Kids need both their parents: Or Serious Damage is Done! Note that if you believe in divorce or gay 'marriage' as a good. Think of the children- to use an old phrase.
Right now I am assisting someone to get a divorce. And of course an annulment. When people divorce... It is so vital to still have that father/mother figure directly in their lives. And another study I posted Yesterday re-emphasizes: it MUST be a member of the other sex! Not just another sex exclusive 'gender'!
+Daily Mail while they are at it, they should cover the new social science study of children of homosexual parents, which reinforces the need of both parents.
Right now I am assisting someone to get a divorce. And of course an annulment. When people divorce... It is so vital to still have that father/mother figure directly in their lives. And another study I posted Yesterday re-emphasizes: it MUST be a member of the other sex! Not just another sex exclusive 'gender'!
+Daily Mail while they are at it, they should cover the new social science study of children of homosexual parents, which reinforces the need of both parents.
Is a father's love as important to child development as a mother's? Join our debate:
Sexual Orientation is Nurture not nature, first systematic study suggests, kids found as statistically deeply hurt by gay parenting!
As UK plans to legalize Gay Marriage... first full study finds Gay unions hurt kids!
Social Science Research
Volume 41, Issue 4, July 2012, Pages 752–770
Catholic Vote | '5 Reasons the Kids-of-Gay-Parents Study Means Its Time for Gay Marriage Supporters to Revisit Their Assumptions' by Thomas Peters at 32 mins ago USA
Catholic Vote | 'New Study Released on Types of Families and Outcomes for Children' by Lauren Hoedeman at 2 days ago USA
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