Friday 27 February 2009

South Africa: "Hurley's War": Former Durban Bishop's seeming disobediance to the Vatican

(Tridentine South Africa ; c.f. UNWire (American; Secular; Independent) 12 / 07 / 2001; BBC World News 30 / 06 / 2009; IOL (Secular; Independent; South African) 01 / 08 / 2001)

Article by Marc Aupiais

This is partly a retraction, and partly an expose. We previously attested to Hurley's Character, based on a verbal interview of someone who knew of him, when a letter from a person claiming to be a certain person in the SSPX, was sent to us, which we published with permission. They have not answered us, as to whether or not they consider themselves to be in any sort of schism, or other accusations, we put to them in order to understand their perspective.

Their claims against Hurley, they also did not back up, except using the Latin mass situation, where we did not validate their claims, and still do not. As they did not back up their statements much at all involving the former Late Bishop of Durban, we assumed these baseless, or uninteresting, and ignored them: until another Catholic source approached us on the matter, and we were forced to look into it, by our belief in Journalistic Integrity.

Denis Hurley, is almost considered a Saint in South Africa. He is an Apartheid activist, and well known for it. IOL, however, reports that in 2001, he supported the use of condoms, and even apparently insinuated some things about Women Priests.

Napier, his successor, and a cardinal, Cardinal of Durban: announced around the same time, that the Southern African Bishops Conference, thought the use of condoms to be ill advised. Theirs are claims, based on some statistics, and observances, that a condom focused campaign may increase proportional, or other rates of HIV/AIDS.

Women "Priests", are not considered to exist, or to be something ever to exist in the Catholic church: helping a woman to be "ordained" as a priest, automatically excommunicates one from the Catholic church, if one is partly responsible for her ordination, and other factors are present. It is considered heresy to suggest that the Catholic church can ordain women "priests", now or ever.

One incurs automatic excommunication for heresy. Condoms, are also considered intrinsically evil in Catholic Doctrine, with reference to Onan, killed by God, for using artificial contraception / spilling his seed outside the womb.

A recent program aired on SABC 2 (A government Station in South Africa), in which an amount of Catholic priests, in South Africa: appeared to support the ordination of Women, however, we do not have the context of their interviews, and therefore cannot inform of their status as to canon law with absolute certainty.

Besides this: promotion of marriage, and morality, in schools, has shown more positive results than that of contraceptive campaigns, in America, according to the EWTN network.

Catholics are allowed to use certain natural forms of Contraception, among these is the temperature method, considered effective by many including the American Government's health organization:

"Conclusion 1. Studies conducted in Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Mauritius and the United States have demonstrated a 99% method effectiveness for the Sympto-Thermal and Temperature-Only Methods. These studies were conducted under a variety of conditions and demonstrate beyond any reasonable question of a doubt that this extremely high effectiveness can be achieved by ordinary couples who receive adequate instruction and follow the relatively simple rules of these methods."

(Couple to Couple League: information)

However valid, or invalid, observations, that Condoms have a possible negative effect in the fight against HIV/AIDS (a disease 1 in 5 South Africans have)) are: that condoms may increase HIV/AIDS infection/transmission rates, or that campaigns or support of use of these, may be a bad move, these observations/perspectives seem to be the Position of the Southern African Catholic Bishops, when the controversy broke, but not of the Late Bishop Hurley, and currently at least one other Dissenter.

The Late Bishop Denis Hurley, of Durban, and current Bishop Kevin Dowling, of Rustenberg, both support the use of condoms. Both are recorded in several sources as having publicly asserted support for use of condoms.

Condoms are condemned as masturbation, and as artificial contraception by the church, and considered a possible cause of the HIV epidemic in South Africa, by sections of Catholic society.

Other than these two dissidents on the matter, one dead:
Most bishops in Southern Africa appear to support the church on the Contraception, even as the Southern Cross, a paper seemingly partially owned by the bishops; and sold in parishes: does seem to promote both abortionist perspective, and the use of condoms, as attested to by "Catholic Culture"/'Trinity communications, in a review, requested by our organization, of the Southern Cross's Internet service (Review: The Southern Cross is among voices noted at the time the Bishops rejects the idea of allowing condoms in South Africa: as being in support of allowing use of condoms, this by the BBC.
Trinity Communications, in the review of the Southern Cross's internet site: states:

"It doesn't take long to discover that this website has many articles that are not faithful to the Magisterium of the Church. It attacks the latest Vatican move to screen priests as "unfair" discrimination against gays, and undermines the Church's teaching on contraception and abortion. It has also heralded Barack Obama as a savior."
(25 / 11 / 2008)

Bishop Dowling of Rustenberg, has beyond supporting condoms, undermined Vatican choices in the Southern Cross: calling "Anger" over liturgical changes by the Vatican "Fair", in an article published in the "Southern Cross". The Southern Cross, has on many occasions undermined the Vatican, and misrepresents the apparent "Extent" of anger.

The Southern Cross, and "Catholic News Service", both noted, directly or indirectly an apparent mistake by the bishops, however, having helped promote a survey on the matter, I disagree, and call to account questions on their accuracy, or proportion on these matters: as to their view on liturgical changes:

In dispute of what the Southern Cross published, I personally helped, having been requested to assist: the Bishops conference to do a survey on the Liturgical changes, and as many people as dislike these changes, the last time I checked the survey: think we should get on with these alterations:

further, these changes seem ecumenical towards the SSPX suspended movement, and seem to promote a better understanding of the mass. With about ten percent mass attendance in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg's recent survey of parishioners, a return to a formula which truly worked, may well be of benefit. My help involved promotion of the survey, in which I was given different peoples' views, and told them where to vote on where they lay as to the changes. The survey was fair and encompassing of wide perspectives.

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