(Media Study South Africa)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Milla Jovovic, seems to enjoy anti-Christian roles in movies: just recently, I watched her in Ultraviolet (Kurt Wimmer, who also directed Equillibrium: another film with anti-Christian imagery, where the worst man is "Father" (Pope means Father?): a dictator, and the enforcers of his evil are : "Clerics" (Priests?): where the cross is made to represent evil, in almost a comparison with Nazism ), which despite the images of many language comics, of an apparent whole series: in front: is one ultra-violent film: not based on comic books, but seemingly on a "Screen Gems" video game.
Rather, Milla , a starring role actress from "Resident Evil" films, is pitted against an authoritarian government, which rules the world, from a Cross-like fortress: where the big bad man: is the Vice-Cardinal (Second highest office in the Roman Catholic church: is "Cardinal"), who actually lands up belonging to the Vampires, like Milla 's character, and not the humans: and plans to force a disease on mankind, so as to force mankind to take medicine, lining up periodically at the Cross fortress: after hoping to cause the issue (any link to sacraments: and further: the fact he plans to cause such: to God is evil mentalities? Milla : of course prevents the biological attack), which never materializes; and where the symbol of a medical dictatorship is the Cross, which appears all the time. The female hero figure: fights in what: the "Moral Sciences" area of a cross shaped building: to save a clone from a "Megalomaniac": known as the Vice-Cardinal. She later gets into the laboritory, where she spills her blood on him, only to find he is already a Haemo (something).
She states: that killing the Vice-Cardinal: will likely get her into heaven.
In another film, also screening on DSTV, this time on "Action X": in "The Messenger: Joan of Arc": Milla Jovovic : Joan of Arc is portrayed as a lying human hero, with the church as a whole, and perhaps God (the figure she talks to seems mean): as a bad guy, and Jean D'ark: "not" a saint. She is forced to wear pants: rather than the reality of Jean D'ark choosing to in order to rebuke her fearful (under duress of being burnt alive) rebuttal of her own visions: to wear pants again, something she had been told to do by God. The Evil bishop: is portrayed as representing the church: rather than the Englishmen: and a vision of Joan's (Milla 's): gives her priestly absolution.
Joan, again played by Milla : seemingly is contradictory, and tries to deny killing anyone in her conquests: a stark contrast to Catholic doctrine: which does not deny just slaying of enemies of right order, and further: a turning of a Christian martyr: into an anti-Christian one: where no real evidence is given. Her God figure: even blames her crusade against England: on Joan: calling it pride: as though God did not want anyone to kill evil people for him.
As to Equilibrium, I am unsure if I saw it on DSTV: it is not part of this report... only an addition on the director of Ultraviolet.
Recently: DSTV: on Mnet: played a cartoon based on the 1930's Tintin series: sharing the name: "Tintin and The Calculus Affair" (comic book was translated from the French: L'Affaire Tournesol). Interestingly: I saw part of the Tintin series: recently in Cresta's Exclusive books: Tintin, was a series of comic strip books.
So, why is it wrong for Mnet to play part of the Tintin series: based on the 20th century books: the answer lies in: Tintin in the Congo: based on the French language: Tintin au Congo.
Tintin in the Congo is what some consider a historic treasure: so as to keep producing it (c.f. Borders: who such seems: produced it as it appeared in Britain); if it is a treasure: it is an odd and bigoted one: one, in which Tintin is in Africa: which portrays the genitically native to Africa section of humanity: as violent, stupid monkey like creatures: which decide they need a white man to rule them, and listen to the most unjust, stupid decisions by "Tintin", who looks like a small child. (.c.f. BBC World News (Secular) 12/07/2007; Sky News Channel (Secular) 12/07/2008).
I personally think it distasteful to play such work, as one based on a Tintin cartoon, even if not the offending book.
Other movies which DSTV has shown: include: "Luther": a historically incorrect, and anti-Catholic retelling of the reformation, which invents scenes of Luther's "heroism": in front of a church, and turn him from a fat old theologian: to a mystic looking revolutionary: brushing over the mass murders against Catholics by his followers: and fictitiously showing him standing in front of a church protecting it: and also brushing over the fact he broke his vow of celibacy. Also airbrushed out: is that Luther is thought never to have gone to Rome: and had a legendary "Poo" (Excrement) fight with the Devil. Here, the famous figure: is reworked: canceling out any of the real story: and portraying Luther as a liberator from religious authority: rather than an Authoritarian himself. He is portrayed as viewing the pope at the time, as a demonic figure: something which Luther did believe: but no rational voice is voiced to contradict this view.
Also having screened on DSTV: is both advertisement style behind the scenes looks at the movie, and the actual film: "The Golden Compass" (Directed by: Chris Weitz; Starring Nicole Kidman, and Daniel Craig; based on the Northern lights (England: released as "Golden Compass": in America) Novel by: Philip Pullman (Atheist: who airs his opposition to religion in the trilogy); from the His Dark Materials: series of three books): based on the first book of a series: where God is an evil Tyrant: and the evil institution, which wants to harm the main character in her "world': is the Magisterium. Magisterium is a much used Catholic term for the teaching authority of the church. An invisible best friend of all people in the novels is their own unique "Daemon"(: Pronounced Demon).
We could go on for some time on the many such screenings on DSTV, including an episode of "Women's Murder Club" (where a witch gives out charms which loom like crosses, and has a picture of Pope John Paul II on the wall. She of course is implicated in a murder: in an episode: where a brunette lead; is spending time with her ex-husband: for a case), or much else. The ultimate point is that: either someone in the buying department needs replacing: or structures need to be build: in accordance with the legalities of South African law; or at least: this is a perception on gains from such.
Other movies, I did not enjoy watching on DSTV: include kingdom of Heaven: and also some movies about Islam: or involving Islamic characters: which neither I, nor I hope: Islamic people: enjoyed watching.
While I may not expect DSTV to monitor foreign satellite receptions, though they could place warnings on these, and rid themselves of repeatedly distasteful channels, I find it sad: that many such movies: are played on stations controlled by DSTV (Multichoice).
DSTV: yesterday: confirmed via an automatic system: a complaint about some content aired on the provider.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
More anti-Catholic/anti-authoritarian/anti-christian/anti-religious media on DSTV
Action X,
Media Study South Africa,
Resident Evil,
Tintin au Congo,
Tintin in the Congo,

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