Saturday, 28 February 2009

Media Study South Africa: Danny Boyle ("Slumdog Millionaire") not saint, whatever big Catholic media says

(Media Study South Africa; c.f. H20News (catholic; Independent; Global; Article has much to be desired) 27 / 02 / 2009; USCCB Movie Review (American; Catholic; Hierarchical: media review arm of the Bishops' Conference in America) __/__/__ )

Article by Marc Aupiais

Slumdog Millionaire, undoubtedly is famous, based on Q&A, a book written either by the "RSA" (South African) ambassador to India, or more likely by their Ambassador to us, if I remember correctly. Danny Boyle, a British Director of films, made this film, and it has created a storm globally.

Ignored is the derogatory term of the title, and the glorification of poverty, ignored, also: is a history, which Danny Boyle has in film. Especially ignoring this: "L'Osservatore Romano", the Vatican's semi-official, though somewhat independent paper. Also ignoring it: H20News, with this headline:

"Vatican applause for Slumdog Millionaire Oscar"

As though Vatican referred to independent Journalists based there:

And this article:



February 27, 2009
(less info)
L'Osservatore Romano has commended the granting of an Oscar award to Slumdog Millionaire for best motion picture of the year. The film is interesting and exemplary, artistic and productive, wrote journalist Luca Pellegrini in the Vaticans daily newspaper.The night of the Academy Awards gave prominence to Mumbai, highlighting the Indian city's coexistent and contradictory signs of hope and despair.According to Pellegrini, the plot embodies feelings and truth with which everyone can easily identify. The multi-award winning mp4ie tells the story of a Mumbai teenager who participates in a television game show that could make him a millionaire--a game where the questions recall situations from his own personal history.The director, Danny Boyle, was a student of a Salesian school in Bolton, England. A theatre enthusiast in his youth, Boyle also pondered the possibility of becoming a priest.
Category: News & Politics
Tags: Cinema Oscar Awards Slumdog Millionaire "
(H20News (catholic; Independent; Global; Article has much to be desired) 27 / 02 / 2009)

Anything been ignored:

What mainstream Catholic media review has turned a blind eye to: is that Danny Boyle's nearly becoming a priest, is sidelined by the fact, that the Boston Globe: says he has abandoned the Catholic faith: and that... wait for this, as I have seen this movie: his movie: "Millions" about a boy who thinks he talks with saints: calls Jesus' miracle of the loaves of bread: a miracle in a social context, whereby everyone secretly had bread and shared it; rather than eating Jesus' bread: the movie ignores the twelve baskets left over, and seems to have fun with boys looking at underwear models online, and to promote dangerous behaviors for children.

Millions also seems to promote smoking and other behaviors, with at least one "saint" puffing away!

So, what does mainstream catholic reviews say about "Millions", it has saints, let's sing its praises?

Simply because someone once considered the church, does not make the "ours", whatever that could mean. I also know of plenty of priests, who are worse than many laymen, and non-catholics, when it comes to important Catholic morality and beliefs. I daily encounter these in the news, and have personally verified that such reports are often accurate.

As is my integrity, I must remind Catholic Journalists, that the facts are more important. Let us wait for someone who really supports the church, before calling them ours, and for the papacy to jump at a movie, before getting readers hopes up. L'Osservatore Romano, also criticized a catholic choice, likely an official choice, by some section of the church: to criticize the Beatles, that does not mean that the Vatican has revoked anything. Truly, some journalists, might need to find a day job.

This joy experienced by H20News, and L'Osservatore Romano's "Luca Pellegrini", is only outnumbered by other media mistakes, within our circles of Catholic media: from the lifting of the excommunication of a holocaust denier, without thinking of noting that that does not make him a Catholic bishop, or reading swiss news, to Vatican Radio: quoting the Southern Cross, a paper antagonistic to the Vatican: to tell the world about the South African Situation: when they seemingly baseless-ly, or at least against the choices of some other services: attack Vatican moves in their editorials.

Truly, the importance of Independent media is highlighted so strongly here, but semi-official media, no names mentioned, need to be kept accountable to the people.

So, what do the US Bishops think of "Slumdog Millionaire", or at least their media review:

"Slumdog Millionaire
Vibrant drama in which a Mumbai, India, slum dweller (Dev Patel), suspected of cheating on a television quiz show, explains to a police inspector (Irrfan Khan) how his life experiences growing up with his brother (Madhur Mittal) and his loving pursuit of a childhood friend (Freida Pinto) enabled him to answer the acerbic program host's (Anil Kapoor) questions. Director Danny Boyle's sweeping panorama of Third-World life, adapted from Vikas Swarup's novel "Q & A," though harrowing at times, is ultimately hopeful, stressing the dignity of the underprivileged and the primacy of spiritual over material values. Beating and torture, fleeting rear nudity, crime and prostitution themes, underage drinking, brief scatological humor, and occasional rough and crude language. A-III -- adults. (R) 2008"
(USCCB Movie Review (American; Catholic; Hierarchical: media review arm of the Bishops' Conference in America) __/__/__ )

In either case, I doubt that it represents the "Catholic View", or that Pope Benedict is particularially interested in its: "Beating and torture, fleeting rear nudity, crime and prostitution themes, underage drinking, brief scatological humor, and occasional rough and crude language." (USCCB Movie Review (American; Catholic; Hierarchical: media review arm of the Bishops' Conference in America) __/__/__ ): anyone else want to do reviews, or make comments of movies they are fans of!? Please find another job!

Vatican, Europe; Great Britain; Europe: SSPXer's apology not enough: Vatican

(Tridentine South(And Southern) Africa; c.f. Catholic World News (Catholic; Independent; American) 27 / 02 / 2009; BBC World News (Secular; Governmental; British) 27 / 02 / 2009; Rorate Caeli ("Catholic"; American?; Independent) 19 / 02 / 2009:; Zenit News (Catholic; Independent; American) 26 / 02 / 2009; 30 / 01 / 2009; 27 / 02 / 2009 )

Article by Marc Aupiais

Bishop Richard Williamson, of the SSPX/FSSPX ( "Priestly"/"Fraternal Society of Saint Pius X"), which is a suspended movement, not in full communion with Rome, has apologized for any "Scandal", caused by his comments on the holocaust, and admitted, that he is not a historian. He claims that loosely/vaguely referred to information which he fronts was "available" 20 years ago but not available to the general public, currently: had lead him to believe that the holocaust/Shoah extent was basically some sort of myth.

While apologizing for harm caused by his comments, Williamson, of "Great Britain" has not said enough to revoke them, but only apologized for harm caused. Father Lombardi of the Vatican, has said that his statements do not meet the requirements given to the SSPX Bishop. The Vatican is refering to their demand of a full revocation of the SSPX Bishop's previous denial of the extent of the Genocide known as the "Holocaust", or as "Shoah". Jewish groups say that the "apology" does not revoke his previous statements.
 According to Zenit News, Williamson, is not a Catholic Bishop, as the lifting of the excommunications is not the legitimizing of his valid, but illicit ordination, for which he was excommunicated officially. Williamson was recently kicked out of Argentina, for allegedly falsifying information on his visa application in the country: stating that he was employed by a non-governmental organization. He had previously been at a post in an Argentine SSPX seminary, from which the SSPX removed him earlier this year. The Argentine government also apposed his views on the holocaust/Shoah as unacceptable. Large portions of Argentine society, and their electoral roll are Jewish: as compared other Jewish proportions elsewhere in the world. The comments of the Argentine government seem a definite political necessity for Argentina, however: the falsification, that he was working for: "La Tradición", an NGO (non-governmental organization), when in fact he was working as a Priest for the SSPX, which was highlighted by "Rorate Caeli" , quoting La Nación, an Argentine daily, and: "Florencio Randazzo", Argentina's "Interior Minister", is widely enough of a reason to expel him.
Landing in "Great Britain", he falls under certain treaties, which may see him stand trial for the crime of "Holocaust Denial", in Germany. Besides being a historial fact, the extent of the holocaust, killing at least 6 million Jewish members of humanity, it is a highly sensitive issue.

