysterious powers, so that already their soul longs in our same hope, and reverberates, and echoes our hope. It is by the prayers of the church, and grace of God, that against physics, and appearances- these persons are protected from the storm which has hit our Desert universe. Eventually they will either succeed in finding the church, or for their valor, against the impossible- are hidden within the shadow of ongoing salvation.
Judgment by God of sin is not like that of a court, even if perhaps it one day may appear to be this, against my better intuition. Judgment by God, who is Reality, the Mediator of our Existence- is simply admitting of the true state of our soul. Those who seek the truth, the real divine truth- always with the aim of obeying it, like the three wise men who paid homage to our Lord, these have souls which are pleasing to God, and already- their hearts are in the land they so desperately seek. Those who willingly reject the church, knowing her necessity- commit suicide in the desert of our world, and by the church- are considered only to think they are seeking truth, if they even think such a thing.
Those, indeed, who are able to find this salvation, are often those who either came into contact with the events, or secrets- of a saintly person's life, or were influenced by some grace, indirectly, as the sun is influenced in a strange spin by the planets, or tide, by the moon- so that the magnetism of the animated discourse of souls, whether in heaven or earth- has caused a salvation where none other are able to see it, a salvation which is but a ghost, but within the church would flourish within a soul, and which will either solidify when the moment comes, or prove but a strange mirage- when finally the soul is introduced to the surface of truth's chalice.
Article by Marc Aupiais
We oft observe cautiously, in the ideas of the popular cultures of the ages, and even at present of the mysterious concept of a seer, of some person who somehow knows what the future is, or what it could be in some circumstances. In the novelties of film, and fictions, so often it is left solely to those who know of the prophesy to prevent what could occur- as never is it usually allowed in these speculations, that any person presumably outside of these few viewers of concept, can possibly know of it- and therefore all of these persons would act as they always had- leading up to whatever event would occur in any case. The person who has the knowledge of these events also has the unique danger of changing a good prophesy, if these fictions are to be taken to their other extreme.
When we say "Salus extra Ecclesiam non est" (word for word: Salvation outside the church not is), we say something much like these fiction creators- we say that we know of the future, of these events which are guaranteed, and we also know of the way to prevent these events- and further understand their real, true meaning, and what truths they surround of these words, and of the clear opaqueness in the true values of these words, symbols, mysteries, and events secretly are- which is, and are often misinterpreted.
More than this- we alone have been tasked with this momentous task- that of turning illusion into reality- by calling the reality- much as God did the animals to the arc- from within reality itself- to take the place of what once only appeared to exist so to speak.
For, against, or spoken of with quiet silence in every illusion- is the reality it either manifests, or misrepresents.
Now, we have seen, and know the importance of faith- of adherence to the truth in sanity- in order to bring about a quiet restructuring of sands within our desert world, yet we still have not spoken of how this shifting is to be altered into so subtle an alternate.
Now, if we are traveling within the sands of a dangerous terrain- that which is barren, and hot- a desert of sorts. We understand that if we bear too much heat for just a few collections of moments- our insides will stop working, and our chemical reactions will become pointless- making us die, like a machine no longer able to take its fuel, and make energy from this.
Those who are under threat from heat and elements in a wide open desert, can well include even ourselves... in this world, not only do we need the information to save us, but also the water to hydrate us. It is fair to say that after the day reaches midday in those sun induced hottest parts of time and of space on the planet- that in the open, on the dunes, there is no real hope of survival. One must either cover one's self below the earth, or quickly find a shelter- and preferably one with something to cool one's self.
Now, in the church- the sacraments are the water which keeps us alive- in fact, the human body is majority water, and so we know that we require water to exist at all, as we do the sacraments- or their ghostly mysterious counterpart- the mystery of Lumen Gentium XVI- the sacrament (Latin: Sacramentum: Military Pledge- from the word consecrate (make Holy), translating Greek Mysterion (mystery)), which like a mirage exists within the soul of one who would, or will take these saving mysteries, this saving mystery- which is the works of mercy of the Mother, Our Church.
When we say- that outside the church there is no salvation- it is like saying to a desert traveler- that unless they get to this or that oasis, or trading post before noon- that they will not make it. It is not supremacist,it is a natural, necessary, caring, God-given warning.
The traveler, who does not make it to the outpost on time, must take quick action, cautious action, that he or she might strike into frozen luck, and find a cave just before the time when he is set to die, and even a cave with water within to save him, but how exactly long this cave lasts, or how safe is any person's guess. The way man has been given to save others is through sacraments, and church. God created the sacraments- but himself is not bound by the physical manifestations of grace, which themselves are mysteriously connected with grace- yet it is the state of the soul which would live on sacraments, like the intelligence, wit and intuitive powers of a desert traveler who could find the cave- which saves those who have yet to find the sacrament, but would given time and opportunity. Any who make it to the cave, know also how temporary their resources are, and as soon as they are able- try to find their best path towards the Outpost, our Church.
