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Lancet Publishes contrary and controversial alcohol/drugs study|
01 | November (11th Month) | 2010 AD
Article by Marc Aupiais
In a controversial article, the Lancet Medical journal has given a platform to David Nutt, a controversial scientist who was fired from the British government for his controversial view that dangerous drugs should be classified as less dangerous than they are by the British government. He has suggested that horse riding is more dangerous than ecstasy use, and was angered when the British government refused to accept some of his more controversial views.
The Lancet study considers Alcohol the most dangerous drug in use, 8 times more dangerous than ecstasy. Over a dozen factors were taken into account ranging from lost friendships to damage to the environment, with the acute danger to drugs users themselves only one of many factors. A commentary also appearing in the edition of Lancet noted that the study did not look at cross usage of drugs, but said this was beyond its scope.
Professor David Nutt was fired by then home secretary Alan Johnson for demanding ministers listen to the controversial advice of his government Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, which had fronted his views on drugs in a different format, according to the Daily Mail. Professor David Nutt told the BBC that alcohol is a terrible societal ill in his perspective and that this is because it is so available.
The direct connection between drugs, violent crime, the Taliban, drug lords, and organized crime has not seemed as important to the Lancet "experts" as Alcohol's negative effects. It also does not seem to note that alcohol when taken in moderate amounts is not extensively dangerous to health, and that there are many forms of alcohol.
The study was released just as California considers legalising Cannabis use by the population in general. Cannabis is known to cause schizophrenia in those with genetic predispositions.
The study seems to have relied on value judgements in every case made by "the experts". David Nutt, and another scientist who quit after the British parliament had him fired, are two thirds of the authors of the study.
CNN, and a BBC blog, appear to have portrayed the Lancet study very favourably. A possible factor in Alcohol's high danger rating is the fact that alcohol is legal and openly used and acceptable in society, while drugs are not. The study is being used by drugs legalization special interests campaigners to attempt to get narcotics legalized, despite the fact the study does nothing to reduce the huge personal harm of using narcotics.
While most adults consume alcohol, many with no negative effects, much fewer people regularly take narcotics, giving heed to laws introduced due to high road accidents, deaths, and other preventable societal ills.
All sources are Secular.
British Sources:
Daily Mail (Independent of
the state)
"Alcohol 'more dangerous
than crack, heroin and
Ecstasy'"01 / November | 11 / 2010
BBC World News (British
Corporation) (Not
Independent of the state)
"Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt"
01 / November | 11 / 2010
Staff report
American, Independent of
the State, Liberal
CNN (Central News
Study: Alcohol 'most
harmful drug,' followed by
crack and heroin
01 / November | 11 / 2010
staff report
Monday, 1 November 2010
Lancet article considers alcohol more dangerous than drugs

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