The Vatican claims that they had no knowledge of the Lefebvrite bishop's views on the holocaust/Shoah, when determining whether or not to lift his excommunication: to push forward ecumenical talks between the mainstream and the SSPX priestly schism. The Vatican has also, in the past: lifted the excommunication on the Orthodox Patriarch of at least one, if not many a Eastern Orthodox church, this does not make them a Catholic Patriarch, it is simply ecumenism: how much more in the case of SSPX? (This comparison lies only in the act of lifting excommunications, as compared with the implications, nothing is implied about Eastern Orthodox Churches by it).

Four Leferbvrite bishops, have had their extreme punishment, of an excommunication only the papacy could lift: lifted recently. They were excommunicated, along with Marcel Leverbre, when Leverbvre attempted to ordain them as bishops without Vatican authority. According to Zenit News, the four never were, and still are not Catholic bishops under Canon law.

Williamson's SSPX superior SSPX Bishop Fellay, has asked for him to revoke his views on the holocaust/Shoah, and does not publicly deny the Shoah/Holocaust happened and killed at least 6 million Jewish people.

Note: The word Holocaust has the connotation of a sacrifice to God, however, in order to avoid the connotation, many use Shoah, to describe the events: as this is the Hebrew word for "Calamity". News services, such as this one, do not imply anything theological by using the word holocaust. We believe that the World War II Holocaust, is not some sacrifice to God, but rather a Genocide, the word Holocaust, is simply the most often used phrase, in general usage, by which the World War II Nazi perpetrated Genocide: is referred to.

Brazil: priest suspended for heresy, condoms, a desire to have priests have sex?, and Gay marriage statements

(Tridentine South (And Southern) Africa; c.f. BBC World News (Secular; British; Government) 27 / 02 / 2009)

Article by Marc Aupiais

Father Luiz Couto, has done a Williamson: he has expressed views the church cannot but appose, though different from that of the suspended schismatic.

He says that condoms are needed for public health, and considers himself to be fighting unfair "discrimination", by the church: by supporting what he calls "gay rights", in an interview that the BBC says was over contraception, and "Gay Marriage".

He (Father Couto) is also active in politics, and an: "elected member of Congress for President Lula's Workers' Party" (BBC World News (Secular; British; Government) 27 / 02 / 2009) in Brazil. The fact, that this also is against Canon law, and that he should be penalized for this itself: as clergy are not allowed to become government, or political officials in parties: has not seemingly been noted by his archbishop: "Aldo Pagotto", of Paraiba, who used the word "intolerable", and has demanded a revocation, before the priest resume his duties. That the church in Brazil has seemingly ignored his participation in politics, in a manner which seems unfitting, is sad, but like Williamson, Father Luiz Couto, has finally gone too far.

The church, which worships Yahweh ("Reality", the perquisite on which existence relies), the Catholic God, cannot ignore the facts. Father Luiz Couto, however, has stated that he has not officially been informed of the situation, and will perform the mass, with friends at his home. He seems to view most of his actions as pro-"human rights", and not anti-magisterial.

Friday, 27 February 2009

South Africa: "Hurley's War": Former Durban Bishop's seeming disobediance to the Vatican

(Tridentine South Africa ; c.f. UNWire (American; Secular; Independent) 12 / 07 / 2001; BBC World News 30 / 06 / 2009; IOL (Secular; Independent; South African) 01 / 08 / 2001)

Article by Marc Aupiais

This is partly a retraction, and partly an expose. We previously attested to Hurley's Character, based on a verbal interview of someone who knew of him, when a letter from a person claiming to be a certain person in the SSPX, was sent to us, which we published with permission. They have not answered us, as to whether or not they consider themselves to be in any sort of schism, or other accusations, we put to them in order to understand their perspective.

Their claims against Hurley, they also did not back up, except using the Latin mass situation, where we did not validate their claims, and still do not. As they did not back up their statements much at all involving the former Late Bishop of Durban, we assumed these baseless, or uninteresting, and ignored them: until another Catholic source approached us on the matter, and we were forced to look into it, by our belief in Journalistic Integrity.

Denis Hurley, is almost considered a Saint in South Africa. He is an Apartheid activist, and well known for it. IOL, however, reports that in 2001, he supported the use of condoms, and even apparently insinuated some things about Women Priests.

Napier, his successor, and a cardinal, Cardinal of Durban: announced around the same time, that the Southern African Bishops Conference, thought the use of condoms to be ill advised. Theirs are claims, based on some statistics, and observances, that a condom focused campaign may increase proportional, or other rates of HIV/AIDS.

Women "Priests", are not considered to exist, or to be something ever to exist in the Catholic church: helping a woman to be "ordained" as a priest, automatically excommunicates one from the Catholic church, if one is partly responsible for her ordination, and other factors are present. It is considered heresy to suggest that the Catholic church can ordain women "priests", now or ever.

One incurs automatic excommunication for heresy. Condoms, are also considered intrinsically evil in Catholic Doctrine, with reference to Onan, killed by God, for using artificial contraception / spilling his seed outside the womb.

A recent program aired on SABC 2 (A government Station in South Africa), in which an amount of Catholic priests, in South Africa: appeared to support the ordination of Women, however, we do not have the context of their interviews, and therefore cannot inform of their status as to canon law with absolute certainty.

Besides this: promotion of marriage, and morality, in schools, has shown more positive results than that of contraceptive campaigns, in America, according to the EWTN network.

Catholics are allowed to use certain natural forms of Contraception, among these is the temperature method, considered effective by many including the American Government's health organization:

"Conclusion 1. Studies conducted in Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Mauritius and the United States have demonstrated a 99% method effectiveness for the Sympto-Thermal and Temperature-Only Methods. These studies were conducted under a variety of conditions and demonstrate beyond any reasonable question of a doubt that this extremely high effectiveness can be achieved by ordinary couples who receive adequate instruction and follow the relatively simple rules of these methods."

(Couple to Couple League: information)

However valid, or invalid, observations, that Condoms have a possible negative effect in the fight against HIV/AIDS (a disease 1 in 5 South Africans have)) are: that condoms may increase HIV/AIDS infection/transmission rates, or that campaigns or support of use of these, may be a bad move, these observations/perspectives seem to be the Position of the Southern African Catholic Bishops, when the controversy broke, but not of the Late Bishop Hurley, and currently at least one other Dissenter.

The Late Bishop Denis Hurley, of Durban, and current Bishop Kevin Dowling, of Rustenberg, both support the use of condoms. Both are recorded in several sources as having publicly asserted support for use of condoms.

Condoms are condemned as masturbation, and as artificial contraception by the church, and considered a possible cause of the HIV epidemic in South Africa, by sections of Catholic society.

Other than these two dissidents on the matter, one dead:
Most bishops in Southern Africa appear to support the church on the Contraception, even as the Southern Cross, a paper seemingly partially owned by the bishops; and sold in parishes: does seem to promote both abortionist perspective, and the use of condoms, as attested to by "Catholic Culture"/'Trinity communications, in a review, requested by our organization, of the Southern Cross's Internet service (Review: The Southern Cross is among voices noted at the time the Bishops rejects the idea of allowing condoms in South Africa: as being in support of allowing use of condoms, this by the BBC.
Trinity Communications, in the review of the Southern Cross's internet site: states:

"It doesn't take long to discover that this website has many articles that are not faithful to the Magisterium of the Church. It attacks the latest Vatican move to screen priests as "unfair" discrimination against gays, and undermines the Church's teaching on contraception and abortion. It has also heralded Barack Obama as a savior."
(25 / 11 / 2008)

Bishop Dowling of Rustenberg, has beyond supporting condoms, undermined Vatican choices in the Southern Cross: calling "Anger" over liturgical changes by the Vatican "Fair", in an article published in the "Southern Cross". The Southern Cross, has on many occasions undermined the Vatican, and misrepresents the apparent "Extent" of anger.