The Catholic Church is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth (I Timothy chapter 3 verse 15- Bible), and so the church has determined (Romans chapter I, Proverbs Chapter II; Lumen Gentium XVI), that those who seek the Divine Truth about God, who Is God, as best they are able, in order to obey it- are actually seeking the Sacrament- the Mystery, and Pledge of us- of Mother Church.
Like any traveler seeking a new culture, home and hope- these people are already altering in an invisible manner, or changed to some mysterious powers, so that already their soul longs in our same hope, and reverberates, and echoes our hope. It is by the prayers of the church, and grace of God, that against physics, and appearances- these persons are protected from the storm which has hit our Desert universe. Eventually they will either succeed in finding the church, or for their valor, against the impossible- are hidden within the shadow of ongoing salvation.
Judgment by God of sin is not like that of a court, even if perhaps it one day may appear to be this, against my better intuition. Judgment by God, who is Reality, the Mediator of our Existence- is simply admitting of the true state of our soul. Those who seek the truth, the real divine truth- always with the aim of obeying it, like the three wise men who paid homage to our Lord, these have souls which are pleasing to God, and already- their hearts are in the land they so desperately seek. Those who willingly reject the church, knowing her necessity- commit suicide in the desert of our world, and by the church- are considered only to think they are seeking truth, if they even think such a thing.
Those, indeed, who are able to find this salvation, are often those who either came into contact with the events, or secrets- of a saintly person's life, or were influenced by some grace, indirectly, as the sun is influenced in a strange spin by the planets, or tide, by the moon- so that the magnetism of the animated discourse of souls, whether in heaven or earth- has caused a salvation where none other are able to see it, a salvation which is but a ghost, but within the church would flourish within a soul, and which will either solidify when the moment comes, or prove but a strange mirage- when finally the soul is introduced to the surface of truth's chalice.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Saturday, October 25, 2008
No comments:
Dad; Husband; Christian (Catholic); Irish. — News; Business; History; Civilizations; The Western World; Speech; Culture; Law. (Pronounced: Aw-Pea-Air.)
Friday, 24 October 2008
Journey in a Broken World- What is it to judge, or aim at justice, and what judgement does the body of faith indentify as a deadly, acidic danger to u
(Journey in a Broken World)
Article by Marc Aupiais
When we read, with reverence, caution, and context- the works of Saint James, as preserved in the scriptural texts- we see a fascinating detail in his works- he says that the banal anger of man does not itself aid God's true justice, yet the pragmatic saint does not seem to exclude every form of anger, all together, but rather throws a sort of confetti of ashes into the ever moving air- saying that justice is a duty which defines the Christian's mission- strongly enough, is this shown in God's word- that belief without this is like a fire without heat or smoke, or colour, or light.
The deadly sin, famous for many destructions of dignity- anger- or wrath- could well be what the noted saint refers to as but "human anger". When we visualize the form of this insanity as that harsh ugly form of man- which for his own survival, and for fear should judge another as dangerous to him, and what is dangerous as evil, and apposed somehow to him, we see the dark red image of fear at its source, even if delicately hidden in blankets of self love. The sin is then that he acts unjustly to such a man- even unjustly beyond any claim at proportion, or sanity. Just anger is sane, proportionate, and deserved, yet the twisting of this so cleverly justifies itself, as though it itself thought it were the true, good desire of Just "Anger", which is the agent of justice among the oppressed.
And so, we have said before that the mind oft judges threats to itself as evil, and that the Christian must be cautious not to judge purely on these standards- but rather to treat physical evils- threats- as but what they are, yet true evil as what it objectively is.
While we cannot tell where another will be in the future, we all have different parts in life, we can judge where they appear now- this is prudent, beneficial, and prevents us aiding evil. As Saint John Wrote in his letter- one who houses a heretic as he preaches- shares the sin of heresy via the sin of scandal.
Now, many think the only danger of even subtly wrong judgment lies purely, or mainly in mistreating others, but there is subtler, thinner, more hidden coils of preparation to strike within this great evil, where we call a threat evil, and not a threat. This lies in forgiving when we have no right to do so- it involves human anger being resolved- and for this.... sadly... evilly... God's justice being neglected. When our desire for justice is selfish and purely emotional, and driven by human standards alone- we forget the purpose of justice- that is the righting of wrongs- the punishment of evil- which is mercy to God, and to the oppressed. Whenever one acts, or does not act, the see-saw can swing in either direction- meeting out oppression and mercy- whether correct or incorrect.
Let us never let go of justice for any purely human, or personal reason- for anything we let through the stream gets into the water table, and poisons our own system in the end. We need not only ask forgiveness for what we have done, but also for what we have failed to do.
Let us not allow our flowing red and orange anger to too greatly spread, rather- let us recognize anger- and know that it either shows us a threat to our desires, and goals, so as to be cautious and prudent, or that what is happening should not be happening, or what is not happening should be happening, or else a lapse of judgment within us about what should or should not be. Once we realize the source of our anger- let us check if it is justified, for we may well be obligated to swiftly, or cautiously act, or prepare for action.
