(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Caritas Internationalis 28/10/08)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Caritas Internationalis, the umbrella body of over 160 Catholic aid agencies, is asking, as they had at earlier stages for a desperate 1.5 million US dollars, in order to supply basics, such as blankets, or hygiene products, to over 90 000 people, in the Eastern DRC. Refugee camps have breached capacity, as another 30 000 people are heading for Goma, as two more towns fell to foreign backed Kivu rebels.
Refugees are sleeping at relatives, schools and government buildings- as humanitarian organizations are ill-funded to adequately sort out this problem, and as the UN task team continues to lose ground against the Human Rights abusing, criminal rebels, who recently broke an UN sponsored peace treaty.
As the situation continues to worsen- Caritas Internationalis is warning of lack of food and water, and hygiene necessities among refugees. There have already been several outbreaks of disease this year, worsened by combatants raiding the medical supplies of humanitarian organizations.
Caritas Internationalis, who have a proven record of dealing with, and stabilizing humanitarian situations, and of supporting the poor- claiming that their work is "Justice, not Charity", in their motto- have warned that until areas are secured, refugees cannot return to their villages- also they have noted the dire fact, that these battles will prevent crops being planted when they should be- and help contribute to food security problems in the region. They are asking for the world to mobilize, and for those responsible for this infringement on Congo's sovereignty, and on human rights and dignity- to be held responsible for their unspeakable actions.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Caritas Internationalis- The weekend's and week's fighting- is at time when fields are used to sow crops, refugee camps past capacity- needs desperate
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