The Southern Cross, and "Catholic News Service", both noted, directly or indirectly an apparent mistake by the bishops, however, having helped promote a survey on the matter, I disagree, and call to account questions on their accuracy, or proportion on these matters: as to their view on liturgical changes:

In dispute of what the Southern Cross published, I personally helped, having been requested to assist: the Bishops conference to do a survey on the Liturgical changes, and as many people as dislike these changes, the last time I checked the survey: think we should get on with these alterations:

further, these changes seem ecumenical towards the SSPX suspended movement, and seem to promote a better understanding of the mass. With about ten percent mass attendance in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg's recent survey of parishioners, a return to a formula which truly worked, may well be of benefit. My help involved promotion of the survey, in which I was given different peoples' views, and told them where to vote on where they lay as to the changes. The survey was fair and encompassing of wide perspectives.

Britain / Argentina; SSPX schism: Williamson Returns to UK

(Tridentine South (And Southern) Africa ; c.f. Bloomberg (Secular; American; Independent) 25 / 02 / 2009 ; EuroNews (French; Secular; a bit liberal) 25 / 02 / 2009 )

Article by Marc Aupiais

According to several sources, holocaust reductionist: Richard Williamson, of the suspended SSPX movement, which has an irregular status as to the Catholic church, a "Bishop", in his order, but with no authority in the Catholic church, due to his suspension not being lifted, himself illicitly, though validly ordained: has returned to his homeland: "Great" Britain". Bloomberg reports that he waved his fist at an Argentine Journalist, before leaving Argentina, under government threats, and had a police escort at the British airport where he landed.

The Argentine government has expelled Mr Williamson, due to claims of misrepresentation about his work.

Rorate Caeli,  reported on an alleged Vatican plot, whereby at the same time: that as a decision to lift penal measures against Williamson, was announced, a gay activist, released to Swedish television information on a Canadian media interview based statement, of Williamson.

Rorate's source, alleges that there was no co-incidence in the release and airing of anti-semitic statements, and the choice by the Vatican.

 The source alleges that a high-powered "Vatican" force, was working against the pontiff. The imprudent press release on the lifting of the excommunications, has surprised many: leading to questions as to who and what prevented Benedict XVI, from being informed of the implications of timing in lifting the excommunications.  Creative Minority Report, a social commentary, even alleged that Williamson himself, had been trying to prevent reunion with the statements, however, they do seem to be his authentic, if highly misguided, and illogical views.

At least six million ( 6 000 000) Jews died in the Holocaust, which sparked the Second World War. New evidence may hint at an even higher number killed, or which we have previously estimated up to ten million deaths, though not all by gassing. Bishop Williamson thinks that not even a million Jews died at the hands of the bigotrous Nazi administration of the World War II era's Germany.

The Vatican claims that it had no knowledge at the time of the lifting of excommunication, of the views of Williamson on Jewish people. Williamson, along with other denial-ists, have been sidelined in the SSPX (FSSPX/SSPX "Priestly Society" "of" "Saint Pius X") since, whether or not related.

Some members of the SSPX, still insist on a collective "Jewish" guilt for the death of Christ, and many in the grouping, and their affiliates: deny official beliefs of the church, including those on our shared "heritage" with Jesus' own bloodline's race, and the necessity, of co-operating with other religions.

The Vatican has ordered Williamson  to retract his statements, and the SSPX, itself, previously removed him from his post in their Argentine seminary.

While allowing the SSPX bishops to attend confession, and if not in a state of Mortal sin, take communion, no permission has been given to them or their Priests: to practice their profession, and all authority over average Catholics, has been taken away from them, and was never given over to them despite the lifting of a ban from using Sacraments, which had been automatically incurred by the four.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Ash Wednesday: a point of what?

(Journey in a Broken World)

Article by Marc Aupiais

Besides marking the beginning of Lent, Ash Wednesday, not a Holy Day of Obligation, is an important day in the liturgy (Public Worship) of the Roman Catholic Church.

Odd, or useful is a reading: one about not trumpeting good deeds in the marketplace. You see, Ash Wednesday, is the holding of the line. It is a Catholic Pride march, as well as a special day, when we gain ash on our foreheads. The ashes are made from Last year's Palm Sunday leaves. The crowds who praised Jesus with Palm leaves, turned on him, and crucified him.

Ash Wednesday, is both a statement of faith, designed to remind the world of what it once knew, and it is the holding of the line, as well as a really special day for many people. The ashes are from the palm leaves that represent the fickle loves of men. In wearing a ashen cross, on our foreheads: we show our loyalty is to God, not them. It is not the showing off of righteous deeds before men, but the rejection of men when contrary to God, the symbolic burning of their gifts. We must also, beyond wearing Ashes, also give up something for lent.

Today is Ash Wednesday. Let us wear our ashes if we do: to please God not men: therefore, let us not wipe them off, but rather show the world, through our constant-ness, that we serve a God, who unlike men: is not fickle, but constant.

So, what is the true meaning of Ash Wednesday. It is a call to penance, and contrition, and repentance to us and the world: the beginning of the Lenten Abstinence/fast. Further, from Ashes we come, from dust we come: to ashes we go, to dust we Go: it shows how easily human existence fades, or is lost.

Ash Wednesday shows our reliance on God. It says who we serve, and who serves us. Let us not be embarrassed out of it. Let us always put God first, knowing that those who do not, are not making as correct and wise a decision, for God is constant, but man is fickle, changing his heart, or dying so quickly. Our allegiance is to the constant, to God.

Atheists Bus Ads & Ash Wednesday

Well today or sometime this week the world-wide controversial enormous bus ads will hit the streets of Toronto screaming "There's probably a God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

Today being Ash Wednesday the most important holy catholic celebration. Toronto has accepted the decision to advertise, while others hope to put a stop to this madness and reverse this ruling. This message was placed on buses in Britain and now atheist groups want to do the same throughout Canada.

Ottawa is planning a Supreme Court challenge of this decision, and the chairman of the Ottawa transit committee, Coun. Alex Cullen, said the city is engaged in “an act of censorship” and will introduce a notice of motion Wednesday requesting Ottawa council to reverse the decision.

The predicament is that in the past five years ads that have promoted Christianity, opposed abortion or supported traditional marriage have all at various times been banned from public transport and private displays.

A few years ago, locals in Guelph, Ontario, purchased a bus and put ads on it fighting for the Right to Life, a photo of a 19-week old fetus with the text, "This is a child, not a choice." The word choice crossed out with a red X.

A request to remove the ads sparked a freedom of expression debate from both pro-life and pro-choice supporters.

Arguments claimed the city had no right to limit constitutional rights, rights to an opinion and freedom of expression. The city ended up letting the ads stay on the bus.

The debate at the present time is the Toronto-based Freethought Association of Canada wants to buy Toronto Transit Commission bus ads.

Canadians are strong supporters of freedom of speech, we want our speech to be respected but a wee bit hypocritical that we demand their (atheists) right to free speech be squished because it is very different than our catholic right to free speech. We all have the right to promote our opinion.

A newspaper does not have the authority or right to make pronouncements on the existence of God. It’s a debate for society as a whole. Am I bent out of shape about the fact this debate might be splattered across busses that children can see, yes I am. I am also a believer in freedom of speech, but what is good for one group has to be good for other religious groups.