Once we know our desire's source, and purpose- let us query earnestly how we are now to serve God- whose nature is justice and love, and how most prudently to attack the enemies of truth. Every evil furthers evil, and even the smallest good aids goodness, this is an observation of my experience and prayer. Let us fight even the smallest, whitest disguise of evil- because it somehow affects our world, and the war for the culture of the planet. Let us slide down the white hill of snow, knowing always that that which could hurt us on our slippery journey- will hurt others unless we deal with it, or at least spread a warning about such!
The saints teach us a truth- we must always stand prepared to say no, to see through speculation, or sometimes action- what the result of saying no would be, before we say yes, and also do the same when we want to say no- except in matters where we are obligated by conscience to only give one response- where we must never dare even to imagine a slight glancing at the other immoral option- but rather- cautiously, and prudently act in such a way as to obey, knowing that the desire to do otherwise is not ours, but an illusion, prompted by true emotions which falsely seem to the eyes to appear in such form. As always we should recognize our truer, Godly desires below the illusion apparent, which it is a sin to endorse.
Article by Marc Aupiais
When we read, with reverence, caution, and context- the works of Saint James, as preserved in the scriptural texts- we see a fascinating detail in his works- he says that the banal anger of man does not itself aid God's true justice, yet the pragmatic saint does not seem to exclude every form of anger, all together, but rather throws a sort of confetti of ashes into the ever moving air- saying that justice is a duty which defines the Christian's mission- strongly enough, is this shown in God's word- that belief without this is like a fire without heat or smoke, or colour, or light.
The deadly sin, famous for many destructions of dignity- anger- or wrath- could well be what the noted saint refers to as but "human anger". When we visualize the form of this insanity as that harsh ugly form of man- which for his own survival, and for fear should judge another as dangerous to him, and what is dangerous as evil, and apposed somehow to him, we see the dark red image of fear at its source, even if delicately hidden in blankets of self love. The sin is then that he acts unjustly to such a man- even unjustly beyond any claim at proportion, or sanity. Just anger is sane, proportionate, and deserved, yet the twisting of this so cleverly justifies itself, as though it itself thought it were the true, good desire of Just "Anger", which is the agent of justice among the oppressed.
And so, we have said before that the mind oft judges threats to itself as evil, and that the Christian must be cautious not to judge purely on these standards- but rather to treat physical evils- threats- as but what they are, yet true evil as what it objectively is.
While we cannot tell where another will be in the future, we all have different parts in life, we can judge where they appear now- this is prudent, beneficial, and prevents us aiding evil. As Saint John Wrote in his letter- one who houses a heretic as he preaches- shares the sin of heresy via the sin of scandal.
Now, many think the only danger of even subtly wrong judgment lies purely, or mainly in mistreating others, but there is subtler, thinner, more hidden coils of preparation to strike within this great evil, where we call a threat evil, and not a threat. This lies in forgiving when we have no right to do so- it involves human anger being resolved- and for this.... sadly... evilly... God's justice being neglected. When our desire for justice is selfish and purely emotional, and driven by human standards alone- we forget the purpose of justice- that is the righting of wrongs- the punishment of evil- which is mercy to God, and to the oppressed. Whenever one acts, or does not act, the see-saw can swing in either direction- meeting out oppression and mercy- whether correct or incorrect.
Let us never let go of justice for any purely human, or personal reason- for anything we let through the stream gets into the water table, and poisons our own system in the end. We need not only ask forgiveness for what we have done, but also for what we have failed to do.
Let us not allow our flowing red and orange anger to too greatly spread, rather- let us recognize anger- and know that it either shows us a threat to our desires, and goals, so as to be cautious and prudent, or that what is happening should not be happening, or what is not happening should be happening, or else a lapse of judgment within us about what should or should not be. Once we realize the source of our anger- let us check if it is justified, for we may well be obligated to swiftly, or cautiously act, or prepare for action.
Once we know our desire's source, and purpose- let us query earnestly how we are now to serve God- whose nature is justice and love, and how most prudently to attack the enemies of truth. Every evil furthers evil, and even the smallest good aids goodness, this is an observation of my experience and prayer. Let us fight even the smallest, whitest disguise of evil- because it somehow affects our world, and the war for the culture of the planet. Let us slide down the white hill of snow, knowing always that that which could hurt us on our slippery journey- will hurt others unless we deal with it, or at least spread a warning about such!
The saints teach us a truth- we must always stand prepared to say no, to see through speculation, or sometimes action- what the result of saying no would be, before we say yes, and also do the same when we want to say no- except in matters where we are obligated by conscience to only give one response- where we must never dare even to imagine a slight glancing at the other immoral option- but rather- cautiously, and prudently act in such a way as to obey, knowing that the desire to do otherwise is not ours, but an illusion, prompted by true emotions which falsely seem to the eyes to appear in such form. As always we should recognize our truer, Godly desires below the illusion apparent, which it is a sin to endorse.
(SAST/CAT: GMT+2), this article was posted by:
Marc Evan Aupiais
Friday, October 24, 2008
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