All sides are guilty, let's solve this by peace, not violence!
I think the Vatican who has representatives on the ground in the population adds a lot to the story: 'While the Syrian opposition forces have been guilty of violence, abuse, torture - as stated in a report released yesterday by the NGO "Human Rights Watch" - in Homs there is "an ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians", carried out by members of the "Brigade Faruq", close to Al Qaeda. So says a note sent to Fides by the Syrian Orthodox Church, which includes 60% of Christians in Syria. Militant armed Islamists - says the note - have managed to expel 90% of Christians in Homs and confiscated their homes by force. ' -Vatican Agenzia Fides | 'ASIA/SYRIA - Abuse of the opposition forces, "ethnic cleansing" of Christians in Homs, where Jesuits remains' by Staff at 21/3/2012
I don't think it matters who committed the latest massacre: the Syrian conflict is not one that can be won by force. All parties are responsible for the state of civil war in the nation, and life in the state of war, is 'cruel, short, brutish' - T Hobbs: Leviathan.
The focus must be on peace, not the blame game! All sides are guilty, let's stop talking petty acts, and revenge, and blame, and start talking a workable negotiated peace!
I think the Vatican who has representatives on the ground in the population adds a lot to the story: 'While the Syrian opposition forces have been guilty of violence, abuse, torture - as stated in a report released yesterday by the NGO "Human Rights Watch" - in Homs there is "an ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians", carried out by members of the "Brigade Faruq", close to Al Qaeda. So says a note sent to Fides by the Syrian Orthodox Church, which includes 60% of Christians in Syria. Militant armed Islamists - says the note - have managed to expel 90% of Christians in Homs and confiscated their homes by force. ' -Vatican Agenzia Fides | 'ASIA/SYRIA - Abuse of the opposition forces, "ethnic cleansing" of Christians in Homs, where Jesuits remains' by Staff at 21/3/2012
I don't think it matters who committed the latest massacre: the Syrian conflict is not one that can be won by force. All parties are responsible for the state of civil war in the nation, and life in the state of war, is 'cruel, short, brutish' - T Hobbs: Leviathan.
The focus must be on peace, not the blame game! All sides are guilty, let's stop talking petty acts, and revenge, and blame, and start talking a workable negotiated peace!
What's your reaction to yet another "massacre" in, Hama Syria? Activists have told the BBC 78 people have been killed. The victims, they say, include many women and children. The account cannot be confirmed, but the government of president Assad has blamed killings on "terrorists." There is ongoing debate about who carried out the attacks and still no definite answers. The activists say that diplomacy is having little to no effect on the ground. Tell us your thoughts.
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