Below is an article published today in the Toronto Sun written by: Neil MacCarthy who is the Director of Public Relations & Communications for the Archdiocese of Toronto, which is certainly a different spin on the situation. I will try and count how many crosses I see on foreheads throughout the day??

February 24, 2009

Wear your ashes proudly...

During the second reading at Ash Wednesday mass, we hear the powerful words: "We are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us." It's one of my favorite bible quotes - let's consider how each of us can be faith ambassadors during this Lenten season.

As a Catholic communicator in faith and profession, I've been asked a lot these past few weeks about a certain atheist transit ad campaign that's starting in Toronto this week. How will the Catholics respond?

Should we be going to ad agencies or marketers to craft an effective response? Or developing a hot new branding strategy? I think the solution rests right in front of, or more correctly, over our eyes ... ashes.

Tomorrow marks the first day of Lent. Ash Wednesday, the day when we are marked with ashes (burned from last year's Palm Sunday palms), reminds us of our frailty and sinfulness as we enter the most holy season of the Catholic faith calendar.

During the next 40 days we abstain (remember giving something up for Lent?), perform acts of charity (giving of our time, talent and treasure) and focus on prayer to recall the life and death of Jesus Christ.

Who needs to buy transit ads when you have a marketing team of hundreds of thousands? Ash Wednesday is one of the rare times you'll see us "marked" with the sign of our faith, wearing our colours as obviously and proudly as any World Cup-crazed soccer fan -- well, without the whooping, honking and flag waving.

So, tomorrow here's an invitation to all Catholics in the city to receive that simple ashen cross on their foreheads and wear it proudly all day. No blocking it with a fancy hairdo, headband or casually brushing them away. Keep the ashes there from morning to night and see how the city responds.

Or if you'd rather concentrate on charity, hand a stranger $10 and ask them to give it to someone they think will need a helping hand. "Pay it forward." When they realize this is not part of any sort of pyramid scheme, it may get them thinking. You can be sure this will make for some lively water cooler conversation the next day.

And for non-Catholics, those of another faith or no faith at all, I invite you to ask questions and engage others in a respectful discussion about faith.

While this marketing team of one is offering just a few tangible ideas for tomorrow, there are certainly dozens more. No doubt someone will start a "Wearing My Ashes Proudly" group on Facebook. On YouTube, someone else will deliver a stirring reflection on Lent with ashes proudly displayed. The possibilities are endless.

Let's not forget the tremendous contributions people of all faiths make to the GTA. Our places of worship, social service agencies, schools, outreach ministries -- you'll find them everywhere in our community. Most days this work is done quietly and without any fanfare. I can't imagine our city without them.

Note to our faith ambassadors on the street: Do this all humbly, with kindness and with a smile on your face. In the words of St. Francis of Assisi: "Preach the gospel at all times, when necessary use words."

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Cdn Military: Immediate Investigation

News hit papers and media quickly across Canada today regarding our troops in Afghanistan shooting off arms and injuring children. Troops are required to clear the entire area they have worked in before leaving. 2 children have been killed and others severely injured. Residents are screaming this is the fault of the Cdn Military, journalist are trying to investigate and report the correct information but are being blocked by security near the hospital where the injured have been taken.

Angry Afghan villagers chanted "Death to the Canadians" and paraded the blood-spattered bodies of two young children through the streets of Kandahar city today.

An immediate investigation is being launched regarding several conflicting accounts which have caused innocent children being killed and seriously hurt. Afghan police were also immediately investigating what happened, but pointed a finger at the Taliban first.

Parading dead injured teens throughout screaming “Death to Canadians” has had the Canadian Military immediately calling for answers. It is a horrific tragedy that has happened in Kandahar.

This village, financed and sponsored by Mohammed Bin Rashid is dedicated to housing those maimed and dismembered by war.

Nothing can ever ever bring back the senseless gur-wrenching accident when a child dies. Anger and grief by villagers is understandable and any single Cdn Military over in Kandahar would understand that.

The Canadian military has said the probable cause of this is that the children somehow came across unexploded munitions in a field outside of the tiny community … Mohammed Bin Rashid Village.

The area is known to be littered with all kinds of unexploded ordinance and mines, which doesn’t one bit justify this heartfelt disaster. Soldiers are trained to walk the area and ensure it’s clean and safe, its a priority. Troops are continually trying to maintain their competency with the weapons they are using.

NATO has aggressive ad campaigns advising Afghans not to pick up or play with any unidentified or unexploded ordinance on the ground.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Al-Qaeda holds two Canadians Prisoner

Canada's Foreign Affairs Department says it is sensitive to the audio tape played on the Al Jazeera television network regarding kidnappers holding two Canadian diplomats, but is being extremely cautious.

Mali claims Al-Qaeda's North African branch is demanding the release of two Mauritanian members. There is no self-sufficient way to confirm this report.

AFP, Agence France-Press, says Canada has enlisted the help of several countries, including Mali, to get aid in the release of Robert Fowler, the UN secretary general's special envoy to Niger, and his aide, diplomat Louis Guay.

On Wednesday last week Al-Qaeda confirmed it was holding the Canadians prisoner.

Mr. Fowler, 64, was a senior adviser to several Canadian prime ministers, starting with Pierre Trudeau, and played a leading role in thwarting the trade of so-called blood diamonds in Angola.

Along with arms, cigarettes and drugs highly trafficked items in the Sahara they have become a main source of revenue for AQMI, French term for ransom from kidnappers.

Both Canadians disappeared mid-December in Niger, while the four Europeans – two Swiss, a German woman and a British man – were kidnapped last month on the Mali-Niger border.

Mr. Fowler, Mr. Guay and their driver, Soumana Moukaila, disappeared in mid-December when returning from a visit to a gold mine. Their car was found abandoned about 50 kilometres northeast Nigers' capital, Niamey.

Mr. Fowler, 64, was a senior adviser to several prime ministers, starting with Pierre Trudeau, and played a leading role in thwarting the trade of so-called blood diamonds in Angola.

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is an Algeria-based militant group that joined Osama bin Laden's terror network in 2006 and conducts dozens of bombings or ambushes each month.

Sundin Back last night playing Against TO

Well he was back last night, the long anticipated return of the mighty Sundin, my son's favourite star of hockey, his hero, his number since he started playing hockey at 5.

His first request towards a coach or scout regarding him playing on their hockey team "Is No.13 available, he'd ask" and look up with his big brown eyes and wait? The response was sooooo important before any feedback or negotiating could register regarding any team with this young dreaming hockey star.

It was so important to this lad, he learnt early that he'd use this request at a young age to let teams know "if you want me, thats gotta be my number", he supported this captain and his hard work, it seemed only fair and fitting for this child in his young mind to be wearing this particular number, he is Sundin's biggest fan. This child has worn this number every season and now coaches will call and say "No. 13's available, you interested" with his older grown-up response being different with just a huge smile from ear to ear.

An emotional Mats Sundin acknowledges the applause from the ACC crowd Feb. 21, 2009.

Emotions ran running high at last nights game when Sundin entered onto ACC's ice, earlier he stated that regardless which way his fans went he was not going to let it get the best of him. Nobody knew which way the feelings of the Toronto fans were going to go, cheers or booing from disappointed fans that he left us. They stood up and gave him a standing ovation, they cheered him when he entered bringing on a very emotional return for Matts.

Sundin was absolutely one of the best hockey players to ever wear one of the Leaf's jersey's, his size and speed in a game was unmatchable, he earned that "C". Was he going to be able to help the Leafs obtain the Stanley Cup, the ultimate goal of a hockey player, it was doubtful near the end. He had skill there was no doubt about that, but this is a team sport and we needed more of that.

