Agenzia Fides Vatican News Agency:
VATICAN - Pope: "the great symphony of peace between peoples is never fully accomplished"
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Christians and Muslims warn of the danger of sectarian war
AFRICA/COTE D'IVOIRE - "No to the cultural leveling, yes to the rediscovery of the richness of African culture," said Cardinal Sarr
ASIA/CHINA - Mgr. Lucas Li, 90-year-old Bishop from Feng Xiang, urges to follow the teachings of the Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei to intensely live the Year of Faith
ASIA/SYRIA - Agreement army- rebels: civilians evacuated from Homs
ASIA - Asian Bishops' Appeal: "No to war and arms trade"
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - "A great nation must defend the weak": Exhortation of Archbishop Mendoza
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - The mediating Church of reconciliation: conclusion of the 98th Assembly of Bishops
News Fides Service
VATICAN - Pope: "the great symphony of peace between peoples is never fully accomplished"
Castel Gandolfo (Agenzia Fides) - "Music is harmony of differences, as happens every time a concert begins with the 'ritual' of tuning. From the variety of timbres of different instruments, a symphony can be achieved. But this does not happen magically or automatically! It is achieved only through the efforts of the Director and each musician. A patient, laborious, time consuming and demanding commitment, in an effort to listen to each other, avoiding excessive desire to be the center of attention and giving priority to the best overall outcome." This was pointed out by the Holy Father Benedict XVI in his speech at the end of the concert in his honor yesterday evening, July 11, the feast of St. Benedict the Abbot, in the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo, from the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra conducted by Daniel Barenboim."You can imagine how pleased I am to welcome an Orchestra like this that is based on the conviction, in fact, from experience that music brings people together, beyond every division," said the Pontiff, who continued: "The mind turns to the great symphony of peace between peoples, which is never fully accomplished. My generation, as well as Maestro Barenboim's parents, experienced the tragedies of World War II and the Holocaust. And it is very significant that You, Maestro, after reaching the highest goals for a musician, you wanted to give life to a project like that of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra: a group in which Israeli, Palestinian and other Countries Arab, people of Jewish religion, Muslim and Christian musicians play together. The numerous awards which you and this Orchestra have been awarded show at the same time, professional excellence and ethical and spiritual commitment." After recalling that the two very famous symphonies performed (Symphony No.6 in F major "Pastorale" and Symphony no. 5 in C minor by Ludwig van Beethoven ") express "two aspects of life: tragedy and peace, man's struggle against adverse destiny and the diving into the soothing bucolic environment," Benedict XVI said: " The message I would like to draw today is this: to achieve peace one has to strive, leaving aside violence and weapons, commit oneself with the personal and communal conversion, through dialogue with the patient research of possible understanding." Thanking Maestro Barenboim and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, the Holy Father wished them "to continue to sow in the world the hope of peace through the universal language of music." (SL) (Agenzia Fides 12/7/2012)
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Christians and Muslims warn of the danger of sectarian war
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - The current activities of the dreaded Boko Haram sect could trigger a broad sectarian conflict in Nigeria, says a report prepared by a joint Christian-Muslim delegation that recently visited Nigeria. The 12-member joint delegation was led by World Council of Churches, WCC, Secretary General of the Olav Fyske Tveit and Jordanian Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, chairman of the board of the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought.
"There is a possibility that the current tension and conflict might become subsumed by its religious dimension, especially along the geographical religious fault-lines" said the report that warns: blaming only the religious element as the cause of the conflict is likely to create "a self-fulfilling prediction."
A typical "geographical religious fault-line" is the so-called Nigeria's Middle Belt, which is part of Plateau State, the area of central Nigeria on the border between the south, mostly Christian, and the north, largely Muslim. The latest massacres have been recorded in Plateau State, caused by old rivalry between Fulani Muslim breeders and Birom Christian farmers (see Fides 09/07/2012).The Christian-Muslim delegation noted that "although the violence is the worst between members of the two faiths since the Bosnian war of 1992-95, the root causes go far beyond religion." "Corruption, mismanagement, land disputes and lack of aid for victims or punishment for troublemakers as fuel for tension, especially in the so-called Middle Belt". In this area one releases the tensions caused by the "wealth gap between the oil- producing states in the South and the resource-poor North" to which are added the latent conflict between local farmers and breeders.
To try to promote reconciliation in Nigeria, the WCC and the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought finally decided to publish books for the distribution to local schools to explain the theological foundations of peace in both religions, and to launch a poster for interreligious cooperation. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 12/7/2012)
AFRICA/COTE D'IVOIRE - "No to the cultural leveling, yes to the rediscovery of the richness of African culture," said Cardinal Sarr
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - "The time has come in Africa to say no to cultural leveling, a consequence of globalization," said Cardinal Adrien Sarr, Archbishop of Dakar (Senegal) and First Vice President of the Symposium of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM/SCEAM), in the introductory report to the management Committee of the Forum "Faith, culture and development" held in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) from 10 to 11 July. The meeting was intended to prepare the Seminar "Culture and Development in Africa" to be held in November 2012 in Dar-es-Salaam, in Tanzania, organized by SECAM/SCEAM in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for Culture.
