(Altered Persuation; SA Catholic 28 / 02 / 2009; 06 / 03 / 2009; BBC World News (Secular; Governmental; British; Professional)07 / 03 / 2009; Catholic Hierarchy (Independent) __/__/__)
Article by Marc Aupiais
Canon law is clear, whatever human laws say: help a girl (or in these pressing times, a guy) get an abortion, and you are outta the Catholic church. You are banned from all sacraments, until you get a special absolution, in which you must have confessed your sin, of partaking in abortion. This excommunication extends to those who vote for abortionistic parties, which causes extra abortions.
The News broke, a girl, whose stepfather is accused of abusing her consistently from age six to 9, and of abusing her 14 year old challenged sister, and was arrested on charges of rape: was persuaded by her mother into killing her twin daughters, before they could escape the womb, and Brazil's law, which gives the unborn no real rights.
The Catholic bishop of the area: "Brazilian Archbishop Jose Gomes Sobrinho ", was furious, and excommunicated the doctors who did the abortion, and justified it, and the mother. Brazil's Worker's Party, known for their positions on contraception, women priests, and homosexuality: then used the Vatican's protection of the unborn, to once again lambast the church.
The fact, that the mother and doctors involved in what the church termed to be homocide, against her grandchildren: were already automatically excommunicated, via canon law, has passed by many media works.
"Fatima Maia", who is director of the hospital who killed the twin fetuses, who had been conceived after years of abuse, by a 9 year old's 23 year old stepdad, with seemingly no intervention on the part of the girl's mother: tried to justify her hospital's work. She said that it was dangerous for a 9 year old to give birth.
"Marcio Miranda", who is a lawyer, and represented the church in a media release, stated that there was no risk to the 9 year old, and that a perfectly safe alternative to abortion, would be a Caesarian Section.
People often forget, that if one is permitting a woman to abort her baby, due to rape: that this is a complete denial that the child is a human person. In fact, in South African law: the fact that the Fetus is not considered a person, is precisely why many claim a right to abortion. Before it takes its first breath in South African law, it is considered just that, an it. This Brazillian decision, seems to work on the same principal: that the child has no right to choose to live.
President "Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva", of Brazil, and belonging to its infamous "Workers Party", slung mud, calling the Church "Conservative", saying that they did what he termed "necessary" and "saved" a nine year old's life. He is no stranger to completely ignoring canon law, and himself likely falls under the same automatic excommunication, as the mother and doctors do.
Recently, a congressman of his "Workers Party" party: a certain "Father Luiz Couto", called for the church to stop "unfair discrimination against homosexuals" (paraphrase), and said that condoms are "necessary", while also calling for the church to allow priests to have sex. Father Luiz Couto: was thus suspended from saying the mass, by his archbishop: "Aldo Pagotto", of Paraiba. "Father Luiz Couto", had already broken canon law, in being elected for the "Workers Party". The COngressman, said he would continue to say the mass at his house, with assorted friends.
Despite a large demographically "Catholic" population, Brazil, allows for abortion when a woman is raped, or when her health is badly in danger.
From past experience, Brazillian President, "Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva", calling himnself a "Catholic", for some odd reason: and his party, loves the word "necessary", when slamming the policies of the church. It is not surprising, that he has slammed the church's decision to appose the forcing of an abortion on a nine year old. Brazil's left leaning president, has neither seemingly said much of any alleged neglegence on behalf of the girl's mother, who additionally made her get the abortion, nor has he seemed to mention the two twins, who are now dead, due to his policy, which allowed the uunborn twins to be murdered, in a hospital.
The Vatican's "Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re", who is "Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops", and "Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops", according to "Catholic Hierarchy", has said that life should always been protected, and has named the attack on the Brazillian Bishop, who stood by Catholic beliefs, and regulations: to be unwarranted.
In Many parts of the world, Bishops, have ignored canon law on issues such as abortion, or moves to create anger towards the Vatican. The stancew this bishop has taken, and which his Vatican support have taken: is admirable to any true pro-lifer.
That abortion, itself is a surgery, where generally, the children, are either buirnt into non-existence, or torn apart, limb by limb, seems far from the minds of many a government. As long as the anborn is not known as a person, this will likely remain.
Please note, that the definition of murder, here mentioned: refers to the intentional killing of a unique human life.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Brazil's anti-mgisterial "Workers Party" strikes again, but Vatican sticks by their man!
Earth Global Bishops,
RIo de Janeiro,
Social Justice South Africa,
with reference to the place:
Vatican City

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