Was he our favorite player emotionally, well the crowd was always torn, he certainly wasn't Gilmour who got our feelings running wild in all directions every game but that was in my time growing up in TO. Gilmour was the young lady's man and won the hearts of TO for his wild ways and game style which always wasn't the kindest. Sundin was just an asset, a huge asset, not a local, to a struggling team that just couldn't quite ever get it together still for the taste of Stanley which we so desperately want another chance at.

All emotions came to a quick halt when our Captain, opps our old Captain, ended the game with a winning goal
, when we all sat and stared mouths hanging open ... we realized it immediately he is a Vancouver Cannuck and not a Toronto Maple Leaf sadly anymore.

Au Revoir Matts and thank you for the memories.

Obama and Embryonic Stem Cells Research

Reports that President Barack Obama will soon reverse the policy put in place by President Bush, that
placed strict limits on government funding for embryonic stem-cell research.
Embryonic stem cell research has only produced harmful results, bringing much attention to the case, widely reported internationally worldwide, of an unnamed Israeli boy whose parents took him to Russia for an embryonic stem cell treatment for a neurological disorder.

The boy received injections of embryonic stem cells taken from aborted fetuses directly into his brain. He now suffers from brain tumors caused by the evil stem cells

Report: Fetal Stem Cells Trigger Tumors in Ill Boy

Holocaust Bishop ... 10 days to Leave Argentia

Richard Williamson, Brit Bishop, who denied the Holocaust loudly has been ordered to leave Argentina or face expulsion within the next 10 days.

Pope Benedict has tried to create some type of harmony with victims of the Nazi genocide after this worldwide embarrassment demanding this Bishop to retract his comments.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Phillipine Troops arrest Two Foreign Terrorists

Philippine troops have caught and arrested two widely wanted local militants accused of helping top Al-Qaida-linked foreign terrorists.

Authorities say Omar Venancio helped a member of the militant group Jemaah Islamiyah buy explosives intended for a suicide bombing at a Roman Catholic cathedral in southern Davao city and other attacks in nearby beach resorts.

Mokasid Dilna, who allegedly headed the Al-Khobar group, is accused for bombing passenger buses and business establishments since 2007 for rejecting his extortion demands.

These arrests are momentous because they could dissolve some of the critical relations between foreign terrorists and at least two local Muslim groups. The violent Abu Sayyaf and the larger Moro Islamic Liberation Front, could have possibly been a sanctuary and training ground.

Venancio, a Moro Islamic Liberation Front member, was arrested last month in southern Cotabato City carrying receipts for the explosives. During interrogation the plans for a suicide bombing in Davao and other attacks were discussed all unfulfilled.

Venancio is noted as being Jemaah Islamiyah militants' "most trusted local" since 2005 in Mindanao, the southern region where a Muslim separatist rebellion has raged for decades

Venancio allegedly helped move funds for top Jemaah Islamiyah figure Umar Patek and also acquire guns and explosives for the Indonesian group hiding with Abu Sayyaf on Jolo Island.

WANTED ARE: Patek, an Indonesian, Dulmatin another Indonesian, for the brutal 2002 nightclub bombings in Bali, Indonesia, that killed 202 people in Southeast Asia's worst terrorist attack.

Patek and Dulmatin supposedly fled to Mindanao in 2003, where they reportedly provided bomb-making and religious training to Abu Sayyaf, whom is listed on a U.S. terrorist blacklist for its links to Al-Qaida involvement, i.e., several bombings, kidnappings for ransom and beheadings.

Dilna, alias, Badrin, was trained in explosives and unspecified types of weapons in AfghanistanPakistan at about the same time as Patek in the early 1990s. and

Kidnapped Italian Nuns Released in Kenya

Two Italian nuns who were kidnapped in Kenya last November have been set

Their release remain unclear, but Caterina Giraudo and Maria Teresa Olivero were taken prisoner near the border of Somalia, where Islamic rebels are active was of grave concern.

The two nuns are well and in the Italian Embassy in Nairobi.


Thursday, 19 February 2009

Men and Women ... We Sin Differently

Men and Women...we sin differently, well that didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out.

Most common sins for Men are: Lust, gluttony and sloth.

Most common sins for Women are: Pride, Envy and Anger.

Well I am back on sins and confession again or still. I am a woman and when I became aware of my faith and some sins my biggest one I think has always been “sloth” till now.

It is a sin to miss Sunday Mass if you are a Roman Catholic. At certain times in your life if you realize this it either bothers you or doesn’t at are willing to take the consequences. The consequences in my mind are that you are going to hell. Just the thought of that burning hot fire pit for eternity is enough of a visual to get me up and attending now, but it always wasn’t. I just assumed I wasn't ever going to hell, it was a guarantee, who knew, yes the word naive is coming to my mind?

I didn’t think it was a serious sin, lots of my friends didn’t go to church or miss constantly, this is very sad. We have churches everywhere; it’s not a lack of churches or access to them. We also have mass scheduled all day long in most perishes across the city ... no excuse. Just nothing at church seemed to ever interest me besides maybe falling asleep listening to the priest.

I missed lots of Sunday Mass’ and I am not at all proud, that was a sin. Usually, when I was younger my excuse was because I was out late Saturday night having fun with friends and didn't want to get up early to attend. I always prayed or talked to God anyway so that was my justification to missing it. I figured you didn’t have to pray in church, God was everywhere, I was wrong. Who said it had to be in church? Attending church and listening to the homily by the priest really does help you grow with your spiritual understanding and God says you need to be there.

Heaven is eternal peace and our ultimate goal; well it’s my goal now.
I do have to admit that the church I attend on Sundays does have a fairly good turn-out at all hours even on weekdays. Our dioceses is within the business district of a busy city so its full seven days a week.

But still at Christmas time and Easter church is overwhelmingly full, like a sold out concert, you are lucky to get in, if tickets were sold, I'd be buying off a scalper on Yonge Street. Everyone seems to think if they attend on these certain “special” holidays they make up for the lack of attendance throughout the year and that will or might cut them some slack getting into heaven. There is never a long line-up to attend confession, nobody seems to be sinning.

When God chooses you to learn something in this life the feeling is truly amazing. If I could bottle up this sensuous feeling I would be famous and a millionaire. I would gift this joy to everyone in the world I know and love. I asked for a sign and God certainly gave me one that changed my life away from sin.

Most of us get busy with jobs, work, kids’ hockey, soccer, baseball, basketball, you name it sports games, parties, shopping and friends which always seem to take a priority to God and attending church. Church can open your eyes to sins.

God decided one day, he had heard enough of me begging for help and that my busy life was going to be taking a back seat to him for awhile. I was in for some lessons, lessons that were going to change my life. He was going to make me very aware of the meaning of “sin” and exactly what that conscience of mine has been trying to tell me, along with a specially chosen saint to answer my why's. We were choosen for a reason, to make us both learn something.

I am the luckiest girl to have been choosen to have had the most life altering experience of my entire life last summer and early enough in my life to enjoy it. I sometimes have to truly sit quietly to understand this gift and what I am to do with it. I truly believe with everything in me that God entered my life and chose me to learn a very serious lesson. God sent someone into my life, who completely seemed to have a mission to make me believe in myself and teach me to have faith, before anything else I needed to have hope. A life of sin was not what I was meant to be in ever, it would kill my soul.

True love meant believing in that faith and abiding the spiritual laws of God and that included not sinning. It would guarantee a beautiful spot in heaven and was worth the wait. God sent me a knight to tell me this like a spear through my heart, who claimed his love meant by following his conscience and love meant ensuring me heaven.

There are only seven sins which we are to follow and there are not any other updated lists that we need to consider. They are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Read them repeatedly and understand what each of them truly means regardless of your sex, each is equally important.

With our fast paced lifestyles and a media full of advertisements that include sex to sell, movies etc., it can become just a leering object to guide us all away from understanding the evils plaguing us beings in our catholic faith today towards sin.

