Saturday 13 August 2011

The Disasters: Rioting, economic fails in Britain: will spread throughout Western World- Governments', KPMG Studies Suggest

(SW2SNews: See What We See News)

Article by Marc Aupiais

With the collapse of the British Family, and thus the rise of gangs; the laws protecting Youth, and thus the encouraged misdeeds, there are many causes for the British Chaos, but none more terrifying than the demographic Cause predicted to the EU Parliament to cause disaster in 2009

It is normal in a society, with a decreasing birthrate, to have xenophobia, as is seen in Europe, it is a psychological response. In a welfare state which claims it cares, but begins to drop that care, it is normal, as with Jewish prisoners in Concentration Camps, surviving: to feel entitled to what is not the belongings of the now or then disadvantaged. What is also normal, is economic collapse when birthrates reverse, and riots and protests as social welfare is no longer affordable as  population aging population dynamics interlace. 

With a reduction in respect for woman, and their necessity in marriage, also, one may presume the same elements of that disastrous Bare Branches phenomena in the Far East, resulting in most of the uprisings in India and China, could well be simulated by the lack of duty to girlfriends, or potential wives, among the mostly male rioters.

British Riots, largely influences include those by media... coverage of issues, including disastrous endorsements of Arab Spring (Which won't in fact bring better quality of living if examples such as the Ending of Apartheid are any clues)

Recently SACNS Marc Aupiais reported:
Associated Press say tech savvy rioters who use bbm to co-ordinate, and avoid police, unsurprisingly avoided London resulting in quiet. They spread to other cities. is what we call vulnerable house rule.anyway. they just said quiet night. spread to other cities.

British Youth Riots! Vatican Radio, following subsidiarity reporting, which I. Highly value! Says of London Riots:

The riots which surprising in their nature, form, timing: were hardly out of Character for Modern British Youth! Violence has normative mainstay in most British lives at that age. It is a norm. Not an exception to be affected by violence. The issue started after a peaceful protest. Rioters abused sentiments. London had huge policing over night- and like all criminals they switched to softer looter targets!

This! Vatican Radio in particular emphasizes, has been kindled for years.. Into Today!

London RIOTS, what are the Causes?

who else rates London Riots is due to Video Games. Role playing. Mtv. Rapper USA Culture. Union Riots recently on fees. UK not using rubber bullets. lack of laws protecting AGAINST immature youth. And global recession. and Arab Spring Uprisings being played along with how they were achieved. All giving people with bbm and able to teamwork from games. ability and resources and want to cause chaos and anarchy. to get free stuff. e.g. wii cotrollers. while making burning cars, murder seem cool. as usa media says. Not to mention separatist riots in NI. called wooing rituals by some media. simply put. its a game in a society where laws are not ruled by morals, and law enforcement and government have little authority,and no deep moral authority in the relativism they pursue.

EU Parliament was warned: Disaster awaited

Article I first wrote here, analyses Economic collapse in the west, based on demographic statistics and relational issues

~SACNS. South African Catholic News Service~ "Accuracy without harm!"~ News, events, apologetics and more specific to South African Catholics, and other news and events. ~edited by Marc Evan...

Demographics: low birthrates, high family breakdown -cause for concern in Public Order

What isn't being mentioned by those covering the global economic crises, and the revolutionary activities in Europe is why the social systems such as USA Social Security, so apparently viable, e.g. retirement funds, in the past, are now something so dangerous:

I personally attribute much of the modern crime issues to the Bare branches theories involving Indian and Chinese revolutions, as interestingly elaborated by the Washington Post of course some variation i.e. marriage is not encouraged anymore, nor responsibility to their possible wife and children.

And as Breastfed children develop fewer behavioral issues plenty of psychological studies also show children without care from a parent, eg children in group care at a creche' are much more likely to enter crime later in life, and to have less empathy (Never mind the constant barrage from television and in Britain the lack of laws protecting against violent youths, something other nations follow also). Further a massive amount of people in jail are hyperactive as per population, something I read in Lancet, can be linked to chemicals in food in much of the Western World.

Also Important is the fact that due to abortion, and contraceptives (which make fish half male half female down wind from sewerage plants, them or plastics: I wonder if this has anything to do with "homosexuality" and its increase) the global population is aging:
due to lower birthrates, a problem South Africa and the West is under together. KPMG's source of this is the governments themselves, I recommend the read!

And the political willpower to do away with increasingly unsustainable debt and programs reliant on debt is fading fast, as voters age do note that the bloomberg article is biased towards left wing ideology, tax raising on the rich will do next to nothing proportionally. What really needs cutting is USA medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security in General. And, for America's safe, needs also is: to stop attacking accountants such as Standard and Poor's, as Barack Obama instists on doing, for downgrading them from AAA to AA+ for the first time since the 19 teens. [c.f. ]

One of the biggest problems from this issue, which I reported in November 2009, is that the EU has already been hit by the Aging Population problem, exasperated byt Xenophobia over immigrants and their low skill levels, lack of the local culture, the European Parliament was warned of potential collapse in 2009 to start 2010:

Why does this apply to US debt: because people are having less and less children: can one descendant pay the debt of two parents?
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~SACNS. South African Catholic News Service~ "Accuracy without harm!"~ News, events, apologetics and more specific to South African Catholics, and other news and events. ~edited by Marc Evan...


This article was compiled from social postings and other comments by ~SACNS SW2SNews Editor Marc Aupiais

See him on Twitter


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