(Aupiais Wire)
Article by Marc Aupiais
The organiser of a march for the preservation of the then children's right to have heterosexual parents, comedienne stage named: Frigide Barjot (Frigid Looney, real name: Virginie Merle), and her husband: stage name Basil Koch (real name: Bruno Tellenne), may be kicked out of their council home after a summons for eviction against them, delivered at the behest of a company mostly owned by the socialist run City of Paris.
A company 80% owned by the City of Paris, Régie immobilière de la ville de Paris (RIVP), wants the couple thrown onto the streets, alleging unlawful sublease and the use of their home for some of their business activities, both in relation to their company: Jalons. The RIVP issued summons in mid June, Le Parisien learnt, speaking of a Frigide Barjot chocking down anxiety over the telephone to their reporter, saying: 'This is serious, we are threatened with eviction', and noting that they had always paid their rent of what they claimed was 3 500 Euros a month, on time. The summons would be effective July 3, claims Le Figaro.
According to Wikipedia: 'The Régie Immobilière de la Ville de Paris (also known as the RIVP) is a public housing agency created in 1923 for the construction of low cost and affordable housing. They manage buildings with average rents for use by the middle classes on land made available by the demolition of old fortifications of Paris, France.'.
The Federation Street home of the couple, is something dear to them, Basile de Koch has lived on Federation Street since 1983, Frigide Barjot, since 1994. However, it is alleged that they did business for Basil's company, Jalons, at the home, which is not zoned for business use according to RIVP, who also allege that Basil de Koch sublet to his business, for 9 000 Euros a year, and thus the Tellennes further in the RIVP's view, breached their obligations as tenants.
Political targeting?
'But above all, we've lived in this apartment for years, why are they only meddling in our affairs now? It is a political gesture, they want to silence us, ' Le Figaro reports Frigide Barjot as saying.
Socialist Party member, Bertrand Delanoë, mayor of Paris, has been accused in this case of a political manoeuvre to punish Frigide Barjot for standing against the socialist party 'gay marriage' agenda. In fact, the mayor, is claimed to have delayed the move until the debate on homosexual 'marriage' wound down: with reporting claiming it was to prevent it being seen as a political targeting. The RIVP claims there are: 'One hundred procedures for abnormal occupation (illegal transfer of leases, occupation untitled occupancy for commercial purposes [which] are currently under review,' claiming that to them it is nothing special.
The RIVP however also claims: 'this procedure has been initiated (...) at the end of the detailed legal analysis of the situation.' - Le Figaro.
In the United States of America, the Internal Revenue Service was found to have unlawfully targeted persons for their political beliefs, while giving an easier time to those who held the beliefs of Barack Obama. It is in this sense that Frigide Barjot alleges she has been targeted.
The matter may go to trial in July.
The French Socialists enacted the 'Taubira law', enforcing homosexual 'marriages' earlier in 2013. The law has been widely unpopular among many French, who took to the streets to show their malcontent. There has been controversy also over Hollande's breach of his promise to allow a conscientious objection clause for mayors in heavily Roman Catholic France.
c.f. Le Parisien: Frigide Barjot se dit «menacée d'expulsion» par la Ville de Paris.
c.f. Le Figaro: Frigide Barjot sommée de quitter son logement.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Payback over 'gay marriage' opposition? Frigide Barjot threatened with expulsion from her home by City of Paris.

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