I attend church now because I truly want to be in there, I have lots of time, its a priority, it makes me understand God and myself much better. I can truly say from that day on “sloth” will never be a sin I will need to be confessing, I will only have six to watch out for.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Bishop, Episcopal Church, Thrown in Jail

Its not always the Catholic Church that seems to get the latest greatest news about Bishops that do wrong. This story is actually very funny but on the flip side I assume could have been very dangerous and deadly. Trying to help his kids win a contest for the most unusual place to read a book, neighbors called the police. Charged with suspicion of child cruelty this bishop is sure to double check things before he helps his children with any project in the near future.

Unfortunately, I know of two other little boys who would have gladly climbed up on top of a roof with a book, especially "The Killer Underpants" (more like a comic book boys love to call reading) to try and win a contest, actually they wouldn't have been happy with perching/sitting calmly while a picture was taken, maybe standing up tall and proudly waving the book would have won that contest hands down for my two.

The bishop did remember to harness them securely while he took the picture. It must have been a long night in jail for this father and his frightened children who seen their father taken away in handcuffs. Maybe extra points should be given for effort??? It was unusual that's for sure.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Asking for Forgiveness

I read an article yesterday, ( after mass about confession and how sin puts a huge distance between us and God. The only way to avoid this or fix it is through confession ... the sacrament of forgiveness. Sometimes we think, or convince ourselves we are a good person, kind, caring thoughtful, we wouldn’t do some of the things we see others do so why do we need confession? But that is in our eyes only, we make our own judgments that don't actually even matter, our judgement means squat, nothing.

But Gods judgment of us, which is very high and he expects perfection sees thing very differently in our actions. He sees how we have sinned how we have broken certain commandments of his which are just plain and simple "sin". Regardless, if they are only little mistakes they are sins. We sometimes justify our actions as not sinning and we are quick to judge others actions. But who are we to judge, only God is at the end the one we will face for our final judgment and he’s the only one we need to be truthful and live up to daily, today.

Going into confession or getting ready to proceed in gets me extremely nervous, the wait in line, the quietness of it all, the concern if I am going to do it right is high anxiety for me. Not because I am not fully ready to confess all my sins, but maybe because I am intimidated with my personal stuff with different priests, I’m embarrassed and need to be clearer of my sins or what exactly the sin is. I find it hard to bear my soul to a stranger regardless if that stranger works closely with God. Why can't I just sit at home quietly and talk to God and wait for his response??Sometimes, the deeper we look the clearer a sin becomes within us, what was our part in it, the truth becomes very apparent.

I witness others going into confession and coming out very quickly, how is that? I think sometimes I need to go in for an hour or so, maybe even lunch with the priest to cover off all my concerns (actually have done that once). God forgives us but for me its understanding that and learning to forgive myself that can cause me the most grief. My disappointment in myself is hard to swallow mostly. I have sinned, there I said it, still I don't feel one bit better about it and with his forgiveness its still hard. I think deep down I didn't ever want to dissappoint God but I have, in one of the biggest sacraments we take in our life.

I have gone into confession and come out and totally forgotten what my penance was because I was so nervous. I have struggled to hear or understand what the priest has said to do sometimes because he talks to quietly and fast? I think or presume the more you confess the easier this becomes, it seems some people I know love to go into confession and that is their gift, the gift of forgiveness.

This is the step in our faith that will bring you closer to God and forgiveness, I need to try harder and will. I have always been like this since Grade 8, which was my first confession, all I remember then was saying "Forgive me father for I swore" ok so I took a small break from that day of confession for several years but I’m back. My sins are a wee bit deeper now since then and when you start to search your soul sometimes they start to appear like popcorn popping, way to fast to stop.

There are lots of parasites around us daily that will sneak into our lives and leach onto our hearts and emotions and become obsessions to lead us into sin, they are bad habits and sometimes people. Habits can be broken and if you realize what the parasite is it can be eliminated, this includes certain people in our lives unfortunately, masturbation, lust, and pornography etc., all deadly sins to name a few. The impurity of our hearts can cause us sin.

The joy God gives us with his forgiveness and salvation should be enough to make me anxious to get in there but I drag myself each and every time. I always thought I was very brave and didn’t need much help from anyone especially God but I was wrong. I have realized I need God very much in my life, more than anyone else I need him.

I constantly ask in my prayers now “God, give me courage” which helps to cover off a lot of territory for me. Its strength and his love I need the most, on a daily basis.

Well here in Canada today we have a holiday and its called Family Day, what better way to start then by attending mass and confession with the head of my family, God and asking for his forgiveness of my sins. Ok, I haven't slept a wink all night worrying about going in, but I'm going in today, looking very sheepishly, but I'm going in.

Sins distance us and we need to ask for forgiveness and let it go and start again, we can't give up just try harder each day for he gave his life for us and our sins. We sin all of us, in different ways and God has never rejected any of us, like we have rejected or turned away from him at times in our lives, he just sits and waits for us to return, thats some kind of love. We have rejected his love for us but his love for us has not wandered, he has been around us always just maybe we were to busy to notice his love, I was. Sometimes a sin can eat away at your soul and can destroy you, clear them and do your penance … pray, pray and pray for forgiveness. We have to trust him with our lives and let him guide it.

ZE09021504 - 2009-02-15

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Roman Catholic Celibate Priests

The church teaches that there is hierarchical priesthood, open only to MEN, must be unmarried and committed to living a celibate life. Once a man is ordained a priest it is permanent. Through ordination they recieve the power to consecreate and offer the true body and blood of the Lord and to forgive or retain sins. It is a sin to be a priest and have affairs or lead a double life ... a mortal sin, which any priest who considers this should immediately step down.

If the number of young men entering seminaries is falling because of celibacy then they are not committed to becoming a Roman Catholic Priest and the bottom line is they should consider another profession.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Washington: USA, North America: watching the dessenting vote: as the Democrats "ruin" America's sustainibility, what the opposition is saying

(Insider Confessions Analysis; c.f. Inforumblog 13 / 02 / 09; Liberation (French; Secular; Liberal; Independent) 13 / 02 / 2009)

Article by Marc Aupiais

First Year Law students in South Africa: are wisely taught that the dissenting views, are as important as the agreeing views of judges: in looking at similar cases, in a cautious manner. By analyzing the dissent, we can understand the situation better: and have better hopes of winning other cases, future cases.

The United States Senate and government is going through such a stage: with no-one wanting to take responsibility for Mr Obama's controversial, and dangerous stimulus package. Liberation, a French language, French liberal paper: expresses the fact, that the position given to: Republican "Judd Gregg", which he later rejected over inherent differences with the US President: has seen more than one person offered it before him. It was hoped that "Judd greg", would help manage the US economy under Mr Obama.

The promises of Obama for bipartisan, inclusive governance: are long evaporated: he has attempted to force through bill after bill, and ignored many concerns of the watchdog of the opposition: who believe he is using short-term, dangerous means to attempt salvation of the American monotony.

His policies on global warming, and contraception are dangerous. A bailout for his abortionist backers: "Planned Parenthood", who were performing less murders of unborn children: was seen as pathetic, and efforts at "rescuing" the American economy by contraception: a policy which has created the aging workforce issue in Europe: was seen as not beneficial. The entire idea of constantly injecting more debt into the American economy, is seen as deadly by Republicans. Much of the stimulus package is just what got America into the situation in the first place: money which needs paying back.

Judd Gregg, has now withdrawn. it may be noted that his senate position would have been up for grabs to the Democrats, if he left it, however, he had already decided to join Obama's one influence government: before withdrawing.

America, is set to see the bill pass. Like South Africa: they will soon see the dangers of a state under the major influence of one party: of a party which ignores the opposition on many important issues.

