(Media Study South Africa; c.f. See What We See News Archive 13 / 03 / 2009)
Article by Marc Aupiais
--Yesterday--2009: 12th day of March--Poland--Politics--
Polish state media, is set to lose its independence. TVP, the polish television organization, is headed by an ex-neo-Nazi, and current Catholic: Piotr Farfal, who has renounced his neo-Nazi youth, in which he had edited a magazine for the said movement.
Like in South Africa, it is hard to dislodge a head of state television, due to apposing views expressed than yours. A bill, set to be passed in Poland in June, and likely to be apposed by Polish President: President "Lech Kaczynski", who blocked a similar bill before, is to be attempted again by political opportunists, in June: they hope to get a majority to overrule the Veto, of Poland's President. In many countries: State Television becomes a government spokesperson, rather than reporting actual events: this is why somewhat independent state broadcasting can be important to the life of democracy.
"Prime Minister Donald Tusk", of Poland: is attempting to use the bill, to oust: Polish Television's head, a member of, what Reuters names: the staunchly Roman Catholic "League of Polish Families (LPR)", a political opponent of the "center-right", as well as the left leaning SLD, and of the current Prime Minister: in Poland: "Prime Minister Donald Tusk".
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Friday, 13 March 2009
Polish Politicians: to try dislodge Opposition TV head, via new legislation
Anti-catholic watch,
Government controlled media,
Media Influence,
Media Study South Africa,
Polish "Prime Minister Donald Tusk",
Polish President "Lech Kaczynski"

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