The need to create a forum dedicated to "Culture and Development in Africa" had emerged from the recommendation of a meeting held in Abidjan in 2010 by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Pontifical Council for Culture. An urgency that was reiterated by Cardinal Sarr, who stressed: "It is time to rediscover the richness of African cultures, and translate into constant, individual and community behavior, and at all social levels, the values of solidarity, respect for the sanctity of life, the meaning of the child, the woman, the elderly, the family, which are carried by our cultures. Now is the time to really promote African culture, without complex of inferiority or superiority. It is time to have the audacity to refuse a development that does not take into account our culture." (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 12/7/2012)
ASIA/CHINA - Mgr. Lucas Li, 90-year-old Bishop from Feng Xiang, urges to follow the teachings of the Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei to intensely live the Year of Faith
Feng Xiang (Agenzia Fides) - Mgr. Lucas Li Jing Feng, 90-year-old Bishop of the Diocese of Feng Xiang in the province of Shaan Xi in mainland China, recommended his priests and the faithful: "Let us constantly follow the teachings of the Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei and the Note of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith with Pastoral Guidelines for The Year of Faith, in order to live the Year of the Faith wanted by Pope Benedict XVI. And take the documents of the II Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church as the best tool to understand the Pope's Porta Fidei and the Note. "
According to what was reported to Fides by Faith of He Bei, the Bishop urged his priests during the formative meeting in preparation for the Year of Faith, which will begin on 11 October 2012. According to the elderly Bishop, strong in faith, "what the Pope said today, tomorrow will be our precious deposit of faith. So we have an obligation to deepen it, implement it and spread it ... You have the responsibility to tell the faithful that the Year of Faith is an inspiration of the Holy Spirit to the Pope, it is a way through which the Holy Spirit guides the Church." Mgr. Li has also asked the priests to identify problems in the life of faith of the faithful and to develop an adequate pastoral plan, so that " people can better live the Year of Faith offering a living witness of faith."
The Diocese of Feng Xiang is divided into 4 deaneries and 30 parishes, it has more than 20,000 faithful, 38 priests (including 18 men religious) and 60 women religious belonging to 3 female congregations (Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the Little Sisters of Santa Teresa). The diocese was founded as a Franciscan mission, and today the devotees of the Saint of Assisi continue to animate the diocesan life. In the diocese there are two Marian shrines and a cemetery for Catholic priests. The diocese also operates several social service organizations such as clinics and orphanages. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 12/07/2012)
ASIA/SYRIA - Agreement army- rebels: civilians evacuated from Homs
Homs (Agenzia Fides) - More than 60 civilians, mostly Christians, have left the bombed city of Homs in the last 48 hours. As reported by the Greek Syrian-Orthodox priest Fr. Maximos Al-Jamal, the evacuation of civilians was possible thanks to the bilateral agreement between the government forces besieging the city, and the factions of the armed revolutionaries. Mediation, report sources of Fides, was laboriously conducted by members of the Committee for Reconciliation "Mussalaha". Some of the displaced went to Damascus, others to the so-called "Valley of the Christians", yet others chose to go to Lebanon. According to Fides sources, there are still at least 100 civilians trapped in the Christian districts of Bustan al-Diwan and al-Hamidiyah, in the old city of Homs, and currently negotiations are continuing in order to release all of them. Members of the Committee "Mussalaha", work tirelessly and feverishly, note sources of Fides, with only the basic purpose of "saving lives".
The initiative "Mussalaha", which is gaining ground, despite the civil war, in different areas of Syria, is accused by some to being "an expression of the regime" or a "propaganda tool". Committee members reject these accusations, noting that the initiative came "from below", from civil society, it is interreligious, transparent and independent. It intends to dialogue with the parties, so even with the government, but the interest it seeks is only the salvation of human lives, reconciliation, unity and brotherhood of the Syrian people. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/7/2012)
ASIA - Asian Bishops' Appeal: "No to war and arms trade"
Bangkok (Agenzia Fides) - The Asian Bishops call for "an end to wars and hostilities in the different contexts of Asia", "greater institutional commitment to global peace", "the immediate stop to the trafficking of arms," which helps to steep the continent in blood. As reported to Fides by Fr. Nithiya Sagayam, Ofm Cap, Secretary of the Office for Human Development, within the Federation of the Asian Episcopal Conferences (FABC), the Bishops joined the initiative launched by the FABC Office during the 50th anniversary of Pope John XXIII's Encyclical, "Pacem in Terris" and in view of "Disarmament Week", sponsored by the UN, while many nations are preparing to sign the Treaty on the Arms Trade, which seeks to limit and regulate the phenomenon.