It is how South Africa got away with prescribing onions as a treatment for aids, it is how South Africa has continued to prop up Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, against the international community.

America's choice to place an inexperienced politician, with ideology and empty promises behind him: instead of an experienced, and weathered: though imperfect Candidate in the job: has resulted in an already impractical, unimaginative policy.

How it is that the history of the communist and socialist world has been so ignored, is beyond reckoning: that free-market policies have been so abandoned, and that direct funding, rather than systematic and all-encompassing policies are adopted: is dangerous: in that it unbalances the system America is designed on. Funding buisinesses based on a structure may be acceptiblee, or based on individual issues: but America is ignoring the root cause of the issues, and simply seems to be keeping afloat failed enterprises. Not enough about the economy is known. America is endangering not only itself, but the world: by reckless policy.

What can be learnt: analysis of the dissenters: may well one day give a solution to the economic wreck of the western world: that perhaps can save it from the whirlpool, that unregulated, and unnatural markets have steered it towards: giving more steam to companies still heading in the same direction, is as an ineffective manner at curbing the problem, as giving condoms to those in hiv/aids areas. Like the need for marriage: and promotion of honesty, openness, and fidelity; is the need for responsible governance, and conservative, open, transparent, and human rights based market policies, along with intelligent, strategic economic direction, and stimulus projects: without all the liberal, and dangerous ideology, which has so hurt America in the past.

Without, also: America's dependence on cheap, and human rights ignoring labour: such as many plants in the east use for American companies, such as Disney, or Nike, such as dealings with nations which abuse the rights of women and those of different religiouns.

What interference is acceptable:

...responsible funding of business: and regulations which encourage natural responsible growth is.
America has relied too much on artificial markets, and foreign debt. Debt is like a boat taking on water. More debt, seems America's answer: this is short term. Perhaps their government should actually buy shares in enterprises, but more debt only postpones the inevitable, as with strait giving of money: it is seldomly spent on efficiency.

Governments must fund infrastructure, and create general measures; not specific bills: possibly ideas such as an economic development firm: based purely on what would make sustantive growth: and independent of government ideology. A research institute on economic policy, should certainly be set up: based on the experience, and capacity: and demonstration of success, and intelligence of persons: it must review which campanies have survaived, and why!

The communistic idea of a stimulus package: aimed at supporting failed companies: rather than at pruning an economy: and focusing on heathly business: and on supporting businesses which reduce executive pay before firing, and other such things: this could aid. If America: where to ban imports from human rights abuse nations: which use child labour, if they were to fund on poverty issues: based purely on the issue, and not on ideology: if we were to see programs aimed at jumpstarting an economy: rather than saturating it with cash: possibly: then government support is acceptable.

That Catholic Charities deal with 20% of the AIDS issue, with 2% of the fiunding, shows how deep the ideological bias goes: those doing most to combat disease, get hardly any of the resources.
Promotion of corruption via television, should also be curbed, as with bands, and childrens programs: which promote school killings: freedom of speach is not as important as the survival of a nation, nor is it anywhere as important as accountability and transparency: and accuracy of what is presented.

As it is: much of the money given the companies: will likely be wasted in the long term. The problem with electing a novice, and one connected politically with the banks at fault: lies in the fact: that rather than remaking and solving the economic system: the man is simply spending money in different directions. Government should be the framework in which economies and human rights flourish.
Obama: has almost entirely ignored his opposition in the US government.

Possibly, America may finally focus on sustainible development; and on the actual statistics of what grows or destroys economies. As it is: the rest of the world must heed America's naysayers: and realize that the need is to create a system which works: and then funnel monetry aid into that if necessary: in a tactical, competitive, and fair manner.

In either case, this is my humble analysis.

Note, rely on this analysis at your own risk, we cannot be held responsible for incorrect facts, or bad calculations of a fluid, dynamic and dangerous world and local economy. Views of danger, are based on personal perspective. I am not an economist, but simply an ordinary citizen. Use this information at your own risk!

The loss of true seeking of knowledge at many Universities: for the sake of ideology

( Media Study South Africa )

Introduction by Marc Aupiais

The following is a brilliant posting:

by Sheila" who runs inforumblog.

It looks at the manner in which a true pursuit of knowledge in university has been sacrificed for "Enlightenment" philosophy, and for the sake of sweeping ideology, which she believes, has become a norm and has taken a path of not being questioned in universities.


On our Part

From our research on sources: While nine out of ten South Africans for instance appose abortion, those supporting it, generally have gone to South African schools, or universities, where they are taught another "perspective" on the issue: this includes teaching carreer students, and others.

In university, those who suggest radical or unpopular ideas, are often thought to be good at their job. Their real job lies not in opening minds, but in teaching skills: if their philosophy endangers this: should it not be discontinued? These are some of the questions Media Study South Africa desires to ask!

Inforumblog is brilliant at showing things we find of note!

FSSP launches Prayer for Benedict XVI: the FSSP left the SSPX for the Church

(Tridentine South (and Southern) Africa; c.f. FSSP France (Catholic; Religious Order; French) __/__/__; FSSP Englsih (Catholic; religious Order; English speaking)__/__/__; Zenit News Service: French Edition (American; Catholic; Independent) 13 / 02 / 2009)

Article by Marc Aupiais

According to Zenit News: French Edition: the FSSP is launching a prayer campaign for supporting the current pontiff: Pope Benedict XVI: who was born in Germany.

The FSSP (Fraternal Society of Saint Peter), has a history: they are a group created within the church: of those returning from the SSPX (FSSPX : Fraternal Society of Saint Pius X) suspended movement. They have lamented what they term to be attacks on the church via media: and have asked for the following:

The Priestly Society of Saint Peter: has requested that we start a Novena on today: the 14th February, until the Fest of the "Chair/See of Saint Peter", on the 22nd of February.
The Novena will consist of the following:
Novena for the Pope

An "Our father", three "Hail Mary"'s, a "Glory Be"

and this prayer:

(we have tried to translate the french prayer: suggest a better translation to us if you know one!:

"Pray for our Holy Father: Pope Benedict XVI.
May the Lord guard him, He gives life, make it (the pope?) happy on earth and do not offer him to the power of his enemies.

V. You are Peter. (quoting bible: Peter and rock are the same word: pope: referring to successor of Peter)
R. And on this rock I will build my Church.

God eternal and almighty, have mercy on your servant, our Pope Benedict XVI, and in your goodness, guide him into the path of eternal salvation, so that by the gift of your grace, it (he) looks as it (he?) pleases and the performance (in the performance?) of its (his?) power. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mater Ecclesiae, ora pro nobis
Sancte Petre, ora pro nobis"

Daily for that period!

For your comprehension

"Mater Ecclesiae, ora pro nobis" is Latin for:
"Mother Church: Pray for us"
"Sancte Petre, ora pro nobis": "Saint Peter, Pray for us"

A better translation that that is given by the English speaking section of FSSP:

"Novena for the Pope:
Pater Noster, 3 Ave Maria, Gloria Patri

Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory be.

V. Orémus pro Pontífice nostro Benedícto.
R. Dóminus consérvet eum, et vivíficet eum, et beátum fáciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in ánimam inimicórum eius.

V: Let us pray for our Pope Benedict.
R: May the Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies.

V. Tu es Petrus.
R. Et super hanc petram ædificábo Ecclésiam meam.

V. Thou art Peter,
R. And upon this Rock, I will build My Church.

Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, miserére fámulo tuo Pontífici nostro Benedícto : et dírige eum secúndum tuam cleméntiam in viam salútis ætérnæ : ut, te donánte, tibi plácita cúpiat, et tota virtúte perfíciat. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. R. Amen.

Let us Pray,
Almighty and everlasting God, have mercy upon your servant, Benedict, our Sovereign Pontiff, and guide him in your goodness on the way of eternal salvation; so that, with the prompting of your grace, he may desire what pleases you and accomplish it with all his strength. Through Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.

