(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Reuters (Secular) 04/Dec(12)/2008; BBC World News (Secular) 04/Dec(12)/2008)
Article by Marc Aupiais
A socialist, and a doctor: the world was intrigued that statistically "Catholic" Uruguay voted him in. They were more intrigued when he did the right thing: against the non-capitalists he ruled: by vetoing abortion laws which would cause Uruguay to further part with the church than it already had.Allowing abortion due to rape is of course the Material of Mortal sin: and Materially results in automatic excommunication from the Vatican ruled Roman Catholic community.
The socialists who apposed their leader wanted more than the already excommunicable offense: they wanted the first step in a greater genocide: 12 weeks, for poverty issues. Based on science, not faith: the president said what Catholics also believe because of the science: and chose to veto the idea.
More shocking: is that due to the opposition of his party, and the polls of so-called Catholic citizens of the country: he has announced he is to leave his post as leader of the socialists.
As Yet: no news source we have viewed has linked the post as party ruler to that of president; but this could sound the end of the presidency of the socialist doctor who so astounded the world. This also follows vows by party members to pursue even further the legalizing of the already (Article 2 letter d: UN declaration) Genocide of abortion: in Uruguay.
Uruguay is one of many statistically "Catholic" countries, where citizens are an obstacle to Catholic moral beliefs and efforts. Their president, however was not vetoing based on these morals, but on his analysis of abortion as a physician.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Uraguay, Latin America: Statistically Catholic Country causes President to decide to quite: after said president vetoed the legalization of abortion
with reference to the place:

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