(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Google News Search (assorted, diverse sources) __/__/__; IOL (South African; Secular; Independent) 08 / 03 / 2009; BBC World News (Governmental; British; Secular) 07 / 03 / 2009; AP (Independent; Secular; American) 08 / 03 / 2009; BBC World News (Secular; British; Governmental) 06 / 03 / 2009; 07 / 03 / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
It was a car crash, and the MDC, who have changed their tune of late, were once sticking to that story, about how, Susan Tsvangirai died, and Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwe's Prime Minister, and the leader of the MDC ("Movement of Democratic Change"), landed in hospital, before allegidly being shipped off to Botswana for some reason. Whether or not the accident resulted from "foul play", Tsvangirai, had had a two car escort, but somehow still got hit by a truck/lorry, controlled by a partner of USAID, operating in Zimbabwe. The lack of a police escort is odd, it is even more odd, that Tsvangirai, who has allegedly, repeatedly in the past, had his human rights abused by Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe, managed to get himself into a car accident, something other trouble persons in Zimbabwe's President's eyes, have gotten into in the past.
Mugabe appeared at the hospital to visit his arch rival in politics, and seemed disappointed, either by the incident, or by some other thing. Repeatedly, the "Unity Government", forced on the MDC, by SADC ("Southern African Development Community"), mediations, called biased and partisan by the MDC, has began to look more and more like an oddity.
One of the MDC's officials, Roy Bennett, is still in jail, after his bail on "terrorism" charges, was appealed again, with a magistrate who ordered his release from jail: arrested on Friday. It is widely thought that the charges are trumped up, and that the judiciary are acting as oddly as Mugabe's henchmen in an election.
The "Masvingo-Harare" Road, where Susan Tsvangirai, called the pillar, of Morgan Tsvangirai's strength, met her sudden end, has two lanes. Morgan had a car in front and behind himself, and still, they got hit by a truck. Morgan Tsvangirai is in a Stable condition, his wife is stably dead.
Deputy Mines Minister "Murisi Zwizwayi", who is a member of the MDC, does not buy into police reports involving humps in the road and potholes. He says the road was clear. An independent investigation is already being demanded, and the MDC, has also realized that they probably need to investigate the facts.
All these again put a shadow over Zimbabwe's Neighbor, South Africa: seen as instrumental in keeping Mugabe in power, the same nation, whose efforts to keep Sudan's president out of the International Criminal Court, and whose efforts to keep Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in power, are noted internationally.
Few signs of stability in Zimbabwe, if any
While Mugabe's opponents, have a history of "convenient" car crashes, according to an American source, the fact, that it was a truck, from a Zimbabwean partner of USAID, a governmental organization, seems highly odd; especially, as it allegedly is the truck, which hit the Tsvangirai car. America has extended sanctions against Zimbabwe, and continues to refuse to acknowledge the new "unity government", as currently capable of bringing any real hope to Zimbabwe. Western nations, don't have any change of opinion of Zimbabwe, since South African lead mediation organized a "Unity" Government, which maintained much of Mugabe's stranglehold. The MDC, was disappointed when sections of government, in the past: used to kill MDC members, or hold them, were not given into their control. These same apparatus, seem to still be used against their human rights.
Tsvangirai, has reportedly been flown to Botswana, the only SADC region government, to strongly appose Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, and his Zanu PF. Botswana, has been giving aid to Zimbabweans, via the Catholic Charity "Caritas Zimbabwe", of "Caritas Internationalis": Caritas Internationalis, is known for getting aid to those in need of it. Other gifts of funding, by other nations, have been fraught with accusations, that such funding went straight to Mugabe.
Botswana's assistance to Zimbabweans
Botswana, and the Catholic church, have both been critics of Zimbabwe's government. The "Republic of South Africa", has still not cut off Zimbabwe's electricity, and has taken no real action against Robert Mugabe. 4 000 (Four thousand), Zimbabweans, are dead, having had Cholera. 80 000 to 90 000 (Eighty Thousand, to Ninety Thousand), Zimbabwean people, have the disease currently.
In South Africa
Due to a lack of compensation, meanwhile: the city of Cape Town, in South Africa, has recently moved to have refugees in state run areas evicted. This follows other closings of camps set up to protect foreigners, after multiple murders and acts of hate against them in Xenophobic attacks. Zimbabweans seeking asylum, were recently shipped off, from northern South Africa's Musina, in Limpopo Province: to Johannesburg, where a Christian church, has been caring for them. The Government has far from welcomed the refugees, but many have had to enter the country: in order to get basic care for cholera, or avoid death, or untenable standards of living. Cape Town, claims that the National government has not reimbursed them for care of refugees. The opposition stronghold, does not plan to follow other areas, in forcibly removing refugees, but rather: has taken a legal route.
The Cape Town action, in South Africa's south, under South Africa's Opposition, the DA (Democratic Alliance), is much later than that of Pretoria, which has already bulldozed away any refugee sanctuary.
The Musina outpost, in Limpopo, to the north of the country (South Africa), near the Zimbabwean border, to deal with refugees from Zimbabwe, has meanwhile, also been closed.
The SANDF (South African National Defense Force), meanwhile may take its own action to remove refugees from SANDF properties. The government in Cape Town has said, that their action to have refugees removed from public/municipal property: does not effect those on SANDF properties.
Meanwhile, the murder trial, in which a South African singer (Lucky Dube) was killed in a botched hijacking: some time ago, also showed what foreigners in Zimbabwe faced. Criminals are more likely to kill a foreigner, than a South African: and many in South Africa, are openly xenophobic. Those in the refugee camps, set up, at the hight of attacks on non-South African Africans, at least those in Cape Town: are likely refusing assistance, at reintegration into South Africa, due to fear, as the burning images, of one famous torched foreigner: likely still remain in their minds.
In Zimbabwe
Suspicions, that the car crash, was an assassination attempt, on Zimbabwe's own opposition leader, will likely further divide the political scene there.
Foreign governments, will likely be even more suspician of the Zimbabwean government than before.
A report on ENEWSCHANNEL, shortly after Zimbabwe's elections, said that due to the suspension of a runoff, Tsvangirai, had legitimately won the elections with a legitimate majority.
Tsvangirai is Zimbabwe's Prime Minister, under mediation brokered in Pretoria. Whether this was an assassination attempt or not: Mugabe will have one less voice in parliament to deal with. Echoes of political suppression in Zimbabwe, are not far from many memories: and continuing seeming human rights abuses in the Sub Saharan Nation, mean that most eyes viewing this situation from afar, are unlikely to take the politically convenient, whether false of true: view, that anything about Zimbabwe has changed much.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Zimbabwe; SADC Region; Africa: Mrs Tsvangirai "assasinated", Morgan in foreign hospital?
African Politics,
Morgan Tsvangirai,
Robert Mugabe,
South Africa,
with reference to the place:

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