Mater Ecclésiæ, ora pro nobis.
Sancte Petre, ora pro nobis.

V. Mother of the Church. R. Pray for us
V. St. Peter. R. Pray for us


pray either the Latin or the English.

mentioning this effort, is not an endorsement of it!

Journey: Projected illusion: waves of light, of sound

(Journey: in a Broken World)

Article by Marc Aupiais

Darkness, then ...light.

Sounds blast, music sours, and a slightly odd sensation rules. The light bounces off: and images: like a mirror, or moving, flying window emerge. Ahead: a concert is playing, and it is as though the wall, where the projection is, it is flying, and confusing the mind.

As beautiful, and emotive sounds: flow, and softly take hold, as haunting melodies play forth: the mind cannot comprehend.

The understanding: it explains how people, and a whole other world, it appears on the wall, and how sounds erupt around. The mystery is: ...greater though. One must imagine the camera, and the sound recorder, yet the primitive mind erupts.

Confusion takes, and as waves: anxiety takes, and confusion, as the mind cannot comprehend.

Only a God with more than one person: could create a multi-person world, a world: where one produces another; produce another together.

Religion, is our meaning, our explanation of questions we seem programmed to ask. We seem designed to seek ritual, and love, and truth. Oddly enough: we seem designed, not chanced.

I watch, as I am privy to sound, to images: it is as though there, almost: ...I am in the crowd, and desire to clap as a sound erupts, and a voice carries.

Mystery is the nature of the world: and we are not designed to know all things as yet: but mystery is also how we protect the rights of men: by seeking real truth, and not avoiding truth: we cannot ignore the utter abuse of power by governments, and populaces in all the world.

Rather: religion: the pursuit of truth: this saves: and is how any non-Catholic can find the Catholic salvation: inside and out: ...we must be cautious ...however: if they are judges by their pursuit of truth, so shall we be. We must never stop seeking more intuitive truth: must never stop seeking to be better, must never be slightly content: for this is the sin by which we allow tens of millions to be murdered, and this is the genocide of the souls: by which so many Catholics probably go to hell.

Catholicism ... without religion, is pointless, it cannot save: even as Catholicism is the most perfect channel: canyon in which religion can resonate: it is the center in which all truth and true religion is maintained in the world: it is the mainframe: that which allows all others to pursue God: and those who know of her necessity, yet either refuse to enter or choose not to remain: in Her body: such are dead, they cannot find God: for they have abandoned religion: the pursuit of our truth: which all men are capable of.

At least: this is the Catholic meaning: the Catholic way!

Friday, 13 February 2009

Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference: "Jule Greenberg RIP"

(Southern African Catholic Press Releases )

Article by Marc Aupiais

Please read our disclaimer here:

It is important you understand that this email mentioned is a quotation, and that we guarantee nothing of the Saint Charles, or hierarchical sources, except that this email is from them (not saint Charles, but the SACBC: Bishops Conference) to us, and that the sites mentioned are hierarchical sites: to our knowledge, Quoting the Bishops conference means, and implies nothing on our part.

Details of Email we are publishing:


fromFr Chris Townsend
to(list excluded by South African Catholic, on publishing)
date13 February 2009 14:29
subjectJule Greenberg RIP
Subject of Email:

Jule Greenberg RIP"
Contents of Email:


Dear Friends,
For those who haven’t heard, Jule Greenberg, former Editor of the Johannesburg Arch/Diocesan news died earlier this week.
Her funeral is on Thursday 19th February at 2pm at Victory Park.

May she rest in Peace.

Fr Chris

Fr Chris Townsend
Information Officer
Office for Communication and Media.
Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference (SACBC)
P.O.Box 941 Pretoria 0001 South Africa
Khanya House - 399 Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria, 0001
Tel: +27 (0)12 323 6458
Fax: +27 (0) 12 326 6218
Mobile: +27(0)82 783 4729
P Please consider the environment before printing this email

From our part:

Victory park is, to out knowledge: Saint Charles Parish: in Victory park, Johannesburg:

Their details: to find them are:

35 Road No 3
Victory Park
Quotation of address is from:
You can get further details of the parish there.

South Africa: Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference' letter on/to Catholic Education

(Southern African catholic Press Releases )

Article by Marc Aupiais

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Subject of Email:

SACBC Pastoral Letter on Catholic Education: for Immediate release"

Details of the email:


fromFr Chris Townsend
to(excluded for privacy purposes, we have the list)
date13 February 2009 12:33
subjectSACBC Pastoral Letter on Catholic Education: for Immediate release

Introduction of the letter: to us and other media contacts:

"Below and attached in various formats is the pastoral letter on Catholic Education, released today.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Best Wishes for the Weekend!
Fr Chris"
Letter sent by Bishops Conference on Education:

See PDF, or Document Versions online:





Pastoral Letter on Catholic Education.

Care, concern, and challenge for Catholic Education

25 January 2009
To the Catholic Community, Catholic Schools, Educators, Learners, Supporter and Beneficiaries of Catholic Education.
We, the Catholic Bishops of Southern Africa, want to express our deep appreciation for the work people are doing in Catholic schools. As Bishops we give our unequivocal commitment to Catholic schools that are gospel-based, centred on Christ, and which strive to be communities of care, selflessness and sharing.
Schooling has been, and remains, an important part of the mission of the Church. Our schools strive to help everyone, rich and poor, to grow in faith and to integrate faith with experience. Inspired by the gospel, Catholic schools respect the freedom and dignity of every human being and develop the qualities of personal integrity, moral courage and social responsibility that are marks of authentic Christian personality.
Religious Education programmes in Catholic schools set them apart from other schools. Our programmes are based on the gospel and on sound educational principles. We need to ensure that prayer and liturgy remain central in the life of our schools.

Teachers in Catholic schools are called by God to participate in the teaching ministry of Jesus. Their vocation involves vision, conscientious work, professionalism and care for the children entrusted to them. Teachers in our schools witness to the mission of Christ in bringing about a society based on the principles of love, peace, truth and justice. More than this, teachers are called to prepare their learners to be active and responsible members of society who have purpose and meaning in life and who are capable of being agents of social change.
In the past, we have depended on religious congregations and overseas sources to finance our schools. This is no longer the case. South Africa and its neighbours have grown beyond the stage of being missionary countries, and the time has come for us to take on the responsibilities of an established and self-reliant church. Catholic schools should now be able to rely on the lay faithful to rise to this challenge.
We call on all members of the Catholic community to value our schools, and encourage Catholic parents to send their children to Catholic schools. We urge parents to be actively involved in school life, particularly in governing bodies. Parents play a central role in supporting and promoting the vision of education on which our schools are founded. Parishes are natural homes for Catholic schools and we need to re-establish closer links between priests and school communities where the links have been lost.
We are mindful that most Catholic children are not in Catholic schools, and we encourage both teachers and pupils to witness to the values of our faith in the public school system. We need to explore new ways of establishing schools in the future to meet the educational needs of Catholics. Our vision must embrace not only the maintenance and strengthening of the schools we have, but also the establishment of new ones. We invite those Catholics who have chosen the teaching profession to consider seriously the option of working in Catholic schools.

At the start of this school year, we invite Catholics across the region to join us in praying for all those involved in our schools. May this be a good year for pupils, staff, parents and governing body members, as well as the communities in which the schools are located.  May God bless our schools so that they may be places of hope.
In Christ,
Archbishop Buti Tlhagale OMI                                                   
Archbishop of Johannesburg.
President of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference

Consider our quotations of the Bishops conference as just that, it does not imply anything. Note that the version of the email posted here: is from the document version, linked to and uploaded online, also by us, we have uploaded all the sent attachments!!

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