(Catholic Watchdog South Africa; c.f. Reuters (Secular) 18/12/2008; LifeSiteNews 05/DEC/2008; UN Declaration on Genocide __/__/__)
Article by Marc Aupiais
When part of a left leaning," Sandinista National Liberation Front" marxist government, which overthrew their predecessors, but then had elections about 5 years later: in his own nation, D'Escoto accused the US of butchering his Nation, during a war, since then he has called George W. Bush, recently given special privilages on a visit to the Vatican, the Spiritual heir of Reagan, whom he (as a marxist government official): had apposed.
Awarding two pro-abortion (though also gay rights) advocates in the UN for “outstanding contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms” (LifeSiteNews 05/DEC/2008) earlier this year, there was no naming of these people as butcherers. This despite their actions possibly being defined as genocide in the UN definition, although purposely creating conditions where 'unwanted' population groups are voluntarily culled by means of birth control campaigns has not been treated by the UN that way in a very long time, except in the convention itself.
He has also accused the Israeli government of treating the Palestinians in their territory, in the same manner as South Africans were treated by the Protestant Apartheid Government, previously in power in South Africa. D'Escoto has now claimed he is receiving death threats: without mentioning the source: to which he is being subdued to needs for new security measures: by.
Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, however has since taken offense: she has said that this is all lies, aimed at getting her not to attend the anniversary of the "Universal" declaration on human rights.
Catholics are free to present their own oppinions within reason, that does not make these the views of the church, however, Fr D'Escoto, was personally removed from the priesthood for his position in a marxist government. In fact, Gabriela Shalev, Israel's ambassador, who the defrocked priest's spokesperson has been accusing of slander for her statements, is also taking this seriously. The UN itself is taking new measures, to protect the defrocked priest, however, he is not the first UN official to make an enemy of Israel, or the United States: nor does that mean that they will automatically be the source of alleged death threats. He has made such emnity, not be religious belief, but via his attacks on the western world. He is viewed as advantageous to those supporting extreme left positions, however: he was elected, only from amongst South American competition: in accorance with a moving seat, and his only role is as a mediator of debate in the house. He has been accused of being partisan.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
UN, New York: Defrocked, from his post as a Catholic Priest, personally by Pope John Paul II, for his post in a Marxist government:General Assembly President Fr. Miguel D'Escoto, now says he: "Receives" death threats after recently criticising USA and Israel!
Americas General News,
Americas news,
Americas Politics,
Catholic Watchdog South Africa,
Communism against the church,
Latin America,
Pope John Paul II,
United Nations
with reference to the place:
United Nations, New York, NY 10017, USA

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