Numerous religious leaders of Asia, including two Cardinals, 20 Archbishops, 10 bishops, as well as another 5,000 representatives of different faiths have joined the appeal, which was sent to Fides Agency, since the text was subsequently extended to other religious communities. The appeal was delivered to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon.
The document is addressed to world leaders asking them to "work for peace and harmony through disarmament" and "approving the Treaty on arms trade." "Every weapon that is produced is a theft from those who are hungry," he recalls.
The arms trade, which has a global turnover of 1,000 billion dollars a year, is a major cause of severe and extensive human rights abuses. Some governments spend more on military expenditure than on social development, communication infrastructure and health care put together.
The Bishops point out that the Arms Trade Treaty, which provides control and monitoring mechanisms, "will provide an important contribution to promoting a true culture of peace through responsible collaboration between the states." The arms trade fuels war, causes serious delays in the human development, produces instability and conflict, spreads a culture of violence and crime. The ultimate goal must be disarmament, to avoid violence, death and genocide. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/7/2012)
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - "A great nation must defend the weak": Exhortation of Archbishop Mendoza
Mendoza (Agenzia Fides) - The Archbishop of Mendoza, His Exc. Mgr. José María Arancibia, presided the Te Deum for Independence Day of Argentina, on July 9, in the parish of San Carlos Borromeo, in the Valle de Uco. "National Independence Day is celebrated and, following a deep-rooted habit, let us pause to reflect and recognize the protection of God. We manifest and express thereby our vision of human life and history, while respecting personal beliefs," said the Prelate.
In his homily, Mgr. Arancibia pointed out that "the truth about man is a necessary condition for achieving freedom. In it ethics is based, which contains clear and precise formulations on life and death, duties and rights, marriage, family and society, and even the responsible care of nature."
The note sent to Fides says that at the end of the reflection, the Archbishop of Mendoza addressed this exhortation: "A great nation cannot rely on false ideals, nor on the benefit of a few, but must worry about defending the weak. We must work together to build a community where everyone can grow in peace and prosperity." On July 9, Argentina celebrated the 196th anniversary of its independence. The national holiday is deeply felt by the population, although currently there are problems in various sectors of society. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 12/7/2012)
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - The mediating Church of reconciliation: conclusion of the 98th Assembly of Bishops
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - The 98th Assembly of the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela (CEV) ends today, July 12. The words that were our guide in the work are those of His Exc. Mgr. Diego Padron, Archbishop of Cumanà and President of the CEV, who pointed out that the primary task for the Church in Venezuela is to "be the mediator of reconciliation and to continue her service to the people, without distinction." Mgr. Padron also stressed the Church's attention towards national life, to provide answers to questions about the fate of Venezuela: its democracy, its freedom and its security. In the opening speech of the work, the President of the CEV noticed the climate of "secrecy" with which one wants to manage some aspects of country's life, such as the President's health and the real situation of prisons. During this meeting, the Episcopal Conference addressed the issues of the new evangelization of Christian education and socio-political commitment. Mgr. Padron then said he hopes that election day in October can be lived "in a climate of respect and justice, so that the electoral process is fair and transparent". Venezuela will have to elect a new President for the period between 2013-2019 among 7 candidates, although the 2 who have a better chance are Chavez and Henrique Capriles.
In the context of the Assembly of the CEV, on July 10 a meeting was held between the authorities of the Episcopal Conference and the authorities of the government, represented by the Vice President of the Republic, Elías Jaua, and by the ministers of Interior and Justice, Tarek El Aissami and Youth, Mari Pili Hernandez. The Government thus sought to emphasize the value of the Church for the Venezuelan society, and thanked the Church for the work carried out especially against violence. On behalf of the Bishops, His Exc. Mgr. Mario Moronta, Vice President of CEV, reminded the government the emergencies affecting the country and the possibility to work together to resolve them.
According to data collected by Fides Agency, with this meeting, the government resumed a relationship of dialogue and collaboration with the Church. During the 13 years of Chavez government in fact the climate between the government and the Church was very tense, to the point that in 2010 there was a breaking-point, when President Chavez qualified the Bishops as "cavemen" after they publicly expressed their support for Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, who had accused Chavez of wanting to violate the Constitution (see Fides 28/12/2010). President Chavez then ordered a review of the Church-State agreement on the financing of social works, but the measure was not followed and on 27 April, the government gave 294 million dollars to the Catholic schools network that welcome more than 500,000 students. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 12/7/2012)
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Agenzia Fides Vatican News Agency: AFRICA/NIGERIA - Christians and Muslims warn of the danger of sectarian war etc...

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