(Social Justice South Africa; c.f. Yahoo News (American ; Independent; Secular): press release of ALL(American Life league) (Catholic; Independent; American) Wednesday 29 / 07 | June / 2009 ; Reuters (British; independent; Secular) Wednesday 04 / 02 | February / 2009 (Press release from Catholic Charities USA) ; Thursday 05 / 02 | February / 2009 (Press release from Catholic Charities USA) ; 24 / 02 | February / 2009 (Press release from Catholic Charities USA) ; American Papist (Catholic; Independent; American) Thursday 30 / 07 | July / 2009 ; Catholic World News (CWNEWS) (Catholic; Independent; American) 14 / 07 | July / 2009 ; White House Website (American; Governmental; Secular) 13 / 07 | July / 2009 ; Catholic News Agency (Catholic; independent; American) via EWTN (Catholic; American; Independent) 24 / 07 | July / 2009 )
Article by Marc Aupiais
The American Life League (ALL), and LifeSitenews as well as esteemed Catholic journalist: Thomas Peters, known also for the website "American Papist" : have accused Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA : one of three Caritas Internationalis organizations in the United States of America), Society of Saint Vincent De Paul, and the Catholic Health Association: of supporting universal funding for abortion by American taxpayers.
All three Charity organizations have been lobbying, according to these news sources: for a healthcare reform project currently being pushed by pro-abortion Democrat American President- Barack Obama. The reform would involve an American "Universal health insurance" scheme- funded by taxpayers. This same scheme has been attacked by generally credible news sources- for allegedly including wide funding for abortion as an important effect of the plan. Despite the reportedly pro-abortion effect of the legislation, all three organizations are allegedly attempting to mobilize support for passing the legislation, which has generally become known as "ObamaCare"!
Prior this latest incident: Rev. Larry Snyder, president of Catholic Charities USA (a member organization of the Caritas Internationalis umbrella organization), recently also wrote a letter stressing the importance of healthcare reform as a priority, vaguely skimming over abortion in this. Rev. Larry Snyder is an advisor to Barack Obama on religious issues, via Barack Obama's President's Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (since February 2009). When he accepted the position earlier this year- he claimed that messages which were sent him from those opposing his work with Barack Obama based on anti-abortion sentiments- were hate-mail saying that these claimed his actions were worthy of hell. In his talk, in Washington DC, after having accepted his position as an advisor on religion to Barack Obama- he quoted Barack Obama- as an important source on some of the issues he was attempting to promote.
Catholic Charities USA- then sent his speech via a press release to media, including Reuters.
Caritas Internationalis- has been involved in several scandals involving alleged use of funding for the promotion of an abortionist agenda. After our organization published an interview with Caritas Internationalis Secretary general- Lesley-Anne Knight- earlier this year, we were encouraged in a manner including threats- to no longer cover the story at the time- a story involving alleged funding of pro-abortion campaigners in Mexico, via funds given Caritas' Canadian branch: "Development and Peace", often during collection in Churches. Caritas Internationalis Secretary General- Lesley-Anne Knight, did not answer our organization's question as to whether or not general Caritas funding went towards the Canadian funding of Mexican groups.
On the 13th of July 2009 (earlier this month), Dr. Regina Benjamin, a board member of the Catholic Health Association (one of the three organizations campaigning for Obama's health reform), was nominated as Surgeon General of the United States of America, by US President Barack Obama (White House Website (American; Governmental; Secular) 13 / 07 | July / 2009 ).
Thursday, 30 July 2009
USA: Catholic Charities USA (Caritas Internationalis), Society of Saint Vincent De Paul, Catholic Health Association: support Universal Abortion plan in America?
Catholic Charities,
Catholic Health Association,
Health Issues,
Regina Benjamin,
Rev. Larry Snyder,
Social Justice South Africa,
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul
with reference to the place:
Washington, DC, USA

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